I’m pretty single mother independent, but looking for a nice man to share my life with. I would have to say that I’m attractive, confident, intelligent and independent, with a very nurturing side. I am loyal to friends and family and consider myself to be truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. I love to travel and meet new people, yet cherish my time at home. I have a great career and have an outgoing personality. I have had some very serious relationships over the years, but just have not met the right person yet. I firmly believe that everything in life is timing, so I remain hopeful in the search for my soul mate. Chemistry and a sense of humor is a must, I also enjoy traveling and i'm a pretty down to earth lady, love to laugh and like to make people laugh
  • 2 Publicações
  • 2 fotos
  • 0 Vídeos
  • Sales representative em Cosmetics store
  • Female
  • Solteiro
  • 02/04/1965
  • Seguido por 50 pessoas
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