Basic Human...some of my titles include Mom, Grammy, Wife, Mildly Wild, Loud Mouth Bitch... yes, I sure I been called that once or twice, but never to my face, writer, podcast producer(working on), song writer, Warehouse Manager, Supervisor, lead, buyer, Owner, manicurist, retired and now just learning stuff... always willing to help or give advice, but pretty much on default I am a resister... I am not saying this is a political page, but, I am just saying , I will openly resistant Any change, That takes away, any of my freedoms and will stand and fight next to my country.. but I am not going to be a blind for anyone, when I an clearly see and will stand up to evil and will most likely speak up before thinking twice and then regret my delivery of my word after as maybe unkind and harsh...I can not sugar coat how I feel and I feel deeply an all matters of may god bless us with with that being said ...I say hello...welcome friends ...please say hello..) and sub to your newest friend...ME Porter
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