Frank Ferrandiz PLEASE READ THIS AND IF YOU LIKE IT OR AGREE WITH IT, PLEASE SHARE IT WITH THE NATION!,,,,,,,THIS IS A WAKE UP CALL TO ALL AMERICANS!,,,,,,,,,,,BLACK LIVES MATTER is a racist terrorists organization against white people! no one today has ever owned black slaves! The only slavery today is the DEMOCRATIC crime syndicate who depend on BLACK VOTERS! ,, Joe Biden said Trump was taking his BLACK VOTERS AWAY FROM HIM! ,,, Joe Biden seems to think he owns black voters!,,,, NOW THERE IS YOUR SLAVE MASTER!,,,,,,Joe Biden is a racist from the past and still is today!,,,,,I DO NOT SUPPORT BLACK LIVES MATTER! ,,,,,Black lives matter is an organization to harm white people by the democratic crime syndicate! Its to create a divide between whites and black because Democrats lost the election and want to Punish white people because we voted for Trump and not Hillary! ,,,,,,,,,,We need the wake up the black people in the USA and make them see why they live in poverty and slums in gang infested areas. ,,,,Democrat John Lewis who just died. He never did anything to pull poor blacks out of poverty, he just took their votes stayed in power and got very wealthy off our taxes just as Democrat Elija Cummngs of Baltimore did! ,,,,,,,,,,It is time for the WE THE PEOPLE to vote out any and all Democrats out of office! ,,, The Democrats are the CRIMINALS who embezzling our tax dollars for the own wealth, like Maxine Waters, she lives in a 6 million dollar mansion on a salary of $400,000 a year! ASK YOUR SELF WHERE DID THAT MONEY COME FROM! She sold her votes and embezzled money from organizations she voted in and supported as all the democrats do! many black people who have woke up and realized what the criminal Democrats have been doing to them for 300 years!. WE THE PEOPLE MUST PERSUADE POOR BLACK PEOPLE TO SEE THE LIGHT AND STOP VOTING FOR ANY AND ALL DEMOCRATS! ,,,,,,,,,,Democrats today want to enslave the entire nation to own and control us all! ,,,,,,,,,,Today is COVID19 TOMORROW IT WILL BE SOMETHING ELSE to keep us home and imprisoned in our homes! DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY DEMOCRATS IN NOVEMBER!!!,,,,,,,,By Frank Ferrandiz,,,,,july 19, 2020!!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COPY THIS AND SHARE IT WITH THE ENTIRE NATION! WE THE PEOPLE MUST PREVAIL IN THIS FIGHT TO SAVE OUR SELVES AND OUR CHILDREN;S FUTURE!