• WWIII Alert: Ukraine Lies, Claims Russian Kamikaze Drone Struck NATO Member Romania https://www.infowars.com/posts/wwiii-alert-ukraine-lies-claims-russian-kamikaze-drone-struck-nato-member-romania/
    WWIII Alert: Ukraine Lies, Claims Russian Kamikaze Drone Struck NATO Member Romania https://www.infowars.com/posts/wwiii-alert-ukraine-lies-claims-russian-kamikaze-drone-struck-nato-member-romania/
    0 Comments 1 Shares 153 Views
  • https://www.independentsentinel.com/in-wwiii-news-zelensky-racks-up-weapons/
    In WWIII News, Zelensky Racks Up Weapons & $$$$$
    NATO is preparing for war. “Over 500,000 troops in all militaries of NATO armed forces are currently on high alert,” said NATO Secretary
    0 Comments 0 Shares 475 Views
  • It’s Trump vs WWIII – Martin Armstrong, Greg Hunter

    Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says we are going to have a wild close to 2024. Let’s start with Biden’s new job approval rating from Martin Armstrong’s “Socrates” program, which is now only 6% to 7%. Armstrong explains, “It’s the old story of draining the swamp, but now, the swamp is an ocean. This is completely crazy. The cases against Trump show you how desperate they are here. The reason they want Biden, and they even blocked RFK Jr. from getting on the Democrat ticket, the reason they want him is he is just a sock puppet. He’s not really in charge. He’s not making any decisions.”

    Are the Deep State globalist Democrats panicking over the 6% to 7% Biden approval rating? Top people on both sides know this is an accurate number. With about four months to go before the 2024 Election, are they now panicking over these dismal approval numbers? Armstrong says, “Oh, yes, they are panicking. I have been in politics for more than 40 years. I know how it works. All of a sudden, you see in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, oh, Biden is slipping behind closed doors. That would not make the press unless they wanted it to. They are floating a ballon to see how it goes. All of a sudden, they want Biden to do a debate. Before, no debates. Why? Because they know he’s going to look bad. . . . At the Democrat Convention, they will draft someone else, and that is most likely going to be Hillary.”

    The economy and war are linked in a big way, according to Armstrong, and he explains, “You’ve got about $10 trillion of US debt that is maturing this year. . . . You’ve got Secretary of State Blinken threatening China with war. China dumped $53 billion in US debt in the first quarter of 2024. That means China are sellers and not buyers. You had Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen flying to China asking, ‘Please don’t sell.’ It didn’t work. This is why they are talking about raising the capital gains to 44%. Why? If nobody is going to buy the debt, that’s when default comes. If you cannot sell the new debt to pay off the old debt, guess what? It’s done. This is how governments fall, and I have been warning them for decades that this is how it’s going to end. . . . This is why they need war. This is why Europe is going into war. . . . If you cannot sell the new debt, you have to default. If you have war, and that is what is really behind this, if you go into war, they get to default and blame Putin. . . . In November, it’s going to be Trump vs World War III regardless who is on the other side. If you get Hillary or you get Biden, it’s the same thing. Hillary is a neocon, and Biden says yes to whatever the neocons want.” And the neocons clearly want war–a big one.
    It’s Trump vs WWIII – Martin Armstrong, Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v50bzlc-its-trump-vs-wwiii-martin-armstrong.html Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says we are going to have a wild close to 2024. Let’s start with Biden’s new job approval rating from Martin Armstrong’s “Socrates” program, which is now only 6% to 7%. Armstrong explains, “It’s the old story of draining the swamp, but now, the swamp is an ocean. This is completely crazy. The cases against Trump show you how desperate they are here. The reason they want Biden, and they even blocked RFK Jr. from getting on the Democrat ticket, the reason they want him is he is just a sock puppet. He’s not really in charge. He’s not making any decisions.” Are the Deep State globalist Democrats panicking over the 6% to 7% Biden approval rating? Top people on both sides know this is an accurate number. With about four months to go before the 2024 Election, are they now panicking over these dismal approval numbers? Armstrong says, “Oh, yes, they are panicking. I have been in politics for more than 40 years. I know how it works. All of a sudden, you see in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, oh, Biden is slipping behind closed doors. That would not make the press unless they wanted it to. They are floating a ballon to see how it goes. All of a sudden, they want Biden to do a debate. Before, no debates. Why? Because they know he’s going to look bad. . . . At the Democrat Convention, they will draft someone else, and that is most likely going to be Hillary.” The economy and war are linked in a big way, according to Armstrong, and he explains, “You’ve got about $10 trillion of US debt that is maturing this year. . . . You’ve got Secretary of State Blinken threatening China with war. China dumped $53 billion in US debt in the first quarter of 2024. That means China are sellers and not buyers. You had Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen flying to China asking, ‘Please don’t sell.’ It didn’t work. This is why they are talking about raising the capital gains to 44%. Why? If nobody is going to buy the debt, that’s when default comes. If you cannot sell the new debt to pay off the old debt, guess what? It’s done. This is how governments fall, and I have been warning them for decades that this is how it’s going to end. . . . This is why they need war. This is why Europe is going into war. . . . If you cannot sell the new debt, you have to default. If you have war, and that is what is really behind this, if you go into war, they get to default and blame Putin. . . . In November, it’s going to be Trump vs World War III regardless who is on the other side. If you get Hillary or you get Biden, it’s the same thing. Hillary is a neocon, and Biden says yes to whatever the neocons want.” And the neocons clearly want war–a big one.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1494 Views
  • Col. Macgregor Warns NATO Trying To Start WWIII, Sending US Troops To Fight Russia On Front-Line https://www.infowars.com/posts/col-macgregor-warns-nato-trying-to-start-wwiii-sending-us-troops-to-fight-russia-on-front-line/
    Col. Macgregor Warns NATO Trying To Start WWIII, Sending US Troops To Fight Russia On Front-Line https://www.infowars.com/posts/col-macgregor-warns-nato-trying-to-start-wwiii-sending-us-troops-to-fight-russia-on-front-line/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 535 Views
  • Trump Guilty, Missiles Fired on Russia, Rubino’s Analysis

    Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in a New York court on Thursday. The judge gave some cartoon-like jury instructions, and many are saying that this fact alone will be grounds for reversing these convictions. How long will this take? Will there be an emergency appeal to the US Supreme Court? Will they jail Trump? Will they get desperate enough to kill him? Is this the kind of thing the Democrats feel they must do if Joe Biden’s areal approval rating is just under 8%. (Yes, this is the real number according to Martin Armstrong and another confidential source I know personally.)

    While everybody was in shock that Donald Trump was convicted in an obvious attempt to rig the 2024 election, President Biden greenlighted Ukraine to fire US made missiles into Russia. This is a huge escalation!!! “It pushes the US closer to WWIII than it has ever been before,” according to WNW guest/analyst John Rubino.

    Rubino gives his take on the timing of Biden’s approval of US weapons to be shot into Russian territory at the very hour the Trump guilty verdict was put out. This was done on purpose, according to Rubino, and he will tell you why the Biden Administration did this. Rubino thinks this is the big story that was covered up by the Trump court news. This should terrify all Americans. Rubino also thinks, this 34-count felony conviction is going to “backfire big-time on the Democrats.”
    Trump Guilty, Missiles Fired on Russia, Rubino’s Analysis https://rumble.com/v4ym9xz-trump-guilty-missiles-fired-on-russia-rubinos-analysis.html Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in a New York court on Thursday. The judge gave some cartoon-like jury instructions, and many are saying that this fact alone will be grounds for reversing these convictions. How long will this take? Will there be an emergency appeal to the US Supreme Court? Will they jail Trump? Will they get desperate enough to kill him? Is this the kind of thing the Democrats feel they must do if Joe Biden’s areal approval rating is just under 8%. (Yes, this is the real number according to Martin Armstrong and another confidential source I know personally.) While everybody was in shock that Donald Trump was convicted in an obvious attempt to rig the 2024 election, President Biden greenlighted Ukraine to fire US made missiles into Russia. This is a huge escalation!!! “It pushes the US closer to WWIII than it has ever been before,” according to WNW guest/analyst John Rubino. Rubino gives his take on the timing of Biden’s approval of US weapons to be shot into Russian territory at the very hour the Trump guilty verdict was put out. This was done on purpose, according to Rubino, and he will tell you why the Biden Administration did this. Rubino thinks this is the big story that was covered up by the Trump court news. This should terrify all Americans. Rubino also thinks, this 34-count felony conviction is going to “backfire big-time on the Democrats.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 913 Views
  • Trump Guilty, Missiles Fired on Russia, Rubino’s Analysis

    Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in a New York court on Thursday. The judge gave some cartoon-like jury instructions, and many are saying that this fact alone will be grounds for reversing these convictions. How long will this take? Will there be an emergency appeal to the US Supreme Court? Will they jail Trump? Will they get desperate enough to kill him? Is this the kind of thing the Democrats feel they must do if Joe Biden’s areal approval rating is just under 8%. (Yes, this is the real number according to Martin Armstrong and another confidential source I know personally.)

    While everybody was in shock that Donald Trump was convicted in an obvious attempt to rig the 2024 election, President Biden greenlighted Ukraine to fire US made missiles into Russia. This is a huge escalation!!! “It pushes the US closer to WWIII than it has ever been before,” according to WNW guest/analyst John Rubino.

    Rubino gives his take on the timing of Biden’s approval of US weapons to be shot into Russian territory at the very hour the Trump guilty verdict was put out. This was done on purpose, according to Rubino, and he will tell you why the Biden Administration did this. Rubino thinks this is the big story that was covered up by the Trump court news. This should terrify all Americans. Rubino also thinks, this 34-count felony conviction is going to “backfire big-time on the Democrats.”
    Trump Guilty, Missiles Fired on Russia, Rubino’s Analysis https://rumble.com/v4ym9xz-trump-guilty-missiles-fired-on-russia-rubinos-analysis.html Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in a New York court on Thursday. The judge gave some cartoon-like jury instructions, and many are saying that this fact alone will be grounds for reversing these convictions. How long will this take? Will there be an emergency appeal to the US Supreme Court? Will they jail Trump? Will they get desperate enough to kill him? Is this the kind of thing the Democrats feel they must do if Joe Biden’s areal approval rating is just under 8%. (Yes, this is the real number according to Martin Armstrong and another confidential source I know personally.) While everybody was in shock that Donald Trump was convicted in an obvious attempt to rig the 2024 election, President Biden greenlighted Ukraine to fire US made missiles into Russia. This is a huge escalation!!! “It pushes the US closer to WWIII than it has ever been before,” according to WNW guest/analyst John Rubino. Rubino gives his take on the timing of Biden’s approval of US weapons to be shot into Russian territory at the very hour the Trump guilty verdict was put out. This was done on purpose, according to Rubino, and he will tell you why the Biden Administration did this. Rubino thinks this is the big story that was covered up by the Trump court news. This should terrify all Americans. Rubino also thinks, this 34-count felony conviction is going to “backfire big-time on the Democrats.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 877 Views
  • There is no way the Zelensky regime can win the war, of course, but that does not mean Western backers are planning to stop pouring your tax dollars into trying. After all, what do they have to lose? It's your cash they're stealing.
    Russia, meanwhile, is staging tactical nuclear "drills" that involve the delivery of nuclear weapons to troops from storage sites. These same drills also involve arming nuclear missiles and preparing them for launch, which sounds a whole lot like WWIII in the making.
    There is no way the Zelensky regime can win the war, of course, but that does not mean Western backers are planning to stop pouring your tax dollars into trying. After all, what do they have to lose? It's your cash they're stealing. Russia, meanwhile, is staging tactical nuclear "drills" that involve the delivery of nuclear weapons to troops from storage sites. These same drills also involve arming nuclear missiles and preparing them for launch, which sounds a whole lot like WWIII in the making. https://newstarget.com/2024-05-24-corrupt-congress-pushing-us-wwiii-russia.html
    Corrupt Congress pushing U.S. into World War III with Russia
    Rather than work towards negotiating a peace deal in diplomatic fashion, the United States Congress is begging for World War III with Russia. Following a meeting with Ukrainian members of parliament (MPs) this week, members of Congress issued a plea for Kiev to receive a much larger war chest to continue fruitlessly fighting back against […]
    0 Comments 0 Shares 765 Views
  • Demonic Globalist Elite Starting World War III – Steve Quayle, Greg Hunter

    Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle has amassed a deep network of sources, especially in the military. Quayle is hearing that America is closer to nuclear war than it has ever been. Quayle says, “This is a detonation broadcast because of everything that is ready to explode: in the economy, in the world of WWIII, the events taking place in Ukraine and the events taking place off of the West Coast of the United States. Never in the history of the United States and Russia have we had multiple submarines, strategic missile submarines doing tests in international waters warning the US government, especially the FAA and the Pentagon, that they are going to be using dummy warheads. . . . Here is the striking thing about this. The United States, Western Europe and the NATO confederation have declared in the next 10 days they are going to be moving up to 90,000 men onto the border in Ukraine. We have declared that F-16’s (that can carry nuclear missiles) are going into Ukraine. . . . or around Ukraine. Russia has said that when they touch down, they will hit them on the ground. What is more astonishing is the time period for this test missile launch is also 10 days. It syncs up totally with NATO’s time frame to deploy troops and F-16’s. . . .Russia is the leading nuclear power in the world, and they have advanced technology, such as hypersonic missiles we, the United States, do not possess. . . . We are talking about somebody making the wrong decision, and at that point, it’s WWIII from then on. This is not a military exercise.”

    Quayle says there are no peace talks to cool things down and deescalate tensions. Quayle points out, “Everybody wants war, and it’s the West triggering the war. You get into the Deagel Report and there is going to be 250 million less Americans by 2025. This means the population of the United States is going down to around 90 million to 100 million people. The Deagel Report was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, and how did they know this? It’s simple, we are watching the globalists and the elite initiate World War III. . . . The Russians have told us their time of patience is over. We need to talk about how dangerous this is. One wrong move and everything you have known in the United States, our freedoms are over. . . . I am fighting for the undoing of World War III. We have some, and I won’t call them insane, I would call them ‘demonic infectons.’ . . . . They are running the country. . . . A demon is a disembodied evil spirit. This is not a human being.”

    Quayle says another huge warning sign that something is very wrong on multiple levels is the Friday closing price of gold and silver. Gold is now well over $2,400 an ounce after a nearly $40 per ounce run-up before the weekend. Silver is more than $31 per ounce after nearly an 8% jump on Friday. Quayle says, “Nobody wants to be short metals over the weekend. This is a sign people are worried.”

    Quayle also says, “Russia is saying we are 300 miles off your coast, and by the way, we are going to be launching some missiles. The Russians are demonstrating they have the capability, and in my opinion, this is the last step. They are pissed off at NATO. They are pissed off at Great Britian, and they are totally pissed off at the United States.”

    In closing, Quayle says, “People ask me what shall I do? And I say there is an answer, and his name is Jesus. There is a Bible, and God says call me on the day of your trouble, and I will hear you. I am telling people to get right with the Lord. . . . The United States declared war on the Living God, and the Democrats and the Zombie Cons went along with it. . . . If you are looking for a political solution for a spiritual problem, you are already dead.”
    Demonic Globalist Elite Starting World War III – Steve Quayle, Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v4vv9nu-demonic-globalist-elite-starting-world-war-iii-steve-quayle.html Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle has amassed a deep network of sources, especially in the military. Quayle is hearing that America is closer to nuclear war than it has ever been. Quayle says, “This is a detonation broadcast because of everything that is ready to explode: in the economy, in the world of WWIII, the events taking place in Ukraine and the events taking place off of the West Coast of the United States. Never in the history of the United States and Russia have we had multiple submarines, strategic missile submarines doing tests in international waters warning the US government, especially the FAA and the Pentagon, that they are going to be using dummy warheads. . . . Here is the striking thing about this. The United States, Western Europe and the NATO confederation have declared in the next 10 days they are going to be moving up to 90,000 men onto the border in Ukraine. We have declared that F-16’s (that can carry nuclear missiles) are going into Ukraine. . . . or around Ukraine. Russia has said that when they touch down, they will hit them on the ground. What is more astonishing is the time period for this test missile launch is also 10 days. It syncs up totally with NATO’s time frame to deploy troops and F-16’s. . . .Russia is the leading nuclear power in the world, and they have advanced technology, such as hypersonic missiles we, the United States, do not possess. . . . We are talking about somebody making the wrong decision, and at that point, it’s WWIII from then on. This is not a military exercise.” Quayle says there are no peace talks to cool things down and deescalate tensions. Quayle points out, “Everybody wants war, and it’s the West triggering the war. You get into the Deagel Report and there is going to be 250 million less Americans by 2025. This means the population of the United States is going down to around 90 million to 100 million people. The Deagel Report was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, and how did they know this? It’s simple, we are watching the globalists and the elite initiate World War III. . . . The Russians have told us their time of patience is over. We need to talk about how dangerous this is. One wrong move and everything you have known in the United States, our freedoms are over. . . . I am fighting for the undoing of World War III. We have some, and I won’t call them insane, I would call them ‘demonic infectons.’ . . . . They are running the country. . . . A demon is a disembodied evil spirit. This is not a human being.” Quayle says another huge warning sign that something is very wrong on multiple levels is the Friday closing price of gold and silver. Gold is now well over $2,400 an ounce after a nearly $40 per ounce run-up before the weekend. Silver is more than $31 per ounce after nearly an 8% jump on Friday. Quayle says, “Nobody wants to be short metals over the weekend. This is a sign people are worried.” Quayle also says, “Russia is saying we are 300 miles off your coast, and by the way, we are going to be launching some missiles. The Russians are demonstrating they have the capability, and in my opinion, this is the last step. They are pissed off at NATO. They are pissed off at Great Britian, and they are totally pissed off at the United States.” In closing, Quayle says, “People ask me what shall I do? And I say there is an answer, and his name is Jesus. There is a Bible, and God says call me on the day of your trouble, and I will hear you. I am telling people to get right with the Lord. . . . The United States declared war on the Living God, and the Democrats and the Zombie Cons went along with it. . . . If you are looking for a political solution for a spiritual problem, you are already dead.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2228 Views
  • Trump Sends Message Letting Everyone Know What The [DS] Is Planning To Do, Buckle Up – Ep. 3346
    The Biden admin is continually trying to gas light the people, they are trying to convince the people that the economy is much better than when Trump was in office. The people are buying it, the people know. They see it and are experiencing it. It’s all going to come down around the [CB]. The [DS] realizes that the indictments are now working. People see the truth that it is a two tiered justice system and Biden is going after this political opponent. It is no longer a conspiracy because it is documented. The [DS] will now move into their next phase, which is trading out Biden and ramping up their plan to bring us to war and to delay the elections. Trump sends a message via a Truth and says first there were protests now we are approach WWIII and much more.
    Trump Sends Message Letting Everyone Know What The [DS] Is Planning To Do, Buckle Up – Ep. 3346 https://rumble.com/v4teu5t-ep.-3346b-trump-sends-message-letting-everyone-know-what-the-ds-is-planning.html The Biden admin is continually trying to gas light the people, they are trying to convince the people that the economy is much better than when Trump was in office. The people are buying it, the people know. They see it and are experiencing it. It’s all going to come down around the [CB]. The [DS] realizes that the indictments are now working. People see the truth that it is a two tiered justice system and Biden is going after this political opponent. It is no longer a conspiracy because it is documented. The [DS] will now move into their next phase, which is trading out Biden and ramping up their plan to bring us to war and to delay the elections. Trump sends a message via a Truth and says first there were protests now we are approach WWIII and much more.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 931 Views

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