• This recent attempted assassination was according to their proven playbook. Use a claimed lone shoot, kill him to make sure there is never a trial, and the problem is eliminated. History is merely a map to the future, for human nature never changes.
    This recent attempted assassination was according to their proven playbook. Use a claimed lone shoot, kill him to make sure there is never a trial, and the problem is eliminated. History is merely a map to the future, for human nature never changes. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/deep-state/never-trust-the-secret-service-since-elite-bodyguards-have-a-history-of-assassinating-heads-of-state/
    Never Trust the Secret Service since Elite Bodyguards have a History of Assassinating Heads of State?
    I have reported how President Richard Nixon had threatened the head of the CIA, saying: "I know who killed JFK." When he was driven out of office, Nixon
    0 Comments 0 Shares 103 Views
  • Polls conducted weeks ago show that Democrats prefer Hillary to Kamala. Fourteen million people already selected Joe Biden in the primaries. Now, the Democrats are looking at the polls and deciding to swap him out. The dialogue of Biden being an unfit candidate suddenly hit the media at the same time, followed by an impromptu debate to show the world that Joe Biden is mentally unfit. Biden didn’t suddenly fall ill. The Democrats deliberately orchestrated everything to ignore the real electoral process – they had already known Biden was unfit.
    Democrats will begin to release information stating that Kamala Harris has a poor chance of defeating Donald Trump in the weeks leading up to August 19 to open the door for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
    Polls conducted weeks ago show that Democrats prefer Hillary to Kamala. Fourteen million people already selected Joe Biden in the primaries. Now, the Democrats are looking at the polls and deciding to swap him out. The dialogue of Biden being an unfit candidate suddenly hit the media at the same time, followed by an impromptu debate to show the world that Joe Biden is mentally unfit. Biden didn’t suddenly fall ill. The Democrats deliberately orchestrated everything to ignore the real electoral process – they had already known Biden was unfit. Democrats will begin to release information stating that Kamala Harris has a poor chance of defeating Donald Trump in the weeks leading up to August 19 to open the door for Hillary Rodham Clinton. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/kamala-is-not-the-democratic-nominee/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 291 Views
  • There was never a choice to vote for anyone other than Biden, And the plan all along was that he would step aside, and the backroom brokering would pick their candidate. There were to be no debates – Remember? Then Biden suddenly agreed, and that was to show he was incompetent. The Democrats ate their own. They trashed Biden all for the Party. He was NEVER in charge, He was just a placeholder. All you have heard from the MSM Buttpuppets is they are fighting to keep Trump off the ballot because they were “DEFENDING DEMOCRACY”, The World Economic Forum has publicly stated that the US is a threat to their goal of a one-world government, and that Democracy no longer works and should be discarded. These are not conspiracy theories, And the MSM press that calls them that are part of the agenda.
    There was never a choice to vote for anyone other than Biden, And the plan all along was that he would step aside, and the backroom brokering would pick their candidate. There were to be no debates – Remember? Then Biden suddenly agreed, and that was to show he was incompetent. The Democrats ate their own. They trashed Biden all for the Party. He was NEVER in charge, He was just a placeholder. All you have heard from the MSM Buttpuppets is they are fighting to keep Trump off the ballot because they were “DEFENDING DEMOCRACY”, The World Economic Forum has publicly stated that the US is a threat to their goal of a one-world government, and that Democracy no longer works and should be discarded. These are not conspiracy theories, And the MSM press that calls them that are part of the agenda. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/the-death-of-the-fantasy-of-democracy/
    The Death of the Fantasy of Democracy
    COMMENT: A friend of mine insisted I read you because you have real experience. I tuned in only so I could argue with my friend. I raise the white flag. You
    0 Comments 0 Shares 386 Views
  • The latest reports say Biden is “receptive” to dropping out of the race, but he doesn’t have a choice. The Democrats want to spark confidence back into their party and understand that Kamala Harris will be unable to fulfill that role. It is only a matter of time before the news outlets reveal that President Joe Biden has dropped out of the race.

    The latest reports say Biden is “receptive” to dropping out of the race, but he doesn’t have a choice. The Democrats want to spark confidence back into their party and understand that Kamala Harris will be unable to fulfill that role. It is only a matter of time before the news outlets reveal that President Joe Biden has dropped out of the race. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/democrats-kicking-biden-out/
    Democrats Kicking Biden Out
    It began with Biden’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump, followed by a series of gaffes on the global stage. The public has been carefully watching Biden
    0 Comments 0 Shares 209 Views

  • There are claims that some Secret Service Agent Jonathan Millis said he was one of the two men in this photo and he was not given permission to shoot. This seems to be fake news claiming he was one of the two guys in the photo with “POLICE” on the back, which neither the FBI nor the Secret Service wear. They deliberately start outrageous FAKE NEWS so they can easily discredit that and then attribute everything else said to the same source. This is how they use FAKE NEWS for political purposes.
    There are claims that some Secret Service Agent Jonathan Millis said he was one of the two men in this photo and he was not given permission to shoot. This seems to be fake news claiming he was one of the two guys in the photo with “POLICE” on the back, which neither the FBI nor the Secret Service wear. They deliberately start outrageous FAKE NEWS so they can easily discredit that and then attribute everything else said to the same source. This is how they use FAKE NEWS for political purposes. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/civil-unrest/congress-must-investigate-independently-nothing-adds-up/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 340 Views
  • There are many now calling for a serious investigation of the Secret Service. Nevertheless, we are entitled to answers NOW and no more JFK-style investigation BS that covered up the DEEP STATE, which may be involved again. Trump now knows the game, That makes him a serious threat to the Neocons and the Deep State.
    There are many now calling for a serious investigation of the Secret Service. Nevertheless, we are entitled to answers NOW and no more JFK-style investigation BS that covered up the DEEP STATE, which may be involved again. Trump now knows the game, That makes him a serious threat to the Neocons and the Deep State. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/civil-unrest/congress-must-investigate-independently-nothing-adds-up/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 338 Views
  • The real number of deaths from UKRAINIAN sources is 1.1 million, This comes from Ukraine – not Russia! In fact, a local TV news operation reported the real number, and Zelensky made them take it down. The Neocons are completely destroying Ukraine, and they have ZERO regard for Ukrainian lives as they will with Americans or Europeans. Let’s face reality. This war has been orchestrated by the American Neocons. 8 to 10 million have fled their own country because the United States and NATO are under the control of the Neocons who want war with Russia so the West could all default on their debts as they did after World War II and at last gain all the natural wealth of Russia.
    The real number of deaths from UKRAINIAN sources is 1.1 million, This comes from Ukraine – not Russia! In fact, a local TV news operation reported the real number, and Zelensky made them take it down. The Neocons are completely destroying Ukraine, and they have ZERO regard for Ukrainian lives as they will with Americans or Europeans. Let’s face reality. This war has been orchestrated by the American Neocons. 8 to 10 million have fled their own country because the United States and NATO are under the control of the Neocons who want war with Russia so the West could all default on their debts as they did after World War II and at last gain all the natural wealth of Russia. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/geopolitical/how-to-end-ukrainian-war-in-5-minutes/
    How To End Ukrainian War in 5 minutes
    When Yugoslavia broke up, it did so along ethnic lines. This is why the West is waging World War III because they hate Russians when there is no difference
    0 Comments 0 Shares 841 Views

  • The June jobs report revealed better than anticipated results with 206,000 new jobs now added to the US economy. Is Bidenomics working? Absolutely not. The jobs reports are inflated because the Biden Administration has been multiplying the public sector. Of the 206,000 new jobs, 70,000 were created within government, One-third of all new positions created in June are within the government, funded by taxpayers, and add nothing to the overall GDP. April’s job report was revised down to 108,000 compared to the initially reported 165,000 positions. May’s report was also revised to show 218,000 new jobs vs the initially reported 272,000 positions. The revised figures never make the headlines as they want those initial reports to paint the US economy in the best light.
    The June jobs report revealed better than anticipated results with 206,000 new jobs now added to the US economy. Is Bidenomics working? Absolutely not. The jobs reports are inflated because the Biden Administration has been multiplying the public sector. Of the 206,000 new jobs, 70,000 were created within government, One-third of all new positions created in June are within the government, funded by taxpayers, and add nothing to the overall GDP. April’s job report was revised down to 108,000 compared to the initially reported 165,000 positions. May’s report was also revised to show 218,000 new jobs vs the initially reported 272,000 positions. The revised figures never make the headlines as they want those initial reports to paint the US economy in the best light. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/economics/june-jobs-report-is-weak/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 736 Views
  • Is this purely business? Ad revenue on X has decreased by half since Elon’s acquisition. X has been accused of allowing hate speech on disinformation to reach its 250 million daily active users. Its userbase has not increased in a meaningful way since Elon’s takeover in November 2022, far undermining Musk’s goal of 600 million daily active users by 2025.
    Is this purely business? Ad revenue on X has decreased by half since Elon’s acquisition. X has been accused of allowing hate speech on disinformation to reach its 250 million daily active users. Its userbase has not increased in a meaningful way since Elon’s takeover in November 2022, far undermining Musk’s goal of 600 million daily active users by 2025. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/censorship/elon-musk-partners-with-world-economic-forum/
    Elon Musk Partners with World Economic Forum
    I like Elon Musk for his innovative mind and willingness to speak out against the establishment. Is he part of the controlled opposition? I did not believe it
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  • Drafting Males & Females for the Neocon’s War to Conquer Russia.
    In this confusing world we live in, it does not mean if you are a male and identify yourself as “woman” or use various gender pronoun you are exempt from the draft. There are mechanisms put in place now to draft both men and women from evading from the military draft. Although, it is not clear at this time if a woke young adult, self-identifies as a rainbow gnome, rainbow unicorn, a cat, a dog, or any other woke identity, as of now, nothing was found in the NDAA requiring a mandatory military service for them.
    Drafting Males & Females for the Neocon’s War to Conquer Russia. In this confusing world we live in, it does not mean if you are a male and identify yourself as “woman” or use various gender pronoun you are exempt from the draft. There are mechanisms put in place now to draft both men and women from evading from the military draft. Although, it is not clear at this time if a woke young adult, self-identifies as a rainbow gnome, rainbow unicorn, a cat, a dog, or any other woke identity, as of now, nothing was found in the NDAA requiring a mandatory military service for them. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/drafting-males-females-for-the-neocons-war-to-conquer-russia/
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