• https://medforth.biz/a-salary-for-being-trans-trans-activists-in-spain-prompt-outrage-after-meeting-with-politicians-to-forward-a-transgender-pension/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 206 مشاهدة
  • Donut Operator MESSES UP! BIG TIME

    While the guy that gets shot up by Police in this video looks like a
    "Likely Suspect" THAT IS NOT UNLAWFUL! Neither is possession of a device to defend yourself! It is THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF EVERY MAN

    Having said that, while I'm NOT forming an opinion on the man's conduct, what I do want to point out is something that Brian missed!

    The "Police" had NO PROBABLE CAUSE to even interact with the man!
    They had NOT witnessed the man commit a crime, none of them!

    They "Got a phone call"
    Folks.... Having someone CALL POLICE and make claims does NOT make them true! And the phone call is NOT "Probable Cause" for anything!

    Police rolled up on this man, with NO INDICATION OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, and started making demands of him! This is not lawful.

    While this guy may have well been a criminal.....
    Police had ZERO PC to detain him! He is a man walking down the road!

    No "Crime" had even been committed!
    Just scumbags with badges who believe that YOU having a firearm gives them a license to exterminate you!

    The police SHOT THE MAN TWICE with bean bags before the man responded violently! As far as I'm concerned, the man had every right to defend himself against his criminal aggressors!

    If you are "pro-#Police then you are anti-American!
    That is the bottom line folks!

    Police do NOT "Serve and Protect" they "Harass and Collect"
    UNLESS you happen to be involved in #OrganizedCrime, like our politicians!

    You see... Police are here to protect the political #Parasites from YOU and I
    They will gladly put YOU into a cage without cause, based on nothing!

    But those same cops WON'T ARREST THOSE COMMITTING #Genocide against the world! Because those are the people PAYING THEIR SALARY!

    It's truly PATHETIC to see a MAN or WOMAN who will sell out their morals, and their fellow man, for a PAYCHECK! But that's exactly what police do!

    These scumbags are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE because they have the right to
    "Investigate THEMSELVES" and to "Prosecute THEMSELVES" unlike any other American!

    We are supposed to be "Treated EQUALLY and FAIRLY under the law.....
    But we aren't. Police are treated differently than any other American other than JUDGES and POLITICIANS... ALL of which are treated DIFFERENTLY under the law!

    Their crimes are IGNORED and never prosecuted!
    Let's see YOU try what these people do EVERY DAY!

    You will die in prison, as they laugh, and commit another crime

    Donut Operator MESSES UP! BIG TIME While the guy that gets shot up by Police in this video looks like a "Likely Suspect" THAT IS NOT UNLAWFUL! Neither is possession of a device to defend yourself! It is THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF EVERY MAN Having said that, while I'm NOT forming an opinion on the man's conduct, what I do want to point out is something that Brian missed! The "Police" had NO PROBABLE CAUSE to even interact with the man! They had NOT witnessed the man commit a crime, none of them! They "Got a phone call" Folks.... Having someone CALL POLICE and make claims does NOT make them true! And the phone call is NOT "Probable Cause" for anything! Police rolled up on this man, with NO INDICATION OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, and started making demands of him! This is not lawful. While this guy may have well been a criminal..... Police had ZERO PC to detain him! He is a man walking down the road! No "Crime" had even been committed! Just scumbags with badges who believe that YOU having a firearm gives them a license to exterminate you! The police SHOT THE MAN TWICE with bean bags before the man responded violently! As far as I'm concerned, the man had every right to defend himself against his criminal aggressors! If you are "pro-#Police then you are anti-American! That is the bottom line folks! Police do NOT "Serve and Protect" they "Harass and Collect" UNLESS you happen to be involved in #OrganizedCrime, like our politicians! You see... Police are here to protect the political #Parasites from YOU and I They will gladly put YOU into a cage without cause, based on nothing! But those same cops WON'T ARREST THOSE COMMITTING #Genocide against the world! Because those are the people PAYING THEIR SALARY! It's truly PATHETIC to see a MAN or WOMAN who will sell out their morals, and their fellow man, for a PAYCHECK! But that's exactly what police do! These scumbags are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE because they have the right to "Investigate THEMSELVES" and to "Prosecute THEMSELVES" unlike any other American! We are supposed to be "Treated EQUALLY and FAIRLY under the law..... But we aren't. Police are treated differently than any other American other than JUDGES and POLITICIANS... ALL of which are treated DIFFERENTLY under the law! Their crimes are IGNORED and never prosecuted! Let's see YOU try what these people do EVERY DAY! You will die in prison, as they laugh, and commit another crime https://youtu.be/rkSKggtDCiM
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 510 مشاهدة
  • When Zelensky Isn't Busy Faking Out the Media, he is Enjoying his Tuscany, Italy Estate

    Zelensky is living the good life, after purchasing a €75 million luxury wine estate in Tuscany, Italy adding to his multi million dollar global property portfolio. Speculation has it this is his where his command bunker is located. Otherwise mean old Putin would have already taken him out by now. If you really think he is fighting for the cause in his homeland, you are mentally retarded.

    It's amazing he can afford a winery estate, considering his annual Presidential salary is less than $20K a year American.

    The entire Ukraine War has nothing to do with saving Ukraine from that meany Putin, it's all about protecting the Money Laundering operations making Uniparty politicians wealthy at the expense of US taxpayers. It matters not that FTX was caught in the act. FTX was only ONE of the Money Laundering organizations Ukraine is famous for.
    When Zelensky Isn't Busy Faking Out the Media, he is Enjoying his Tuscany, Italy Estate Zelensky is living the good life, after purchasing a €75 million luxury wine estate in Tuscany, Italy adding to his multi million dollar global property portfolio. Speculation has it this is his where his command bunker is located. Otherwise mean old Putin would have already taken him out by now. If you really think he is fighting for the cause in his homeland, you are mentally retarded. It's amazing he can afford a winery estate, considering his annual Presidential salary is less than $20K a year American. The entire Ukraine War has nothing to do with saving Ukraine from that meany Putin, it's all about protecting the Money Laundering operations making Uniparty politicians wealthy at the expense of US taxpayers. It matters not that FTX was caught in the act. FTX was only ONE of the Money Laundering organizations Ukraine is famous for. https://rumble.com/v59z7zp-when-zelensky-isnt-busy-faking-out-the-media-he-is-enjoying-his-tuscany-ita.html
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 739 مشاهدة
  • #RINO Piglets not attending the #RNC

    The background story on this meme is all about the Money Laundering fiasco that has been taking place behind the scenes using taxpayer dollar$ to enrich themselves by million$, if not billion$ of dollars. If you understand that Zelensky is a drug addict, compounded by his insatiable desire to enrich himself at the expense of the very lives of his countrymen, it all begins to fall into place, because they know that Trump would put an end to their ca$h cow.

    Case In Point: Follow the money trail as to how Liz Cheney's net worth has increased exponentially on a congressman's salary.

    While you're at it, follow the money trail for the same reason$ as it relates to Mitt Romney & Mike Pence, along with the rest of the Obama-Biden & Bush-Clinton Crime Families.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
    #RINO Piglets not attending the #RNC https://imgflip.com/i/8xlvrw The background story on this meme is all about the Money Laundering fiasco that has been taking place behind the scenes using taxpayer dollar$ to enrich themselves by million$, if not billion$ of dollars. If you understand that Zelensky is a drug addict, compounded by his insatiable desire to enrich himself at the expense of the very lives of his countrymen, it all begins to fall into place, because they know that Trump would put an end to their ca$h cow. Case In Point: Follow the money trail as to how Liz Cheney's net worth has increased exponentially on a congressman's salary. While you're at it, follow the money trail for the same reason$ as it relates to Mitt Romney & Mike Pence, along with the rest of the Obama-Biden & Bush-Clinton Crime Families. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
    0 التعليقات 1 المشاركات 1025 مشاهدة
  • Eric also speaks about this BS trial…

    • No one believes they shut down the DA’s office for a three year period to investigate Trump over $130,000
    • No one believes they shut down lower Manhattan, for six weeks and the largest NYPD presence… for $130,000
    • November one believes while they have someone with a machete in a McDonald’s in Times Square cutting the hell out of people, Alvin Bragg is sitting in a courthouse over $130,000
    • Hunter Biden has a laptop full of hookers, cocaine, they’re finding drugs in the White House…, illegal deals with every country around the world…
    • Joe Biden, look how much money he made? How did he get that money as a senator salary?
    • What about Clinton’s? Hillary deleted 33,000 emails… she got away with murder!
    Eric also speaks about this BS trial… • No one believes they shut down the DA’s office for a three year period to investigate Trump over $130,000 • No one believes they shut down lower Manhattan, for six weeks and the largest NYPD presence… for $130,000 • November one believes while they have someone with a machete in a McDonald’s in Times Square cutting the hell out of people, Alvin Bragg is sitting in a courthouse over $130,000 • Hunter Biden has a laptop full of hookers, cocaine, they’re finding drugs in the White House…, illegal deals with every country around the world… • Joe Biden, look how much money he made? How did he get that money as a senator salary? • What about Clinton’s? Hillary deleted 33,000 emails… she got away with murder! 👀 https://rumble.com/v4ysl55-donald-trump-raised-53-million-dollars-in-small-dollar-donations-in-24-hour.html
    0 التعليقات 1 المشاركات 1635 مشاهدة

    If YOU or I had killed a man at a traffic light....

    WHY IS IT that when you a "government" employee the "Rules" don't apply to you??? Why is that???

    So..... since you are ""government" you get to HIDE, unlike ANY OTHER AMERICAN who would have their name plastered all over the news????

    Since when did our "Public SERVANTS" gain more rights than their BOSSES, the people who pay their salary???
    Can someone please explain this to me???

    What happened to the "Rule of Law" being applied EQUALLY to all Americans????

    They mean "All Americans who don't have a government job"
    Because THOSE AMERICANS seem to be "Above the Law"
    and above having their names released too!

    Don't sound like "EQUAL #Justice under the law" to me!
    I don't hate #Police or our illegitimate government......

    I'm just sick and tired of MY EMPLOYEES not being held to the EXACT SAME STANDARD as I am held to!

    This is unacceptable!
    And I don't care who likes it!

    Either you have "EQUAL JUSTICE" under the law,
    or you DON'T! And right now..... WE DON'T!

    All I ask is that EVERY AMERICAN is treated EXACTLY THE SAME!
    Is that REALLY too much to ask for???

    Failure to prosecute #Criminals when they happen to be "government" is a CRIME! Prosecutors in this country should be jailed as accomplices when they refuse to prosecute their government buddies!

    They'd have NO ISSUE whatsoever prosecuting YOU or I
    Police get a pass, Judges get a pass, Politicians get a pass........
    YOU...... well YOU get no pass!

    And that is because our "Justice System" is a "JUST US SYSTEM"
    It's a big club, AND YOU AIN'T IN IT!

    JUST GOVERNMENT can commit crimes and murder and escape prosecution, fine, or imprisonment!

    YOU..... well they may lock you up for no reason at all!

    YET ANOTHER COP GETS AWAY WITH A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT If YOU or I had killed a man at a traffic light.... OUR NAME WOULD BE ALL OVER THE NEWS!!! WHY IS IT that when you a "government" employee the "Rules" don't apply to you??? Why is that??? So..... since you are ""government" you get to HIDE, unlike ANY OTHER AMERICAN who would have their name plastered all over the news???? Since when did our "Public SERVANTS" gain more rights than their BOSSES, the people who pay their salary??? Can someone please explain this to me??? What happened to the "Rule of Law" being applied EQUALLY to all Americans???? They mean "All Americans who don't have a government job" Because THOSE AMERICANS seem to be "Above the Law" and above having their names released too! Don't sound like "EQUAL #Justice under the law" to me! I don't hate #Police or our illegitimate government...... I'm just sick and tired of MY EMPLOYEES not being held to the EXACT SAME STANDARD as I am held to! This is unacceptable! And I don't care who likes it! Either you have "EQUAL JUSTICE" under the law, or you DON'T! And right now..... WE DON'T! All I ask is that EVERY AMERICAN is treated EXACTLY THE SAME! Is that REALLY too much to ask for??? Failure to prosecute #Criminals when they happen to be "government" is a CRIME! Prosecutors in this country should be jailed as accomplices when they refuse to prosecute their government buddies! They'd have NO ISSUE whatsoever prosecuting YOU or I Police get a pass, Judges get a pass, Politicians get a pass........ YOU...... well YOU get no pass! And that is because our "Justice System" is a "JUST US SYSTEM" It's a big club, AND YOU AIN'T IN IT! JUST GOVERNMENT can commit crimes and murder and escape prosecution, fine, or imprisonment! YOU..... well they may lock you up for no reason at all! https://www.bitchute.com/video/gFV97DPtDTI/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 970 مشاهدة
  • https://medforth.biz/amid-budget-crisis-germanys-left-wing-government-gives-themselves-massive-salary-increases/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 413 مشاهدة
  • Fact:
    DJT never took a salary from We the People!

    DJT worked hard his entire life with real people in real jobs to earn his wealth!

    DJT was one of the few that left office with less of a net work than he started with and less than all the other public servants.

    DJT was/is hated by them all as he is putting a stop to their pilferaging others for self gain!

    This video brings the sauce loud & clear!

    Fact:✅ DJT never took a salary from We the People! Fact:✅ DJT worked hard his entire life with real people in real jobs to earn his wealth! Fact:✅ DJT was one of the few that left office with less of a net work than he started with and less than all the other public servants. Fact:✅ DJT was/is hated by them all as he is putting a stop to their pilferaging others for self gain! This video brings the sauce loud & clear!☢️ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8yGs2hM/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 921 مشاهدة 10
  • Watch: GOP Rep. Proposes Biden Press Secretary Salary Reduced to $1 ‘For Repeatedly Lying to American People’

    Watch: GOP Rep. Proposes Biden Press Secretary Salary Reduced to $1 ‘For Repeatedly Lying to American People’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-gop-rep-proposes-biden-press-secretary-salary-reduced-to-1-for-repeatedly-lying-to-american-people/
    Watch: GOP Rep. Proposes Biden Press Secretary Salary Reduced to $1 ‘For Repeatedly Lying to American People’
    'During Miss Jean-Pierre's tenure as press secretary, she has repeatedly lied to the American people and acted in a condescending manner toward reporters, and also violated the Hatch Act,' says Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) .
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 341 مشاهدة
  • The Senators Salary is about $174,000 a year...
    She got rich insider trading and laundering our tax dollars..
    The Senators Salary is about $174,000 a year... She got rich insider trading and laundering our tax dollars..
    1 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1072 مشاهدة
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