This video shows the insanity of Democrat voters. How they do not even care if President Trump is guilty of anything. They just want him removed from office because they hate him. It proves the Democrats had no basis to Impeach President Trump. The articles of Impeachment did not even include a crime which is required for Impeachment. The Constitution is quite clear: The president “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

The Fake News Media including Fox News Lies and says a President can be Impeached for any reason because Impeachment is a political process. This is bullshit. A Crime has to be committed and proven to have been committed to have a President Impeached.

Richard Nixon committed proven crimes, as he covered up for the Watergate crime. He did abuse the power of his office. Bill Clinton was impeached for crimes he committed. The specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones and from Clinton's testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The catalyst for the president's impeachment was the Starr Report, a September 1998 report prepared by Independent Counsel Ken Starr for the House Judiciary Committee. This video shows the insanity of Democrat voters. How they do not even care if President Trump is guilty of anything. They just want him removed from office because they hate him. It proves the Democrats had no basis to Impeach President Trump. The articles of Impeachment did not even include a crime which is required for Impeachment. The Constitution is quite clear: The president “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” The Fake News Media including Fox News Lies and says a President can be Impeached for any reason because Impeachment is a political process. This is bullshit. A Crime has to be committed and proven to have been committed to have a President Impeached. Richard Nixon committed proven crimes, as he covered up for the Watergate crime. He did abuse the power of his office. Bill Clinton was impeached for crimes he committed. The specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones and from Clinton's testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The catalyst for the president's impeachment was the Starr Report, a September 1998 report prepared by Independent Counsel Ken Starr for the House Judiciary Committee.
Voters Are To Blame For The Unconstitutional Impeachment Of President Trump! Stop The Insanity!
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