• Sneak Preview of Plandemic 3 with Mikki Willis - You Won't Want to Wait for the Final After Watching This

    Mikki Willis gave the Red Pill Expo a sneak peek preview of his upcoming documentary Plandemic 3. The longest preview yet (about 20 minutes).

    He also provided some bonus coverage that isn't even fully edited, but you could have fooled me.

    A side by side showing the Event 201 and the reality that unfolded after the Event 201 simulation. The reality was a script followed nearly word for word.

    Powerful and moving. You won't to wait for the finished documentary after watching this. http://bit.ly/3XgWTpj

    #plandemic #plandemic3 #mikkiwillis #covid19 #greatreset #medialies #shamdemic
    Sneak Preview of Plandemic 3 with Mikki Willis - You Won't Want to Wait for the Final After Watching This Mikki Willis gave the Red Pill Expo a sneak peek preview of his upcoming documentary Plandemic 3. The longest preview yet (about 20 minutes). He also provided some bonus coverage that isn't even fully edited, but you could have fooled me. A side by side showing the Event 201 and the reality that unfolded after the Event 201 simulation. The reality was a script followed nearly word for word. Powerful and moving. You won't to wait for the finished documentary after watching this. http://bit.ly/3XgWTpj #plandemic #plandemic3 #mikkiwillis #covid19 #greatreset #medialies #shamdemic
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  • 10 Yr. Girl Rape Victim Forced to Travel from Ohio to Indiana to Get An Abortion. Shocking! But wait....There's Some Red Flags Here

    Yeah, real emotional stuff here. A poor child rape victim can't even get justice because of this darn Roe v decision. But maybe it's not all what they say.

    Megan Fox, from PJ Media, dug a little deeper and found 10 red flags that gave her pause for concern about the veracity of the story:

    1. No mention of a criminal investigation, no police involvement, not even a town mentioned where it allegedly happened.
    2. An unnamed "child abuse" doctor called Dr. Caitlyn Bernard (Indiana abortionist) for help. No criminal investigation noted.
    3. Timed perfectly to match the Roe v Wade decision reveal.
    4. The original article flew through the media from a local Ohio paper to the Hill and Newsweek, then Europe (Guardian) then TMZ for the kids.
    5. it was immediately used as a political weapon against Kristi Noem, expect others to follow.
    6. The only source is an abortionist and activist.
    7. No way to verify the claim. Can't FOIA it and no one is asking questions. No proof just claims so far.
    8. Jennifer Rubin, former WAPO writer and known biased lefty, is using this to batter conservatives.
    9. Why are no lawmakers in Ohio demanding an investigation?
    10. The abortionist's first response was NOT to call the police, instead she called the media.

    Read more at this link: https://bit.ly/3NYapYR

    Do you think the media would lie about something like this?

    You know, since they always tell the truth. Duh!

    #abortion #roevwade #abortionstory #childabuse #medialies
    10 Yr. Girl Rape Victim Forced to Travel from Ohio to Indiana to Get An Abortion. Shocking! But wait....There's Some Red Flags Here Yeah, real emotional stuff here. A poor child rape victim can't even get justice because of this darn Roe v decision. But maybe it's not all what they say. Megan Fox, from PJ Media, dug a little deeper and found 10 red flags that gave her pause for concern about the veracity of the story: 1. No mention of a criminal investigation, no police involvement, not even a town mentioned where it allegedly happened. 2. An unnamed "child abuse" doctor called Dr. Caitlyn Bernard (Indiana abortionist) for help. No criminal investigation noted. 3. Timed perfectly to match the Roe v Wade decision reveal. 4. The original article flew through the media from a local Ohio paper to the Hill and Newsweek, then Europe (Guardian) then TMZ for the kids. 5. it was immediately used as a political weapon against Kristi Noem, expect others to follow. 6. The only source is an abortionist and activist. 7. No way to verify the claim. Can't FOIA it and no one is asking questions. No proof just claims so far. 8. Jennifer Rubin, former WAPO writer and known biased lefty, is using this to batter conservatives. 9. Why are no lawmakers in Ohio demanding an investigation? 10. The abortionist's first response was NOT to call the police, instead she called the media. Read more at this link: https://bit.ly/3NYapYR Do you think the media would lie about something like this? You know, since they always tell the truth. Duh! #abortion #roevwade #abortionstory #childabuse #medialies
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  • Nice Expose on How Big Pharma and the Work to Suppress Any and All Contenders to Their Toxic Solutions - Documentary on The Bleach Cure - 1/2 Hour Documentary

    Do you remember when President Trump mentioned an alternative for COVID?

    Nearly instantly, the media and his many political enemies erupted like a volcano and attacked him as recommending bleach as a cure?

    Well....you will probably not be surprised to discover that this was a completely fabricated lie.

    In the documentary FDA Not Approved: The Case for the Bleach Cure, The True Story of MMS - Part I this issue is addressed and explained with the facts. https://bit.ly/3AwfrJi

    One of the unstated values of this half hour documentary is to watch how the FDA and Big Pharma operate to suppress any competition through the use of fear tactics and outright lies.

    The film clearly exposes how Big Pharma owns the media lap dogs who simply repeat what they are fed without examination.

    A bonus is that you may discover another alternative to toxic treatment that just may save your life or at least make you feel better, sometimes quite rapidly.

    #bleachcure #fda #bigpharma #mms #medialies #trump
    Nice Expose on How Big Pharma and the Work to Suppress Any and All Contenders to Their Toxic Solutions - Documentary on The Bleach Cure - 1/2 Hour Documentary Do you remember when President Trump mentioned an alternative for COVID? Nearly instantly, the media and his many political enemies erupted like a volcano and attacked him as recommending bleach as a cure? Well....you will probably not be surprised to discover that this was a completely fabricated lie. In the documentary FDA Not Approved: The Case for the Bleach Cure, The True Story of MMS - Part I this issue is addressed and explained with the facts. https://bit.ly/3AwfrJi One of the unstated values of this half hour documentary is to watch how the FDA and Big Pharma operate to suppress any competition through the use of fear tactics and outright lies. The film clearly exposes how Big Pharma owns the media lap dogs who simply repeat what they are fed without examination. A bonus is that you may discover another alternative to toxic treatment that just may save your life or at least make you feel better, sometimes quite rapidly. #bleachcure #fda #bigpharma #mms #medialies #trump
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  • The Truth About January 6th - Narrated by Political Prisoner Jake Lang From His Cell in the Capitol

    Footage never shown before including the 4 deaths of Trump supporters that day. https://bit.ly/3znk4Vy

    What is obvious is that the Trump supporters were baited and then ushered in to the Capitol.

    Then, when police had them cornered in a tunnel entrance, turned on them and began beating them mercilessly.

    Roseanne Boyland was the first person killed.

    -She was pepper sprayed, pushed down, trampled on and beaten repeatedly with a stick to the head, while already unconscious, by Capitol police officer, Lila Morris.

    Morris walked free. Boyland is dead.

    Warning: This documentary is raw footage, close up and may make your blood boil at times.

    The narrator, Jake Lang, was one of the first arrested and has been in jail without bail for 18 months, much of it in solitary confinement.

    This has got to end. Watch and pass it on.

    #jan6th #capitolriots #capitolinsurrection #governmentlies #medialies
    The Truth About January 6th - Narrated by Political Prisoner Jake Lang From His Cell in the Capitol Footage never shown before including the 4 deaths of Trump supporters that day. https://bit.ly/3znk4Vy What is obvious is that the Trump supporters were baited and then ushered in to the Capitol. Then, when police had them cornered in a tunnel entrance, turned on them and began beating them mercilessly. Roseanne Boyland was the first person killed. -She was pepper sprayed, pushed down, trampled on and beaten repeatedly with a stick to the head, while already unconscious, by Capitol police officer, Lila Morris. Morris walked free. Boyland is dead. Warning: This documentary is raw footage, close up and may make your blood boil at times. The narrator, Jake Lang, was one of the first arrested and has been in jail without bail for 18 months, much of it in solitary confinement. This has got to end. Watch and pass it on. #jan6th #capitolriots #capitolinsurrection #governmentlies #medialies
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4K Views
  • Propaganda Exposed - Still Some Free Viewing Left - Link to Episode 6 Tonight

    If you haven't been watching this series during the free viewing period, you should. https://go2.propaganda-exposed.com/docuseries/episode-6/

    They make a claim on important issues and then back it with video or documentary evidence. No empty claims and hyperbole.

    Topics to be covered in Episode 6:

    - The Federal Reserve
    - Fluoride Facts
    - Scientific Fraud
    - Collectivism
    -Covid Bigotry
    - Vaccine Prejudice

    Well put together and professionally produced.

    Take advantage of the free period with these last sessions. Worth your time and information forbidden by the powers of censorship and control.

    #propaganda #medialies #covidtruth #bigpharma
    Propaganda Exposed - Still Some Free Viewing Left - Link to Episode 6 Tonight If you haven't been watching this series during the free viewing period, you should. https://go2.propaganda-exposed.com/docuseries/episode-6/ They make a claim on important issues and then back it with video or documentary evidence. No empty claims and hyperbole. Topics to be covered in Episode 6: - The Federal Reserve - Fluoride Facts - Scientific Fraud - Collectivism -Covid Bigotry - Vaccine Prejudice Well put together and professionally produced. Take advantage of the free period with these last sessions. Worth your time and information forbidden by the powers of censorship and control. #propaganda #medialies #covidtruth #bigpharma
    The Federal Reserve | Fluoride Facts | Scientific Fraud Collectivism * Covid Bigotry * Vaccine Prejudice
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  • Media Crimes Exposed: Open and Undercover Video Clips Blowing the Cover on How the Media Sells Lies as the Truth

    They call this time the great awakening, yet many people still rely on the media for the direction of the narrative as we are seeing with the Russia-Ukraine event. https://bit.ly/3tZclbY

    Largely framed by the media on both sides, a global conflict is being created before our eyes by the media. Yet, despite years of exposing media lies people still buy the media images as the truth and nothing but.

    However it is far from the truth. Very far. This 20 minute video is an introduction to the reality of how and why the media lies. Ukraine is not what we think any more than Trump was what we thought or the COVID pandemic or the elections and so it goes.

    Just a taste but worth the 20 minutes as a wake up call to never, ever trust the media for the truth about anything these days and into the future.

    #media #medialies #fakenews #mediaexposed
    Media Crimes Exposed: Open and Undercover Video Clips Blowing the Cover on How the Media Sells Lies as the Truth They call this time the great awakening, yet many people still rely on the media for the direction of the narrative as we are seeing with the Russia-Ukraine event. https://bit.ly/3tZclbY Largely framed by the media on both sides, a global conflict is being created before our eyes by the media. Yet, despite years of exposing media lies people still buy the media images as the truth and nothing but. However it is far from the truth. Very far. This 20 minute video is an introduction to the reality of how and why the media lies. Ukraine is not what we think any more than Trump was what we thought or the COVID pandemic or the elections and so it goes. Just a taste but worth the 20 minutes as a wake up call to never, ever trust the media for the truth about anything these days and into the future. #media #medialies #fakenews #mediaexposed
    0 Comments 0 Shares 825 Views
  • Federal Govt. Used Public Money to Pay Hundreds of Media Companies (Including so-called Conservative ones) to Advertise and Provide Positive Coverage of the Clot Shot.

    Blaze Media obtained FOIA requested documents that reveal that HHS (Health and Human Services) paid major media sources including cable TV news stations, publications, digital media companies and more to push the clot shot as part of a "comprehensive campaign". https://bit.ly/3tDWIWV

    Yep, Fox News and Newsmax too which is why their commentators always urged viewers to take the shot and wear masks, etc.

    As reported by Blaze Media, Chris Pandolfo, this is:

    "...the largest and most comprehensive breach of journalistic ethics that has ever occurred.

    - Almost everybody took the money.
    - Almost everybody lied about the vaccines (knowingly or unknowingly).
    - Almost everybody refused to report anything negative about the vaccines — because they were paid to close their eyes.
    - Almost everybody is implicated.

    Which is another reason why I stopped watching ANY of these outlets the day after the 2020 election.

    They not only ignored the election corruption but continued to push the clot shot and COVID theatre despite the growing body of damaging impacts of the shot and shamdemic.

    #clotshot #medialies #shamdemic #covid19 #covidlies #covidvaccines
    Federal Govt. Used Public Money to Pay Hundreds of Media Companies (Including so-called Conservative ones) to Advertise and Provide Positive Coverage of the Clot Shot. Blaze Media obtained FOIA requested documents that reveal that HHS (Health and Human Services) paid major media sources including cable TV news stations, publications, digital media companies and more to push the clot shot as part of a "comprehensive campaign". https://bit.ly/3tDWIWV Yep, Fox News and Newsmax too which is why their commentators always urged viewers to take the shot and wear masks, etc. As reported by Blaze Media, Chris Pandolfo, this is: "...the largest and most comprehensive breach of journalistic ethics that has ever occurred. - Almost everybody took the money. - Almost everybody lied about the vaccines (knowingly or unknowingly). - Almost everybody refused to report anything negative about the vaccines — because they were paid to close their eyes. - Almost everybody is implicated. Which is another reason why I stopped watching ANY of these outlets the day after the 2020 election. They not only ignored the election corruption but continued to push the clot shot and COVID theatre despite the growing body of damaging impacts of the shot and shamdemic. #clotshot #medialies #shamdemic #covid19 #covidlies #covidvaccines
    Fox News & Newsmax Took Biden Money To Push Deadly COVID Vaccines To Its Viewers
    Corporate news outlets did not disclose the money they took to push dangerous drugs to their conservative audience
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  • Two Minutes Connecting the Dots of Why You Will Never Get the Truth from the Media or Government on COVID or Any Medications for That Matter

    This brief answer is drawn from the Series airing for free online now The Truth About COVID. As Alec puts it they (the govt and the media) are bought out (by Big Pharma) and we have the receipts. https://bit.ly/3okHwN0

    They certainly are, and once you hear this you will know why that is true.

    Alec Zeck, Health Freedom for Humanity, runs through the connections between the FDA, CDC, Big Pharma and the media which tells you why you will not get the truth from govt. or the media if it casts any doubt about Big Pharma products.

    Series still free - go here to view the latest episode: https://upvir.al/ref/61a339e72ceb4M/

    #bigpharma #govtcollusion #medialies #vaccinelies
    Two Minutes Connecting the Dots of Why You Will Never Get the Truth from the Media or Government on COVID or Any Medications for That Matter This brief answer is drawn from the Series airing for free online now The Truth About COVID. As Alec puts it they (the govt and the media) are bought out (by Big Pharma) and we have the receipts. https://bit.ly/3okHwN0 They certainly are, and once you hear this you will know why that is true. Alec Zeck, Health Freedom for Humanity, runs through the connections between the FDA, CDC, Big Pharma and the media which tells you why you will not get the truth from govt. or the media if it casts any doubt about Big Pharma products. Series still free - go here to view the latest episode: https://upvir.al/ref/61a339e72ceb4M/ #bigpharma #govtcollusion #medialies #vaccinelies
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1K Views
  • Tucker Carlson's Patriot Purge 3 Episode Series on the So-Called Jan 6th Capitol Insurrection (All Episode Video)

    Tucker Carlson did a 3 part series on the Jan 6th Capital "Insurrection" and uncovered many of the lies associated with the mislabeled and engineered event.

    It begins with a medley of critics from the Dem biased media on the series. Their responses are to me a ringing endorsement.

    - Tucker obviously struck some paydirt.

    Give it a watch here: https://bit.ly/31wwZpb

    For a more comprehensive description of the context and events read this summary article by Roger Kimball, editor and publisher of The New Criterion, put out by Hillsdale College entitled "The January 6 Insurrection Hoax" here: https://bit.ly/2ZVa3za

    #jan6 #capitalriots #capitalinsurrection #medialies #governmentlies
    Tucker Carlson's Patriot Purge 3 Episode Series on the So-Called Jan 6th Capitol Insurrection (All Episode Video) Tucker Carlson did a 3 part series on the Jan 6th Capital "Insurrection" and uncovered many of the lies associated with the mislabeled and engineered event. It begins with a medley of critics from the Dem biased media on the series. Their responses are to me a ringing endorsement. - Tucker obviously struck some paydirt. Give it a watch here: https://bit.ly/31wwZpb For a more comprehensive description of the context and events read this summary article by Roger Kimball, editor and publisher of The New Criterion, put out by Hillsdale College entitled "The January 6 Insurrection Hoax" here: https://bit.ly/2ZVa3za #jan6 #capitalriots #capitalinsurrection #medialies #governmentlies
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2K Views
  • Labor Shortage Continues and Media Deception Over It


    #laborshortage #fakenews #medialies #economy #media
    Labor Shortage Continues and Media Deception Over It https://odysee.com/@Heraclius610:e/Labor-Shortage-Continues-and-Media-Deception-of-It:0 #laborshortage #fakenews #medialies #economy #media
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