Anthony L. Gordon (Bassman) is a man with a mission to discover the meaning of life and broadcast it out into the world. He was born in a US Air Force base hospital at Fort Elendorf, Alaska on March 26, 1957, the third child of four and second son of Willie James Gordon. Nickname “Trooper”, Willie retired out of Ft. Knox, Kentucky with twenty-three years of military service after refusing a promotion to Command Sargent Major and tour to Vietnam. He bought his first home in Louisville on the Jefferson County line and settled down with his second wife and two youngest of four children. In the late sixties, racial segregation was being countered with a movement to integrate white and black students into schools in America and the young black retired military brats were first on the list to be bused out into white schools.

Attending Suda East Butler High School in Shively Kentucky, Anthony became quick popularity with his talented bass-voice and high school band ”Love, Peace and Soul”. In this predominantly white school he found his self voted as President of the Junior Class and the following Senior year, Most Talented and Most likely to Succeed! In his second semester as freshmen, Anthony for the first time found “Jesus Christ” and took up the mission to discover for himself why humans express often times a brutal and violent nature and to make a honest healthy-minded look and assessment of modern life in the early 21st Century. It was too easy to accept the world as foul, that the only other alternative is hope for a future paradise. This did not seem too intelligent and became Anthony’s great secret challenge and mission to find the real meaning of life and broadcast it out into the world.

After completing his BFA and not yet feeling seasoned enough to jump into the music business, Anthony honored his father’s request and entered boot camp choosing the Military Occupational Specialty “Chaplain’s Assistance”. A short military career introduced Anthony to the global community and the likes of Korea and Europe where he left the military to live, learn and walk the same streets of Martin Luther, Wolfgang Von Goethe, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud and other great classical thinkers, philosophers, and musicians. There he absorbed and bathed in a older world environment capitalizing on their remaining spirit and everlasting impression on their country and the greater world. It would be in Europe where Anthony would settle down into his second home with the peace of mind not clearly offered in America, and quietness of the European environment to re-formulate the revolutionary and forgotten theory of a fallen creator to assist humanity in better understand human nature.

To his surprise, the truth is far from what it seems, as the entire planet finds itself lost and trapped in a holographic matrix between several different Ancient Alien Civilizations who not only created this paradigm, but also taken for Gods, which in truth mankind has absolutely no real idea or proof other than faith, and like parasites, feed off of humanity's negative thoughts, actions, energy, and vibrations without our awareness. In short, we are toast, somebodies property and from the very beginning of time, sold down the river.

Anthony’s great success in the music industry continued and was further strengthen by the Robert Dewitt Jackson Singers based in Frankfurt, Germany with Ten years of success all over Europe on stage, television and radio. After Robert Jackson’s death, Anthony was invited to join with the “Original” legendary Golden Gate Quartet (founded in 1934) which resides in Paris, France since the 1950’s, and continued his music career up until 2015.
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