• Biden was effectively ‘couped’ by his donor class, which simply cut off funding, proving that the super-wealthy have the last say in American elections.
    The regime is being laid bare before our eyes. What are the chances that literally only a week or two after the failed assassination of his chief rival, Biden unceremoniously drops out—and now there’s even talk of an imminent resignation from the presidency. Things are off the Richter scale of uncanniness.
    Biden was effectively ‘couped’ by his donor class, which simply cut off funding, proving that the super-wealthy have the last say in American elections. The regime is being laid bare before our eyes. What are the chances that literally only a week or two after the failed assassination of his chief rival, Biden unceremoniously drops out—and now there’s even talk of an imminent resignation from the presidency. Things are off the Richter scale of uncanniness. https://needtoknow.news/2024/07/analysis-of-joe-bidens-withdrawal-from-presidential-race-as-a-coup/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 226 Views
  • Egyptian Researcher: ‘Global Zionism’ is Funding Resettlement of ‘Savage’ Black Americans in Egypt
    Egyptian Researcher: ‘Global Zionism’ is Funding Resettlement of ‘Savage’ Black Americans in Egypt https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/07/egyptian-researcher-global-zionism-is-funding-resettlement-of-savage-black-americans-in-egypt
    Egyptian Researcher: ‘Global Zionism’ is Funding Resettlement of ‘Savage’ Black Americans in Egypt
    Crazier and crazier: an educated Egyptian, the urologist Dr. Wassim Al-Sissy, has in a television interview on Al-Nahar TV — a major channel — delivered himself of some unpleasant thoughts on American blacks, and on plot by Zionists and Americans to send them all to Egypt, where they will replace the indigenous Egyptians. His antisemitism,...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 167 Views
  • Iran is Funding the Pro-Hamas Protests
    Iran is Funding the Pro-Hamas Protests https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/07/iran-is-funding-the-pro-hamas-protests
    Iran is Funding the Pro-Hamas Protests
    The Biden administration finally admits the obvious. Who is funding the pro-Hamas riots in major cities? The state sponsors of Hamas in Tehran. After failing to mention it in previous briefings, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines finally issued a press release admitting that “Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 95 Views
  • Don't let the liberals gaslight you into a "unity" scam.

    I notice some neocons turning into little softy Bush types again.

    Never forget what they put us through:

    The vaccines. The mandates (That Birx and Fauci admitted was not based on Science.) The lost jobs. The ruined lives. The closed businesses. The needless dying. Preventing alternative treatments. The manipulative news media spreading deception. Not being allowed in a room with someone who's passing. The riots. The billions in property damages. The countless murders of innocent men, women, & children, during their temper tantrums. Calling us MAGA terrorists. Lying about January 6. The left sexualizing children. The left grooming children. The left parading naked around children. The left exposing children to their bdsm lifestyles.
    Years of the left threatening our president. The left attempting an assassination on our president. Most assassinations happening to Republican Presidents. The left trying to eliminate our voting options any way they can, then they turn around and say our choice to vote for a president for 1 or 2 terms is "a threat to 'democracy.'" They're giving illegals everything. They're funding other countries before funding ourselves. They're funding gay perversion education programs in other countries. Dissolving American culture into globalist region with no identity. Keeping borders open to continue human and drug trafficking.

    But suddenly "We are all Americans" now? All of us have to "tone down our rhetoric"? No. They are gaslighting us in an abusive national relationship. We are hostage victims, and some people are quick to develop Stocholm Syndrom. We need a national divorce. They go their way, and we go our way.

    Unity happens when a leftist reforms to meet OUR terms. Unity is not when we "reach across the aisle" and be Liberal just to avoid confrontations. Confrontation isn’t fun for a lot of people (I think it's quite a rush.) But confrontation settles after a while when one on the opposite side of negotiations understands that we won't budge in the slightest.
    Don't let the liberals gaslight you into a "unity" scam. I notice some neocons turning into little softy Bush types again. Never forget what they put us through: The vaccines. The mandates (That Birx and Fauci admitted was not based on Science.) The lost jobs. The ruined lives. The closed businesses. The needless dying. Preventing alternative treatments. The manipulative news media spreading deception. Not being allowed in a room with someone who's passing. The riots. The billions in property damages. The countless murders of innocent men, women, & children, during their temper tantrums. Calling us MAGA terrorists. Lying about January 6. The left sexualizing children. The left grooming children. The left parading naked around children. The left exposing children to their bdsm lifestyles. Years of the left threatening our president. The left attempting an assassination on our president. Most assassinations happening to Republican Presidents. The left trying to eliminate our voting options any way they can, then they turn around and say our choice to vote for a president for 1 or 2 terms is "a threat to 'democracy.'" They're giving illegals everything. They're funding other countries before funding ourselves. They're funding gay perversion education programs in other countries. Dissolving American culture into globalist region with no identity. Keeping borders open to continue human and drug trafficking. But suddenly "We are all Americans" now? All of us have to "tone down our rhetoric"? No. They are gaslighting us in an abusive national relationship. We are hostage victims, and some people are quick to develop Stocholm Syndrom. We need a national divorce. They go their way, and we go our way. Unity happens when a leftist reforms to meet OUR terms. Unity is not when we "reach across the aisle" and be Liberal just to avoid confrontations. Confrontation isn’t fun for a lot of people (I think it's quite a rush.) But confrontation settles after a while when one on the opposite side of negotiations understands that we won't budge in the slightest.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 736 Views
  • The best way to protect an event from terrorists is to bring the ones who are funding them to do the job.

    In the meantime, a Christian cathedral goes up in flames!

    The best way to protect an event from terrorists is to bring the ones who are funding them to do the job. In the meantime, a Christian cathedral goes up in flames! https://conservativeus.com/video-paris-using-jihadi-supporting-qatari-security-units-to-secure-the-olympics-watch-them-in-action/
    Video: Paris Using Jihadi-Supporting Qatari Security Units to Secure the Olympics - Watch Them in Action - Conservative US
    A series of threats by the Islamic State adds to security worries ahead of the upcoming summer Olympics. What did
    0 Comments 0 Shares 403 Views
  • The best way to protect an event from terrorists is to bring the ones who are funding them to do the job.

    In the meantime, a Christian cathedral goes up in flames!

    The best way to protect an event from terrorists is to bring the ones who are funding them to do the job. In the meantime, a Christian cathedral goes up in flames! https://conservativeus.com/video-paris-using-jihadi-supporting-qatari-security-units-to-secure-the-olympics-watch-them-in-action/
    Video: Paris Using Jihadi-Supporting Qatari Security Units to Secure the Olympics - Watch Them in Action - Conservative US
    A series of threats by the Islamic State adds to security worries ahead of the upcoming summer Olympics. What did
    0 Comments 0 Shares 453 Views
  • Dr. Phil Interviews Border Patrol Showing American Taxpayers Are Funding the Trafficking of Migrant Children Into Sex Slavery.
    Dr. Phil Interviews Border Patrol Showing American Taxpayers Are Funding the Trafficking of Migrant Children Into Sex Slavery.
    0 Comments 2 Shares 412 Views 2
  • The mainstream media went nuts with the story trying to peg Russia as the culprit in order to garner more public support for continued funding. The truth, though, is that an errant air defense missile fired by Ukraine is what destroyed the children's hospital.
    Propaganda is certainly nothing new, especially during war time, but the Kiev children's hospital lie is especially grating because of its political implications. If the truth was told about the strike, the American public might start to think twice about sending more weapons and cash to Volodymyr Zelensky whose military seems to have a lot of trouble not murdering Ukrainian citizens due to "mistakes."
    The mainstream media went nuts with the story trying to peg Russia as the culprit in order to garner more public support for continued funding. The truth, though, is that an errant air defense missile fired by Ukraine is what destroyed the children's hospital. Propaganda is certainly nothing new, especially during war time, but the Kiev children's hospital lie is especially grating because of its political implications. If the truth was told about the strike, the American public might start to think twice about sending more weapons and cash to Volodymyr Zelensky whose military seems to have a lot of trouble not murdering Ukrainian citizens due to "mistakes." https://newstarget.com/2024-07-11-ukrainian-missile-not-russian-struck-childrens-hospital.html
    Children’s hospital in Kiev struck by Ukrainian missile, not Russian
    NATO’s long-awaited summit in Washington, D.C.,??just took place from July 7-9 and the latest news about the Western alliance’s operations in Ukraine shows that the Western propaganda machine is lying like crazy about the conflict. The New York Times ran a deceptive, front-page story with the headline “Russia Strikes Children’s Hospital in Deadly Barrage Across […]
    0 Comments 0 Shares 680 Views
  • Rats that abandon sinking ships are still rats.
    God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
    George Soros halts funding to liberal prosecutors he helped elect https://mol.im/a/13605319 via @MailOnline
    Rats that abandon sinking ships are still rats. God Bless America, God Save The Republic. George Soros halts funding to liberal prosecutors he helped elect https://mol.im/a/13605319 via @MailOnline
    George Soros halts funding to liberal prosecutors he helped elect
    Los Angeles DA George Gascon and Alameda County DA Pamela Price are facing uphill battles to remain in office this year, but look set to have to do so without Soros' fundraising efforts.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 420 Views
  • Here are some things Biden Actually deserves credit for, which may be why he isn’t so popular:
    Mass migration from a dissolved border, which has made cartels rich, increased drug-, human-, and child-trafficking, is destroying cities, and putting pressure on schools, police, housing, and health care, and made our southern border is now the deadliest border in the world; dictatorially and unconstitutionally paying off hundreds of billions in student loans; making the world much more dangerous, as Biden’s energy policies are essentially funding Russia and Iran (we are funding both sides in the Ukraine-Russia conflict); and destroying women’s sports by making them compete against men.
    Here are some things Biden Actually deserves credit for, which may be why he isn’t so popular: Mass migration from a dissolved border, which has made cartels rich, increased drug-, human-, and child-trafficking, is destroying cities, and putting pressure on schools, police, housing, and health care, and made our southern border is now the deadliest border in the world; dictatorially and unconstitutionally paying off hundreds of billions in student loans; making the world much more dangerous, as Biden’s energy policies are essentially funding Russia and Iran (we are funding both sides in the Ukraine-Russia conflict); and destroying women’s sports by making them compete against men. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/07/what_exactly_are_biden_s_achievements_his_first_three_and_a_half_years.html
    What exactly are Biden’s achievements in his first three-and-a-half years?
    In the wake of the catastrophic debate last week, Bill Clinton, most of the media, and other Democrats have been claiming that although Joe Biden had a rough night, he’s had an extremely successful presidency––basically the public i...
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