• Somethings coming.
    God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
    Somethings coming. God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 38 Views
  • Well, let me tell you something about Joe Biden and French toast. Joe Biden loves French toast because it's a classic American breakfast dish that brings people together. Just like Joe, French toast is warm, comforting, and always reliable. Whether he's enjoying it with his family or sharing it with friends, Joe appreciates the simple pleasure of a delicious plate of French toast. It's a reminder of the good things in life and the importance of savoring every moment. So, next time you see Joe Biden enjoying a plate of French toast, know that he's not just eating breakfast – he's celebrating the joy of connection and community.
    Well, let me tell you something about Joe Biden and French toast. Joe Biden loves French toast because it's a classic American breakfast dish that brings people together. Just like Joe, French toast is warm, comforting, and always reliable. Whether he's enjoying it with his family or sharing it with friends, Joe appreciates the simple pleasure of a delicious plate of French toast. It's a reminder of the good things in life and the importance of savoring every moment. So, next time you see Joe Biden enjoying a plate of French toast, know that he's not just eating breakfast – he's celebrating the joy of connection and community.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 148 Views

    Washington DC is a #Corporation!
    Your STATE (The State of whatever) is a CORPORATION!
    Your city or town is also a CORPORATION!

    Your state exists seperately from the corporation which sits over the top of it! Just like your city does!

    But the people that you pay "taxes" to ARE THE CORPORATION!
    You do not have to pay taxes!

    "Taxes" are something that "Legal Fictions" (pieces of paper) have to pay
    YOU have been deceived into representing that piece of paper!

    Paying it's taxes, serving it's time in prison etc....

    YOU do not have to pay taxes!
    YOU are not ruled by a corporation!

    The legal fiction is!

    And YES, the #Police work for this CORPORATION!
    They enforce the rules of a CORPORATION!

    What Police enforce is not #Law!
    They simply try to force YOU to represent the "legal fiction"
    It is #Evil what they do!
    EXACTLY RIGHT! Washington DC is a #Corporation! Your STATE (The State of whatever) is a CORPORATION! Your city or town is also a CORPORATION! Your state exists seperately from the corporation which sits over the top of it! Just like your city does! But the people that you pay "taxes" to ARE THE CORPORATION! You do not have to pay taxes! "Taxes" are something that "Legal Fictions" (pieces of paper) have to pay YOU have been deceived into representing that piece of paper! Paying it's taxes, serving it's time in prison etc.... YOU ARE NOT A "LEGAL FICTION" YOU do not have to pay taxes! YOU are not ruled by a corporation! The legal fiction is! YOU SIMPLY MUSTY STOP REPRESENTING THE LEGAL FICTION! And YES, the #Police work for this CORPORATION! They enforce the rules of a CORPORATION! What Police enforce is not #Law! They simply try to force YOU to represent the "legal fiction" It is #Evil what they do!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 194 Views
  • I have only ONE QUESTION for everyone.....

    You can rationalize it any way you choose, but that is EXACTLY what you are! And if it pisses you off, I'd suggest that you

    COMMON LAW & THE CONSTITUTION are the highest form of law

    The "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM you have been enslaved by is beneath COMMON LAW, and common law wins the day
    EVERY TIME against it!

    Not to mention that the entire maritime law scam is based in #Fraud and deception!

    So either FREE YOURSELF by standing in COMMON LAW and staying out of the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law....

    Or quit whining and be a good little SLAVE!
    Those are your choices!


    Treating YOU, a MAN or WOMAN, as "chattel property" of the corporation, claiming that you have "consented" to representing a "Legal Fiction" that exists ONLY ON A PIECE OF PAPER!

    It's the greatest FRAUD in the history of the world!
    So.... Are you just going to suck on it???
    Or do you plan to do something about it?

    If EVERYONE would stand together we could END THIS FRAUD IN A DAY!
    I have only ONE QUESTION for everyone..... HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING THE #SLAVE OF A #CORPORATION? You can rationalize it any way you choose, but that is EXACTLY what you are! And if it pisses you off, I'd suggest that you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! COMMON LAW & THE CONSTITUTION are the highest form of law The "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM you have been enslaved by is beneath COMMON LAW, and common law wins the day EVERY TIME against it! Not to mention that the entire maritime law scam is based in #Fraud and deception! So either FREE YOURSELF by standing in COMMON LAW and staying out of the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law.... Or quit whining and be a good little SLAVE! Those are your choices! EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD AND ALL "COURTS" & "POLICE" ARE PRACTICING MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW... Treating YOU, a MAN or WOMAN, as "chattel property" of the corporation, claiming that you have "consented" to representing a "Legal Fiction" that exists ONLY ON A PIECE OF PAPER! It's the greatest FRAUD in the history of the world! So.... Are you just going to suck on it??? Or do you plan to do something about it? If EVERYONE would stand together we could END THIS FRAUD IN A DAY!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 266 Views
  • Well... #Trump wants to give guys like this

    Maybe next time it'll be YOUR MOM or GRANDMOTHER he kills

    I'm a non-violent man by nature....
    But I must be honest here, I'd REALLY have a hard time not beating this scumbag to death with my bare hands if I saw his sorry carcass on the streets!

    An elderly woman makes the mistake of calling the corporate "Policy Enforcers" to her home over a prowler....

    These demonic scumbags invite themselves into her home, they were NOT "invited in" and they had no warrant...

    The crackheads needed a fix..... SO THEY WANTED HER ID!
    To run her for possible warrants
    (Because wanted people call police all the time)

    After unlawfully entering this elderly woman's home and trying to get her ID, the cop mentions to the woman she has something on the stove, which was a pot of water boiling, likely for tea....

    So she goes and removes the pot of water from the stove and walk towards her sink with it, she is not within 10 feet of this pussy, and he suddenly freaks out like the old lady wants to take him out with the water! SHOOTS HER IN THE FACE! (For cooking)

    Just a friendly reminder....
    #Police are more dangerous than ANY #Criminal

    WHY would ANYONE call the Police?
    Have you been asleep for 25 years?

    Do you REALLY believe that these murderous scum are
    "working for you?" NO... they are your sworn ENEMIES!

    They work for a #Corporation that considers YOU the enemy!
    It's about time to clean them up and haul them off!

    Every last scumbag affiliated with the
    Corporation of the United States needs to go!

    I hope that Big Bubba makes this punk his bitch
    little sissy
    Well... #Trump wants to give guys like this even stronger IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION! Maybe next time it'll be YOUR MOM or GRANDMOTHER he kills I'm a non-violent man by nature.... But I must be honest here, I'd REALLY have a hard time not beating this scumbag to death with my bare hands if I saw his sorry carcass on the streets! An elderly woman makes the mistake of calling the corporate "Policy Enforcers" to her home over a prowler.... These demonic scumbags invite themselves into her home, they were NOT "invited in" and they had no warrant... The crackheads needed a fix..... SO THEY WANTED HER ID! To run her for possible warrants (Because wanted people call police all the time) After unlawfully entering this elderly woman's home and trying to get her ID, the cop mentions to the woman she has something on the stove, which was a pot of water boiling, likely for tea.... So she goes and removes the pot of water from the stove and walk towards her sink with it, she is not within 10 feet of this pussy, and he suddenly freaks out like the old lady wants to take him out with the water! SHOOTS HER IN THE FACE! (For cooking) Just a friendly reminder.... #Police are more dangerous than ANY #Criminal WHY would ANYONE call the Police? Have you been asleep for 25 years? Do you REALLY believe that these murderous scum are "working for you?" NO... they are your sworn ENEMIES! They work for a #Corporation that considers YOU the enemy! It's about time to clean them up and haul them off! Every last scumbag affiliated with the Corporation of the United States needs to go! I hope that Big Bubba makes this punk his bitch little sissy
    0 Comments 0 Shares 402 Views
  • EVERY #Police Officer in America is GUILTY of Crimes!

    Their crimes you ask???

    These #Violent #Criminal #Pirates are literally violating...

    18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND
    18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

    Simply by enforcing "Statutes and Codes" against LIVING MEN!

    Statutes and Codes are "Maritime Admiralty Law" which applies ONLY TO #Corporations and "Legal Fictions" (pieces of paper)

    Assuming that an American "consents" to being treated as if he is "CHATTEL PROPERTY" of a corporation, and ASSUMING that he "consents" to "Representing a "Legal Fiction" are both CRIMES!

    Committing Violence against LIVING MEN by claiming that they "consent" to being the property of a Corporation is insanity!


    It is time for these criminals to be STOPPED!
    And their black robed priests accomplices too!

    YOU have been scammed by corporate criminals
    who belong in prison! These criminals CLAIM that you have "consented" to something that you don't even know EXISTS!

    And bet your ass.... It is a violation of Title 18 U.S.C. § 241 & 242!
    EVERY #Police Officer in America is GUILTY of Crimes! Their crimes you ask??? These #Violent #Criminal #Pirates are literally violating... 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law Simply by enforcing "Statutes and Codes" against LIVING MEN! Statutes and Codes are "Maritime Admiralty Law" which applies ONLY TO #Corporations and "Legal Fictions" (pieces of paper) Assuming that an American "consents" to being treated as if he is "CHATTEL PROPERTY" of a corporation, and ASSUMING that he "consents" to "Representing a "Legal Fiction" are both CRIMES! Committing Violence against LIVING MEN by claiming that they "consent" to being the property of a Corporation is insanity! NO AMERICAN CONSENTS TO BEING THE PROPERTY OF A CORPORATION! NO AMERICAN CONSENTS TO REPRESENTING A PIECE OF PAPER KNOWN AS A "LEGAL FICTION!" It is time for these criminals to be STOPPED! And their black robed priests accomplices too! YOU have been scammed by corporate criminals who belong in prison! These criminals CLAIM that you have "consented" to something that you don't even know EXISTS! And bet your ass.... It is a violation of Title 18 U.S.C. § 241 & 242!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 370 Views

    Trump may be their hero here on earth....
    But they serve #Satan (As does their heroes)

    There is NOTHING that gives these maggots control over YOU except YOU!

    EXIT the "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Slave System!
    WHY would anyone "consent" to being ruled over by people
    who want to KILL THEM?

    There is no legitimate "consent" and therefore the ENTIRETY of the "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM is illegitimate!

    It is based in "CONTRACT LAW"
    They CLAIM that you have "contracted with them"

    But people.....
    You CANNOT unknowingly enter into a contract!

    There are rules about what is needed for an enforceable contract!

    What is an enforceable contract?
    A legally recognized agreement between two or more parties, which satisfies specific legal requirements, is an “enforceable contract.”

    In order for a contract to be enforceable, it must contain key elements.

    These ensure the contract represents a genuine and binding commitment.

    When a contract is enforceable, it means that if one party fails to fulfill its obligations as outlined in it, the other party or parties have the legal right to seek remedies and enforce its terms through the legal system.

    Such remedies may include monetary damages to compensate for losses incurred due to the breach or a court order for specific performance, which compels the breaching party to carry out their obligations as specified in the agreement.

    What makes a contract enforceable?
    For a contract to be enforceable, it must meet several essential criteria, including:

    1. Offer and acceptance
    Both parties must make a specific, clear offer and receive a corresponding, straightforward acceptance.

    They must also understand and agree to the terms and value of contract.

    2. An intention to create legal relations
    The parties entering into the contract must have the intention of forming a legally binding agreement.

    Contracts made in a social or casual context may lack this.

    3. Consideration
    Consideration refers to something of value exchanged between the parties.

    Each party must provide this, whether it’s money, goods, services, or a promise to do something in the future.

    4. Legal capacity
    The parties involved must have the legal capacity to enter into the contract.

    This means they must be of sound mind, of legal age, and not under the influence of coercion or fraud.

    5. Legality of purpose
    The purpose of the contract must be legal too. Contracts that involve illegal activities or are against public policy are typically not enforceable.

    6. Compliance with formalities
    In some cases, contracts may also need to adhere to specific formalities, such as being in writing or being witnessed by a notary public, to be enforceable.

    7. Consent and genuine assent
    Both parties must enter into the contract willingly and with genuine assent. If one party is deceived, coerced, or pressured, the contract may be voidable.

    8. Properly executed
    The contract must be properly executed with all necessary signatures and approvals from the involved parties.

    9. Certainty and possibility of performance
    The terms and conditions, including the contract effective date, must be clear and specific.

    It must be possible for the parties to fulfill their obligations as outlined in the contract.

    10. A meeting of minds
    There must be a mutual understanding between the parties regarding the essential terms of the contract.

    Misunderstandings or a lack of clarity can render it unenforceable.

    JEWS DANCING FOR THEIR PUPPET & HEAD JEW, TRUMP ✡️ Trump may be their hero here on earth.... But they serve #Satan (As does their heroes) There is NOTHING that gives these maggots control over YOU except YOU! EXIT the "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Slave System! WHY would anyone "consent" to being ruled over by people who want to KILL THEM? There is no legitimate "consent" and therefore the ENTIRETY of the "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM is illegitimate! It is based in "CONTRACT LAW" They CLAIM that you have "contracted with them" But people..... You CANNOT unknowingly enter into a contract! There are rules about what is needed for an enforceable contract! What is an enforceable contract? A legally recognized agreement between two or more parties, which satisfies specific legal requirements, is an “enforceable contract.” In order for a contract to be enforceable, it must contain key elements. These ensure the contract represents a genuine and binding commitment. When a contract is enforceable, it means that if one party fails to fulfill its obligations as outlined in it, the other party or parties have the legal right to seek remedies and enforce its terms through the legal system. Such remedies may include monetary damages to compensate for losses incurred due to the breach or a court order for specific performance, which compels the breaching party to carry out their obligations as specified in the agreement. What makes a contract enforceable? For a contract to be enforceable, it must meet several essential criteria, including: 1. Offer and acceptance Both parties must make a specific, clear offer and receive a corresponding, straightforward acceptance. They must also understand and agree to the terms and value of contract. 2. An intention to create legal relations The parties entering into the contract must have the intention of forming a legally binding agreement. Contracts made in a social or casual context may lack this. 3. Consideration Consideration refers to something of value exchanged between the parties. Each party must provide this, whether it’s money, goods, services, or a promise to do something in the future. 4. Legal capacity The parties involved must have the legal capacity to enter into the contract. This means they must be of sound mind, of legal age, and not under the influence of coercion or fraud. 5. Legality of purpose The purpose of the contract must be legal too. Contracts that involve illegal activities or are against public policy are typically not enforceable. 6. Compliance with formalities In some cases, contracts may also need to adhere to specific formalities, such as being in writing or being witnessed by a notary public, to be enforceable. 7. Consent and genuine assent Both parties must enter into the contract willingly and with genuine assent. If one party is deceived, coerced, or pressured, the contract may be voidable. 8. Properly executed The contract must be properly executed with all necessary signatures and approvals from the involved parties. 9. Certainty and possibility of performance The terms and conditions, including the contract effective date, must be clear and specific. It must be possible for the parties to fulfill their obligations as outlined in the contract. 10. A meeting of minds There must be a mutual understanding between the parties regarding the essential terms of the contract. Misunderstandings or a lack of clarity can render it unenforceable. https://old.bitchute.com/video/W8uDiW7LBwn0/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 468 Views
  • When you "register" something, you ARE giving it away to the person you are "registering it" with! This is a FACT OF LAW. You gotta get out of these guy's #Jurisdiction! Everything hinges on jurisdiction! PRIVATE PROPERTY NEED NOT BE REGISTERED" (Given Away) Listen to this LAW PROFESSOR tell you how it works!

    Alan of Salisbury - The Occult Art of Law https://odysee.com/TheOccultArtOfLaw:3
    When you "register" something, you ARE giving it away to the person you are "registering it" with! This is a FACT OF LAW. You gotta get out of these guy's #Jurisdiction! Everything hinges on jurisdiction! PRIVATE PROPERTY NEED NOT BE REGISTERED" (Given Away) Listen to this LAW PROFESSOR tell you how it works! Alan of Salisbury - The Occult Art of Law https://odysee.com/TheOccultArtOfLaw:3
    0 Comments 0 Shares 124 Views
  • ULTRA Paranoid Cops PULL GUNS on INNOCENT SHOPPER in Parking Lot

    I have not even watched this video yet!
    But I can tell you the reason #Police are paranoid, and scared of EVERYONE like a little girl at Joe Biden's house!

    Police spend ALL DAY EVERY DAY
    "Doing to others what they would NOT want done to them or their family"

    In other words they do #Evil!
    When I interact with people I try to treat them just like how I would like to be treated!

    At least up until the point that they do something that causes me to treat them differently. RESPECT IS EARNED, NOT GIVEN!

    I try to be respectful to anyone providing they are equally respectful of me!
    As long as they don't cross some line, I treat everyone with respect

    Police are just the opposite!
    Police treat EVERYONE with disdain!

    They act like they know it all and that you are just some dumb slug sent to ruin their day! They treat EVERYONE as if they are a #Criminal!

    EXCEPT the real Criminals... Their bosses!
    They pucker up and kiss their demonic arses!

    It's pathetic!
    And I KNOW that art least a few of those Police started out actually wanting to "Help & Protect People." Then they are "Trained" into becoming Tyrant scum, who only cares about their own hide, and nobody else's

    Pathetic COWARDS who commit #Crime behind their badge and a gun! ( And their "Thin Blue Line GANG" of criminal thugs )

    ULTRA Paranoid Cops PULL GUNS on INNOCENT SHOPPER in Parking Lot I have not even watched this video yet! But I can tell you the reason #Police are paranoid, and scared of EVERYONE like a little girl at Joe Biden's house! Police spend ALL DAY EVERY DAY "Doing to others what they would NOT want done to them or their family" In other words they do #Evil! When I interact with people I try to treat them just like how I would like to be treated! At least up until the point that they do something that causes me to treat them differently. RESPECT IS EARNED, NOT GIVEN! I try to be respectful to anyone providing they are equally respectful of me! As long as they don't cross some line, I treat everyone with respect Police are just the opposite! Police treat EVERYONE with disdain! They act like they know it all and that you are just some dumb slug sent to ruin their day! They treat EVERYONE as if they are a #Criminal! EXCEPT the real Criminals... Their bosses! They pucker up and kiss their demonic arses! It's pathetic! And I KNOW that art least a few of those Police started out actually wanting to "Help & Protect People." Then they are "Trained" into becoming Tyrant scum, who only cares about their own hide, and nobody else's Pathetic COWARDS who commit #Crime behind their badge and a gun! ( And their "Thin Blue Line GANG" of criminal thugs ) https://www.bitchute.com/video/tEGc9cB2Rhg
    ULTRA Paranoid Cops PULL GUNS on INNOCENT SHOPPER in Parking Lot
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/highimpactflix ✅ CashApp: https://cash.app/$HighImpactDonate ☕️ Buy me a coffee or two: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/HighImpactFlix ⭐ SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/highimpactflix 📬 Snail Mail: P.O. Box 1454 Tahlequah, Ok 74465 🔵 Private Email List: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlixOfficial (don't forget to CONFIRM) 🔵 Email: [email protected] 🔵 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HighImpactFlix Equipment I use (I receive a small % from each purchase at NO COST to you): ** VanTrue N4 3 Channel Dash Cam: https://amzn.to/3COn0LQ ** VanTrue GPS Module: https://amzn.to/3kSvKur ** Insta360 One X2 Camera: https://amzn.to/3iLZ2tw ** Slim Body cam: https://amzn.to/3kjqoaO ** Full Body Cam 2: https://amzn.to/3Wvy9YC ** Monopod: https://amzn.to/3GHq4KD ** Magnetic Body Cam Mount: https://amzn.to/3Dqv8lM ---------------------- **Orig Vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCtGmsxiK6I It is the intent of this video to promote transparency in law enforcement by providing authentic footage of police interactions. Our FAIR USE content allows viewers to easily access and analyze publicly available material in an informative, educational and newsworthy context from the perspective of individual, civil rights. Everyone in this video is innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. Nothing in this video is to be construed as financial or legal advise. What works for one person, dealing with one police department, may not work for another.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 426 Views
  • Part of the plan is the destruction of America’s small businesses, something they are close to accomplishing. Small businesses are the backbone of America and their destruction was necessary to break the American spirit. Those not closed by the scamdemic are being looted and burned by the “peaceful protesters.” This is part of the plan, many will never reopen. Food prices are skyrocketing, also part of the plan.
    Part of the plan is the destruction of America’s small businesses, something they are close to accomplishing. Small businesses are the backbone of America and their destruction was necessary to break the American spirit. Those not closed by the scamdemic are being looted and burned by the “peaceful protesters.” This is part of the plan, many will never reopen. Food prices are skyrocketing, also part of the plan. https://hive.blog/hive-122315/@richq11/big-tech-coronavirus-and-the-ai-conspiracy
    Big Tech, Coronavirus, and the AI Conspiracy — Hive
    } “He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.” ~Aristotle This video packs a lot of information into 10 minutes. First off, it’s important to understand… by richq11
    0 Comments 0 Shares 279 Views
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