Big Pharma is About Greed & Control
NOT Health & Healing
SUMMARY: I want to share two Telegram posts highlighting the Medical Tyranny imposed by Big Pharma. The last four years of the Installed Biden Administration demonstrated to me that the Corporatist greed of Big Pharma has tainted the Government services who are SUPPOSED to protect WE THE PEOPLE. Offhand the taxpayer services come to mind: HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH & NIAID – to name a few. …READ BIG PHARMA CORUPTION DATA!
#CorruptBigPharma #CorruptedMedicine #CorruptedGovt
NOT Health & Healing
SUMMARY: I want to share two Telegram posts highlighting the Medical Tyranny imposed by Big Pharma. The last four years of the Installed Biden Administration demonstrated to me that the Corporatist greed of Big Pharma has tainted the Government services who are SUPPOSED to protect WE THE PEOPLE. Offhand the taxpayer services come to mind: HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH & NIAID – to name a few. …READ BIG PHARMA CORUPTION DATA!
#CorruptBigPharma #CorruptedMedicine #CorruptedGovt
Big Pharma is About Greed & Control
NOT Health & Healing
SUMMARY: I want to share two Telegram posts highlighting the Medical Tyranny imposed by Big Pharma. The last four years of the Installed Biden Administration demonstrated to me that the Corporatist greed of Big Pharma has tainted the Government services who are SUPPOSED to protect WE THE PEOPLE. Offhand the taxpayer services come to mind: HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH & NIAID – to name a few. …READ BIG PHARMA CORUPTION DATA!
#CorruptBigPharma #CorruptedMedicine #CorruptedGovt