    ....IMHO: APPARENTLY, QUEERS TAKE "PRIDE", WHEN THEIR BREATH SMELLS JUST LIKE THEIR SHIT!!!... https://media.gab.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=568,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/162/186/147/original/ca96d7afd474bc1f.png
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 76 Visualizações

    ....IMHO: APPARENTLY, QUEERS TAKE "PRIDE", WHEN THEIR BREATH SMELLS JUST LIKE THEIR SHIT!!!...💩💥 https://media.gab.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=568,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/162/186/147/original/ca96d7afd474bc1f.png
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 45 Visualizações
  • The Police - Every Breath You Take (Official Music Video)
    The Police - Every Breath You Take (Official Music Video) https://youtu.be/OMOGaugKpzs?si=gXSzqzlY-BXbVl2w
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 57 Visualizações

    You will NEVER DEFEAT the #Slavery System of "Maritime Admiralty Law" that has been set up to control you, enslave you, and steal your fruits of your labor, by continuing to "consent" to being the #Slave of a Corporation!

    Our entire system is nothing more than institutionalized SLAVERY that you are duped into participating in EVERY TIME YOU VOTE or declare yourself a "US Citizen"

    If you want to "consent" to something, how about you consent to sending every one of these political parasites to the PRISONS THEY BUILT TO PUT YOU INTO???

    This goes for the politicians, the bankers that control them, the Jews, the Jesuits, the Vatican, an the #Police they have hired to PROTECT THEM FROM BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE, as they shake you down for any money you have left after being robbed the first ten times through "taxation"

    You PAY because you are a SLAVE and you refuse to stand together!

    Until you ALL stand together and END the entire corrupt system of slavery EVERYTHING called "government" will continue to rule and rob you!

    Their black robed priests and their Maritime Admiralty Law Courts will continue to send you to PRISON and steal your assets UNTIL you remove yourself from their #Jurisdiction by REFUSING TO CONSENT!

    I do not want or need a group of people to make rules for me and rob me daily!

    I don't need their "protection" and don't "consent" to be bound by their "Statutes and Codes" (Which are NOT #Laws, and REQUIRE YOUR CONSENT)


    It's a "Private Society" that you MUST CONSENT TO JOINING
    for them to have any jurisdiction over you whatsoever!

    This is how they send you to prison without you creating a VICTIM!

    UNLESS you "consent" to giving "power of attorney" over your life to a CORPORATION by voting or declaring yourself a "citizen"

    Because a "citizen" is a SLAVE with no inalienable human rights!
    They can make the AIR YOU BREATHE ILLEGAL if they desire to do so

    The ONLY WAY to escape your slavery is by REVOKING YOUR CONSENT! Do NOT consent to ANY OF IT!

    Declare yourself a FREE MAN or WOMAN and place yourself firmly under COMMON LAW where MEN and WOMEN belong!

    COMMON LAW is the LAW for men and women living on the LAND! You are currently being ruled over as a "vessel" at sea!

    I really don't care about ANY of their laws, once every last one of them have been executed or sent to prison for their crimes they will be irrelevant anyway.

    What we got to care about is CONSENT!
    And none of us need to "consent" to any of it!

    The very day we stand together..... IT ALL ENDS!

    TRUMPERTARIANISM (PART 3) You will NEVER DEFEAT the #Slavery System of "Maritime Admiralty Law" that has been set up to control you, enslave you, and steal your fruits of your labor, by continuing to "consent" to being the #Slave of a Corporation! Our entire system is nothing more than institutionalized SLAVERY that you are duped into participating in EVERY TIME YOU VOTE or declare yourself a "US Citizen" If you want to "consent" to something, how about you consent to sending every one of these political parasites to the PRISONS THEY BUILT TO PUT YOU INTO??? This goes for the politicians, the bankers that control them, the Jews, the Jesuits, the Vatican, an the #Police they have hired to PROTECT THEM FROM BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE, as they shake you down for any money you have left after being robbed the first ten times through "taxation" You PAY because you are a SLAVE and you refuse to stand together! Until you ALL stand together and END the entire corrupt system of slavery EVERYTHING called "government" will continue to rule and rob you! Their black robed priests and their Maritime Admiralty Law Courts will continue to send you to PRISON and steal your assets UNTIL you remove yourself from their #Jurisdiction by REFUSING TO CONSENT! I do not want or need a group of people to make rules for me and rob me daily! I don't need their "protection" and don't "consent" to be bound by their "Statutes and Codes" (Which are NOT #Laws, and REQUIRE YOUR CONSENT) EVERYTHING "Maritime Admiralty Law" REQUIRES YOUR CONSENT! It's a "Private Society" that you MUST CONSENT TO JOINING for them to have any jurisdiction over you whatsoever! This is how they send you to prison without you creating a VICTIM! NO VICTIM = NO CRIME! UNLESS you "consent" to giving "power of attorney" over your life to a CORPORATION by voting or declaring yourself a "citizen" Because a "citizen" is a SLAVE with no inalienable human rights! They can make the AIR YOU BREATHE ILLEGAL if they desire to do so The ONLY WAY to escape your slavery is by REVOKING YOUR CONSENT! Do NOT consent to ANY OF IT! Declare yourself a FREE MAN or WOMAN and place yourself firmly under COMMON LAW where MEN and WOMEN belong! COMMON LAW is the LAW for men and women living on the LAND! You are currently being ruled over as a "vessel" at sea! I really don't care about ANY of their laws, once every last one of them have been executed or sent to prison for their crimes they will be irrelevant anyway. What we got to care about is CONSENT! And none of us need to "consent" to any of it! The very day we stand together..... IT ALL ENDS! https://www.bitchute.com/video/6MGx-S7G2DA/
    Trumpertarianism (Part 3)
    As promised, here is my take on the all-too-predictable spectacle of the Orange Fuhrer doing his schtick at the "Libertarian" (sic) convention. This is Part THREE (of three). ____________________________ If you want to support what we do here, dona…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 494 Visualizações
  • JUAN O SAVIN- America SEES The Consent of the Governed- NINO 5 26 2024

    IS this the Second American REVOLUTIONARY WAR? This is really going to be a time of coming of AWARENESS and COHERENCY. These are not options this will be a part of your Magna Carta moment. Will Trump come in as KING? Yes he is going to clean house. The Consent of the Governed. Back to a time when the line is drawn. “Consent of the governed” refers to the idea that a government's legitimacy and moral right to use state power is justified and lawful only when consented, or agreed to, by the people over which that political power is exercised.
    This is the STATE of our UNION at this moment but it is by the GRACE OF GOD that we will NOT be FORCED to go to CIVIL WAR. The Premise has always been to SAVE PEOPLE. This Fight from the Divine Prospective... The might is about the individual as we all are eternal beings. The manifestation of the moment is fabrications of insignificance. A "breath" in the LONG MARCH of time. These agreements are momentary. Not living entities.

    I tried all in my power to avert this war. I saw it coming, for twelve years I worked night and day to prevent it, but I could not. The North was mad and blind; it would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came, and now it must go on unless you acknowledge our right to self government. We are not fighting for slavery. We are fighting for Independence. -Jefferson Davis
    Jefferson F. Davis was an American politician who served as the first and only president of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865. He represented Mississippi in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives as a member of the Democratic Party before the American Civil War.
    JUAN O SAVIN- America SEES The Consent of the Governed- NINO 5 26 2024 https://rumble.com/v4xv8fz-juan-o-savin-america-sees-the-consent-of-the-governed-nino-5-26-2024.html IS this the Second American REVOLUTIONARY WAR? This is really going to be a time of coming of AWARENESS and COHERENCY. These are not options this will be a part of your Magna Carta moment. Will Trump come in as KING? Yes he is going to clean house. The Consent of the Governed. Back to a time when the line is drawn. “Consent of the governed” refers to the idea that a government's legitimacy and moral right to use state power is justified and lawful only when consented, or agreed to, by the people over which that political power is exercised. This is the STATE of our UNION at this moment but it is by the GRACE OF GOD that we will NOT be FORCED to go to CIVIL WAR. The Premise has always been to SAVE PEOPLE. This Fight from the Divine Prospective... The might is about the individual as we all are eternal beings. The manifestation of the moment is fabrications of insignificance. A "breath" in the LONG MARCH of time. These agreements are momentary. Not living entities. I tried all in my power to avert this war. I saw it coming, for twelve years I worked night and day to prevent it, but I could not. The North was mad and blind; it would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came, and now it must go on unless you acknowledge our right to self government. We are not fighting for slavery. We are fighting for Independence. -Jefferson Davis Jefferson F. Davis was an American politician who served as the first and only president of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865. He represented Mississippi in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives as a member of the Democratic Party before the American Civil War.
    0 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 364 Visualizações
  • Remember to Breathe! Breathing is more important than most people realize. https://youtu.be/hiQFTsBzqwo
    Remember to Breathe! Breathing is more important than most people realize. https://youtu.be/hiQFTsBzqwo
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 55 Visualizações
  • satellites show; Canadian wildfire smoke spreading toward Great Lakes. Canada reports 143 active wildfires with 38 of those fires being “out of control.” micron particles are so small they can be inhaled catching your breath while
    satellites show; Canadian wildfire smoke spreading toward Great Lakes. Canada reports 143 active wildfires with 38 of those fires being “out of control.” micron particles are so small they can be inhaled catching your breath while
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 326 Visualizações
  • OPP will force all GTA drivers to take a breathalyzer test

    OPP will force all GTA drivers to take a breathalyzer test https://tnc.news/2024/05/06/opp-force-all-drivers-breathalyzer-test/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 111 Visualizações

    There was definitely a FLOOD!
    Which created a lot of #Mud!

    We already KNOW the story!
    But REMEMBER... The "Evil continually" came because of the FALLEN ANGELS mingling their seed with the seed of MAN! Don't forget that FACT!

    It's the reason the fallen were judged so harshly!
    Naturally, they try to blame MAN. But the straw that broke the Father's patience.....
    was definitely the mixing of the seed, which resulted in #Evil and #Violence

    The Father HATES mixture... if you've never noticed

    Genesis 7

    16 And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in.

    17 And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth.

    18 And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters.

    19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.

    20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.

    21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:

    22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.

    23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.

    24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days.

    Genesis 8

    1 And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged;

    2 The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained;

    3 And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated.

    4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.

    5 And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.

    6 And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made:

    7 And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.

    8 Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground;

    9 But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark.

    10 And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark;

    11 And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.

    12 And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more.

    13 And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry.

    14 And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried.

    15 And God spake unto Noah, saying,

    16 Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee.

    17 Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth.

    18 And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him:

    19 Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the ark.

    20 And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.

    21 And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.

    22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.


    EVIDENCE OF MUD FLOODS WORLDWIDE There was definitely a FLOOD! Which created a lot of #Mud! We already KNOW the story! But REMEMBER... The "Evil continually" came because of the FALLEN ANGELS mingling their seed with the seed of MAN! Don't forget that FACT! It's the reason the fallen were judged so harshly! Naturally, they try to blame MAN. But the straw that broke the Father's patience..... was definitely the mixing of the seed, which resulted in #Evil and #Violence The Father HATES mixture... if you've never noticed Genesis 7 16 And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in. 17 And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth. 18 And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters. 19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. 20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered. 21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: 22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died. 23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark. 24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. Genesis 8 1 And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged; 2 The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained; 3 And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. 4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. 5 And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen. 6 And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made: 7 And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. 8 Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground; 9 But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. 10 And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; 11 And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. 12 And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more. 13 And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry. 14 And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried. 15 And God spake unto Noah, saying, 16 Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee. 17 Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. 18 And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him: 19 Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the ark. 20 And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. 21 And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. 22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. READ THE BOOK OF ENOCH! https://www.bitchute.com/video/Vo0ftgJffqgo/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1502 Visualizações

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