• Loving the Israel issue. Israel Lies. They always lie
    Loving the Israel issue. Israel Lies. They always lie
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 32 Просмотры
  • Olmos Park Open Carry - Tazered and Arrested Full Video

    There's a group of criminals in America that believe ONLY THEY MAY BE ARMED and everyone else must be disarmed

    This group of #Criminals are the POLICY ENFORCERS
    of the #Corporation of the United States

    And they are hands down,
    the most #Violent criminals we have in America!

    EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK they are threatening to harm,
    or harming their countrymen

    And when they are doing that, they are stealing the property of Americans through "Civil Asset Forfeiture" where they CLAIM your property was obtained through "criminal activity"

    The CLAIM alone gets your property stolen by these criminal thugs, who wear body armor, carry multiple firearms and tasers... but they are always "Scared"
    (so they claim)

    Let me give you blue belly scumbags some free advice.....
    "If you don't go around harming your fellow Americans on a daily basis, and violating their inalienable human rights, and stealing their property... you wouldn't be scared of them!

    I'd be scared too if I treated my fellow man the way you do!
    You are "fearful" because you KNOW deep down, that YOU are the #Criminal

    It's YOU who commits crimes against your fellow man every day!
    It's YOU who ruins the lives of millions of Americans and destroys their families
    It's YOU responsible for children growing up without parents

    It's YOU who Americans "FEAR"
    I've never met ANY AMERICAN that was "scared of criminals"
    I meet Americans EVERY DAY that are scared Police will cage them or steal their money, their assets, or even their lives!

    It's the POLICE who unlawfully kidnap children from their parents based solely on the word of some "Child Protective Services" scumbag who DOES NOT HAVE the required COURT ORDER!

    It's YOU!
    It's always YOU!
    The criminals in blue

    Olmos Park Open Carry - Tazered and Arrested Full Video There's a group of criminals in America that believe ONLY THEY MAY BE ARMED and everyone else must be disarmed This group of #Criminals are the POLICY ENFORCERS of the #Corporation of the United States And they are hands down, the most #Violent criminals we have in America! EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK they are threatening to harm, or harming their countrymen And when they are doing that, they are stealing the property of Americans through "Civil Asset Forfeiture" where they CLAIM your property was obtained through "criminal activity" BUT THEY CANNOT PROVE IT! The CLAIM alone gets your property stolen by these criminal thugs, who wear body armor, carry multiple firearms and tasers... but they are always "Scared" (so they claim) Let me give you blue belly scumbags some free advice..... "If you don't go around harming your fellow Americans on a daily basis, and violating their inalienable human rights, and stealing their property... you wouldn't be scared of them! I'd be scared too if I treated my fellow man the way you do! You are "fearful" because you KNOW deep down, that YOU are the #Criminal It's YOU who commits crimes against your fellow man every day! It's YOU who ruins the lives of millions of Americans and destroys their families It's YOU responsible for children growing up without parents It's YOU who Americans "FEAR" I've never met ANY AMERICAN that was "scared of criminals" I meet Americans EVERY DAY that are scared Police will cage them or steal their money, their assets, or even their lives! It's the POLICE who unlawfully kidnap children from their parents based solely on the word of some "Child Protective Services" scumbag who DOES NOT HAVE the required COURT ORDER! It's YOU! It's always YOU! The criminals in blue https://youtu.be/GrDAPPiu1QE
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 211 Просмотры

  • As the lies surrounding the covid-19 scandal continue to be exposed, more people across academia, medicine, government, science and the legal system continue to question the history and the motivations of Big Pharma and the federal government. If widespread medical and scientific malfeasance can be swept under the rug today, what other criminal conspiracies have taken place, with government agencies getting away with fraud and mass murder?
    As the lies surrounding the covid-19 scandal continue to be exposed, more people across academia, medicine, government, science and the legal system continue to question the history and the motivations of Big Pharma and the federal government. If widespread medical and scientific malfeasance can be swept under the rug today, what other criminal conspiracies have taken place, with government agencies getting away with fraud and mass murder? https://newstarget.com/2024-06-21-fda-front-organization-allows-vaccine-manufacturers-pillage.html
    The FDA is a front organization that has allowed vaccine manufacturers to pillage the world for decades
    The majority of Americans once trusted their government to tell them the truth about vaccines. However, after the covid-19 scandal of lies, fraud and abuse, more people are questioning the entire vaccine evaluation and regulatory process. What if the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was originally setup as a front group for the pharmaceutical industry, […]
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 163 Просмотры
  • It has been the Neocons in the Biden Administration who have lived their entire lives hating Russians, and Victoria Nuland, Anthony Bliken, and Merrick Garland are all Jewish who trace their roots to Ukraine and profess that their families suffered in the persecutions of Jews by the Russians. All three have weaseled their way to the top of the food chain, and with an Absentee President, they have pushed the entire world to the brink of World War III. The Neocons have mainstream media in their pocket, and Putin is evil, so anyone who dares to look at the Neocons and their personal motives is a Putin lackey.
    It has been the Neocons in the Biden Administration who have lived their entire lives hating Russians, and Victoria Nuland, Anthony Bliken, and Merrick Garland are all Jewish who trace their roots to Ukraine and profess that their families suffered in the persecutions of Jews by the Russians. All three have weaseled their way to the top of the food chain, and with an Absentee President, they have pushed the entire world to the brink of World War III. The Neocons have mainstream media in their pocket, and Putin is evil, so anyone who dares to look at the Neocons and their personal motives is a Putin lackey. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/pushing-the-envelop-for-war/
    Pushing the Envelop for War
    Rather than being pesimistic, our future depends on understanding who is doing what. It has been the Neocons in the Biden Administration who have lived their
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 188 Просмотры
  • How Many Families Have Been Destroyed by #Clergy Sex Abuse and #Psychiatric Drugs? https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/how-many-families-have-been-destroyed-by-clergy-sex-abuse-and-psychiatric-drugs/
    How Many Families Have Been Destroyed by #Clergy Sex Abuse and #Psychiatric Drugs? https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/how-many-families-have-been-destroyed-by-clergy-sex-abuse-and-psychiatric-drugs/
    How Many Families Have Been Destroyed by Clergy Sex Abuse and Psychiatric Drugs?
    A new TV miniseries was released earlier this month (June, 2024) titled: Six Schizophrenic Brothers. The documentary is based on the 2020 book by Robert Kolker, "Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family", an account of the Galvin family of Colorado Springs, Colorado, a midcentury American family with twelve children (ten boys and two girls), six of whom were diagnosed with schizophrenia. The TV miniseries interviews several of the surviving family members, including two of the brothers who are still alive and are still being treated for schizophrenia. Schizophrenia, of course, is not a real disease. There are no lab tests one can take to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, or any other psychiatric disorder for that matter. It is simply a label applied to people who exhibit behavioral traits that are deemed as an "illness" that prohibits a person from acting "normally" in society. So if schizophrenia is the wrong diagnosis for what the Galvin family suffered, what caused the initial problem that led to the psychiatric drugging of six of the boys?
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 87 Просмотры
  • With Joe Biden, it's obvious he has nothing but lies and contempt for the little guy, including those devastated by his open border policies. Trump, by contrast, really does care, and he doesn't toot his horn about it, the news we have of this comes from the victim.
    That tells us all we need to know about which man would be the better president.
    With Joe Biden, it's obvious he has nothing but lies and contempt for the little guy, including those devastated by his open border policies. Trump, by contrast, really does care, and he doesn't toot his horn about it, the news we have of this comes from the victim. That tells us all we need to know about which man would be the better president. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/06/president_trump_calls_to_comfort_family_of_woman_killed_by_an_illegal_joe_biden_says_and_does_nothing.html
    President Trump calls to comfort family of woman killed by an illegal, Joe Biden does nothing
    If anything out there shows the difference in leadership styles of the Republican and Democrat candidates for president, look no further than the case of a 37-year-old mother of five who was raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant from El Salvador...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 139 Просмотры
    Federal Judge Orders Liquidation Of #AlexJones’s Personal Assets To Pay #SandyHook Families - The #DeepState had it in for him, and now they got him; They are now going as far as asking a judge to take Alex’s #X / #Twitter account as well. This is clearly much bigger than Alex because if they can do this to him they can do this to all of us. #WakeUpAmerica https://thewashingtonstandard.com/federal-judge-orders-liquidation-of-alex-joness-assets-to-pay-sandy-hook-families-2/
    PLEASE SHARE! Federal Judge Orders Liquidation Of #AlexJones’s Personal Assets To Pay #SandyHook Families - The #DeepState had it in for him, and now they got him; They are now going as far as asking a judge to take Alex’s #X / #Twitter account as well. This is clearly much bigger than Alex because if they can do this to him they can do this to all of us. #WakeUpAmerica https://thewashingtonstandard.com/federal-judge-orders-liquidation-of-alex-joness-assets-to-pay-sandy-hook-families-2/
    Federal Judge Orders Liquidation of Alex Jones's Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families - The Washington Standard
    The Deep State had it in for him, and now they got him… They are now going as far as asking a judge to take Alex’s Twitter account as well. A federal judge in Texas recently decided to liquidate the personal assets of Alex Jones, as families of the Sandy ...
    0 Комментарии 1 Поделились 208 Просмотры
  • 2023 Genshin Impact Cosplay Costumes Klee Halloween Suit
    At the heart of cosplay culture lies a sense of camaraderie and community that transcends geographical boundaries and cultural differences. Cosplay conventions, meetups, and online forums serve as gathering places where enthusiasts can connect, collaborate, and share their passion for cosplay. These communities provide a supportive environment where individuals can learn from one another, exchange tips and techniques, and forge lasting friendships.
    2023 Genshin Impact Cosplay Costumes Klee Halloween Suit At the heart of cosplay culture lies a sense of camaraderie and community that transcends geographical boundaries and cultural differences. Cosplay conventions, meetups, and online forums serve as gathering places where enthusiasts can connect, collaborate, and share their passion for cosplay. These communities provide a supportive environment where individuals can learn from one another, exchange tips and techniques, and forge lasting friendships. https://www.ccosplay.com/2023-genshin-impact-cosplay-costumes-klee-halloween-suit
    2023 Genshin Impact Cosplay Costumes Klee Halloween Suits - Champion Cosplay
    Buy Genshin Impact Costume, We Sell 2023 Genshin Impact Cosplay Costumes Klee Halloween Suits all over the world, Fastest Delivery, 24/7 Online Service!
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 236 Просмотры
  • How Left-wing Conspiracies Work - Victor Davis Hanson
    Since 2016, there has been a clear pattern to left-wing conspiracies—beyond the obvious fact that they traffic in lies, stereotypes, and paranoia to serve precise political agendas.

    How Left-wing Conspiracies Work - Victor Davis Hanson https://victorhanson.com/how-left-wing-conspiracies-work/ Since 2016, there has been a clear pattern to left-wing conspiracies—beyond the obvious fact that they traffic in lies, stereotypes, and paranoia to serve precise political agendas.
    How Left-wing Conspiracies Work
    When it comes to conspiracy theories, remember that what the left is alleging is, quite often, precisely what the left is already doing.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 162 Просмотры
  • Penguin Books How to Lie with Statistics Darrell Huff

    What if I told you that 2,600,000 people per year are sent to the hospital because they slipped and fell while using stairs???

    Would you immediately push for "Stairs to be banned"????

    Would you ask the "Consumer Safety" people to regulate future stair designs, and incorporate some kind of BS "anti-slip and fall technology" into the stairs, which will quadruple the price of your average set of stairs???

    Or would you realize that in a world of 8 BILLION PEOPLE sh*t happens, and get over it?

    How about if I told you that 800,000 people are hospitalized because of BEDS???

    That's right.... BEDS, MATTRESSES, AND PILLOWS send 800,000 people per year to the hospital!

    When you look at things through this lens.....
    The 50,000 people "Injured by table saws" looks insignificant don't it???

    And that's because "Safety" has ZERO to do with it!
    This is ALL about CONTROL and preventing COMPETITION FOR CORPORATIONS!!!

    It's a SCAM like everything the CORPORATION of "government" does!


    You need to stop being a sucker!

    Penguin Books How to Lie with Statistics Darrell Huff What if I told you that 2,600,000 people per year are sent to the hospital because they slipped and fell while using stairs??? Would you immediately push for "Stairs to be banned"???? Would you ask the "Consumer Safety" people to regulate future stair designs, and incorporate some kind of BS "anti-slip and fall technology" into the stairs, which will quadruple the price of your average set of stairs??? Or would you realize that in a world of 8 BILLION PEOPLE sh*t happens, and get over it? How about if I told you that 800,000 people are hospitalized because of BEDS??? That's right.... BEDS, MATTRESSES, AND PILLOWS send 800,000 people per year to the hospital! When you look at things through this lens..... The 50,000 people "Injured by table saws" looks insignificant don't it??? And that's because "Safety" has ZERO to do with it! This is ALL about CONTROL and preventing COMPETITION FOR CORPORATIONS!!! It's a SCAM like everything the CORPORATION of "government" does! EVERY GOVERNMENT SCUMBAG LIES USING STATISTICS!!! You need to stop being a sucker! https://pdfdrive.to/dl/penguin-books-how-to-lie-with-statistics-darrell-huff-pdf
    Download Penguin Books How to Lie with Statistics Darrell Huff PDF
    Read & Download PDF Penguin Books How to Lie with Statistics Darrell Huff , Update the latest version with high-quality. Try NOW!
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 291 Просмотры
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