Death Certificates, ... Not Bodies
    THE KAMLOOPS NCTR 51 Death Certificates, ... Not Bodies 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 https://open.substack.com/pub/rocanada/p/the-kamloops-nctr-51
    Death Certificates, ... Not Bodies
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  • Montana physician Dr. Annie Bukacek discusses how COVID 19 death certificates are being manipulated (MIRRORED)

    Montana physician Dr. Annie Bukacek discusses how COVID 19 death certificates are being manipulated (MIRRORED) https://www.brighteon.com/ce4ee6d6-ae48-49b0-a6ea-8166a12ff035
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 374 Views

    BIRTHING-CERTIFICATES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F7IjcOlIew
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  • The AI admits that using the birth date would lean to the flesh and blood being surety. But doesn't afirm the use of the registration. I think it doesn't want to give away the keys.


    Largus Brock

    The registration date so the Strawman has to be used.

    You sent

    simple questions would be better

    You sent

    like ... which is proper date to use with legal organization name from birth certificate


    Largus Brock

    When dealing with legal matters, it's essential to understand the nuances of birth certificates and their significance:

    1. *Birth Certificates*:

    - A *birth certificate* is a vital document issued by a government that records the birth of a child. It serves various purposes, including establishing an individual's age, citizenship status, and identity.

    - In the United States, birth certificates are issued by *states*, not the federal government. Each state has its own system for collecting and managing birth data.

    2. *Decentralized System*:

    - Unlike some other countries, the United States does not have a national (federal) birth registry. Instead, birth certificates are issued by individual states.

    - Within each state, the management of birth certificates can be further decentralized, with data collected at the county or municipal level.

    3. *Registration Timeframe*:

    - Most states require parents to register a baby's birth within *3 to 21 days* after birth. However, parents have up to *one year* to register a name on the birth certificate².

    - This means that the original copy of the birth certificate may not have a name immediately after birth.

    4. *Issuance Date Flexibility*:

    - While the registration must occur within a year, the *issuance date* of the birth certificate can be *any date*.

    - States use this flexibility to manage their birth certificate processes³.

    5. *Choosing the Proper Date*:

    - When using a legal organization name from a birth certificate, consider the following:

    - *Registration Date*: This is the date when the birth certificate was officially registered with the state.

    - *Birth Date*: This is the actual day the individual was born.

    - Legally, the *registration date* holds more weight, as it reflects the state's recognition of the birth.

    6. *Practical Considerations*:

    - For most legal purposes, such as obtaining a social security number, applying for a passport, or enrolling in schools, the *registration date* (officially recorded on the birth certificate) is the relevant one.

    - However, if you have specific legal concerns, consult legal professionals who can provide personalized advice based on your situation.

    Remember that birth certificates are more than just pieces of paper; they establish identity, rights, and privileges.

    Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/8/2024

    (1) What Are the Birth Certificate Naming Rules? - Vital records online. https://www.vitalrecordsonline.com/.../what-are-the.../.

    (2) What information is on a Birth Certificate? - US Birth Certificates. https://www.usbirthcertificates.com/.../what-information....

    (3) Birth Certificates - American Bar Association. https://www.americanbar.org/.../teach.../birth-certificates/.

    (4) Date of Birth: When is Necessary and Correct Format. https://www.usbirthcertificates.com/glossary/date-of-birth
    The AI admits that using the birth date would lean to the flesh and blood being surety. But doesn't afirm the use of the registration. I think it doesn't want to give away the keys. Largus Largus Brock The registration date so the Strawman has to be used. You sent simple questions would be better You sent like ... which is proper date to use with legal organization name from birth certificate Largus Largus Brock When dealing with legal matters, it's essential to understand the nuances of birth certificates and their significance: 1. *Birth Certificates*: - A *birth certificate* is a vital document issued by a government that records the birth of a child. It serves various purposes, including establishing an individual's age, citizenship status, and identity. - In the United States, birth certificates are issued by *states*, not the federal government. Each state has its own system for collecting and managing birth data. 2. *Decentralized System*: - Unlike some other countries, the United States does not have a national (federal) birth registry. Instead, birth certificates are issued by individual states. - Within each state, the management of birth certificates can be further decentralized, with data collected at the county or municipal level. 3. *Registration Timeframe*: - Most states require parents to register a baby's birth within *3 to 21 days* after birth. However, parents have up to *one year* to register a name on the birth certificate². - This means that the original copy of the birth certificate may not have a name immediately after birth. 4. *Issuance Date Flexibility*: - While the registration must occur within a year, the *issuance date* of the birth certificate can be *any date*. - States use this flexibility to manage their birth certificate processes³. 5. *Choosing the Proper Date*: - When using a legal organization name from a birth certificate, consider the following: - *Registration Date*: This is the date when the birth certificate was officially registered with the state. - *Birth Date*: This is the actual day the individual was born. - Legally, the *registration date* holds more weight, as it reflects the state's recognition of the birth. 6. *Practical Considerations*: - For most legal purposes, such as obtaining a social security number, applying for a passport, or enrolling in schools, the *registration date* (officially recorded on the birth certificate) is the relevant one. - However, if you have specific legal concerns, consult legal professionals who can provide personalized advice based on your situation. Remember that birth certificates are more than just pieces of paper; they establish identity, rights, and privileges. Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/8/2024 (1) What Are the Birth Certificate Naming Rules? - Vital records online. https://www.vitalrecordsonline.com/.../what-are-the.../. (2) What information is on a Birth Certificate? - US Birth Certificates. https://www.usbirthcertificates.com/.../what-information.... (3) Birth Certificates - American Bar Association. https://www.americanbar.org/.../teach.../birth-certificates/. (4) Date of Birth: When is Necessary and Correct Format. https://www.usbirthcertificates.com/glossary/date-of-birth
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2876 Views
  • https://wltreport.com/2023/07/06/cdc-caught-altering-death-certificates/?fbclid=IwAR2ctoWx7y6cHLBJakYkWKANGjpXeXLPf6R8qZpu_KshnAhtgWDnJW1W0xE
    CDC Caught Altering Death Certificates! | WLT Report
    According to a report from Brownstone Institute, an anonymous individual obtained Minnesota death certificates from all deaths from 2015 to the present. The information presented the opportunity to find out if the CDC is being honest about U.S. death data. The outlet said the public health agency is obscuring data whenever the COVID-19 shot is listed...
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 546 Views
  • There's a lot of good information out there about this!

    David Straight mentions a lot of good info in his seminars!
    Ron Gibson's Land Patent Class is a good one!
    Watch "The Occult Art of Law" and learn about "Maritime Admiralty Law"

    Then I'd subscribe to the "Justinian Deception" on YouTube, at least long enough to watch ALL of his old videos! His new videos go up on Rumble.

    I really would watch ALL of the guy's videos!
    He demonstrates how grammar has been used to deceive us all, and Birth Certificates, and also shows how LANGUAGE has been used to manipulate and deceive us!

    And he plays a mean guitar too!

    Fruit from a Poisonous Tree
    by Mel Stamper FREE PDF Download

    There's a lot of good information out there about this! David Straight mentions a lot of good info in his seminars! Ron Gibson's Land Patent Class is a good one! Watch "The Occult Art of Law" and learn about "Maritime Admiralty Law" Then I'd subscribe to the "Justinian Deception" on YouTube, at least long enough to watch ALL of his old videos! His new videos go up on Rumble. I really would watch ALL of the guy's videos! He demonstrates how grammar has been used to deceive us all, and Birth Certificates, and also shows how LANGUAGE has been used to manipulate and deceive us! And he plays a mean guitar too! Fruit from a Poisonous Tree by Mel Stamper FREE PDF Download https://ia802207.us.archive.org/2/items/fruit-from-a-poisonous-tree/Fruit%20from%20a%20Poisonous%20Tree.pdf
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2868 Views 0
  • Written in 1871....
    The very same year that the United States was #Incorporated

    The very same year this was written the United States started deceiving it's people, and created the "United States Inc.."

    Afterwards they began using birth certificates to create
    "Legal Fictions" and started deceiving Americans into believing that those legal fictions were THEM!

    This is how they used #Fraud and deceit to trick people into "Consenting" to be ruled under ADMIRALTY LAW!

    The law of the SEA, The Law of Commerce, UCC, The law of money... CONTRACT LAW!

    People who live on the LAND were deceived into living under the #Jurisdiction of the SEA!

    The Constitution is the "Law of the LAND,
    just like COMMON LAW is the law of the land, which deals with MEN and WOMEN!

    ALL of your inalienable human rights and your constitutionally guaranteed rights are ONLY for people living as FREE MEN and WOMEN on the LAND, under COMMON LAW!

    When you are tricked into "consenting" to be ruled over by the "Law of the Sea" or Maritime Admiralty Law... You forfeit your Inalienable Human Rights! And you become the chattel property of the CORPORATION of the United States!

    EVERY #Court in America is a Maritime Admiralty Law court!
    This is how they get away with violating the Constitution in every "Statute and Code" that they write!

    Statutes and Codes are NOT #Laws!
    They apply ONLY to Employees of the Corporation of the United States and those people who "Consent" to be bound under Admiralty Law Jurisdiction! ( Citizens )

    Every time you check that box declaring "I am a US "Citizen" you are consenting! Every time that you buy a permit, get a license, use their birth certificate or register your car...

    You are entering a CONTRACT with these criminals!
    You must RESCIND ALL CONTRACTS with the government

    Get out of the jurisdiction of their maritime admiralty law courts and back under the jurisdiction of COMMON LAW!
    Where as long you harm nobody else financially or physically you can do whatever you like!

    Or you can stay a SLAVE! It's up to you!
    Written in 1871.... The very same year that the United States was #Incorporated The very same year this was written the United States started deceiving it's people, and created the "United States Inc.." Afterwards they began using birth certificates to create "Legal Fictions" and started deceiving Americans into believing that those legal fictions were THEM! This is how they used #Fraud and deceit to trick people into "Consenting" to be ruled under ADMIRALTY LAW! The law of the SEA, The Law of Commerce, UCC, The law of money... CONTRACT LAW! People who live on the LAND were deceived into living under the #Jurisdiction of the SEA! The Constitution is the "Law of the LAND, just like COMMON LAW is the law of the land, which deals with MEN and WOMEN! ALL of your inalienable human rights and your constitutionally guaranteed rights are ONLY for people living as FREE MEN and WOMEN on the LAND, under COMMON LAW! When you are tricked into "consenting" to be ruled over by the "Law of the Sea" or Maritime Admiralty Law... You forfeit your Inalienable Human Rights! And you become the chattel property of the CORPORATION of the United States! EVERY #Court in America is a Maritime Admiralty Law court! This is how they get away with violating the Constitution in every "Statute and Code" that they write! Statutes and Codes are NOT #Laws! They apply ONLY to Employees of the Corporation of the United States and those people who "Consent" to be bound under Admiralty Law Jurisdiction! ( Citizens ) Every time you check that box declaring "I am a US "Citizen" you are consenting! Every time that you buy a permit, get a license, use their birth certificate or register your car... You are entering a CONTRACT with these criminals! You must RESCIND ALL CONTRACTS with the government Get out of the jurisdiction of their maritime admiralty law courts and back under the jurisdiction of COMMON LAW! Where as long you harm nobody else financially or physically you can do whatever you like! Or you can stay a SLAVE! It's up to you!
    0 Commentarii 1 Distribuiri 4038 Views
  • While I fully agree with what he is saying... People MUST realize that the Left vs Right paradigm was created to weaken "We the People" so that we can never stand TOGETHER against our corrupt and illegitimate "governments" which are ALL CORPORATIONS!

    The corporations have deceived you into "consenting" to being ruled over by ADMIRALTY LAW COURTS, UCC, The "Law of the SEA," the "Law of Money," or "Contract Law." Every man, woman, and child on earth should NOT be in the #Jurisdiction of the Admiralty Law courts!

    These courts are for maritime admiralty law, the LAW OF THE SEA. We all live on LAND, and our courts should be COMMON LAW COURTS which deal with FREE MEN and WOMEN who live on the LAND!

    And are required only to follow the "Law of the Land" which is COMMON LAW. Which states that as long as you harm nobody financially or physically.... You can do whatever you like!

    We ALL need to learn the law, and get out of the JURISDICTION of the SEA! Every "Court" in the world today is a "Maritime Admiralty Law Court." And NO HUMAN BEING belongs in their jurisdiction! But we were deceived into representing "Legal Fictions" that are actually CORPORATIONS.

    This was done with Birth Certificates!
    Watch David Straight on YouTube!
    And watch "Ron Gibson's Land Patent Class" on YouTube.
    Watch "The Occult Art of Law"
    Subscribe to the "Justinian Deception" on YouTube and watch all of his videos!

    It is time to FREE OURSELVES from slavery!

    While I fully agree with what he is saying... People MUST realize that the Left vs Right paradigm was created to weaken "We the People" so that we can never stand TOGETHER against our corrupt and illegitimate "governments" which are ALL CORPORATIONS! The corporations have deceived you into "consenting" to being ruled over by ADMIRALTY LAW COURTS, UCC, The "Law of the SEA," the "Law of Money," or "Contract Law." Every man, woman, and child on earth should NOT be in the #Jurisdiction of the Admiralty Law courts! These courts are for maritime admiralty law, the LAW OF THE SEA. We all live on LAND, and our courts should be COMMON LAW COURTS which deal with FREE MEN and WOMEN who live on the LAND! And are required only to follow the "Law of the Land" which is COMMON LAW. Which states that as long as you harm nobody financially or physically.... You can do whatever you like! We ALL need to learn the law, and get out of the JURISDICTION of the SEA! Every "Court" in the world today is a "Maritime Admiralty Law Court." And NO HUMAN BEING belongs in their jurisdiction! But we were deceived into representing "Legal Fictions" that are actually CORPORATIONS. This was done with Birth Certificates! Watch David Straight on YouTube! And watch "Ron Gibson's Land Patent Class" on YouTube. Watch "The Occult Art of Law" Subscribe to the "Justinian Deception" on YouTube and watch all of his videos! It is time to FREE OURSELVES from slavery! https://gab.com/Right_Turn_Clyde/posts/111191344429841469
    Right Turn Clyde on Gab: 'The Left claim that people on the right are intol…'
    Right Turn Clyde on Gab: 'The Left claim that people on the right are intolerant, knuckle dragging idiots who lack compassion. But Edmund Burke, the father of conservatism, shows that is nonsense. He was truly one of the greatest intellects of all, and he battled for fairness and equality all his life. Burke was the epitome of wisdom and virtue, he was just a pragmatist rather than an ideologue, and this is what the Left cannot understand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkKp-z31l9Y&t=5s'
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1723 Views

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