• The Best 30-Minute Explanation of Marxism I Have Ever Heard
    The Best 30-Minute Explanation of Marxism I Have Ever Heard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6rk1mYiOAw
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  • Blogger (Google) Terminates SlantRight 2.0
    After 15+ Years, Some Woke Blogger Committee Decided SlantRight 2.0 Violated Blogger Community Standards!

    SUMMARY: I’m actually not too surprised the Blogger despots deleted SlantRight 2.0. … Blogger Community Standards have labelled as Misinformation or Disinformation or Conspiracy Theory – EVEN THOUGH more and more revelations have began to emerge my thoughts are closer to FACTS and the Dem-Marxist and Globalist-Left Narrative is more akin to Propaganda Misinformation and Propaganda Disinformation. … MORE TO READ – STAY INFORMED!
    #BloggerCensorship #BloggingAlternatives
    Blogger (Google) Terminates SlantRight 2.0 After 15+ Years, Some Woke Blogger Committee Decided SlantRight 2.0 Violated Blogger Community Standards! https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/blogger-google-terminates-slantright SUMMARY: I’m actually not too surprised the Blogger despots deleted SlantRight 2.0. … Blogger Community Standards have labelled as Misinformation or Disinformation or Conspiracy Theory – EVEN THOUGH more and more revelations have began to emerge my thoughts are closer to FACTS and the Dem-Marxist and Globalist-Left Narrative is more akin to Propaganda Misinformation and Propaganda Disinformation. … MORE TO READ – STAY INFORMED! #BloggerCensorship #BloggingAlternatives
    0 Comments 0 Shares 254 Views
  • The birth of eurocommunism: Frankfurt School’s revision of Marxism
    The birth of eurocommunism: Frankfurt School’s revision of Marxism https://rmx.news/commentary/the-birth-of-eurocommunism-frankfurt-schools-revision-of-marxism/?
    The birth of eurocommunism: Frankfurt School's revision of Marxism
    The Frankfurt School, a group of neo-Marxist intellectuals, significantly revised Marxist ideology after World War II, shifting its focus from economic to cultural issues. Their “critical theory” aimed to challenge and transform Western society by deconstructing its cultural norms and values. The creators of the theory see “progress” in the deconstruction and destabilization of the […]
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  • Critical theory is, by its very nature, nothing more than a naked attempt to destroy the family- the cornerstone of any civilization. If you want to bring down a building, you destroy the foundation- then the rest falls on its own... This is why Socialism appeals to the "Far Left."
    Critical theory is, by its very nature, nothing more than a naked attempt to destroy the family- the cornerstone of any civilization. If you want to bring down a building, you destroy the foundation- then the rest falls on its own... This is why Socialism appeals to the "Far Left." https://steemit.com/families/@richq11/cultural-marxism-endgame-of-the-elites
    Cultural Marxism: Endgame Of The Elites — Steemit
    Google Images "Universal egalitarianism," like all Cultural Marxist rhetoric is the polar opposite of their true… by richq11
    0 Comments 0 Shares 150 Views
  • Let's talk about @KamalaHarris saying "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been." This phrase, which she repeats all the time, is not mysterious. It's esoteric. That is, it's occult. It's a Marxist and Luciferian incantation, and that's easily seen.

    Let's talk about @KamalaHarris saying "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been." This phrase, which she repeats all the time, is not mysterious. It's esoteric. That is, it's occult. It's a Marxist and Luciferian incantation, and that's easily seen. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1815057918229975147.html
    Thread by @ConceptualJames on Thread Reader App
    @ConceptualJames: Let's talk about @KamalaHarris saying "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been." This phrase, which she repeats all the time, is not mysterious. It's esoteric. That is, it's occult. It's a ...…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 144 Views
  • They succeeded in getting Biden elected. However, they failed to consider Biden’s lifelong duplicity and dishonor, as it was not the liberal wing of the party that would control Biden but the Marxist wing that dominates his administration and effectively blackmails him into enacting their policies.
    The Marxist faction of the Democrat Party is now faced with the reality of finding someone to replace Joe Biden. They know they have no one their side of the aisle who can win a national election. Where do they find another malleable, easily blackmailed candidate to further their goals? Is there another Joe Biden in the wings?.

    They succeeded in getting Biden elected. However, they failed to consider Biden’s lifelong duplicity and dishonor, as it was not the liberal wing of the party that would control Biden but the Marxist wing that dominates his administration and effectively blackmails him into enacting their policies. The Marxist faction of the Democrat Party is now faced with the reality of finding someone to replace Joe Biden. They know they have no one their side of the aisle who can win a national election. Where do they find another malleable, easily blackmailed candidate to further their goals? Is there another Joe Biden in the wings?. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/07/the_fracturing_of_the_democrat_party.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 180 Views

  • My Trump Assassination Attempt Suspicion

    SUMMARY: Dem-Marxist, RINO and Never-Trumper ludicrous Conspiracy Theories ranging from Trump staged a shooting for sympathy, Trump stumbled, A Republican tried to kill Trump, Gravity indicates of blood flow makes no sense… The most plausible Conspiracy Theory the Trump assassination attempt was an inside job from one or more government agencies…TAKE A look!
    My Trump Assassination Attempt Suspicion INSIDE JOB https://oneway2day.com/2024/07/17/my-trump-assassination-attempt-suspicion/ SUMMARY: Dem-Marxist, RINO and Never-Trumper ludicrous Conspiracy Theories ranging from Trump staged a shooting for sympathy, Trump stumbled, A Republican tried to kill Trump, Gravity indicates of blood flow makes no sense… The most plausible Conspiracy Theory the Trump assassination attempt was an inside job from one or more government agencies…TAKE A look! #InsideJobAssassination
    0 Comments 0 Shares 284 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/kaufman-liberals-not-marxists-are-the-drivers-of-woke/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 227 Views
  • Anyone who votes AGAINST the #SAVEAct is an IMMEDIATE tell on who is trying to destroy America with this Marxist Color Revolution [they] are foisting on us.

    Pay attention….the trap has been set….
    Anyone who votes AGAINST the #SAVEAct is an IMMEDIATE tell on who is trying to destroy America with this Marxist Color Revolution [they] are foisting on us. Pay attention….the trap has been set….
    0 Comments 1 Shares 458 Views
  • SCOTUS Presidential Immunity: Leftist Lies vs Actual Application
    SUMMARY: Frankly, I have not been too pleased with SCOTUS rulings recently then their most recent rulings appear to spark some hope the Conservative majority might be coming to their senses… SCOTUS certifies official acts of the POTUS are protected by Presidential Immunity. OF COURSE Dem-Marxists & propagandists distort/LIE about SCOTUS ruling…LOOK AT THE FACTS!
    #DemMarxistFearmongering #PresidentialImmunityFacts
    SCOTUS Presidential Immunity: Leftist Lies vs Actual Application https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/scotus-presidential-immunity-leftist SUMMARY: Frankly, I have not been too pleased with SCOTUS rulings recently then their most recent rulings appear to spark some hope the Conservative majority might be coming to their senses… SCOTUS certifies official acts of the POTUS are protected by Presidential Immunity. OF COURSE Dem-Marxists & propagandists distort/LIE about SCOTUS ruling…LOOK AT THE FACTS! #DemMarxistFearmongering #PresidentialImmunityFacts
    0 Comments 0 Shares 639 Views
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