Bottom line: The Rapture was cancelled. Some Christians believed that April 23 would be the Rapture, a day when the world would end and the chosen would rise in the sky and meet Jesus. They were wrong. Again.
However, you exchatology buffs will LOVE this one.
Georgia Guidestones Opening date March 22, 1980
At the Western Wall today and in yeshivas and synagogues and religious
schools throughout Israel the sound of shofar blasts, the singing of Hebrew
Psalms and cries and tears and wails of repentance were heard in response to
a declaration by the Gedolei Yisrael (Great Ones of Israel) formally
recognizing the beginning of the "time of Jacob's trouble."
Thursday, March 22, 2001 (the 27th of Adar, 5761)
COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns March 21, 22, 23, USA
#JacobsTrouble #CORONAVIRUS #AbrahamAccords #Adar 27
#RaptureReady #RaptureSurvivor
However, you exchatology buffs will LOVE this one.
Georgia Guidestones Opening date March 22, 1980
At the Western Wall today and in yeshivas and synagogues and religious
schools throughout Israel the sound of shofar blasts, the singing of Hebrew
Psalms and cries and tears and wails of repentance were heard in response to
a declaration by the Gedolei Yisrael (Great Ones of Israel) formally
recognizing the beginning of the "time of Jacob's trouble."
Thursday, March 22, 2001 (the 27th of Adar, 5761)
COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns March 21, 22, 23, USA
#JacobsTrouble #CORONAVIRUS #AbrahamAccords #Adar 27
#RaptureReady #RaptureSurvivor
Bottom line: The Rapture was cancelled. Some Christians believed that April 23 would be the Rapture, a day when the world would end and the chosen would rise in the sky and meet Jesus. They were wrong. Again.
However, you exchatology buffs will LOVE this one.
Georgia Guidestones Opening date March 22, 1980
At the Western Wall today and in yeshivas and synagogues and religious
schools throughout Israel the sound of shofar blasts, the singing of Hebrew
Psalms and cries and tears and wails of repentance were heard in response to
a declaration by the Gedolei Yisrael (Great Ones of Israel) formally
recognizing the beginning of the "time of Jacob's trouble."
Thursday, March 22, 2001 (the 27th of Adar, 5761)
COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns March 21, 22, 23, USA
#JacobsTrouble #CORONAVIRUS #AbrahamAccords #Adar 27
#RaptureReady #RaptureSurvivor