I'm a PROUD #Pariah who stands in the #Truth with the Most High!
    And I shall remain such, if I get kicked off the internet ENTIRELY!
    (I'd be better off anyway)

    So kiss DEEZ #Google and #YouTube and #Facebook

    PARIAH TRUTHTELLERS I'm a PROUD #Pariah who stands in the #Truth with the Most High! And I shall remain such, if I get kicked off the internet ENTIRELY! (I'd be better off anyway) So kiss DEEZ #Google and #YouTube and #Facebook https://www.bitchute.com/video/9zbjjYsufRMF/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2KB Vue
  • Reporter asks Xiden if Saudi Arabia is ‘still a pariah’ which gets a smirk out of MBS.
    Reporter asks Xiden if Saudi Arabia is ‘still a pariah’ which gets a smirk out of MBS.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 448 Vue 1
  • What a farce. This is haw much your government gives a dam about your life . . . not a bit. That pariah of the human race Putin has built shelters for Russian, while our glorious leaders have built shelters only for themselves. Yes, and then they go and poke the bear. Jackasses.
    What a farce. This is haw much your government gives a dam about your life . . . not a bit. That pariah of the human race Putin has built shelters for Russian, while our glorious leaders have built shelters only for themselves. Yes, and then they go and poke the bear. Jackasses. https://rumble.com/v1c2c5z-be-afraid-new-york-city-produces-psa-for-what-to-do-in-the-event-of-a-nucle.html?
    Be Afraid: New York City Produces PSA for What to Do in the Event of a Nuclear Attack
    1. GET INSIDE - Fast - Get into a building - Move away from windows 2. STAY INSIDE - Shut doors and windows - Go to the middle of the building - Get clean immediately - Remove clothing and shower with
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 762 Vue
  • Joe Biden says he hasn't decided whether to visit Saudi Arabia, who he previously called "a pariah," to beg for more oil.

    20 seconds later, he says, "It happens to be a larger meeting taking place in Saudi Arabia. That's the reason I'm going."
    Joe Biden says he hasn't decided whether to visit Saudi Arabia, who he previously called "a pariah," to beg for more oil. 20 seconds later, he says, "It happens to be a larger meeting taking place in Saudi Arabia. That's the reason I'm going."
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 425 Vue 6
  • https://medforth.biz/criticize-multiculturalism-and-become-a-pariah/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 440 Vue
  • https://medforth.biz/criticize-multiculturalism-and-become-a-pariah/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 402 Vue
  • There’s every reason to believe that all this information is true. Says Van Laar, “DIA has high confidence in the veracity of Dong’s claims.” In a sane, just world, our government would act upon this information immediately. China would become a pariah nation, with immediate steps taken to shut down all possible trade with China; Chinese students would be returned to China; corrupt officials and politicians (regardless of party) would be fired and, if appropriate, indicted; and our intelligence agencies would be cleaned up or, if too corrupt, disbanded.

    The mainstream media, however, are currently keeping a tight lid on this story, and it’s doubtful that the Biden administration will act — especially considering how compromised both Biden and his son are. We’ll have to wait for the 2022 election for things to happen. If Republicans gain the majority in Congress, there should be some very interesting hearings. And if DeSantis becomes president in 2024, the indictments had better start rolling out.
    There’s every reason to believe that all this information is true. Says Van Laar, “DIA has high confidence in the veracity of Dong’s claims.” In a sane, just world, our government would act upon this information immediately. China would become a pariah nation, with immediate steps taken to shut down all possible trade with China; Chinese students would be returned to China; corrupt officials and politicians (regardless of party) would be fired and, if appropriate, indicted; and our intelligence agencies would be cleaned up or, if too corrupt, disbanded. The mainstream media, however, are currently keeping a tight lid on this story, and it’s doubtful that the Biden administration will act — especially considering how compromised both Biden and his son are. We’ll have to wait for the 2022 election for things to happen. If Republicans gain the majority in Congress, there should be some very interesting hearings. And if DeSantis becomes president in 2024, the indictments had better start rolling out. https://conservativethinkingamericans.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/screenshot_2573.png
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 498 Vue
    Jean Valjean, the hero of Victor Hugo’s epic novel Les Misérables, is a former prisoner, a pariah in nineteenth-century France. Impoverished and desperate, he steals silverware from a kind bishop who takes him in. Later, when police confront the fugitive, the bishop appears with silver candlesticks, insisting that Valjean had forgotten to take them along with his other “gifts.”

    Joseph’s brothers took everything from him: his clothes, his home, his family, and even his freedom. Joseph could have retaliated, but he chose another path.

    Joseph gave these instructions to the steward of his house: “Fill the men’s sacks with as much food as they can carry, and put each man’s silver in the mouth of his sack” (Genesis 44:1).

    Both the bishop and Joseph reacted the way Christ would have: by forgiving the ones who wronged them and giving them the keys to a new kind of life filled not with grudges and vengeance, but with compassion and generosity toward enemies. It’s not easy; it goes against every human instinct. But if believers are willing, the Spirit can miraculously transform them from takers to givers.

    Challenge for Today: Find a way to bless someone who has treated you wrong.

    Quicklook: Genesis 43:24 through 44:1
    GOD'S WORD FOR TODAY DAILY DEVOTIONAL GIVERS AND TAKERS READ GENESIS 42:1 THROUGH 44:34 Jean Valjean, the hero of Victor Hugo’s epic novel Les Misérables, is a former prisoner, a pariah in nineteenth-century France. Impoverished and desperate, he steals silverware from a kind bishop who takes him in. Later, when police confront the fugitive, the bishop appears with silver candlesticks, insisting that Valjean had forgotten to take them along with his other “gifts.” Joseph’s brothers took everything from him: his clothes, his home, his family, and even his freedom. Joseph could have retaliated, but he chose another path. Joseph gave these instructions to the steward of his house: “Fill the men’s sacks with as much food as they can carry, and put each man’s silver in the mouth of his sack” (Genesis 44:1). Both the bishop and Joseph reacted the way Christ would have: by forgiving the ones who wronged them and giving them the keys to a new kind of life filled not with grudges and vengeance, but with compassion and generosity toward enemies. It’s not easy; it goes against every human instinct. But if believers are willing, the Spirit can miraculously transform them from takers to givers. Challenge for Today: Find a way to bless someone who has treated you wrong. Quicklook: Genesis 43:24 through 44:1
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 431 Vue
  • https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/12/business/cefc-biden-china-washington-ye-jianming.html
    December 12, 2018
    Ye Jianming courted the Biden family and networked with former United States security officials. Today, his empire is crashing down
    in court.
    He struck billions of dollars’ worth of deals in Russia, Eastern Europe and Africa. He sought business with war-torn places like
    Chad and with international pariahs like North Korea.
    Ye Jianming, a fast-rising Chinese oil tycoon, ventured to places only the most politically connected Chinese companies dared to go.
    But what he wanted was access to the corridors of power in Washington — and he set out to get it.
    Soon, he was meeting with the family of Joseph R. Biden Jr., who was then the vice president.
    That effort has unraveled. Mr. Ye is in Chinese custody and is under investigation for unspecified crimes. The trial and conviction
    in New York last week of one of his top lieutenants, Patrick Ho, showed that company officials used bribery to win oil and energy
    contracts in Africa. CEFC is directly tied to hunter biden through emails found on his infamous laptop.
    https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/12/business/cefc-biden-china-washington-ye-jianming.html December 12, 2018 Ye Jianming courted the Biden family and networked with former United States security officials. Today, his empire is crashing down in court. He struck billions of dollars’ worth of deals in Russia, Eastern Europe and Africa. He sought business with war-torn places like Chad and with international pariahs like North Korea. Ye Jianming, a fast-rising Chinese oil tycoon, ventured to places only the most politically connected Chinese companies dared to go. But what he wanted was access to the corridors of power in Washington — and he set out to get it. Soon, he was meeting with the family of Joseph R. Biden Jr., who was then the vice president. That effort has unraveled. Mr. Ye is in Chinese custody and is under investigation for unspecified crimes. The trial and conviction in New York last week of one of his top lieutenants, Patrick Ho, showed that company officials used bribery to win oil and energy contracts in Africa. CEFC is directly tied to hunter biden through emails found on his infamous laptop. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-head-organization-backed-chinese-energy-conglomerate-sentenced-three-years-prison
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 434 Vue
    Russian Air Force unleashes heavy attack on jihadist forces in northwest Syria https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/russian-air-force-unleashes-heavy-attack-on-jihadist-forces-in-northwest-syria/

    Breaking news | Israeli attack targets Iranian militia headquarters in southern Syria... SOHR sources have reported a loud explosion in the village of Al-Hurriya in northern province of al-Quneitra, believed to be an Israeli shelling, targeting the headquarters of Iranian militias in the area. No casualties have been reported so far. https://www.syriahr.com/en/188935/

    Aleppo | Turkish armored vehicle kills child and injures another on Jendires-Afrin road... Aleppo Province – Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: Reliable SOHR sources have confirmed that a Turkish armoured vehicle ran over two children under the age of 18, who were traveling on a motorcycle on the road between Jendires and Afrin while the Turkish armoured vehicle was passing. https://www.syriahr.com/en/188881/

    Nauseatingly Brutal Azeri Drone Strike Compilation.. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry released a nauseatingly brutal drone strike compilation video, demonstrating the ruthless effectiveness of their primary tactic against Armenian forces in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. https://www.funker530.com/nauseatingly-brutal-azeri-drone/

    In Landmark Boost, Trump Says Will Delist Sudan as Sponsor of Terror. Trump said he was ready to remove Sudan from a US blacklist of state sponsors of terrorism, a landmark boost for the civilian-backed government as it turns the page on the nation's decades as an international pariah. https://www.thedefensepost.com/2020/10/20/us-delist-sudan-sponsor-of-terror/

    Aleppo | Turkish armoured vehicle kills child and injures another on Jendires-Afrin road... Aleppo Province – Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: Reliable SOHR sources have confirmed that a Turkish armoured vehicle ran over two children under the age of 18, who were traveling on a motorcycle on the road between Jendires and Afrin while the Turkish armoured vehicle was passing.

    Feared DR Congo Militia Free 1,300 From Jail in Beni: Officials... A feared militia attacked a prison in the troubled east of the Democratic Republic of Congo on Tuesday, freeing at least 1,300 inmates, local officials and police said. https://www.thedefensepost.com/2020/10/20/dr-congo-adf-free-1300-from-jail/

    How the Abraham Accords Will Change Security Cooperation in the Arabian Gulf... The Abraham Accord signatories’ vision and willingness to create opportunities for better security in the region is a noteworthy accomplishment and an excellent start. https://www.thedefensepost.com/2020/10/20/abraham-accords-security/

    Please Pray
    Father God, we pray this daily prayer in your name Lord. We come together united as we pray for our soldiers overseas who are out there defending the world's freedoms. right to remain a free people under your protection. Lord, in your name we pray your mighty shields will protect our soldiers as they risk their own lives fighting to protect and defend our right to have the right to live and have the freedom. Lord bless our soldiers on the frontlines defending The United States of America and all our allies and nations, right to remain a Free nation in your name Jesus Christ we all pray Amen.
    WAR NEWS YOU CAN COUNT ON Oct 20/2020 Russian Air Force unleashes heavy attack on jihadist forces in northwest Syria https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/russian-air-force-unleashes-heavy-attack-on-jihadist-forces-in-northwest-syria/ Breaking news | Israeli attack targets Iranian militia headquarters in southern Syria... SOHR sources have reported a loud explosion in the village of Al-Hurriya in northern province of al-Quneitra, believed to be an Israeli shelling, targeting the headquarters of Iranian militias in the area. No casualties have been reported so far. https://www.syriahr.com/en/188935/ Aleppo | Turkish armored vehicle kills child and injures another on Jendires-Afrin road... Aleppo Province – Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: Reliable SOHR sources have confirmed that a Turkish armoured vehicle ran over two children under the age of 18, who were traveling on a motorcycle on the road between Jendires and Afrin while the Turkish armoured vehicle was passing. https://www.syriahr.com/en/188881/ Nauseatingly Brutal Azeri Drone Strike Compilation.. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry released a nauseatingly brutal drone strike compilation video, demonstrating the ruthless effectiveness of their primary tactic against Armenian forces in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. https://www.funker530.com/nauseatingly-brutal-azeri-drone/ In Landmark Boost, Trump Says Will Delist Sudan as Sponsor of Terror. Trump said he was ready to remove Sudan from a US blacklist of state sponsors of terrorism, a landmark boost for the civilian-backed government as it turns the page on the nation's decades as an international pariah. https://www.thedefensepost.com/2020/10/20/us-delist-sudan-sponsor-of-terror/ Aleppo | Turkish armoured vehicle kills child and injures another on Jendires-Afrin road... Aleppo Province – Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: Reliable SOHR sources have confirmed that a Turkish armoured vehicle ran over two children under the age of 18, who were traveling on a motorcycle on the road between Jendires and Afrin while the Turkish armoured vehicle was passing. Feared DR Congo Militia Free 1,300 From Jail in Beni: Officials... A feared militia attacked a prison in the troubled east of the Democratic Republic of Congo on Tuesday, freeing at least 1,300 inmates, local officials and police said. https://www.thedefensepost.com/2020/10/20/dr-congo-adf-free-1300-from-jail/ How the Abraham Accords Will Change Security Cooperation in the Arabian Gulf... The Abraham Accord signatories’ vision and willingness to create opportunities for better security in the region is a noteworthy accomplishment and an excellent start. https://www.thedefensepost.com/2020/10/20/abraham-accords-security/ Please Pray Father God, we pray this daily prayer in your name Lord. We come together united as we pray for our soldiers overseas who are out there defending the world's freedoms. right to remain a free people under your protection. Lord, in your name we pray your mighty shields will protect our soldiers as they risk their own lives fighting to protect and defend our right to have the right to live and have the freedom. Lord bless our soldiers on the frontlines defending The United States of America and all our allies and nations, right to remain a Free nation in your name Jesus Christ we all pray Amen.
    Russian Air Force unleashes heavy attack on jihadist forces in northwest Syria
    BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 P.M.) - The Russian Air Force unleashed a heavy assault over northwestern Syria on Tuesday, as their warplanes targeted the
    0 Commentaires 1 Parts 469 Vue
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