Special Agent David Lazarus Who "Lied Under Oath" Against the Oath Keepers During Their Trial Is Leaving the Department for Another Agency – Will Walk Free following His Confirmed Perjury in Court
    WE WILL NEVER GET THIS COUNTRY BACK UNTIL WE THE PEOPLE START LOCKING UP JUDGES WHO DO NOT PROSECUTE DEMOCRATS... Special Agent David Lazarus Who "Lied Under Oath" Against the Oath Keepers During Their Trial Is Leaving the Department for Another Agency – Will Walk Free following His Confirmed Perjury in Court
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 828 Views

    There is NO EXCUSE for Americans to drive around, a prime "next target" for #Police... And NOT have a dash camera!

    Everyone needs to have a 3 camera dash camera!

    With a front facing, rear facing, and pointing at the driver's window cameras!

    You can buy a rig like this for under 100 dollars. It can save you more than that the first time it gets you out of a ticket!

    But it also acts as a security camera while the vehicle is parked, it creates an indisputable record of your actions while driving, as well as the actions of others around you!

    If you install it yourself you can get these dash cams relatively cheap...
    But you really want one with the GPS indicator and speed display
    These features are very important when fighting a ticket

    You can get a 3 camera dash cam for about 40 dollars....
    But you really want the GPS, IR night vision, and WiFi

    PLEASE get yourself a 3 camera dash cam system!
    There is no excuse for being victimized without one!

    This camera can be the difference between you serving 10 years in prison because the lies of a cop, OR of you winning a 450,000 settlement in court for false arrest etc.....

    We ARE at war with a foreign corporate military on US Soil in violation of the Constitution.... And it's time that we start ACTING LIKE IT!

    "HONOR YOUR OATH" (JEFF GRAY) EXPOSED! There is NO EXCUSE for Americans to drive around, a prime "next target" for #Police... And NOT have a dash camera! ARE YOU INSANE?' Everyone needs to have a 3 camera dash camera! With a front facing, rear facing, and pointing at the driver's window cameras! You can buy a rig like this for under 100 dollars. It can save you more than that the first time it gets you out of a ticket! But it also acts as a security camera while the vehicle is parked, it creates an indisputable record of your actions while driving, as well as the actions of others around you! If you install it yourself you can get these dash cams relatively cheap... But you really want one with the GPS indicator and speed display These features are very important when fighting a ticket You can get a 3 camera dash cam for about 40 dollars.... But you really want the GPS, IR night vision, and WiFi PLEASE get yourself a 3 camera dash cam system! There is no excuse for being victimized without one! This camera can be the difference between you serving 10 years in prison because the lies of a cop, OR of you winning a 450,000 settlement in court for false arrest etc..... We ARE at war with a foreign corporate military on US Soil in violation of the Constitution.... And it's time that we start ACTING LIKE IT! https://www.bitchute.com/video/7oXvxvhqgBo/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1069 Views

    #Tyrant scumbag exposed

    "HONOR YOUR OATH" (JEFF GRAY) EXPOSED! #Tyrant scumbag exposed https://www.bitchute.com/video/7oXvxvhqgBo/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 519 Views

    At this point in time you MUST consider #Sheriffs and #Police COMPLICIT in #Genocide! There's no other way to look at it!

    If Police and Sheriffs WANTED TO STOP THE GENOCIDE......
    They'd just STOP the genocide!

    But instead we see them protecting those responsible for the murders!
    We see them protecting the #Criminals and arresting those speaking out!

    NOT exactly what I'd call "upholding their oath"

    KAREN KINGSTON FLEES U.S. CLAIMING RFK JR.'S ADVISOR DR. ROBERT MALONE ORDERED HER ASSASSINATION At this point in time you MUST consider #Sheriffs and #Police COMPLICIT in #Genocide! There's no other way to look at it! If Police and Sheriffs WANTED TO STOP THE GENOCIDE...... They'd just STOP the genocide! But instead we see them protecting those responsible for the murders! We see them protecting the #Criminals and arresting those speaking out! NOT exactly what I'd call "upholding their oath" https://www.bitchute.com/video/9VQlxRhzFte6/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1012 Views
  • I'll bet you've never noticed who really controls your local #Police!
    That'd be the "Fraternal Order of Police"

    A "Fraternal Order" huh?
    Sounds a whole lot like your local #Freemason Lodge huh?

    WHY do you think that is?
    As with everything else... The #Criminals want to present themselves as the ones who are "Here to help"

    It's called "Hiding in plain sight"
    And we wonder why we NEVER get #Justice?

    The #Judges are also mostly Freemasons!

    And since we KNOW that Freemasons worship Lucifer.......
    How safe do you feel in a world run by these demons?

    Just asking questions here!

    And we wonder WHY Police never "Honor their Oath"
    and how they sleep at night after treating people the way they do

    They are mostly Satanic Pedophiles likely has
    something to do with it!
    I'll bet you've never noticed who really controls your local #Police! That'd be the "Fraternal Order of Police" A "Fraternal Order" huh? Sounds a whole lot like your local #Freemason Lodge huh? WHY do you think that is? As with everything else... The #Criminals want to present themselves as the ones who are "Here to help" It's called "Hiding in plain sight" And we wonder why we NEVER get #Justice? The #Judges are also mostly Freemasons! And since we KNOW that Freemasons worship Lucifer....... How safe do you feel in a world run by these demons? Just asking questions here! And we wonder WHY Police never "Honor their Oath" and how they sleep at night after treating people the way they do They are mostly Satanic Pedophiles likely has something to do with it!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1346 Views

    These are member of the CORPORATE #Government from around the world, supposedly "Representing the People"

    I've never had an EMPLOYEE that I allowed to conspire against me and my company that didn't get FIRED IMMEDIATELY!

    I'd have to argue that if you STILL believe in the legitimacy of government (Despite it being a CORPORATION that don't represent you) that these people are #Traitors and should be impeached and PROSECUTED as the Traitors they are!

    They are meeting behind closed doors, while being in the employee of "The People" and supposedly having "Taken an #Oath" to faithfully execute their duties.....

    But they are conspiring to depopulate and enslave the planet!

    ALL of them should be hunted down, arrested, and tried for #Treason! Then publicly HUNG if they are found guilty!

    We don't allow EMPLOYEES to keep secrets from THE BOSS!
    And if they do they should be fired!

    I mean is EVERYONE asleep or what?
    Just a happy #Slave?

    THE 2023 BILDERBERG MEMBERS HAVE ARRIVED IN LISBON & PFT IS AT THE AIRPORT TO WELCOME THEM!!! These are member of the CORPORATE #Government from around the world, supposedly "Representing the People" I've never had an EMPLOYEE that I allowed to conspire against me and my company that didn't get FIRED IMMEDIATELY! I'd have to argue that if you STILL believe in the legitimacy of government (Despite it being a CORPORATION that don't represent you) that these people are #Traitors and should be impeached and PROSECUTED as the Traitors they are! They are meeting behind closed doors, while being in the employee of "The People" and supposedly having "Taken an #Oath" to faithfully execute their duties..... But they are conspiring to depopulate and enslave the planet! ALL of them should be hunted down, arrested, and tried for #Treason! Then publicly HUNG if they are found guilty! We don't allow EMPLOYEES to keep secrets from THE BOSS! And if they do they should be fired! I mean is EVERYONE asleep or what? Just a happy #Slave? https://www.bitchute.com/video/28OfxOLoSTW2/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 537 Views
  • Pharmakeia | Drugs, Black Magic & the End Times | Part One

    It's a funny thing, you know?
    I've really been trying to explain to my family how #Pharmakeia from the Bible is witchcraft, sorcery, poisoning, and started out as a practice where you were REQUIRED TO WORSHIP THE "HEALER" IN HIS TEMPLE that he built for himself!

    But you cannot tell people anything!
    All I ever get back is that #Fluoride stare and the accompanying
    "Yeah, but medicines have a good use too, and help a lot of people"

    Well folks..... A "Doctor" about 130 years ago would "Heal You" by altering your DIET! He took a "Hippocratic #Oath" that is completely different than the ones they take today!

    Rockefeller took over the entire medical industry around 1900 when he hired every Propagandist he could buy to call actual doctors "Quacks" to make room for his untried "medicines" (POISONS)

    And I want you to understand that the ENTIRE US CORPORATE #GOVERNMENT was completely taken over in 1913! See attached photo

    Rockefeller and Carnegie and a host of other "NGO's" completely took over the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES in 1913!

    They also used the #AMA to screw over REAL DOCTORS and force the people to use the REAL QUACKS, those trained in Rockefeller funded "medical schools" that do NOT teach medicine.... They teach to prescribe PILLS!

    People seriously need to WAKE UP!

    The original "Hippocratic Oath" was an Oath sworn to "#Apollo the physician"
    You know... The Anti-Christ???

    But because it was based off of healing through DIET and "doing no harm" they had to change it for Rockefeller to legally POISON YOU using modern medicine!

    I'll post both of them below, and I'll post a link to the article they were taken from in my LAST post!

    Pharmakeia | Drugs, Black Magic & the End Times | Part One It's a funny thing, you know? I've really been trying to explain to my family how #Pharmakeia from the Bible is witchcraft, sorcery, poisoning, and started out as a practice where you were REQUIRED TO WORSHIP THE "HEALER" IN HIS TEMPLE that he built for himself! But you cannot tell people anything! All I ever get back is that #Fluoride stare and the accompanying "Yeah, but medicines have a good use too, and help a lot of people" Well folks..... A "Doctor" about 130 years ago would "Heal You" by altering your DIET! He took a "Hippocratic #Oath" that is completely different than the ones they take today! Rockefeller took over the entire medical industry around 1900 when he hired every Propagandist he could buy to call actual doctors "Quacks" to make room for his untried "medicines" (POISONS) And I want you to understand that the ENTIRE US CORPORATE #GOVERNMENT was completely taken over in 1913! See attached photo Rockefeller and Carnegie and a host of other "NGO's" completely took over the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES in 1913! They also used the #AMA to screw over REAL DOCTORS and force the people to use the REAL QUACKS, those trained in Rockefeller funded "medical schools" that do NOT teach medicine.... They teach to prescribe PILLS! People seriously need to WAKE UP! And STOP TAKING BIG PHARMA PRODUCTS! They are ALL poisons! The original "Hippocratic Oath" was an Oath sworn to "#Apollo the physician" You know... The Anti-Christ??? But because it was based off of healing through DIET and "doing no harm" they had to change it for Rockefeller to legally POISON YOU using modern medicine! I'll post both of them below, and I'll post a link to the article they were taken from in my LAST post! https://odysee.com/@ODDTV:b/pharmakeia-drugs-black-magic-the-end:0
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1384 Views
  • Jim is your typical victim of #Freemasons who are mixing your brains like the #Mortar they use to lay brick and stone! When in college you are there to obtain #Degrees just like in Freemasonry!

    They get you to join Sororities and Fraternities because "Hell week" or the initiation process new members go through is actually very similar to #Satanic #Ritual #Abuse.

    You are generally physically beaten some, frightened, and forced to participate in embarrassing and de-humanizing "rituals" and ceremonies!

    Once you have undergone this Satanic Ritual Abuse, meaning that you have been belittled, dehumanized, and broken down
    (Like in the Military and Satanic Cults) then you are ready to "Pledge your #Oath" to a Greek or Roman FALSE GOD!

    The Bible tells us to NOT do these things, but while intoxicated, partying until you puke etc... Who cares about The Word of Yahuwah?

    Once you graduate, having gained so much "Theoretical Knowledge" and having your brain and worldview truly rearranged to fit the wishes of those higher up in the Satanic realm, you are given a retarded looking "Mortar Board Hat" to wear at graduation.....

    Showing the entire world that Freemasons and Satan now own your brainwashed mind! They have gotten you to completely ignore the Word of Yahuwah AND even forced you to swear an Oath to a FALSE GOD!

    ALL "False Gods" are born of Satan himself BTW......
    And for this honor you pay hundreds of thousands of dollars which you may never [pay off due to the high interest rate! Congratulations!

    You have single handedly violated the Word of Yahuwah by swearing an Oath to a Satanic False deity as you allowed demons to fill your head with nonsense that the #Cult of #Science has dreamed up in their "Theoretical" minds!

    While you were off doing this..... JOE was out getting PAID as he learned a trade that is needed EVERYWHERE! He don't have to look for, beg and grovel to get a job because JOE already has a job, in a field that is ALWAYS IN DEMAND!

    Whereas a Freemason "Degree" in gender studies say.... will do NOTHING to get you a job, and will turn your mind into soft, pliable jello, which wiggles between your ears as you walk!

    EVERYONE who meets you for the rest of your like will KNOW that you are little more than a BRAINWASHED MORON who allowed #Jews and #Evil Freemasons to form your entire worldview!

    You should be very proud! You lost your humanity as you swore an oath to Satan! What a wonderful start for your young life! As LOST as any one person can be.... At least until you start watching your "Continued Education" which #Hollywood will feed you in small doses until the day you die!

    The black mirror of the TellLIESVision will keep you lost and apart from Yahuwah and His teachings until the day you die, when Satan gets to take YOUR SOUL for all of eternity! It's just what he does!

    REPENT right now TODAY!
    Because nobody has promised you a tomorrow!
    And Yahushua ( Jesus ) has told you..... It will come as a thief in the night!

    And if you have FAILED TO REPENT then Satan OWNS YOU!
    Of course JOE needs to REPENT as well! But at least he has a JOB!

    1 Thessalonians
    1But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. 2For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. 3For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 4But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. 5You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. 6Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be [a]sober. 7For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. 8But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. 9For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.

    I don't know who needed to hear this message, but The Father put it on my heart to share this with you. And when Yahuwah talks......
    I LISTEN! And you should too!
    Jim is your typical victim of #Freemasons who are mixing your brains like the #Mortar they use to lay brick and stone! When in college you are there to obtain #Degrees just like in Freemasonry! They get you to join Sororities and Fraternities because "Hell week" or the initiation process new members go through is actually very similar to #Satanic #Ritual #Abuse. You are generally physically beaten some, frightened, and forced to participate in embarrassing and de-humanizing "rituals" and ceremonies! Once you have undergone this Satanic Ritual Abuse, meaning that you have been belittled, dehumanized, and broken down (Like in the Military and Satanic Cults) then you are ready to "Pledge your #Oath" to a Greek or Roman FALSE GOD! The Bible tells us to NOT do these things, but while intoxicated, partying until you puke etc... Who cares about The Word of Yahuwah? Once you graduate, having gained so much "Theoretical Knowledge" and having your brain and worldview truly rearranged to fit the wishes of those higher up in the Satanic realm, you are given a retarded looking "Mortar Board Hat" to wear at graduation..... Showing the entire world that Freemasons and Satan now own your brainwashed mind! They have gotten you to completely ignore the Word of Yahuwah AND even forced you to swear an Oath to a FALSE GOD! ALL "False Gods" are born of Satan himself BTW...... And for this honor you pay hundreds of thousands of dollars which you may never [pay off due to the high interest rate! Congratulations! You have single handedly violated the Word of Yahuwah by swearing an Oath to a Satanic False deity as you allowed demons to fill your head with nonsense that the #Cult of #Science has dreamed up in their "Theoretical" minds! While you were off doing this..... JOE was out getting PAID as he learned a trade that is needed EVERYWHERE! He don't have to look for, beg and grovel to get a job because JOE already has a job, in a field that is ALWAYS IN DEMAND! Whereas a Freemason "Degree" in gender studies say.... will do NOTHING to get you a job, and will turn your mind into soft, pliable jello, which wiggles between your ears as you walk! EVERYONE who meets you for the rest of your like will KNOW that you are little more than a BRAINWASHED MORON who allowed #Jews and #Evil Freemasons to form your entire worldview! You should be very proud! You lost your humanity as you swore an oath to Satan! What a wonderful start for your young life! As LOST as any one person can be.... At least until you start watching your "Continued Education" which #Hollywood will feed you in small doses until the day you die! The black mirror of the TellLIESVision will keep you lost and apart from Yahuwah and His teachings until the day you die, when Satan gets to take YOUR SOUL for all of eternity! It's just what he does! REPENT right now TODAY! Because nobody has promised you a tomorrow! And Yahushua ( Jesus ) has told you..... It will come as a thief in the night! And if you have FAILED TO REPENT then Satan OWNS YOU! Of course JOE needs to REPENT as well! But at least he has a JOB! 1 Thessalonians 1But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. 2For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. 3For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 4But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. 5You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. 6Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be [a]sober. 7For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. 8But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. 9For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him. I don't know who needed to hear this message, but The Father put it on my heart to share this with you. And when Yahuwah talks...... I LISTEN! And you should too!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1429 Views
  • Fearless Protestor Forces Cops To BACK DOWN

    While this particular protester may be off her rocker..... Even CRAZY PEOPLE have rights, unfortunately #Police don't know the Constitution they are sworn to uphold. It's their PRIME DIRECTIVE, which is to be their FIRST consideration!

    Then you have the FACT that Police do NOT know the laws they are supposedly enforcing.... So how can they enforce them?

    It's a PROBLEM!
    Because even people who believe that beef "Is a person too" HAVE RIGHTS!
    They may be dumb, but they do have rights!

    The bottom line is that police don't know the law, they violate their oaths, and they are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! So they just do as they please!

    WHO PAYS??? YOU, the taxpayers pays for their stupidity every time!
    And that is because Police are not required to carry their own
    LIABILITY INSURANCE, which would make more sense AND would help hold them accountable! (Too many lawsuits they'd get cancelled & fired)

    We need SERIOUS CHANGES in the PD's around this country!

    The FIRST ONE needs to be a yearly TEST ON THE CONSTITUTION!
    How can these morons "uphold their #Oath" when they don't have a CLUE what the Constitution says???

    I believe that EVERY COP should be REQUIRED BY LAW to take Sheriff Mack's #CSPOA Training course for starters (Mandatory & required by law)

    I want you to consider something for a minute.... In #California you MUST attend a class for SIX YEARS to braid hair (Which is because of lobbyists)
    But Police are given a gun and MAYBE six weeks of training!!!

    While requiring a license or permit to work should be a CRIME in and of itself, Police should have to pass a rigorous training and testing corriculum!

    They need to know the Constitution firstly.... And a firearm safety class at least!
    The average 12 year old hunter has much better gun safety practices than do Police! It's pathetic!

    Fearless Protestor Forces Cops To BACK DOWN While this particular protester may be off her rocker..... Even CRAZY PEOPLE have rights, unfortunately #Police don't know the Constitution they are sworn to uphold. It's their PRIME DIRECTIVE, which is to be their FIRST consideration! Then you have the FACT that Police do NOT know the laws they are supposedly enforcing.... So how can they enforce them? It's a PROBLEM! Because even people who believe that beef "Is a person too" HAVE RIGHTS! They may be dumb, but they do have rights! The bottom line is that police don't know the law, they violate their oaths, and they are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! So they just do as they please! WHO PAYS??? YOU, the taxpayers pays for their stupidity every time! And that is because Police are not required to carry their own LIABILITY INSURANCE, which would make more sense AND would help hold them accountable! (Too many lawsuits they'd get cancelled & fired) We need SERIOUS CHANGES in the PD's around this country! The FIRST ONE needs to be a yearly TEST ON THE CONSTITUTION! How can these morons "uphold their #Oath" when they don't have a CLUE what the Constitution says??? I believe that EVERY COP should be REQUIRED BY LAW to take Sheriff Mack's #CSPOA Training course for starters (Mandatory & required by law) I want you to consider something for a minute.... In #California you MUST attend a class for SIX YEARS to braid hair (Which is because of lobbyists) But Police are given a gun and MAYBE six weeks of training!!! While requiring a license or permit to work should be a CRIME in and of itself, Police should have to pass a rigorous training and testing corriculum! They need to know the Constitution firstly.... And a firearm safety class at least! The average 12 year old hunter has much better gun safety practices than do Police! It's pathetic! https://youtu.be/nONc54L0Xs8
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 819 Views
    Jack Dorsey tells Congress "Under Oath" that he doesn't censor or shadow-ban Republicans.
    PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS RIGHT AGAIN... Jack Dorsey tells Congress "Under Oath" that he doesn't censor or shadow-ban Republicans.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 326 Views 0
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