• Is life Insurance a waste of money for the Covid "Vaccinated"?
    Is life Insurance a waste of money for the Covid "Vaccinated"? https://rumble.com/vy22pf-man-dies-from-covid-vaccine-court-says-it-was-suicide.html
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 660 Ansichten
  • Dr David Martin Minces No Words

    I’m done talking about COVID and I’m done talking about SARS-CoV-2. And I’m done for a very simple reason: For 110 years, we the people of the world have been lied to; where a group of a very small number of criminal, industrial conspirators decided to subordinate the entirety of the human population for the purpose of their sinister plans to enrich themselves while impoverishing and killing the rest of humanity and I’m done being polite.

    We’ve long past polite. When the words “acceptable death rate” become part of an industrial norm, we have lost the plot o humanity. And that’s not my words, those were the words of the World Health Organization and of Pfizer and of Moderna, when they were given the authorization to begin the process of killing human beings in the interest of advancing their goals.

    Next slide. And I’m also not going to sugarcoat this: This is is a criminal cartel. We are acting as though there’s some sort of redeemable quality, somewhere, in some esoteric layer, that somehow or another, the World Health Organization must have some salutatory benefit.

    Well, I’m going to tell you, since its formation in the 1940s, the World Health Organization has been nothing more than a criminal cartel that has a sole and singular intent – and I will show you the document that proves what I’m saying. This is not an allegation. This is actually provable by their own words, in their own hand and they use a four-step process to execute every one of their nefarious plans.

    They begin by planning an exercise. Then, they go to the business of funding that exercise. Then, they create the rationale for the thing that they’re going to do. And then they deploy and profit from it.

    And in violation of 15 US Code Section 19, which, for those of you listening, coincidentally started with the Clayton Act in the same year that the World Health Organization in the United States, 1913, the same year the World Health Organization’s progenitors also started.

    So, I find it fascinating that we passed the Clayton Act in 1913 and we set in motion, 110 years ago, the criminal conspiracy, which we now call the World Health Organization, 110 years later. And in violation of TFEU or TEU – I don’t know even how to say it – the T-F-E-U, the treaty, allegedly for the functioning of the European Union, which I think needs to now be called the “Treaty for the Dysfunctional European Cabal”, Article 101 unambiguously lays out the conditions that this was never a public health anything. It was racketeering for the purpose of instilling terror to adapt the behavior of population, period.

    That’s what it was. That’s what it always was and we can come up with every theoretical argument we want to make about things but the problem even with the theory that we had an outbreak of something is falsifiable for the data from Zurich that shows us that in the year of the death pandemic of the Globe, life insurance companies paid $30 billion less in claims.

    Now, if there’s a medical professional or a social professional or anybody else who wants to debate that we could develop a virus cunningly that could find out your bank account, your insurance policy statements and whether you’re paid up on your premiums, that’s a big ask.

    It turns out that the data is unambiguous: We did not have a pandemic. We had genocide. And we need to call it what it is.

    Next slide. When I say, “we planned it”, let’s make sure we understand exactly the not-so-fine print of the fine print and I want to call your attention, first, to the right hand column of the slide: This is the 2011 data that the World Health Organization, the Wellcome Trust, PATH and the Gates Foundation did on their wonderful worldwide program for a malaria vaccine for children under the age of 6 months of age. And in their clinical trial, it’s helpful to point out that they murdered 6
    Dr David Martin Minces No Words https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-david-martin-minces-no-words/ I’m done talking about COVID and I’m done talking about SARS-CoV-2. And I’m done for a very simple reason: For 110 years, we the people of the world have been lied to; where a group of a very small number of criminal, industrial conspirators decided to subordinate the entirety of the human population for the purpose of their sinister plans to enrich themselves while impoverishing and killing the rest of humanity and I’m done being polite. We’ve long past polite. When the words “acceptable death rate” become part of an industrial norm, we have lost the plot o humanity. And that’s not my words, those were the words of the World Health Organization and of Pfizer and of Moderna, when they were given the authorization to begin the process of killing human beings in the interest of advancing their goals. Next slide. And I’m also not going to sugarcoat this: This is is a criminal cartel. We are acting as though there’s some sort of redeemable quality, somewhere, in some esoteric layer, that somehow or another, the World Health Organization must have some salutatory benefit. Well, I’m going to tell you, since its formation in the 1940s, the World Health Organization has been nothing more than a criminal cartel that has a sole and singular intent – and I will show you the document that proves what I’m saying. This is not an allegation. This is actually provable by their own words, in their own hand and they use a four-step process to execute every one of their nefarious plans. They begin by planning an exercise. Then, they go to the business of funding that exercise. Then, they create the rationale for the thing that they’re going to do. And then they deploy and profit from it. And in violation of 15 US Code Section 19, which, for those of you listening, coincidentally started with the Clayton Act in the same year that the World Health Organization in the United States, 1913, the same year the World Health Organization’s progenitors also started. So, I find it fascinating that we passed the Clayton Act in 1913 and we set in motion, 110 years ago, the criminal conspiracy, which we now call the World Health Organization, 110 years later. And in violation of TFEU or TEU – I don’t know even how to say it – the T-F-E-U, the treaty, allegedly for the functioning of the European Union, which I think needs to now be called the “Treaty for the Dysfunctional European Cabal”, Article 101 unambiguously lays out the conditions that this was never a public health anything. It was racketeering for the purpose of instilling terror to adapt the behavior of population, period. That’s what it was. That’s what it always was and we can come up with every theoretical argument we want to make about things but the problem even with the theory that we had an outbreak of something is falsifiable for the data from Zurich that shows us that in the year of the death pandemic of the Globe, life insurance companies paid $30 billion less in claims. Now, if there’s a medical professional or a social professional or anybody else who wants to debate that we could develop a virus cunningly that could find out your bank account, your insurance policy statements and whether you’re paid up on your premiums, that’s a big ask. It turns out that the data is unambiguous: We did not have a pandemic. We had genocide. And we need to call it what it is. Next slide. When I say, “we planned it”, let’s make sure we understand exactly the not-so-fine print of the fine print and I want to call your attention, first, to the right hand column of the slide: This is the 2011 data that the World Health Organization, the Wellcome Trust, PATH and the Gates Foundation did on their wonderful worldwide program for a malaria vaccine for children under the age of 6 months of age. And in their clinical trial, it’s helpful to point out that they murdered 6
    Dr David Martin Minces No Words
     This is the Earth-shattering presentation, "Dr David Martin Liberty & Justice in an Era of Pandemics - Ending the WHO Tyranny," made on September 13th, 2023. Dr Martin and a panel bravely exposed the World Health Organization for the criminal organization that it is and proved that COVID is, indeed a bioweapon. ### TRANSCRIPT I'm
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 5025 Ansichten
  • Life Insurance, Because Sometimes You Have To Die For Officer Safety

    Life Insurance, Because Sometimes You Have To Die For Officer Safety https://youtu.be/kCHxitF71N4
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 440 Ansichten
  • Life Insurance, Because Sometimes You Have To Die For Officer Safety

    Life Insurance, Because Sometimes You Have To Die For Officer Safety https://youtu.be/kCHxitF71N4
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 400 Ansichten
  • Dr. Mercola Reports That COVID Jabs Have Erased 25 Years of Health Gains Since Roll Out

    According to a report based on the CDC's finalized mortality report, Americans are losing ground health wise and dying earlier since the COVID shot rollouts.

    While mortality increased across all age groups, the highest increases were in working age adults 25 to 54, followed by children ages 1 to 4.

    The leading causes of death were heart disease, cancer and the alleged COVID-19 disease. All diseases which have been connected to the COVID injections. http://bit.ly/3WKZ4AP

    As Dr. Mercola notes:

    - “If the COVID jabs worked, you’d expect excess
    mortality to drop, yet that’s not what we’re seeing.

    Life insurance data confirms that it's the working age adults (18 to 64) who are dying in record numbers, 40% higher than pre-shot levels.

    Cancer deaths have increased significantly since the shot roll outs, but are being camouflaged by shifting causes of death from cancer to COVID to produce numbers 20% lower than they should be.

    According to the Ethical Skeptic's study of the CDC numbers, the jabs are producing excess deaths of about 7,400 per week. http://bit.ly/3i7X6vr

    Deadliest shot in the history of mankind and numbers that will soon dwarf the holocaust and yet they still expect the public to accept it as safe and effective. What insanity!

    #covidvaccine #clotshot #covidshot #mrnashot #vaccines
    Dr. Mercola Reports That COVID Jabs Have Erased 25 Years of Health Gains Since Roll Out According to a report based on the CDC's finalized mortality report, Americans are losing ground health wise and dying earlier since the COVID shot rollouts. While mortality increased across all age groups, the highest increases were in working age adults 25 to 54, followed by children ages 1 to 4. The leading causes of death were heart disease, cancer and the alleged COVID-19 disease. All diseases which have been connected to the COVID injections. http://bit.ly/3WKZ4AP As Dr. Mercola notes: - “If the COVID jabs worked, you’d expect excess mortality to drop, yet that’s not what we’re seeing. Life insurance data confirms that it's the working age adults (18 to 64) who are dying in record numbers, 40% higher than pre-shot levels. Cancer deaths have increased significantly since the shot roll outs, but are being camouflaged by shifting causes of death from cancer to COVID to produce numbers 20% lower than they should be. According to the Ethical Skeptic's study of the CDC numbers, the jabs are producing excess deaths of about 7,400 per week. http://bit.ly/3i7X6vr Deadliest shot in the history of mankind and numbers that will soon dwarf the holocaust and yet they still expect the public to accept it as safe and effective. What insanity! #covidvaccine #clotshot #covidshot #mrnashot #vaccines
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 4618 Ansichten

    What a curious development!

    Our #Government is controlled by INSURANCE COMPANIES and other massive #Corporations, and they DEMANDED YOU TAKE THIS INJECTION or you can't work, travel, buy food etc.....

    Then that same government allows their corporate bosses to get away with calling WHAT THEY TRIED TO FORCE YOU TO DO "Suicide"

    Is ANYONE surprised?
    This is what #Criminals do!

    VAX DEATHS LABELED SUICIDE BY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES -- NOT COVERED What a curious development! Our #Government is controlled by INSURANCE COMPANIES and other massive #Corporations, and they DEMANDED YOU TAKE THIS INJECTION or you can't work, travel, buy food etc..... Then that same government allows their corporate bosses to get away with calling WHAT THEY TRIED TO FORCE YOU TO DO "Suicide" Is ANYONE surprised? This is what #Criminals do! https://www.bitchute.com/video/pZpahTAEu1cq/?list=notifications&randomize=false
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 515 Ansichten
  • https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-11-30-life-insurance-payouts-record-high-100-billion-2021.html
    Life insurance payouts hit record high of $100 billion in 2021 – the first full year of mass COVID-19 vaccination
    American life insurance companies paid out a record $100 billion in death benefits in 2021, with most of the payouts being attributed to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths. The American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) noted that 2021 payouts rose by 11 percent year-over-year to $100.19 billion. 
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 438 Ansichten
  • Life Insurance Data Suggests that Adults Aged 35-44 Died at Twice the Expected Rate Last Summer

    Death claims for working-age adults under group life insurance policies spiked well beyond expected levels last summer and fall. https://bit.ly/3xkl7Um

    According to data from 20 of the top 21 life insurance companies in the United States, death claims for adults aged 35 to 44 were 100% higher than expected in July, August, and September 2021.

    - This data comes from the Society of Actuaries based on 2.3 million death claims.

    Hedge fund manager, Edward Dowd, also notes that excess deaths peaked around the time Biden rolled out his corporate mandate and companies rushed to comply, making vaccines mandatory for employees.

    Of course, the mainstream media and so-called health "experts" acknowledge none of this data.

    They continue with their meme of "safe and effective" and the naïve still buy into it to their detriment.

    #covid19 #coviddeaths #covid #covidvaccine
    Life Insurance Data Suggests that Adults Aged 35-44 Died at Twice the Expected Rate Last Summer Death claims for working-age adults under group life insurance policies spiked well beyond expected levels last summer and fall. https://bit.ly/3xkl7Um According to data from 20 of the top 21 life insurance companies in the United States, death claims for adults aged 35 to 44 were 100% higher than expected in July, August, and September 2021. - This data comes from the Society of Actuaries based on 2.3 million death claims. Hedge fund manager, Edward Dowd, also notes that excess deaths peaked around the time Biden rolled out his corporate mandate and companies rushed to comply, making vaccines mandatory for employees. Of course, the mainstream media and so-called health "experts" acknowledge none of this data. They continue with their meme of "safe and effective" and the naïve still buy into it to their detriment. #covid19 #coviddeaths #covid #covidvaccine
    Adults Aged 35–44 Died At Twice The Expected Rate Last Summer, Life Insurance Data Suggests
    "In that three-month period, the change was such that, there was something that occurred..."
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1626 Ansichten

  • Global CV19 Vax Propaganda Means Mass Casualties – Dr. Pierre Kory

    World renowned CV19 critical care and pulmonary expert Dr. Pierre Kory thinks the CV19 vax is a “humanitarian catastrophe,” and it is being “ignored . . .suppressed and censored” through a well-organized global propaganda campaign. This propaganda will be responsible for millions of deaths that have already happened and many more millions of CV19 vax deaths in the future. Dr. Kory explains, “We have data screaming at us everywhere we look. You can start with the life insurance data, India’s data, Germany’s data, and we know people are dying at unprecedented rates. That is one thing. We know that disability is through the roof. No one has seen VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) with the numbers it is screaming. Now, we . . . are seeing buried miscarriage rates and spontaneous abortion rates 70% and up to 90% in pregnant women. . . . We are still seeing propaganda and all of these messages to get your (CV19) shot even though there is no logic to it. . . . Maybe people are blindly following these instructions and there is no more critical thinking or the control of the information is leading to mass casualties. This is literally a humanitarian catastrophe. . . . We have never seen this. This is a global condition. . . . We have a global catastrophe because the (bad) information has infected almost every country on earth. . . . Wherever you look the data is so ominous. The myocarditis and dropping dead is incessant. It’s from every country in the world. You hear everyday reports of young people doing normal fun activities, like going to the beach or going to the park, and they are dropping dead.”

    Dr. Kory is actively trying to find treatments for people harmed by the CV19 vax, but that is not the biggest problem he faces. Dr. Kory says, “People are being told things (like getting CV19 booster shots) that are putting them at grave risk. I don’t know how to combat a global technological propaganda instrument. We have never had that before. I don’t think we have ever had the same messages and the same stories being shot out 24/7. I have been saying this for a while, and the world has gone mad because of unrelenting propaganda and censorship. We have never had this much power and this much propaganda . . . never the same story being told to the entire globe at the same time and the same lie.”

    Dr. Kory says, “Not only no more shots, but I would say we need a national cry to stop the vaccine campaign. . . It’s not going to start in America because this is the United States of Pharma.”

    This is why cheap, effective drugs such as Ivermectin are being banned here in America and around the world. Dr. Kory says, “We are at war here. You cannot have Ivermectin in the marketplace. It threatens the vaccine, Paxlovid, monoclonal-antibodies and Remdesivir. Ivermectin is a drug that is the biggest financial threat to the biggest market in pharmaceutical history.”
    Global CV19 Vax Propaganda Means Mass Casualties – Dr. Pierre Kory https://rumble.com/v1iij4p-global-cv19-vax-propaganda-means-mass-casualties-dr.-pierre-kory.html World renowned CV19 critical care and pulmonary expert Dr. Pierre Kory thinks the CV19 vax is a “humanitarian catastrophe,” and it is being “ignored . . .suppressed and censored” through a well-organized global propaganda campaign. This propaganda will be responsible for millions of deaths that have already happened and many more millions of CV19 vax deaths in the future. Dr. Kory explains, “We have data screaming at us everywhere we look. You can start with the life insurance data, India’s data, Germany’s data, and we know people are dying at unprecedented rates. That is one thing. We know that disability is through the roof. No one has seen VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) with the numbers it is screaming. Now, we . . . are seeing buried miscarriage rates and spontaneous abortion rates 70% and up to 90% in pregnant women. . . . We are still seeing propaganda and all of these messages to get your (CV19) shot even though there is no logic to it. . . . Maybe people are blindly following these instructions and there is no more critical thinking or the control of the information is leading to mass casualties. This is literally a humanitarian catastrophe. . . . We have never seen this. This is a global condition. . . . We have a global catastrophe because the (bad) information has infected almost every country on earth. . . . Wherever you look the data is so ominous. The myocarditis and dropping dead is incessant. It’s from every country in the world. You hear everyday reports of young people doing normal fun activities, like going to the beach or going to the park, and they are dropping dead.” Dr. Kory is actively trying to find treatments for people harmed by the CV19 vax, but that is not the biggest problem he faces. Dr. Kory says, “People are being told things (like getting CV19 booster shots) that are putting them at grave risk. I don’t know how to combat a global technological propaganda instrument. We have never had that before. I don’t think we have ever had the same messages and the same stories being shot out 24/7. I have been saying this for a while, and the world has gone mad because of unrelenting propaganda and censorship. We have never had this much power and this much propaganda . . . never the same story being told to the entire globe at the same time and the same lie.” Dr. Kory says, “Not only no more shots, but I would say we need a national cry to stop the vaccine campaign. . . It’s not going to start in America because this is the United States of Pharma.” This is why cheap, effective drugs such as Ivermectin are being banned here in America and around the world. Dr. Kory says, “We are at war here. You cannot have Ivermectin in the marketplace. It threatens the vaccine, Paxlovid, monoclonal-antibodies and Remdesivir. Ivermectin is a drug that is the biggest financial threat to the biggest market in pharmaceutical history.”
    Global CV19 Vax Propaganda Means Mass Casualties – Dr. Pierre Kory
    There is much more in the 49-minute interview. Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Pierre Kory, one of the top Pulmonary and Covid Critical Care experts on the planet, who is co-founder of
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1278 Ansichten

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