Right on point brother Bryan! Those scumbag pigs WILL KILL YOU and MSM won't even divulge the NAME of the murdering swine! Much less will you get a parade with sirens wailing!

    They'll "Investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing" and give a half-hearted "ooops apology" It's sickening how hey get on TV and whine and cry like babies when one of the tyrants dies....

    But when it's you, they act like they killed a cockroach or something, they don't even act as if you were a human being. It's sickening and Satanic

    While I agree that I don't want to become LIKE THEM,
    and lose my humanity.... it's tough

    These tyrant scumbags have destroyed
    TOO MANY American lives!

    They've taken TOO MANY American lives!
    The #Police essentially destroyed my life,
    altered and devastated the outcome forever!

    Basically screwed my career and everything else!

    Over bullspit
    I've never even been convicted of ANYTHING except a misdemeanor DUI 15 years ago!

    But I've been to jail over 100 times!

    And EVERY TIME they had no case!
    Just malicious attempted prosecution
    And let's not forget #Kidnapping!

    Police have made it so that I rarely drive at all...

    If I do... I'll end up running across some scumbag who'll write me $1500 in tickets, possibly tow my car! So that really helps me go to work and earn a living!

    It has gotten so bad that I decided I'd rather just be poor than to risk a trip to the gray bar motel and have my car stolen!
    (Held for ransom)

    They've beaten me down from owning 5 vehicles
    to not owning one at all.

    Police have trashed my career causing me to go from
    making 6 figures to doing side jobs and hustling for a living...
    and that is their goal!

    But you know what???
    I've never paid them a DIME on any of the traffic tickets I've gotten

    So when people tell me "There's just a few bad apples"

    These costume wearing scumbags ARE the #Criminals you fear!

    And to be quite honest.....
    They belong in the cages they so enjoy putting you and I into!

    READ Proverbs 6:16-19


    Proverbs 6:16-19
    16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

    17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

    18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

    19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

    The check EVERY BOX folks!
    And I KNOW that these guys have been "trained" to be like they are....

    And they've went through the Satanic ritual abuse too....
    But it's no excuse!

    They are true CRIMINALS!

    HOW THE COPS ARE SPINNING THIS SICK STORY Right on point brother Bryan! Those scumbag pigs WILL KILL YOU and MSM won't even divulge the NAME of the murdering swine! Much less will you get a parade with sirens wailing! They'll "Investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing" and give a half-hearted "ooops apology" It's sickening how hey get on TV and whine and cry like babies when one of the tyrants dies.... But when it's you, they act like they killed a cockroach or something, they don't even act as if you were a human being. It's sickening and Satanic While I agree that I don't want to become LIKE THEM, and lose my humanity.... it's tough These tyrant scumbags have destroyed TOO MANY American lives! They've taken TOO MANY American lives! The #Police essentially destroyed my life, altered and devastated the outcome forever! Basically screwed my career and everything else! Over bullspit I've never even been convicted of ANYTHING except a misdemeanor DUI 15 years ago! But I've been to jail over 100 times! And EVERY TIME they had no case! Just malicious attempted prosecution And let's not forget #Kidnapping! Police have made it so that I rarely drive at all... If I do... I'll end up running across some scumbag who'll write me $1500 in tickets, possibly tow my car! So that really helps me go to work and earn a living! It has gotten so bad that I decided I'd rather just be poor than to risk a trip to the gray bar motel and have my car stolen! (Held for ransom) They've beaten me down from owning 5 vehicles to not owning one at all. Police have trashed my career causing me to go from making 6 figures to doing side jobs and hustling for a living... and that is their goal! But you know what??? I've never paid them a DIME on any of the traffic tickets I've gotten So when people tell me "There's just a few bad apples" I KNOW BETTER! These costume wearing scumbags ARE the #Criminals you fear! And to be quite honest..... They belong in the cages they so enjoy putting you and I into! READ Proverbs 6:16-19 The Police CHECK EVERY BOX ON THAT LIST! Proverbs 6:16-19 16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. The check EVERY BOX folks! And I KNOW that these guys have been "trained" to be like they are.... And they've went through the Satanic ritual abuse too.... But it's no excuse! They are true CRIMINALS! https://old.bitchute.com/video/B7tNsoh8jfU/
    How the COPS are SPINNING This Sick Story
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    0 Comments 0 Shares 271 Views
  • Sheriff: FEMA contractor traveled from Alabama with 2 others to kill Polk City man, steal his guns

    here"s #FEMA personnel for you

    Sheriff: FEMA contractor traveled from Alabama with 2 others to kill Polk City man, steal his guns here"s #FEMA personnel for you https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-polk/sheriff-judd-says-homicide-case-is-solved-after-man-found-dead-in-home-31-guns-stolen
    Sheriff: FEMA contractor killed Polk City men
    Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd says a FEMA contractor and two other men from Alabama have been arrested in the murder of 2 Polk City men on January 3, 2018.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 108 Views
  • Elon, you state the truth that is suppressed by the propaganda media. YES, many Marxist democrat governors & Secretary of states are imposing restrictions on any efforts to ask for voter ID or ballot verification to prevent fraudulent ballots submitted by mail or drop boxes from being counted. While these Marxist democrats work on the state level Biden/Kamala & Marxist democrats moves ahead on the Federal level.
    Only the Presidency has the coercive powers & authority to enforce the federal laws & policies of land. Congress does not.
    Lawless narcissistic sociopath Biden & serial liar Kamala has decided to used these powers to destroy political opposition while violating the laws & constitution of & ignoring the Supreme Court rulings that attempts to stop Biden's lawlessness.
    Over 50 million illegals invited by Biden/Kamala to shatter society by 2029 is the plan!
    Today Narcissistic sociopath Biden & Marxist Kamala believe that a shattered society is the fastest route to a permanent 1 party dictatorship.
    Our 1776 forefathers believed that the constitution, bill of rights, the separation of powers among 3 coequal branches of government & a largely honest independent free press would give us the best chance to prevent an dictatorship.
    Instead in a 2020 stolen election, Biden a demented liar was installed as president through election fraud, an entrenched lying Marxist Democrat propaganda media with $400 billion spent by socialist billionaire Zuckerberg to steal the election in 5 key swing states in 2020.
    The Marxist democrats with the support of propaganda media plan to steal another presidential election with mass harvested ballots prepared by Marxist democrat operatives & stuffed into unsupervised drop boxes or mail boxes.
    All to be counted with little or no oversight for fraud.
    In 2021 corrupt sociopath Biden signed an Executive order mandating all federal agencies to facilitate mass voting registration including homeland security with illegal immigrants & law enforcement to facilitate voting registration of convicted felons in prisons & jails.
    Also in DMV departments where in many democrat control states for the last few years illegal immigrants are allowed to obtain drivers licenses.
    The unstated goal is to produce a hugh pool of ballots that can be harvested & prepared by democrat operatives to steal national & state elections for the Marxist Democrat party. Similar to what Zuckerberg damned America with $400 million in 2020.
    Not surprisingly, Zuckerberg announced this summer he will not be involved in this year's presidential election & will not spend another $400 million to steal the 2024 election. He doesn't have to, the federal government is mandated to do so by sociopath Biden's executive order with YOUR TAX DOLLARS! Of cause Facebook will continue to censor Trump & GOP while praising Harris & the Marxist Democrat party.
    This was all made possible by an obedient propaganda media owned by Marxist Democrat billionaire oligarchs that are committed to a Marxist Democrat one party dictatorship.
    Today effective Republican candidates are hounded with lawsuits, criminal indictments, convicted by partisan persecutors & judges appointed by democrats & face repeated assassination attempts without any concern by the propaganda media.
    Propaganda media will provide 24/7 support to Marxist Kamala (the committed daughter of a Marxist economist) worth billions while censoring, slandering & twisting out of context or just plain lying about everything Trump says & does.
    This is the most dangerous time for liberty & honest elections in!
    If Marxist serial liar Kamala is installed through another rigged election repeating 2020 never expect another honest election in our lifetime.
    Expect the beginning of a 1 party Marxist Democrat dictatorship no different than elections in Putin's Russia or Maduro's Venezuela.
    will not survive 4 years of Kamala. Nor will honest elections be allowed.
    Elon, you state the truth that is suppressed by the propaganda media. YES, many Marxist democrat governors & Secretary of states are imposing restrictions on any efforts to ask for voter ID or ballot verification to prevent fraudulent ballots submitted by mail or drop boxes from being counted. While these Marxist democrats work on the state level Biden/Kamala & Marxist democrats moves ahead on the Federal level. 👉Only the Presidency has the coercive powers & authority to enforce the federal laws & policies of land. Congress does not. 👉Lawless narcissistic sociopath Biden & serial liar Kamala has decided to used these powers to destroy political opposition while violating the laws & constitution of🇺🇸 & ignoring the Supreme Court rulings that attempts to stop Biden's lawlessness. 👉Over 50 million illegals invited by Biden/Kamala to shatter🇺🇸 society by 2029 is the plan! 👉Today Narcissistic sociopath Biden & Marxist Kamala believe that a shattered 🇺🇸 society is the fastest route to a permanent 1 party dictatorship. 👉Our 1776 forefathers believed that the constitution, bill of rights, the separation of powers among 3 coequal branches of government & a largely honest independent free press would give us the best chance to prevent an🇺🇸 dictatorship. 👉Instead in a 2020 stolen election, Biden a demented liar was installed as president through election fraud, an entrenched lying Marxist Democrat propaganda media with $400 billion spent by socialist billionaire Zuckerberg to steal the election in 5 key swing states in 2020. 👉The Marxist democrats with the support of propaganda media plan to steal another presidential election with mass harvested ballots prepared by Marxist democrat operatives & stuffed into unsupervised drop boxes or mail boxes. 👉All to be counted with little or no oversight for fraud. 👉In 2021 corrupt sociopath Biden signed an Executive order mandating all federal agencies to facilitate mass voting registration including homeland security with illegal immigrants & law enforcement to facilitate voting registration of convicted felons in prisons & jails. 👉Also in DMV departments where in many democrat control states for the last few years illegal immigrants are allowed to obtain drivers licenses. 👉The unstated goal is to produce a hugh pool of ballots that can be harvested & prepared by democrat operatives to steal national & state elections for the Marxist Democrat party. Similar to what Zuckerberg damned America with $400 million in 2020. 👉Not surprisingly, Zuckerberg announced this summer he will not be involved in this year's presidential election & will not spend another $400 million to steal the 2024 election. He doesn't have to, the federal government is mandated to do so by sociopath Biden's executive order with YOUR TAX DOLLARS! Of cause Facebook will continue to censor Trump & GOP while praising Harris & the Marxist Democrat party. 👉This was all made possible by an obedient propaganda media owned by Marxist Democrat billionaire oligarchs that are committed to a Marxist Democrat one party dictatorship. 👉Today effective Republican candidates are hounded with lawsuits, criminal indictments, convicted by partisan persecutors & judges appointed by democrats & face repeated assassination attempts without any concern by the propaganda media. 👉Propaganda media will provide 24/7 support to Marxist Kamala (the committed daughter of a Marxist economist) worth billions while censoring, slandering & twisting out of context or just plain lying about everything Trump says & does. 👉This is the most dangerous time for liberty & honest elections in🇺🇸! 👉If Marxist serial liar Kamala is installed through another rigged election repeating 2020 never expect another honest election in our lifetime. 👉Expect the beginning of a 1 party Marxist Democrat dictatorship no different than elections in Putin's Russia or Maduro's Venezuela. 👉🇺🇸 will not survive 4 years of Kamala. Nor will honest elections be allowed.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 569 Views
  • VIDEO: 10-Year-Old With Lengthy Rap Sheet Arrested for Driving Stolen Car Across Crowded Playground

    VIDEO: 10-Year-Old With Lengthy Rap Sheet Arrested for Driving Stolen Car Across Crowded Playground https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-10-year-old-with-lengthy-rap-sheet-arrested-for-driving-stolen-car-across-crowded-playground
    0 Comments 1 Shares 145 Views
  • Hurricane Aid Stolen By The State Of Tennessee?
    Hurricane Aid Stolen By The State Of Tennessee? https://rumble.com/v5hi86t-hurricane-aid-stolen-by-the-state-of-tennessee.html
    0 Comments 1 Shares 166 Views
  • Following defeating UCF toward risk-free a desired destination inside the local last, Florida Region softball was the selected checking out staff towards Auburn, and their pitcher, Shelby Lowe. Lowe merely gave up a stroll towards Jaysoni Beachum, still obtained out of the inning without the need of a function. Upon the contrary aspect https://www.floridastatestore.com/collections/demarco-ward-jersey, Ashtyn Danley near down the Tigers inside simply 6 pitches. Within the 2nd, Michaela Edenfield and Devyn Flaherty accomplished upon tender singles. Inspite of runners upon early, Lowe bought herself 2 strikeouts and fly out in the direction of maintain it scoreless. Shifting into the backside of the 2nd inning, Danley gave up a contribute off double. 2 flooring outs experienced the runner at 3rd prior to a wander, positioning runners upon the corners. A stolen foundation and one more wander experienced Tigers upon each foundation, and a one introduced house 2 2-0 in just the 3rd inning, Beachum walked with a single out. Isa Torres adopted following an out with a solitary, and advancing toward minute upon the toss. Urgent Lowe with runners within just scoring stage, Edenfield delivered a 3-work shot in direction of useless middle https://www.floridastatestore.com/collections/solomon-lowery-jr-jersey, having the add for the initially BALL MICHAELA Delivers US THE Direct ACC NetworkALL4One particular Fridays sport will be at 8 pm with Television TBD.

    Following defeating UCF toward risk-free a desired destination inside the local last, Florida Region softball was the selected checking out staff towards Auburn, and their pitcher, Shelby Lowe. Lowe merely gave up a stroll towards Jaysoni Beachum, still obtained out of the inning without the need of a function. Upon the contrary aspect https://www.floridastatestore.com/collections/demarco-ward-jersey, Ashtyn Danley near down the Tigers inside simply 6 pitches. Within the 2nd, Michaela Edenfield and Devyn Flaherty accomplished upon tender singles. Inspite of runners upon early, Lowe bought herself 2 strikeouts and fly out in the direction of maintain it scoreless. Shifting into the backside of the 2nd inning, Danley gave up a contribute off double. 2 flooring outs experienced the runner at 3rd prior to a wander, positioning runners upon the corners. A stolen foundation and one more wander experienced Tigers upon each foundation, and a one introduced house 2 2-0 in just the 3rd inning, Beachum walked with a single out. Isa Torres adopted following an out with a solitary, and advancing toward minute upon the toss. Urgent Lowe with runners within just scoring stage, Edenfield delivered a 3-work shot in direction of useless middle https://www.floridastatestore.com/collections/solomon-lowery-jr-jersey, having the add for the initially BALL MICHAELA Delivers US THE Direct ACC NetworkALL4One particular Fridays sport will be at 8 pm with Television TBD. https://www.floridastatestore.com/collections/luke-kromenhoek-jersey
    0 Comments 0 Shares 259 Views

    "Judge Tanya Chutkan has unsealed Special Counsel Jack Smith’s 165-page 'immunity motion' arguing that Trump is subjected to presidential immunity following the Supreme Court’s ruling. It appears Chutkan unsealed the 165-page document to do the maximum damage to Trump before the election."

    Two points that not only the judge but Trump's detractors constantly overlook:

    1) Trump's challenging of election results - no matter what the venue - is political free speech in its redress of government. This is protected by the First Amendment, which applies to all citizens. Even his lawsuits are protected because he is afforded the opportunity for those allegations/claims to be adjudicated. Mere words without physical coercion or illegal attempts at blackmail are just that word. Further, if simply stating that an election was stolen constitutes election interference, then there are a litany of Democrats - including Hillary Clinton who should be under indictment.

    2) Jack Smith does not have standing to bring this indictment because he was illegally seated in his role. The Senate must ratify special prosecutors. Smith did not go through that approval process and, therefore, has no standing to bring the indictment.

    This case must be dismissed constitutionally (as if that matters to Judge Chutkan).


    #Trump #JackSmith #Chutkan #Election2024 #Politics #DoJ #UndergroundUSA
    CHUTKAN UNSEALS JACK SMITH’S 165-PAGE “IMMUNITY MOTION” IN JANUARY 6 CASE "Judge Tanya Chutkan has unsealed Special Counsel Jack Smith’s 165-page 'immunity motion' arguing that Trump is subjected to presidential immunity following the Supreme Court’s ruling. It appears Chutkan unsealed the 165-page document to do the maximum damage to Trump before the election." Two points that not only the judge but Trump's detractors constantly overlook: 1) Trump's challenging of election results - no matter what the venue - is political free speech in its redress of government. This is protected by the First Amendment, which applies to all citizens. Even his lawsuits are protected because he is afforded the opportunity for those allegations/claims to be adjudicated. Mere words without physical coercion or illegal attempts at blackmail are just that word. Further, if simply stating that an election was stolen constitutes election interference, then there are a litany of Democrats - including Hillary Clinton who should be under indictment. 2) Jack Smith does not have standing to bring this indictment because he was illegally seated in his role. The Senate must ratify special prosecutors. Smith did not go through that approval process and, therefore, has no standing to bring the indictment. This case must be dismissed constitutionally (as if that matters to Judge Chutkan). https://substack.com/profile/129788551-frank-salvato/note/c-71178803 #Trump #JackSmith #Chutkan #Election2024 #Politics #DoJ #UndergroundUSA
    1 Comments 0 Shares 482 Views
  • Nothing says "folksy" like a #MentallyDeranged #StolenValor former governor of #Minnesota.
    Nothing says "folksy" like a #MentallyDeranged #StolenValor former governor of #Minnesota. https://imgflip.com/i/94ztu0
    0 Comments 0 Shares 353 Views
  • Will people EVER learn???

    I have watched as people have "voted" to change the system for over 50 years....

    And what I have observed is the system growing WORSE with every "Election" (Selection)

    The very definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results!

    It matters NOT which "Party" you vote for...
    Or which Party gets INSTALLED!

    Because at the end of the day these people are ALL ACTORS working for the SAME #CORPORATION!

    They spend BILLIONS to keep you fighting among yourselves,
    as the corporation controlled puppets and their #Police violate your INALIENABLE RIGHTS, steal your land, and steal half of every one of your paychecks!

    YOU are a #Slave on a CORPORATE PLANTATION!
    The only way you will ever "win" or get "change" is when you have had enough, and you send every last one of these #Criminals to PRISON where they belong!

    Starting with their THUGS on the street.... POLICE

    You are living in a fantasy if you believe that "Elections" change ANYTHING!

    They do not! The very same #Luciferian, #Banker scum controls BOTH "Parties"

    They run your country, program your mind, and your children's mind with lies, and turn you into obedient, brain dead SLAVES who do as they are told, and watch as everything they have ever worked for is STOLEN FROM THEM!

    ALL of these people should be on the short end of a long rope!
    Will people EVER learn??? I have watched as people have "voted" to change the system for over 50 years.... And what I have observed is the system growing WORSE with every "Election" (Selection) The very definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results! It matters NOT which "Party" you vote for... Or which Party gets INSTALLED! Because at the end of the day these people are ALL ACTORS working for the SAME #CORPORATION! They spend BILLIONS to keep you fighting among yourselves, as the corporation controlled puppets and their #Police violate your INALIENABLE RIGHTS, steal your land, and steal half of every one of your paychecks! YOU are a #Slave on a CORPORATE PLANTATION! The only way you will ever "win" or get "change" is when you have had enough, and you send every last one of these #Criminals to PRISON where they belong! Starting with their THUGS on the street.... POLICE You are living in a fantasy if you believe that "Elections" change ANYTHING! They do not! The very same #Luciferian, #Banker scum controls BOTH "Parties" They run your country, program your mind, and your children's mind with lies, and turn you into obedient, brain dead SLAVES who do as they are told, and watch as everything they have ever worked for is STOLEN FROM THEM! ALL of these people should be on the short end of a long rope!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 568 Views
  • Revolver News: Tim Walz’s Crazy Wife Goes VIRAL For Looking And Sounding Like The Wicked Witch Of The West (Video)
    (Natural News) There’s something seriously off with the Walz family. These people aren’t normal—in fact, they might just be the weirdest family in America. Mr. Walz, better known as “Tampon Tim” for his bizarre obsession with giving young boys free tampons, is a chubby, “aww shucks” Marxist. His focus is gender-confused kids, all so he can rack up progressive brownie points to advance his twisted and radical political career. He’s driven Minnesota into the ground, turning it into a criminal safe haven where lawlessness reigns with an iron fist. Not to mention, he’s a stolen valor coward who has lied about his military career for decades.
    Revolver News: Tim Walz’s Crazy Wife Goes VIRAL For Looking And Sounding Like The Wicked Witch Of The West (Video) (Natural News) There’s something seriously off with the Walz family. These people aren’t normal—in fact, they might just be the weirdest family in America. Mr. Walz, better known as “Tampon Tim” for his bizarre obsession with giving young boys free tampons, is a chubby, “aww shucks” Marxist. His focus is gender-confused kids, all so he can rack up progressive brownie points to advance his twisted and radical political career. He’s driven Minnesota into the ground, turning it into a criminal safe haven where lawlessness reigns with an iron fist. Not to mention, he’s a stolen valor coward who has lied about his military career for decades.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 391 Views
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