• https://thetruedefender.com/hunter-bidens-laptop-is-real-and-americans-know-the-2020-election-was-fraudulent/
    Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Real, And Americans Know The 2020 Election Was Fraudulent! - The True Defender !
    2020 Stolen Election! The Big Media, Big Tech, the Democrats, and the RINOs are so corrupt that they can’t hide that anymore. Since November 4, 2020, we have been reporting on this problem, where some states changed their hands after Trump won them all overnight. Join The True Defender Telegram Chanel Here: https://t.me/TheTrueDefender Watch: …
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  • I'm sure this ALL A "COINCIDENCE"

    666 ... globe earth math

    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.- Revelation 13:18

    The following is some numerology taken from spherical earth figures that is interesting.

    "Speed of the globe’s orbit: 66.600mph"
    "Curvature in one mile squared: 666ft"
    "The earth is on a 66.6 tilt."
    "Earth's axis of rotation and its plane of orbit around the Sun: 66.6 degree"
    "The polar circles are located near the poles of the Earth, at 66.6° N and S latitude."
    "Distance to the nearest galaxy is 11.7 million light-years.." 11+7=18 (6+6+6=18)
    "The nearest solar system (star Gliese 876) is 15.3 light years away..." 15+3=18 (6+6+6=18)
    "There are 1800 confirmed new worlds outside of our Solar System." (6+6+6=18)
    "Pluto has 18% the mass of our Moon." (6+6+6=18)
    "Pluto's moon 'Charon' is nearly 1/8 the mass of Pluto." (6+6+6=18)
    "The newest planet discovered 2016 (Proxima b) is 4.22 light-years away". 4-22=18 (6+6+6=18)
    "The Solar System is traveling at an average speed of 828,000 km/h" 8+2+8=18 (6+6+6=18)
    "The Sun was formed from the solar nebula about 4.59 billion years ago." 4+5+9=18 (6+6+6=18)
    "The Earth's orbital speed around the Sun: 108,000 km/h" 10+8=18 (6+6+6=18)
    "The total journey time from Earth to Mars takes between 150-300 days" 15+3=18 (6+6+6=18)
    "Neptune's equatorial clouds take 18 hours to make one rotation." (6+6+6=18)
    "The Moon was formed 4.6 billion years ago around some 30–50 million years after the formation of the solar system" 4+6+3+5= 18 (6+6+6=18)
    "Pluto's distance changes from 7.3 billion kilometers to 4.4 billion kilometers." 7+3+4+4=18 (6+6+6=18)
    "Milky Way is moving towards Centaurus at a speed of between 150 and 300 miles/sec" 15+3=18 (6+6+6=18)

    And this is nothing! You should look into the distances of these "planets" according to NASA!

    These are statements made by NASA, and you all still believe them (nothing to do with satan at all).

    33: The Earth’s Axis, it’s Orbital Inclination around the Sun is 66.6 Degrees

    32: The Earth Orbits the Sun at 66,600 Miles Per Hour

    31: The Earth’s Circumference is 600x6x6 Nautical Miles

    30: The Speed of Sound is 666 Knots Per Second

    29: The Force of Gravity on Earth is 666 Newtons

    28: The Curvature of A Square Mile is .666 Feet… in 10 Miles: 66.6 Ft… in 20 Miles: 266.6 Ft… 40M: 1,066.6 Ft… 50M: 1,666 Ft… 70M: 3,266.6 Ft… 80M: 4,266.6 Ft… 100M: 6,666.6Ft… The Heliocentric Curvature Math is Based on 666

    27: The Arctic & Antarctic Circles are at exactly 66.6°

    26: Astro-Not Peggy Whitson Spent 666 Days in Space

    25: The Distance to the Moon is 6 x 60 x 666 Miles

    24: The Diameter of the Moon is 6 x 6 x 60 Miles

    23: Sunset is Divided by 3 Degrees (6° + 6° + 6°) aka: “Civil, Nautical, and Astronomical Twilight”

    22: From Mercury, the Sun is 666 Times Brighter, Using the Inverse Square Law

    21: Venus is 464° Celsius or 867° Fahrenheit (The Median of These Two Numbers: 666)

    20: Mars is at 1.666 AU (Astronomical Units) from the sun at Aphelion

    19: Ceres (Classified as a Dwarf Planet in the Asteroid Belt) Has a 466.6 Day Synodic Period

    18: The Comet Shoemaker Levy Collided with Jupiter, Traveling at 6 x 6 x 6 x 1000 Kilometers Per Hour

    17: Saturn’s Orbital Distance is 1,426,666,422 Kilometers or 9.54 AU

    16: The Surface Temperature of Uranus is: -6x6x6°

    15: The Surface Temperature of Neptune is: -6x6x6°

    14: Pluto’s Orbital Velocity is 4.666 Kilometers Per Second

    13: NASA’s Budget is $18 Billion (6+6+6)

    12: The Speed of Light is `670,`616,`629 MPH. The Middle Number 616, Some have Claimed Is the Accurate Number of the Beast, instead of 666. The Common Rounded Form… 670,000,000 x .6 x .6 x .6 is also interesting… 144,720,000, because 144 and 72 are Important Biblical Numbers (144,000 Elect and 72 Steps of Jacob’s Ladder to Heaven aka the Stars) 144 Cubits is 216 Feet (6 x 6 x 6)

    11: Saturn’s Hexagonal Pole is a 6 sided, 6 pointed Polygon Representing a Cube Containing 6 Triangles (A Hex), and it is the 6th planet

    10: A Day is 23 Hours and 56 Minutes, but We Round it to 60 Seconds, 60 Minutes, and 24 Hours (& 2+4 in Numerology is 6), Because Father Time is Saturn aka Cronos (or Crono-logy) the Greco-Roman God of Time, Chaos, and Death

    09: Kepler’s 3rd Law Calculates a Planet’s Mean Distance From the Sun, giving the Planet’s Orbital Period Raised to the Power of .666666

    08: On the Globe model, the Distance From the Tip of South America, to the Tip of Africa, is 6,660 Kilometers

    07: North America is 66.66° Wide on a Globe – from The Furthest Tip to the Other (Key Largo, Florida, to Yesterday Island, Alaska)

    06: Eurasia On the Globe Model, From the Lighthouse in Cape St. Vincent, Portugal, Straight Across to the other side of the land mass at the Haicang Bridge in China, 6,066 Nautical Miles

    05: South America, on the Globular Map, From the Northern Most Point to the Southern Most Point, is 66.6° Long, and the Line Passes directly Through the continent’s Highest Peak, Mt. Aconcagua

    04: On The Globular Map, Africa is 66.6° Wide From its Western Most Point in Dakar to the Easternmost Projection of Somalia. Forming a perfect cross, it is 66.6° High From its Southernmost Point to the Place Where the Line Running due North Hits the Mediterranean, near Benghazi

    03: The Logos of Both Google’s GPS system through Chrome and CERN, Both of Which Work With NASA, We Find 666 hidden in plain sight

    02: Switzerland Company Maxon Motors Provided the Electrodrives that Power NASA’s Spirit and Opportunity Rovers on Mars.

    You can contact them at

    +41 (41) 666 15 00 – phone

    +41 (41) 666 16 16 – Fax.
    I'm sure this ALL A "COINCIDENCE" 666 ... globe earth math Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.- Revelation 13:18 The following is some numerology taken from spherical earth figures that is interesting. "Speed of the globe’s orbit: 66.600mph" "Curvature in one mile squared: 666ft" "The earth is on a 66.6 tilt." "Earth's axis of rotation and its plane of orbit around the Sun: 66.6 degree" "The polar circles are located near the poles of the Earth, at 66.6° N and S latitude." "Distance to the nearest galaxy is 11.7 million light-years.." 11+7=18 (6+6+6=18) "The nearest solar system (star Gliese 876) is 15.3 light years away..." 15+3=18 (6+6+6=18) "There are 1800 confirmed new worlds outside of our Solar System." (6+6+6=18) "Pluto has 18% the mass of our Moon." (6+6+6=18) "Pluto's moon 'Charon' is nearly 1/8 the mass of Pluto." (6+6+6=18) "The newest planet discovered 2016 (Proxima b) is 4.22 light-years away". 4-22=18 (6+6+6=18) "The Solar System is traveling at an average speed of 828,000 km/h" 8+2+8=18 (6+6+6=18) "The Sun was formed from the solar nebula about 4.59 billion years ago." 4+5+9=18 (6+6+6=18) "The Earth's orbital speed around the Sun: 108,000 km/h" 10+8=18 (6+6+6=18) "The total journey time from Earth to Mars takes between 150-300 days" 15+3=18 (6+6+6=18) "Neptune's equatorial clouds take 18 hours to make one rotation." (6+6+6=18) "The Moon was formed 4.6 billion years ago around some 30–50 million years after the formation of the solar system" 4+6+3+5= 18 (6+6+6=18) "Pluto's distance changes from 7.3 billion kilometers to 4.4 billion kilometers." 7+3+4+4=18 (6+6+6=18) "Milky Way is moving towards Centaurus at a speed of between 150 and 300 miles/sec" 15+3=18 (6+6+6=18) And this is nothing! You should look into the distances of these "planets" according to NASA! These are statements made by NASA, and you all still believe them (nothing to do with satan at all). 33: The Earth’s Axis, it’s Orbital Inclination around the Sun is 66.6 Degrees 32: The Earth Orbits the Sun at 66,600 Miles Per Hour 31: The Earth’s Circumference is 600x6x6 Nautical Miles 30: The Speed of Sound is 666 Knots Per Second 29: The Force of Gravity on Earth is 666 Newtons 28: The Curvature of A Square Mile is .666 Feet… in 10 Miles: 66.6 Ft… in 20 Miles: 266.6 Ft… 40M: 1,066.6 Ft… 50M: 1,666 Ft… 70M: 3,266.6 Ft… 80M: 4,266.6 Ft… 100M: 6,666.6Ft… The Heliocentric Curvature Math is Based on 666 27: The Arctic & Antarctic Circles are at exactly 66.6° 26: Astro-Not Peggy Whitson Spent 666 Days in Space 25: The Distance to the Moon is 6 x 60 x 666 Miles 24: The Diameter of the Moon is 6 x 6 x 60 Miles 23: Sunset is Divided by 3 Degrees (6° + 6° + 6°) aka: “Civil, Nautical, and Astronomical Twilight” 22: From Mercury, the Sun is 666 Times Brighter, Using the Inverse Square Law 21: Venus is 464° Celsius or 867° Fahrenheit (The Median of These Two Numbers: 666) 20: Mars is at 1.666 AU (Astronomical Units) from the sun at Aphelion 19: Ceres (Classified as a Dwarf Planet in the Asteroid Belt) Has a 466.6 Day Synodic Period 18: The Comet Shoemaker Levy Collided with Jupiter, Traveling at 6 x 6 x 6 x 1000 Kilometers Per Hour 17: Saturn’s Orbital Distance is 1,426,666,422 Kilometers or 9.54 AU 16: The Surface Temperature of Uranus is: -6x6x6° 15: The Surface Temperature of Neptune is: -6x6x6° 14: Pluto’s Orbital Velocity is 4.666 Kilometers Per Second 13: NASA’s Budget is $18 Billion (6+6+6) 12: The Speed of Light is `670,`616,`629 MPH. The Middle Number 616, Some have Claimed Is the Accurate Number of the Beast, instead of 666. The Common Rounded Form… 670,000,000 x .6 x .6 x .6 is also interesting… 144,720,000, because 144 and 72 are Important Biblical Numbers (144,000 Elect and 72 Steps of Jacob’s Ladder to Heaven aka the Stars) 144 Cubits is 216 Feet (6 x 6 x 6) 11: Saturn’s Hexagonal Pole is a 6 sided, 6 pointed Polygon Representing a Cube Containing 6 Triangles (A Hex), and it is the 6th planet 10: A Day is 23 Hours and 56 Minutes, but We Round it to 60 Seconds, 60 Minutes, and 24 Hours (& 2+4 in Numerology is 6), Because Father Time is Saturn aka Cronos (or Crono-logy) the Greco-Roman God of Time, Chaos, and Death 09: Kepler’s 3rd Law Calculates a Planet’s Mean Distance From the Sun, giving the Planet’s Orbital Period Raised to the Power of .666666 08: On the Globe model, the Distance From the Tip of South America, to the Tip of Africa, is 6,660 Kilometers 07: North America is 66.66° Wide on a Globe – from The Furthest Tip to the Other (Key Largo, Florida, to Yesterday Island, Alaska) 06: Eurasia On the Globe Model, From the Lighthouse in Cape St. Vincent, Portugal, Straight Across to the other side of the land mass at the Haicang Bridge in China, 6,066 Nautical Miles 05: South America, on the Globular Map, From the Northern Most Point to the Southern Most Point, is 66.6° Long, and the Line Passes directly Through the continent’s Highest Peak, Mt. Aconcagua 04: On The Globular Map, Africa is 66.6° Wide From its Western Most Point in Dakar to the Easternmost Projection of Somalia. Forming a perfect cross, it is 66.6° High From its Southernmost Point to the Place Where the Line Running due North Hits the Mediterranean, near Benghazi 03: The Logos of Both Google’s GPS system through Chrome and CERN, Both of Which Work With NASA, We Find 666 hidden in plain sight 02: Switzerland Company Maxon Motors Provided the Electrodrives that Power NASA’s Spirit and Opportunity Rovers on Mars. You can contact them at +41 (41) 666 15 00 – phone +41 (41) 666 16 16 – Fax.
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    Part 2 and 3 of this interview will be released on Tuesday and Wednesday.

    After watching this one, you will want to see them as well.

    This fits a lot of what seems scattered dots together. The parallels of venom, the vaccine and the symptoms all fit.

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