The Iron Curtain Over America

Note “♠” I’m not screaming! GOOD MOURNING!
Educating the Christian.
there are three types of people who call themselves Jews:
1. True Torah [Sephardic] Jews: these are the descendants of Prophet Jacob-Israel (Jacobites or Israelites) (about 5%-10% of all Jews)
2. Khazarian or Ashkenazi Jews: these are the descendants of a Turkic idol/phallic worshiping tribe who migrated to Russia in the 7th Century A.C. and whose nobility converted to Judaism in the 8th Century A.C. and now inhabit mostly Europe. (about 90%-95% of all Jews)
3. Zionist Jews: these are the ones from the 2 above who are pretending to be Jews for political reasons but who’re are actually Illuminists-Luciferian-Masonic-Satanists as Harold Wallace Rosenthal admits in this interview.
The agenda started back when the Edomite Bolshevik Jews financed Hitler's rise to power in Germany to set up the conditions to establish their own Nation of Israel for Illuminati rule and that is exactly what happened with the Nazi Holocaust. Who was behind the holocaust? The Edomite Jews. Why? Because they wanted to get rid of the Torah believing Jews and establish a Babylonian Talmudic Jewish nation in Israel. And that is what we have today with Zionism. Talmudic Jews ruling, pushing the agenda of the New World Order and Illuminati to set the nation up for the rule of the Antichrist.
The Iron Curtain Over America WATCHMAN ㉝ HERE: Note “♠” I’m not screaming! GOOD MOURNING! Educating the Christian. there are three types of people who call themselves Jews: 1. True Torah [Sephardic] Jews: these are the descendants of Prophet Jacob-Israel (Jacobites or Israelites) (about 5%-10% of all Jews) 2. Khazarian or Ashkenazi Jews: these are the descendants of a Turkic idol/phallic worshiping tribe who migrated to Russia in the 7th Century A.C. and whose nobility converted to Judaism in the 8th Century A.C. and now inhabit mostly Europe. (about 90%-95% of all Jews) 3. Zionist Jews: these are the ones from the 2 above who are pretending to be Jews for political reasons but who’re are actually Illuminists-Luciferian-Masonic-Satanists as Harold Wallace Rosenthal admits in this interview. The agenda started back when the Edomite Bolshevik Jews financed Hitler's rise to power in Germany to set up the conditions to establish their own Nation of Israel for Illuminati rule and that is exactly what happened with the Nazi Holocaust. Who was behind the holocaust? The Edomite Jews. Why? Because they wanted to get rid of the Torah believing Jews and establish a Babylonian Talmudic Jewish nation in Israel. And that is what we have today with Zionism. Talmudic Jews ruling, pushing the agenda of the New World Order and Illuminati to set the nation up for the rule of the Antichrist.
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