• The FCC Adopted an Order that would Fast-Track George Soros’ Purchase of 200+ Audacy Radio Stations...
    This means the Democrat Foreign megadonor will be able to reach more than 165 million Americans as they begin to cast their votes.
    This means George Soros will in addition completely take over many conservative talk shows such as…
    — Glenn Beck
    — Sean Hannity
    — Mark Levine
    — Dana Loesch
    — Erick Erickson
    This is in direct violation of the LAW!
    🚨The FCC Adopted an Order that would Fast-Track George Soros’ Purchase of 200+ Audacy Radio Stations... This means the Democrat Foreign megadonor will be able to reach more than 165 million Americans as they begin to cast their votes. This means George Soros will in addition completely take over many conservative talk shows such as… — Glenn Beck — Sean Hannity — Mark Levine — Dana Loesch — Erick Erickson This is in direct violation of the LAW! https://rumble.com/v5gk4ka-the-fcc-fast-track-george-soros-purchase-of-200-audacity-radio-stations.html
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 25 Views

    "Meta (Facebook) CEO Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly leaning into what he thinks is Libertarianism as he works to repair ties with Republicans following Facebook’s 2020 suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, his product's inceasant censorship, and the platform's decision to remove Donald Trump after January 6. And, though Meta denies it, Donald Trump claims Zuckerberg privately vowed, 'No way I can vote for a Democrat.'"

    The bottom line is this: Until Zuckerberg terminates all of the so-called "fact checkers" -- the totalitarian censors who draconianly slap warnings on posts, remove posts they disagree with, and terminate accounts that refuse to take a knee to anti-free speech activists masquerading as "truth monitors," his "quiet leanings" exist solely as a ploy to dupe tired conservatives into continuing to believe that redemption is possible.

    Free speech is required -- absolutely -- for the existence of freedom itself. Any encroachment onto that Natural Law Right is a strike against freedom and liberty and cannot and should not be tolerated.

    Hey, Zuck! You want to prove you are a Libertarian (who, by the way, despise governmental interference, and that also means exactly what your private company administration does every day through its censorship)? Fire all the fact checkers and let free speech reign.

    I won't hold my breath.


    #Censorship #Facebook #Meta #Zuckerberg #Libertarian #Media
    ZUCKERBERG FEIGNS THAT HE'S QUIETLY SHIFTING TO THE RIGHT "Meta (Facebook) CEO Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly leaning into what he thinks is Libertarianism as he works to repair ties with Republicans following Facebook’s 2020 suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, his product's inceasant censorship, and the platform's decision to remove Donald Trump after January 6. And, though Meta denies it, Donald Trump claims Zuckerberg privately vowed, 'No way I can vote for a Democrat.'" The bottom line is this: Until Zuckerberg terminates all of the so-called "fact checkers" -- the totalitarian censors who draconianly slap warnings on posts, remove posts they disagree with, and terminate accounts that refuse to take a knee to anti-free speech activists masquerading as "truth monitors," his "quiet leanings" exist solely as a ploy to dupe tired conservatives into continuing to believe that redemption is possible. Free speech is required -- absolutely -- for the existence of freedom itself. Any encroachment onto that Natural Law Right is a strike against freedom and liberty and cannot and should not be tolerated. Hey, Zuck! You want to prove you are a Libertarian (who, by the way, despise governmental interference, and that also means exactly what your private company administration does every day through its censorship)? Fire all the fact checkers and let free speech reign. I won't hold my breath. https://substack.com/profile/129788551-frank-salvato/note/c-70553799 #Censorship #Facebook #Meta #Zuckerberg #Libertarian #Media
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 188 Views
  • https://republicbroadcasting.org/news/kamalas-brother-in-law-fleeced-taxpayers-for-billions-to-give-to-left-wing-groups-and-lawyers-2/
    Kamala’s brother-in-law fleeced taxpayers for billions to give to left-wing groups and lawyers
    Source: NYPost.com By Daniel Huff and Clark S. Judge Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, may be the current world-class champ of presidential-family shady dealings, but not for long. If Kamala Harris w…
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 130 Views
  • The Gates of Hell (Full Episode) | Doomsday Preppers
    The radical left in America really has no clue of how prepared we "Doomsday Preppers" truly are. Even the Feds are scared shitless of us. This is the National Geographic's version and it is as real as reality can get. Law-abiding American gun owners are estimated to possess somewhere between 5 and 6 TRILLION rounds of ammunition. Your move, Alphabet agencies. It's gonna be a turkey shoot.

    Let's not forget the recent FBI #Whistleblower's Warning to Americans:
    FBI Whistleblower Warns Americans: Stock Up on Food, Water, Guns

    The Gates of Hell (Full Episode) | Doomsday Preppers The radical left in America really has no clue of how prepared we "Doomsday Preppers" truly are. Even the Feds are scared shitless of us. This is the National Geographic's version and it is as real as reality can get. Law-abiding American gun owners are estimated to possess somewhere between 5 and 6 TRILLION rounds of ammunition. Your move, Alphabet agencies. It's gonna be a turkey shoot. Let's not forget the recent FBI #Whistleblower's Warning to Americans: FBI Whistleblower Warns Americans: Stock Up on Food, Water, Guns https://slaynews.com/news/fbi-whistleblower-warns-americans-stock-up-food-water-guns/ https://rumble.com/v5gibnp-the-gates-of-hell-full-episode-doomsday-preppers.html
    0 Reacties 1 aandelen 211 Views

    I am NOT a "citizen" of ANY #Government!

    A "Citizen" is a voluntary #Slave!
    Are YOU volunteering to be a SLAVE of a corporation???

    I'm certainly NOT!

    When you "consent" to being a "citizen" or check the box declaring that you are a "US Citizen" or "Canadian Citizen" you are declaring that you VOLUNTARILY give up your inalienable rights as a MAN or a WOMAN and consent to being the PROPERTY of these corporations!

    Then they can RULE OVER YOU under "Maritime Admiralty Law"
    Which is the form of law Fraudulently used in EVERY COURT IN THE WORLD!

    You are putting yourself into the #Jurisdiction of the WATER!
    Just like you were at sea.....

    At Sea "The Captain" can do whatever he wants to you!
    Declare you guilty and make you "Walk the plank"

    Screw that!
    I'll stay in the Jurisdiction of the LAND where MEN and WOMEN belong,
    under COMMON LAW! Do no harm and you are fine!

    Instead of 128,000 BS "rules" or go to prison!

    THE WHITE RABBIT - I AM NOT A CITIZEN OF THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT I am NOT a "citizen" of ANY #Government! A "Citizen" is a voluntary #Slave! Are YOU volunteering to be a SLAVE of a corporation??? I'm certainly NOT! When you "consent" to being a "citizen" or check the box declaring that you are a "US Citizen" or "Canadian Citizen" you are declaring that you VOLUNTARILY give up your inalienable rights as a MAN or a WOMAN and consent to being the PROPERTY of these corporations! Then they can RULE OVER YOU under "Maritime Admiralty Law" Which is the form of law Fraudulently used in EVERY COURT IN THE WORLD! You are putting yourself into the #Jurisdiction of the WATER! Just like you were at sea..... At Sea "The Captain" can do whatever he wants to you! Declare you guilty and make you "Walk the plank" Screw that! I'll stay in the Jurisdiction of the LAND where MEN and WOMEN belong, under COMMON LAW! Do no harm and you are fine! Instead of 128,000 BS "rules" or go to prison! https://old.bitchute.com/video/QGJcQ1hlgHuI/
    UTL COMMENT:- 'No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon'. [demon Mammon the money-changers Banks w/ Crown International BAR …
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 227 Views
  • Hundreds of documents — emails obtained under Freedom of Information Act lawsuits or Congressional subpoena, as well as Congressional interview transcripts — show Fauci’s institute protected EcoHealth Alliance, which collaborated on novel coronavirus discovery and engineering projects with the Wuhan lab.
    Hundreds of documents — emails obtained under Freedom of Information Act lawsuits or Congressional subpoena, as well as Congressional interview transcripts — show Fauci’s institute protected EcoHealth Alliance, which collaborated on novel coronavirus discovery and engineering projects with the Wuhan lab. https://brownstone.org/articles/faucis-inner-circle-shielded-u-s-collaborator/
    Fauci’s Inner Circle Shielded U.S. Collaborator ⋆ Brownstone Institute
    The Wuhan Institute of Virology’s chief American collaborator leveraged connections in Fauci’s inner circle to survive federal scrutiny.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 205 Views
  • The Genesis Revelation: Part 1 - The Biblical Flat Earth?
    Rob Skiba

    I think about it ALL THE TIME!
    What I think about is WHAT A MISTAKE ROB SKIBA MADE by going to the hospital during the #Covid19 #HOAX!

    Because despite covid-19 being a complete and total fabrication...
    People WERE literally being #Murdered in hospitals!

    I have a close friend that just passed away recently, and she told me that she barely escaped the hospital in her little town, near Huntsville, Texas!

    People get sick folks! It does happen!
    And the "deep state" and the Jews took advantage of this during "Covid-19"

    Despite covid-19 not existing... The #PCR was indicating people had this non-existent illness. And the TREATMENT PROTOCOLS were used to KILL THESE PEOPLE!

    Sue told me that had she not contacted her good friend, a nurse, who immediately showed up and took charge... She literally had Sue's son show up and pretend to be a lawyer! They were not going to allow her to leave the hospital!

    She escaped the Remdesivir killing fields!
    Remdesivir was the "treatment protocol" of the CDC, and was being used specifically to KILL!

    Remdesivir killed 53% of people who took it during trials!
    It killed so many people in fact, they stopped the trial!

    So Anthony Fauci said "Since it kills 53% of ALL PEOPLE WHO TAKE IT.... We will make it the mandatory treatment protocol of covid-19"

    Then they PAID THE HOSPITAL to kill you with it!
    It was an organized #Genocide Plan!

    And Rob Skiba made the mistake of going into one of these hospitals, and he never left alive! This was an operation of the Devil himself, involving all of his minions... And Rob was exposing them left and right! They had to kill him!

    I fear that knowing all he did....
    He put way too much faith into the Freemason / Jew controlled hospitals!

    EVERYONE needs to know these people
    are NOT there to help you!

    They are there to keep you sick and make money off of you

    Rob had these people's number! I just feel like he didn't quite grasp how much control that the dark forces of this world have over "Hospitals"

    Despite having left this world.... Rob is still exposing them!

    The Genesis Revelation: Part 1 - The Biblical Flat Earth? Rob Skiba I think about it ALL THE TIME! What I think about is WHAT A MISTAKE ROB SKIBA MADE by going to the hospital during the #Covid19 #HOAX! Because despite covid-19 being a complete and total fabrication... People WERE literally being #Murdered in hospitals! I have a close friend that just passed away recently, and she told me that she barely escaped the hospital in her little town, near Huntsville, Texas! People get sick folks! It does happen! And the "deep state" and the Jews took advantage of this during "Covid-19" Despite covid-19 not existing... The #PCR was indicating people had this non-existent illness. And the TREATMENT PROTOCOLS were used to KILL THESE PEOPLE! Sue told me that had she not contacted her good friend, a nurse, who immediately showed up and took charge... She literally had Sue's son show up and pretend to be a lawyer! They were not going to allow her to leave the hospital! She escaped the Remdesivir killing fields! Remdesivir was the "treatment protocol" of the CDC, and was being used specifically to KILL! Remdesivir killed 53% of people who took it during trials! It killed so many people in fact, they stopped the trial! So Anthony Fauci said "Since it kills 53% of ALL PEOPLE WHO TAKE IT.... We will make it the mandatory treatment protocol of covid-19" Then they PAID THE HOSPITAL to kill you with it! It was an organized #Genocide Plan! And Rob Skiba made the mistake of going into one of these hospitals, and he never left alive! This was an operation of the Devil himself, involving all of his minions... And Rob was exposing them left and right! They had to kill him! I fear that knowing all he did.... He put way too much faith into the Freemason / Jew controlled hospitals! EVERYONE needs to know these people are NOT there to help you! They are there to keep you sick and make money off of you Rob had these people's number! I just feel like he didn't quite grasp how much control that the dark forces of this world have over "Hospitals" Despite having left this world.... Rob is still exposing them! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHicELhlAFo&list=PLqwODG8u2OWXoGZ955NEmbWPyiZPcCPRD
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 237 Views
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/another-reason-why-illegal-aliens-are-needed-by-the-lawless/
    Another Reason Why Illegal Aliens Are Needed By The Lawless - The Washington Standard
    When thinking about illegal aliens there is a generally understood idea that they are being brought to the U.S. for the primary purpose of voting for one particular party. But it should also be considered that these human beings are being manipulated and used to achieve other goals. The “The ...
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 112 Views

    YOU are a f*cking MORON if you join the #Military of ANY "COUNTRY"
    (They are ALL #Corporations) The same goes for being a #Police Officer! You are joining the DEVIL, and giving him ownership over your body... ARE YOU DUMB???

    WHY would you want to be a stooge for #Evil people as you are a #Traitor to your own countrymen??? Because that is EXACTLY what you are doing!

    I love what this lady is TRYING TO DO!
    But she WILL lose!

    You CANNOT beat a man at his own game!
    The CRIMINALS have control over certain things!

    1.) Government
    2.) The Judiciary / Lawyers / The #BAR Association
    3.) The medical establishment
    4.) the #Media

    They will use ALL of these things to make certain you CANNOT WIN in their illegitimate, Fraud based, maritime admiralty law "Courts"

    These courts do not have authority over MEN and WOMEN!
    They only control #Commerce, Corporations, Money, and LEGAL FICTIONS!

    MEN and WOMEN must seek justice when they are harmed under
    COMMON LAW, by going after the MAN or WOMAN that harmed them personally, as a MAN or WOMAN (NOT the "Legal Fiction")

    SHOCKING: LAWYER SHARES MILITARY WHISTLEBLOWERS' CLAIMS OF ABUSE DURING COVID JAB MANDATE ROLLOUT YOU are a f*cking MORON if you join the #Military of ANY "COUNTRY" (They are ALL #Corporations) The same goes for being a #Police Officer! You are joining the DEVIL, and giving him ownership over your body... ARE YOU DUMB??? WHY would you want to be a stooge for #Evil people as you are a #Traitor to your own countrymen??? Because that is EXACTLY what you are doing! I love what this lady is TRYING TO DO! But she WILL lose! You CANNOT beat a man at his own game! The CRIMINALS have control over certain things! 1.) Government 2.) The Judiciary / Lawyers / The #BAR Association 3.) The medical establishment 4.) the #Media They will use ALL of these things to make certain you CANNOT WIN in their illegitimate, Fraud based, maritime admiralty law "Courts" These courts do not have authority over MEN and WOMEN! They only control #Commerce, Corporations, Money, and LEGAL FICTIONS! MEN and WOMEN must seek justice when they are harmed under COMMON LAW, by going after the MAN or WOMAN that harmed them personally, as a MAN or WOMAN (NOT the "Legal Fiction") https://old.bitchute.com/video/6YSuqkFMGM4/
    SHOCKING: Lawyer shares military whistleblowers' claims of abuse during COVID jab mandate rollout
    http://NoMoreShots.ca | MORE: https://rebelne.ws/4eDWogM Military law attorney Catherine Christensen joins Rebel News to discuss Canadian Armed Forces members and veterans' shocking claims of emotional abuse they allegedly endured during the forces'…
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 314 Views

    #Police don't give a sh*t about #Violent #Crime!
    Most violent crime is committed by Police!

    Police are #Criminals who seek to raise revenue!
    These scumbags WORK FOR A FOR-PROFIT #CORPORATION that claims to be your "government" but it's NOT!

    It's an organized criminal operation operating based on #Fraud
    under "Maritime Admiralty Law"

    Every last one of them should be tried under COMMON LAW as a MAN or WOMAN who is doing REAL HARM to Americans "under the color of law"

    These are literally modern day #Pirates!
    They are pirates because their ONLY JURISDICTION IS ON THE WATER!

    That is where the FRAUD comes in!
    They are claiming that YOU have "consented" to be ruled as a #Slave under
    maritime admiralty law, which you MUST DO for this to be LAWFUL!

    WHY DID THE COP DRESSED AS A CHICKEN NOT CROSS THE ROAD? #Police don't give a sh*t about #Violent #Crime! Most violent crime is committed by Police! Police are #Criminals who seek to raise revenue! These scumbags WORK FOR A FOR-PROFIT #CORPORATION that claims to be your "government" but it's NOT! It's an organized criminal operation operating based on #Fraud under "Maritime Admiralty Law" Every last one of them should be tried under COMMON LAW as a MAN or WOMAN who is doing REAL HARM to Americans "under the color of law" These are literally modern day #Pirates! They are pirates because their ONLY JURISDICTION IS ON THE WATER! That is where the FRAUD comes in! They are claiming that YOU have "consented" to be ruled as a #Slave under maritime admiralty law, which you MUST DO for this to be LAWFUL! https://old.bitchute.com/video/iyiXDQtFtaNF/
    Why Did the Cop Dressed as a Chicken NOT Cross the Road?
    Zebra crossings, cops in chicken costumes, dogs painted to look like pandas, and real pandas that have turned into white elephants. Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to https://davidknight.gold/ for great deals on phys…
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 232 Views

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