• https://gunsinthenews.com/when-a-sheriff-like-this-calls-for-militias-against-federal-tyranny-listen-do-it-video/
    When A Sheriff Like This Calls For Militias Against Federal Tyranny, Listen & Do It! (Video) - Guns in the News
    In this episode, I play a video from a North Carolina sheriff who called on the People of his county to join with surrounding counties in forming their constitutional militias. We’ll use this as a springboard for the proper response of the People to federal tyranny, just the way the ...
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 138 Views
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/when-a-sheriff-like-this-calls-for-militias-against-federal-tyranny-listen-do-it-video/
    When A Sheriff Like This Calls For Militias Against Federal Tyranny, Listen & Do It! (Video) - The Washington Standard
    In this episode, I play a video from a North Carolina sheriff who called on the People of his county to join with surrounding counties in forming their constitutional militias. We’ll use this as a springboard for the proper response of the People to federal tyranny, just the way the ...
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 115 Views
  • https://settingbrushfires.com/when-a-sheriff-like-this-calls-for-militias-against-federal-tyranny-listen-do-it-video/
    When A Sheriff Like This Calls For Militias Against Federal Tyranny, Listen & Do It! (Video) - Setting Brushfires
    In this episode, I play a video from a North Carolina sheriff who called on the People of his county to join with surrounding counties in forming their constitutional militias. We’ll use this as a springboard for the proper response of the People to federal tyranny, just the way the ...
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 125 Views
  • The Surrey Militia was a historical military force in England
    - September 03, 2024.

    The Surrey Militia was a historical military force in England, primarily active between the 16th and 19th centuries. Militias in the United Kingdom were local forces that could be called upon for defense during emergencies, such as invasions or internal unrest. Still, they were distinct from the regular army.

    Key Points about the Surrey Militia:
    Origins and Role:

    The Surrey Militia was part of the wider English militia system, which dates back to the Anglo-Saxon fyrd, a form of conscripted military service.
    It was a local force drawn from the county of Surrey and could be mobilized for home defense, particularly in times of war or internal strife.
    17th-18th Century:

    The militia system was formalized during the Tudor period and saw significant use during the English Civil War (1642-1651).
    In the 18th century, the Surrey Militia, like others, was reformed to serve as a reserve force during conflicts such as the Seven Years' War (1756-1763) and the Napoleonic Wars (1793-1815).
    19th Century Reforms:

    The Militia Act of 1852 reformed the militia system into a more organized and effective force, closely linked to the regular army.
    The Surrey Militia continued to serve during this period, with its members often called up for training and occasional service, especially during the Crimean War (1853-1856).
    Amalgamation and Decline:

    In 1881, as part of the Childers Reforms, the Surrey Militia was merged with the regular army as part of the county regiment system.
    This marked the beginning of the end for the militia as a separate entity, as they were increasingly integrated into the regular military structure.

    The legacy of the Surrey Militia lives on in the modern British Army, particularly in regiments that trace their history back to these local forces.
    Militia units like those in Surrey were precursors to the Territorial Army (now the Army Reserve), which continues the tradition of part-time, local military service.
    With the passing of the threat of invasion, the trained bands declined during the following decades until King Charles I attempted to reform them into a national force or 'Perfect Militia' answering to the monarch rather than local officials.] In 1638 the reformed Surrey Trained Bands totalled 1500 men organised into three-foot regiments and one horse. [ In 1640 Surrey was ordered to send 800 picked men for the Second Bishops' War.
    Like other county militias, the Surrey Militia played an important role in British military history, serving as a key component of the nation’s defense, particularly before establishing a large standing army.
    The Surrey Militia was a historical military force in England - September 03, 2024. The Surrey Militia was a historical military force in England, primarily active between the 16th and 19th centuries. Militias in the United Kingdom were local forces that could be called upon for defense during emergencies, such as invasions or internal unrest. Still, they were distinct from the regular army. Key Points about the Surrey Militia: Origins and Role: The Surrey Militia was part of the wider English militia system, which dates back to the Anglo-Saxon fyrd, a form of conscripted military service. It was a local force drawn from the county of Surrey and could be mobilized for home defense, particularly in times of war or internal strife. 17th-18th Century: The militia system was formalized during the Tudor period and saw significant use during the English Civil War (1642-1651). In the 18th century, the Surrey Militia, like others, was reformed to serve as a reserve force during conflicts such as the Seven Years' War (1756-1763) and the Napoleonic Wars (1793-1815). 19th Century Reforms: The Militia Act of 1852 reformed the militia system into a more organized and effective force, closely linked to the regular army. The Surrey Militia continued to serve during this period, with its members often called up for training and occasional service, especially during the Crimean War (1853-1856). Amalgamation and Decline: In 1881, as part of the Childers Reforms, the Surrey Militia was merged with the regular army as part of the county regiment system. This marked the beginning of the end for the militia as a separate entity, as they were increasingly integrated into the regular military structure. Legacy: The legacy of the Surrey Militia lives on in the modern British Army, particularly in regiments that trace their history back to these local forces. Militia units like those in Surrey were precursors to the Territorial Army (now the Army Reserve), which continues the tradition of part-time, local military service. With the passing of the threat of invasion, the trained bands declined during the following decades until King Charles I attempted to reform them into a national force or 'Perfect Militia' answering to the monarch rather than local officials.] In 1638 the reformed Surrey Trained Bands totalled 1500 men organised into three-foot regiments and one horse. [ In 1640 Surrey was ordered to send 800 picked men for the Second Bishops' War. Like other county militias, the Surrey Militia played an important role in British military history, serving as a key component of the nation’s defense, particularly before establishing a large standing army.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 524 Views
  • https://gunsinthenews.com/liberty-lounge-fbi-labels-second-amendment-militias-american-patriots-as-extreme-risks-video/
    Liberty Lounge: FBI Labels Second Amendment, Militias & American Patriots As Extreme Risks (Video) - Guns in the News
    In this episode of the podcast, the Liberty Lounge discusses the recent FBI classifications targeting the Second Amendment!  Don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
    0 Σχόλια 1 Μοιράστηκε 246 Views
  • The SWAT teams will be called in to deal with the bikers. Can't have them scaring off the new democrat voters.
    The authorities had their chance.

    Exactly what do we pay taxes to the government for?

    At the end of the day, militias will save this country, not D.C. politicians who flew to Epstein's Island.

    The SWAT teams will be called in to deal with the bikers. Can't have them scaring off the new democrat voters. The authorities had their chance. Exactly what do we pay taxes to the government for? At the end of the day, militias will save this country, not D.C. politicians who flew to Epstein's Island. https://www.rightjournalism.com/breaking-multiple-reports-and-videos-indicate-hells-angels-are-heading-to-colorado-amid-migrant-gangs-taking-over-apartment-complexes/
    BREAKING: Multiple Reports and Videos Indicate Hell's Angels Are Heading to Colorado Amid Migrant Gangs Taking Over Apartment Complexes – Right Journalism
    In a rapidly developing situation, multiple reports and videos have surfaced indicating that members of the notorious Hell’s Angels motorcycle
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 314 Views
  • It's quite funny actually!

    As Americans become more and more enslaved, more and more ruled over by Corporate #Criminal Thugs with badges, their property seized and their businesses forced closed in an effort to #Murder them and take their property....

    Instead of organizing the militias in every county across this country to deal with Federal Criminals, who may come arrest them without cause, or just murder them in their home...

    Americans seem more worried about who is the CEO of the CORPORATION that rules over them in a fraud based system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" instead of defending themselves against that corporation which is openly trying to murder them and their children!!

    It really just makes you wonder......
    Are people this complacent and apathetic even worth saving?

    I understand that they have all undergone MKUltra mind control and have been brainwashed and "programmed" to react a certain way to all future situations...

    But it would seem that the prospect of utter EXTINCTION would snap them out of it

    Generally... when a group of people are trying to murder YOU and your entire bloodline, people will at least FIGHT EXTINCTION!

    Knowing that if they don't fight there is a 100% chance their bloodline ends!

    At least if they fight and lose, they went down with HONOR, and went down swinging! Instead of just bending over and spreading their cheeks for the murderers

    It's just a bit much to watch!

    Call this quote an "insight to your future"

    It's quite funny actually! As Americans become more and more enslaved, more and more ruled over by Corporate #Criminal Thugs with badges, their property seized and their businesses forced closed in an effort to #Murder them and take their property.... Instead of organizing the militias in every county across this country to deal with Federal Criminals, who may come arrest them without cause, or just murder them in their home... Americans seem more worried about who is the CEO of the CORPORATION that rules over them in a fraud based system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" instead of defending themselves against that corporation which is openly trying to murder them and their children!! It really just makes you wonder...... Are people this complacent and apathetic even worth saving? I understand that they have all undergone MKUltra mind control and have been brainwashed and "programmed" to react a certain way to all future situations... But it would seem that the prospect of utter EXTINCTION would snap them out of it Generally... when a group of people are trying to murder YOU and your entire bloodline, people will at least FIGHT EXTINCTION! Knowing that if they don't fight there is a 100% chance their bloodline ends! At least if they fight and lose, they went down with HONOR, and went down swinging! Instead of just bending over and spreading their cheeks for the murderers It's just a bit much to watch! Call this quote an "insight to your future" https://www.youtube.com/shorts/m5F_bGouwYI
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1144 Views
  • There was no insurrection and Donald Trump was not a participant.

    BTW #libtards, the United States is not now, nor has it ever been a democracy. We are a constitutional REPUBLIC, & have been since July 4th, 1776. Sorry most of you flunked U.S. History.

    As a matter of FACT President Trump called for a peaceful demonstration. Just because a few triggered, hateful democrats and Uniparty members (RINOS) called the demonstration an insurrection doesn't mean it was one.

    Patriots weren't the cause of destruction, the FBI and radical left-wing Antifa was. We all know it was a setup. There is PROOF of it, and the Capitol Police were co-conspirators in it.

    In the United States, insurrection against the authority of the federal government is a crime under 18 U.S. Code §2383, which provides that:

    Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

    The next question is why some protestors who were not even present on January 6 were sentenced to 17 years in prison?

    Federal law also grants to the president of the United States the authority to employ the armed forces of the United States and nationalized state militias to put down an insurrection against a state government upon the request of the state’s legislature or governor (10 U.S. Code §251) and to suppress or prevent civil disturbances—“unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion[s]”—that, in the president’s judgment, have interfered or would interfere with the enforcement of federal laws in any state (§252) or have effectively deprived citizens of their rights under the U.S. Constitution (§253). These and other provisions of Chapter 13 of the U.S. Code, entitled “Insurrection,” originated in two pieces of legislation from the late 18th and early 19th centuries: an act of Congress (1795) that extended to the president Congress’s constitutional authority “to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions” (Article I, §8) and the Insurrection Act (1807), which additionally authorized the president to deploy the armed forces of the United States in the same circumstances and for the same purpose. During the subsequent two centuries, the Insurrection Act was amended numerous times and invoked by presidents including Abraham Lincoln (to enable the use of federal troops to defeat the secession of Confederate states in the American Civil War), Dwight D. Eisenhower (to assist efforts to desegregate public schools in the South), and George H.W. Bush (to quell riots in Los Angeles following the acquittal of police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King). In 2020, in response to sometimes violent demonstrations against police brutality and anti-Black racism in several U.S. cities (see United States: The killing of George Floyd and nationwide racial injustice protests).

    Then President Donald J. Trump threatened to use his authority under the Insurrection Act to unleash deadly force against lawbreaking protesters.
    There was no insurrection and Donald Trump was not a participant. https://imgflip.com/i/8k1d03 BTW #libtards, the United States is not now, nor has it ever been a democracy. We are a constitutional REPUBLIC, & have been since July 4th, 1776. Sorry most of you flunked U.S. History. As a matter of FACT President Trump called for a peaceful demonstration. Just because a few triggered, hateful democrats and Uniparty members (RINOS) called the demonstration an insurrection doesn't mean it was one. Patriots weren't the cause of destruction, the FBI and radical left-wing Antifa was. We all know it was a setup. There is PROOF of it, and the Capitol Police were co-conspirators in it. In the United States, insurrection against the authority of the federal government is a crime under 18 U.S. Code §2383, which provides that: Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. The next question is why some protestors who were not even present on January 6 were sentenced to 17 years in prison? Federal law also grants to the president of the United States the authority to employ the armed forces of the United States and nationalized state militias to put down an insurrection against a state government upon the request of the state’s legislature or governor (10 U.S. Code §251) and to suppress or prevent civil disturbances—“unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion[s]”—that, in the president’s judgment, have interfered or would interfere with the enforcement of federal laws in any state (§252) or have effectively deprived citizens of their rights under the U.S. Constitution (§253). These and other provisions of Chapter 13 of the U.S. Code, entitled “Insurrection,” originated in two pieces of legislation from the late 18th and early 19th centuries: an act of Congress (1795) that extended to the president Congress’s constitutional authority “to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions” (Article I, §8) and the Insurrection Act (1807), which additionally authorized the president to deploy the armed forces of the United States in the same circumstances and for the same purpose. During the subsequent two centuries, the Insurrection Act was amended numerous times and invoked by presidents including Abraham Lincoln (to enable the use of federal troops to defeat the secession of Confederate states in the American Civil War), Dwight D. Eisenhower (to assist efforts to desegregate public schools in the South), and George H.W. Bush (to quell riots in Los Angeles following the acquittal of police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King). In 2020, in response to sometimes violent demonstrations against police brutality and anti-Black racism in several U.S. cities (see United States: The killing of George Floyd and nationwide racial injustice protests). Then President Donald J. Trump threatened to use his authority under the Insurrection Act to unleash deadly force against lawbreaking protesters. https://www.britannica.com/topic/insurrection-politics
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 5099 Views
  • A Bill to ban citizens militias.
    Senate Bill 3589 (S.3589).
    Second Amendment. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
    God Bless America, God Save The Republic
    A Bill to ban citizens militias. Senate Bill 3589 (S.3589). Second Amendment. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/3589/text?s=1&r=6 God Bless America, God Save The Republic
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2376 Views
  • Democrats Propose Bill to Effectively Ban Militias

    Democrats Propose Bill to Effectively Ban Militias https://www.infowars.com/posts/democrats-propose-bill-to-prohibit-militia-activity/
    Democrats Propose Bill to Effectively Ban Militias
    "The forces of bigotry, hatred, and violent extremism must be stopped for the sake of our democracy," says Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.).
    2 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1768 Views
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