• It's virtually impossible for a U.S. President NOT to be a Zionist. Creepy Joe is a devout Zionist just like his predecessor, the orange clown.

    The voting system in America by design produces Zionists because it's the Jewish Rothschilds who control America's central bank, which is the nervous system of the American economy. And they've been controlled it FULLY since 1913 when a Zionist central bank (the Federal Reserve) was established through an act of treason by Congress and a puppet president called Woodrow Wilson. Since then, ALL of America's politicians are beholden to the Zionist Rothschilds and their Israel. Since then, ALL of America's politicians are traitors to the American people. Since then, presidents are selected by the Jewish Rothschilds, NOT elected by the American people.

    Before 1913, the income tax was illegal, and America had a powerful Navy, roads, schools, railroads, and everything else. It's only thanks to the Jewish Rothschilds that Americans now MUST pay suffocating income taxes. And the worst part about the income tax is the fact that it's completely unnecessary. It pays ONLY the interest on the borrowed money from private banks because the U.S. Treasury is not allowed to issue its own money.

    Not even a penny of it goes to fund civic programs because it ALL goes to pay just the interest on the borrowed money from private bankers like the Rothschilds, the Rockefeller, and the Morgans.

    And who are the Rothschilds? You know, the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel. They own almost EVERY central bank on this planet. For every misery and suffering, you can thank the Rothschilds for that.

    Watch these videos:

    It does NOT matter if Clinton or Bush or Obama or Trump or Mickey Mouse is sitting at the White House, you idiots! America is a corporate oligarchy. It's the corporations that control this country, not the politicians. The politicians are just put there by the banking class to give the brainwashed voters the illusion of choice.

    If you EVER voted for ANY politician in your life, you're an absolute idiot and a clown who doesn't understand politics or the banking system that controls it.

    #DeleteTheElite #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2021 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #PresidentialSelection #IncomeTax #IncomeTaxes #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #Usery

    #BalfourDeclaration #FreePalestine #JewWorldOrder #ZionismIsTerrorism #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #TheEmpireOfZion #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination

    It's virtually impossible for a U.S. President NOT to be a Zionist. Creepy Joe is a devout Zionist just like his predecessor, the orange clown. The voting system in America by design produces Zionists because it's the Jewish Rothschilds who control America's central bank, which is the nervous system of the American economy. And they've been controlled it FULLY since 1913 when a Zionist central bank (the Federal Reserve) was established through an act of treason by Congress and a puppet president called Woodrow Wilson. Since then, ALL of America's politicians are beholden to the Zionist Rothschilds and their Israel. Since then, ALL of America's politicians are traitors to the American people. Since then, presidents are selected by the Jewish Rothschilds, NOT elected by the American people. Before 1913, the income tax was illegal, and America had a powerful Navy, roads, schools, railroads, and everything else. It's only thanks to the Jewish Rothschilds that Americans now MUST pay suffocating income taxes. And the worst part about the income tax is the fact that it's completely unnecessary. It pays ONLY the interest on the borrowed money from private banks because the U.S. Treasury is not allowed to issue its own money. Not even a penny of it goes to fund civic programs because it ALL goes to pay just the interest on the borrowed money from private bankers like the Rothschilds, the Rockefeller, and the Morgans. And who are the Rothschilds? You know, the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel. They own almost EVERY central bank on this planet. For every misery and suffering, you can thank the Rothschilds for that. 👉Watch these videos: https://is.gd/G0G6K0 https://is.gd/Ymi7O7 https://is.gd/Fa0VTx https://is.gd/PD5KnU https://is.gd/1lZZCs https://is.gd/bxEc4r https://is.gd/8nbHsD It does NOT matter if Clinton or Bush or Obama or Trump or Mickey Mouse is sitting at the White House, you idiots! America is a corporate oligarchy. It's the corporations that control this country, not the politicians. The politicians are just put there by the banking class to give the brainwashed voters the illusion of choice. If you EVER voted for ANY politician in your life, you're an absolute idiot and a clown who doesn't understand politics or the banking system that controls it. #DeleteTheElite #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2021 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #PresidentialSelection #IncomeTax #IncomeTaxes #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #Usery #BalfourDeclaration #FreePalestine #JewWorldOrder #ZionismIsTerrorism #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #TheEmpireOfZion #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination Sources: https://is.gd/kgEw6D https://is.gd/gS5l1e https://is.gd/umARV0 https://is.gd/RP22vt https://is.gd/QSTUel https://is.gd/z7NG2f https://is.gd/0Eny5p https://is.gd/KGJA72 https://is.gd/QEUpWv https://is.gd/0uGiLJ https://is.gd/9MHf8e https://is.gd/jfjzh6 https://is.gd/mCEoCj https://is.gd/W2ocVF https://is.gd/DGu0R1 https://is.gd/6rtiVp https://is.gd/ocNOwf https://is.gd/0IAm0E https://is.gd/TUnGIu
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 21K Views
  • The Jewish Rothschilds banking dynasty didn't create Israel thanks to World War 1 and 2. The Rothschilds STARTED World War 1 and 2 BECAUSE it would make the creation of Israel in the Middle East possible.

    After deleting all maps and all documents from the internet in a desperate attempt to erase history, now the Jews of Israel are pretending that Palestine never existed. But all you need to do to reveal their deception is show them the Balfour Declaration, which is a 1917 letter from the British Foreign Secretary to the Rothschilds.

    It was written in 1917, at the height of WW1, announcing British support for the colonization of Palestine to establish a "national home for the Jewish people" after the native Palestinians are ruthlessly massacred or deported. The country name "Palestine" is clearly stated in the document.

    Whenever you see a Jew questioning the existence of Palestine, just ask them to read the Balfour Declaration. That's it.

    Ever wondered why the United States continually supports and defends Israel unquestionably? Well, it's because the Jewish Rothschilds banking dynasty controls the USA's central bank (The Federal Reserve), which is the nervous system of the American economy.

    #BalfourDeclaration #FreePalestine #JewWorldOrder #ZionismIsTerrorism #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #TheEmpireOfZion #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination

    The Jewish Rothschilds banking dynasty didn't create Israel thanks to World War 1 and 2. The Rothschilds STARTED World War 1 and 2 BECAUSE it would make the creation of Israel in the Middle East possible. After deleting all maps and all documents from the internet in a desperate attempt to erase history, now the Jews of Israel are pretending that Palestine never existed. But all you need to do to reveal their deception is show them the Balfour Declaration, which is a 1917 letter from the British Foreign Secretary to the Rothschilds. It was written in 1917, at the height of WW1, announcing British support for the colonization of Palestine to establish a "national home for the Jewish people" after the native Palestinians are ruthlessly massacred or deported. The country name "Palestine" is clearly stated in the document. Whenever you see a Jew questioning the existence of Palestine, just ask them to read the Balfour Declaration. That's it. Ever wondered why the United States continually supports and defends Israel unquestionably? Well, it's because the Jewish Rothschilds banking dynasty controls the USA's central bank (The Federal Reserve), which is the nervous system of the American economy. #BalfourDeclaration #FreePalestine #JewWorldOrder #ZionismIsTerrorism #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #TheEmpireOfZion #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination Sources: https://is.gd/gS5l1e https://is.gd/umARV0 https://is.gd/RP22vt https://is.gd/QSTUel https://is.gd/z7NG2f https://is.gd/0Eny5p https://is.gd/KGJA72 https://is.gd/QEUpWv https://is.gd/0uGiLJ https://is.gd/9MHf8e https://is.gd/jfjzh6 https://is.gd/mCEoCj https://is.gd/W2ocVF https://is.gd/DGu0R1 https://is.gd/6rtiVp https://is.gd/ocNOwf https://is.gd/0IAm0E https://is.gd/TUnGIu
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 9K Views
  • If you ever heard a Jew whining about the Holocaust, just watch this video.

    They lied to us about the Vietnam war. They lied to us about 9/11. They're lying to us about COVID19. What makes you think they didn't lie to you about WW2 and the Holocaust.

    Every fiction you heard about the Holocaust, which is mostly a fabrication, is being done TODAY for real by the Jews of Israel against Palestinians and against Muslims everywhere.

    A Jew will tell you that he was attacked, but he'll never tell you why. What's wrong with these people? Why were they kicked out of the Middle East centuries ago? Why were they kicked out of Europe? Why nobody likes them? What's wrong with them?

    And while the world is busy with the scamdemic, Jews are now busy stealing more land in Palestine and launching a military land invasion of Gaza to terrorize Palestinians and steal what's left of their homes and property.

    It's worth noting that Israel has no official national border but only armistice lines. Why? Because the mission of the Zionist regime is to establish "Greater Israel" by colonizing ALL of the Middle East, which allegedly was promised to the Jewish descendants of the god-sent real estate agent Abraham according to Jewish novels.

    And it doesn't end there either! The long-term plan of the Zionist regime is a New World Order in which Greater Israel rules ALL nations on Earth. According to the Talmud, all Gentiles will become slaves to the Jews when the prophesized "day of days" comes in which Jews would "rule all nations with a rod of iron."

    World domination by Zionists is neither a theory nor an opinion but a fact that's clearly documented in the Talmud. Since long ago, Zionists have already fulfilled this hateful Talmudic prophecy of world-domination through Zionist Central Banks and their slavery-based fiatmoney because EVERY country on Earth now has a Zionist Central Bank except for Cuba, Iran, and Syria. However, this Zionist New World Order agenda aims at transforming this economic and financial hegemony into a Nazi-like military occupation of ALL countries of the world.

    Unlike today, there'll be no doubt at all who rules the world when the New World Order comes to fruition.

    It was the Zionists who destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings in New York City by pre-planted explosives ushering a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. The objective was to demonize Muslims everywhere as terrorists, so it becomes easier for Israel/America to colonize more territory in the Middle East under the guise of fighting terrorism.

    It's the Zionist banking class who ordered their Indian puppet government to reduce Kashmir into an open-air concentration camp for Muslims a couple of years ago, just like the Israelis did to Palestine.

    On the orders of the Zionist banking class, the CCP is rounding up millions of Muslims in China TODAY into concentration camps (Vocational Education and Training Centers) where they are humiliated, indoctrinated, enslaved, tortured, and butchered.

    But the oppression of Muslims by Indian and Chinese authorities is part of a larger holocaust by Zionists against Muslims around the globe. America's War Of Terror is specifically aimed against Muslims. It's designed to be a forever war, which is currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone.

    A black site is a CIA-operated secret torture prison for Muslims where CIA agents and military personnel freely explore the depth of human torture and cruelty. The unspeakable torture that takes place in these torture houses against Muslims is beyond belief.

    There's a global holocaust against Muslims by Zionists happening NOW, and journalists are being silenced and barred from talking about it by Zionist-owned corporate media like CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, BBC, Fox, and much more.

    Because truth is treason in the empire of lies.

    #JewWorldOrder #ZionismIsTerrorism #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #TheEmpireOfZion #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination

    If you ever heard a Jew whining about the Holocaust, just watch this video. They lied to us about the Vietnam war. They lied to us about 9/11. They're lying to us about COVID19. What makes you think they didn't lie to you about WW2 and the Holocaust. Every fiction you heard about the Holocaust, which is mostly a fabrication, is being done TODAY for real by the Jews of Israel against Palestinians and against Muslims everywhere. A Jew will tell you that he was attacked, but he'll never tell you why. What's wrong with these people? Why were they kicked out of the Middle East centuries ago? Why were they kicked out of Europe? Why nobody likes them? What's wrong with them? And while the world is busy with the scamdemic, Jews are now busy stealing more land in Palestine and launching a military land invasion of Gaza to terrorize Palestinians and steal what's left of their homes and property. It's worth noting that Israel has no official national border but only armistice lines. Why? Because the mission of the Zionist regime is to establish "Greater Israel" by colonizing ALL of the Middle East, which allegedly was promised to the Jewish descendants of the god-sent real estate agent Abraham according to Jewish novels. And it doesn't end there either! The long-term plan of the Zionist regime is a New World Order in which Greater Israel rules ALL nations on Earth. According to the Talmud, all Gentiles will become slaves to the Jews when the prophesized "day of days" comes in which Jews would "rule all nations with a rod of iron." World domination by Zionists is neither a theory nor an opinion but a fact that's clearly documented in the Talmud. Since long ago, Zionists have already fulfilled this hateful Talmudic prophecy of world-domination through Zionist Central Banks and their slavery-based fiatmoney because EVERY country on Earth now has a Zionist Central Bank except for Cuba, Iran, and Syria. However, this Zionist New World Order agenda aims at transforming this economic and financial hegemony into a Nazi-like military occupation of ALL countries of the world. Unlike today, there'll be no doubt at all who rules the world when the New World Order comes to fruition. It was the Zionists who destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings in New York City by pre-planted explosives ushering a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. The objective was to demonize Muslims everywhere as terrorists, so it becomes easier for Israel/America to colonize more territory in the Middle East under the guise of fighting terrorism. It's the Zionist banking class who ordered their Indian puppet government to reduce Kashmir into an open-air concentration camp for Muslims a couple of years ago, just like the Israelis did to Palestine. On the orders of the Zionist banking class, the CCP is rounding up millions of Muslims in China TODAY into concentration camps (Vocational Education and Training Centers) where they are humiliated, indoctrinated, enslaved, tortured, and butchered. But the oppression of Muslims by Indian and Chinese authorities is part of a larger holocaust by Zionists against Muslims around the globe. America's War Of Terror is specifically aimed against Muslims. It's designed to be a forever war, which is currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone. A black site is a CIA-operated secret torture prison for Muslims where CIA agents and military personnel freely explore the depth of human torture and cruelty. The unspeakable torture that takes place in these torture houses against Muslims is beyond belief. There's a global holocaust against Muslims by Zionists happening NOW, and journalists are being silenced and barred from talking about it by Zionist-owned corporate media like CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, BBC, Fox, and much more. Because truth is treason in the empire of lies. #JewWorldOrder #ZionismIsTerrorism #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #TheEmpireOfZion #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination Sources: https://is.gd/gS5l1e https://is.gd/umARV0 https://is.gd/RP22vt https://is.gd/QSTUel https://is.gd/z7NG2f https://is.gd/0Eny5p https://is.gd/KGJA72 https://is.gd/QEUpWv https://is.gd/0uGiLJ https://is.gd/9MHf8e https://is.gd/jfjzh6 https://is.gd/mCEoCj https://is.gd/W2ocVF https://is.gd/DGu0R1 https://is.gd/6rtiVp https://is.gd/ocNOwf https://is.gd/0IAm0E https://is.gd/TUnGIu
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 10K Views
  • If you ever heard a Jew whining about the Holocaust, just watch this video.

    They lied to us about the Vietnam war. They lied to us about 9/11. They're lying to us about COVID19. What makes you think they didn't lie to you about WW2 and the Holocaust.

    Every fiction you heard about the Holocaust, which is mostly a fabrication, is being done TODAY for real by the Jews of Israel against Palestinians and against Muslims everywhere.

    A Jew will tell you that he was attacked, but he'll never tell you why. What's wrong with these people? Why were they kicked out of the Middle East centuries ago? Why were they kicked out of Europe? Why nobody likes them? What's wrong with them?

    And while the world is busy with the scamdemic, Jews are now busy stealing more land in Palestine and launching a military land invasion of Gaza to terrorize Palestinians and steal what's left of their homes and property.

    It's worth noting that Israel has no official national border but only armistice lines. Why? Because the mission of the Zionist regime is to establish "Greater Israel" by colonizing ALL of the Middle East, which allegedly was promised to the Jewish descendants of the god-sent real estate agent Abraham according to Jewish novels.

    And it doesn't end there either! The long-term plan of the Zionist regime is a New World Order in which Greater Israel rules ALL nations on Earth. According to the Talmud, all Gentiles will become slaves to the Jews when the prophesized "day of days" comes in which Jews would "rule all nations with a rod of iron."

    World domination by Zionists is neither a theory nor an opinion but a fact that's clearly documented in the Talmud. Since long ago, Zionists have already fulfilled this hateful Talmudic prophecy of world-domination through Zionist Central Banks and their slavery-based fiatmoney because EVERY country on Earth now has a Zionist Central Bank except for Cuba, Iran, and Syria. However, this Zionist New World Order agenda aims at transforming this economic and financial hegemony into a Nazi-like military occupation of ALL countries of the world.

    Unlike today, there'll be no doubt at all who rules the world when the New World Order comes to fruition.

    It was the Zionists who destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings in New York City by pre-planted explosives ushering a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. The objective was to demonize Muslims everywhere as terrorists, so it becomes easier for Israel/America to colonize more territory in the Middle East under the guise of fighting terrorism.

    It's the Zionist banking class who ordered their Indian puppet government to reduce Kashmir into an open-air concentration camp for Muslims a couple of years ago, just like the Israelis did to Palestine.

    On the orders of the Zionist banking class, the CCP is rounding up millions of Muslims in China TODAY into concentration camps (Vocational Education and Training Centers) where they are humiliated, indoctrinated, enslaved, tortured, and butchered.

    But the oppression of Muslims by Indian and Chinese authorities is part of a larger holocaust by Zionists against Muslims around the globe. America's War Of Terror is specifically aimed against Muslims. It's designed to be a forever war, which is currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone.

    A black site is a CIA-operated secret torture prison for Muslims where CIA agents and military personnel freely explore the depth of human torture and cruelty. The unspeakable torture that takes place in these torture houses against Muslims is beyond belief.

    There's a global holocaust against Muslims by Zionists happening NOW, and journalists are being silenced and barred from talking about it by Zionist-owned corporate media like CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, BBC, Fox, and much more.

    Because truth is treason in the empire of lies.

    #JewWorldOrder #ZionismIsTerrorism #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #TheEmpireOfZion #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination

    If you ever heard a Jew whining about the Holocaust, just watch this video. They lied to us about the Vietnam war. They lied to us about 9/11. They're lying to us about COVID19. What makes you think they didn't lie to you about WW2 and the Holocaust. Every fiction you heard about the Holocaust, which is mostly a fabrication, is being done TODAY for real by the Jews of Israel against Palestinians and against Muslims everywhere. A Jew will tell you that he was attacked, but he'll never tell you why. What's wrong with these people? Why were they kicked out of the Middle East centuries ago? Why were they kicked out of Europe? Why nobody likes them? What's wrong with them? And while the world is busy with the scamdemic, Jews are now busy stealing more land in Palestine and launching a military land invasion of Gaza to terrorize Palestinians and steal what's left of their homes and property. It's worth noting that Israel has no official national border but only armistice lines. Why? Because the mission of the Zionist regime is to establish "Greater Israel" by colonizing ALL of the Middle East, which allegedly was promised to the Jewish descendants of the god-sent real estate agent Abraham according to Jewish novels. And it doesn't end there either! The long-term plan of the Zionist regime is a New World Order in which Greater Israel rules ALL nations on Earth. According to the Talmud, all Gentiles will become slaves to the Jews when the prophesized "day of days" comes in which Jews would "rule all nations with a rod of iron." World domination by Zionists is neither a theory nor an opinion but a fact that's clearly documented in the Talmud. Since long ago, Zionists have already fulfilled this hateful Talmudic prophecy of world-domination through Zionist Central Banks and their slavery-based fiatmoney because EVERY country on Earth now has a Zionist Central Bank except for Cuba, Iran, and Syria. However, this Zionist New World Order agenda aims at transforming this economic and financial hegemony into a Nazi-like military occupation of ALL countries of the world. Unlike today, there'll be no doubt at all who rules the world when the New World Order comes to fruition. It was the Zionists who destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings in New York City by pre-planted explosives ushering a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. The objective was to demonize Muslims everywhere as terrorists, so it becomes easier for Israel/America to colonize more territory in the Middle East under the guise of fighting terrorism. It's the Zionist banking class who ordered their Indian puppet government to reduce Kashmir into an open-air concentration camp for Muslims a couple of years ago, just like the Israelis did to Palestine. On the orders of the Zionist banking class, the CCP is rounding up millions of Muslims in China TODAY into concentration camps (Vocational Education and Training Centers) where they are humiliated, indoctrinated, enslaved, tortured, and butchered. But the oppression of Muslims by Indian and Chinese authorities is part of a larger holocaust by Zionists against Muslims around the globe. America's War Of Terror is specifically aimed against Muslims. It's designed to be a forever war, which is currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone. A black site is a CIA-operated secret torture prison for Muslims where CIA agents and military personnel freely explore the depth of human torture and cruelty. The unspeakable torture that takes place in these torture houses against Muslims is beyond belief. There's a global holocaust against Muslims by Zionists happening NOW, and journalists are being silenced and barred from talking about it by Zionist-owned corporate media like CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, BBC, Fox, and much more. Because truth is treason in the empire of lies. #JewWorldOrder #ZionismIsTerrorism #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #TheEmpireOfZion #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination Sources: https://is.gd/gS5l1e https://is.gd/umARV0 https://is.gd/RP22vt https://is.gd/QSTUel https://is.gd/z7NG2f https://is.gd/0Eny5p https://is.gd/KGJA72 https://is.gd/QEUpWv https://is.gd/0uGiLJ https://is.gd/9MHf8e https://is.gd/jfjzh6 https://is.gd/mCEoCj https://is.gd/W2ocVF https://is.gd/DGu0R1 https://is.gd/6rtiVp https://is.gd/ocNOwf https://is.gd/0IAm0E https://is.gd/TUnGIu
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 10K Views
  • Whenever you hear a Jew whining about WW2, just show them this video. You're looking at Jewish colonists punishing and enslaving a Palestinian boy while Jews bomb Gaza and its people with American-made missiles using American-made fighter jets.

    Every fiction you heard about the Holocaust, which is mostly a fabrication, is being done TODAY for real by the Jews of Israel against Palestinians and against Muslims everywhere.

    And while the world is busy with the scamdemic, Jews are now busy stealing more land in Palestine and lanching a military land invasion of Gaza to terrorize Palestinians and steal what's left of their homes and property.

    It's worth noting that Israel has no official national border but only armistice lines. Why? Because the mission of the Zionist regime is to establish "Greater Israel" by colonizing ALL of the Middle East, which allegedly was promised to the Jewish descendants of the god-sent real estate agent Abraham according to Jewish novels.

    And it doesn't end there either! The long-term plan of the Zionist regime is a New World Order in which Greater Israel rules ALL nations on Earth. According to the Talmud, all Gentiles will become slaves to the Jews when the prophecized "day of days" comes in which Jews would "rule all nations with a rod of iron."

    World domination by Zionists is neither a theory nor an opinion but a fact that's clearly documented in the Talmud. Since long ago, Zionists have already fulfilled this hateful Talmudic prophecy of world-domination through Zionist Central Banks and their slavery-based fiatmoney because EVERY country on Earth now has a Zionist Central Bank except for Cuba, Iran, and Syria. However, this Zionist New World Order agenda aims at transforming this economic and financial hegemony into a Nazi-like military occupation of ALL countries of the world.

    Unlike today, there'll be no doubt at all who rules the world when the New World Order comes to fruition.

    It was the Zionists who destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings in New York City by pre-planted explosives ushering a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. The objective was to demonize Muslims everywhere as terrorists, so it becomes easier for Israel/America to colonize more territory in the Middle East under the guise of fighting terrorism.

    It's the Zionist banking class who ordered their Indian puppet government to reduce Kashmir into an open-air concentration camp for Muslims a couple of years ago, just like the Israelis did to Palestine.

    On the orders of the Zionist banking class, the CCP is rounding up millions of Muslims in China TODAY into concentration camps (Vocational Education and Training Centers) where they are humiliated, indoctrinated, enslaved, tortured, and butchered.

    But the oppression of Muslims by Indian and Chinese authorities is part of a larger holocaust by Zionists against Muslims around the globe. America's War Of Terror is specifically aimed against Muslims. It's designed to be a forever war, which is currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone.

    A black site is a CIA-operated secret torture prison for Muslims where CIA agents and military personnel freely explore the depth of human torture and cruelty. The unspeakable torture that takes place in these torture houses against Muslims is beyond belief.

    There's a global holocaust against Muslims by Zionists happening NOW, and journalists are being silenced and barred from talking about it by Zionist-owned corporate media.

    Because truth is treason in the empire of lies.

    #ZionismIsTerrorism #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #TheEmpireOfZion #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination

    Whenever you hear a Jew whining about WW2, just show them this video. You're looking at Jewish colonists punishing and enslaving a Palestinian boy while Jews bomb Gaza and its people with American-made missiles using American-made fighter jets. Every fiction you heard about the Holocaust, which is mostly a fabrication, is being done TODAY for real by the Jews of Israel against Palestinians and against Muslims everywhere. And while the world is busy with the scamdemic, Jews are now busy stealing more land in Palestine and lanching a military land invasion of Gaza to terrorize Palestinians and steal what's left of their homes and property. It's worth noting that Israel has no official national border but only armistice lines. Why? Because the mission of the Zionist regime is to establish "Greater Israel" by colonizing ALL of the Middle East, which allegedly was promised to the Jewish descendants of the god-sent real estate agent Abraham according to Jewish novels. And it doesn't end there either! The long-term plan of the Zionist regime is a New World Order in which Greater Israel rules ALL nations on Earth. According to the Talmud, all Gentiles will become slaves to the Jews when the prophecized "day of days" comes in which Jews would "rule all nations with a rod of iron." World domination by Zionists is neither a theory nor an opinion but a fact that's clearly documented in the Talmud. Since long ago, Zionists have already fulfilled this hateful Talmudic prophecy of world-domination through Zionist Central Banks and their slavery-based fiatmoney because EVERY country on Earth now has a Zionist Central Bank except for Cuba, Iran, and Syria. However, this Zionist New World Order agenda aims at transforming this economic and financial hegemony into a Nazi-like military occupation of ALL countries of the world. Unlike today, there'll be no doubt at all who rules the world when the New World Order comes to fruition. It was the Zionists who destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings in New York City by pre-planted explosives ushering a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. The objective was to demonize Muslims everywhere as terrorists, so it becomes easier for Israel/America to colonize more territory in the Middle East under the guise of fighting terrorism. It's the Zionist banking class who ordered their Indian puppet government to reduce Kashmir into an open-air concentration camp for Muslims a couple of years ago, just like the Israelis did to Palestine. On the orders of the Zionist banking class, the CCP is rounding up millions of Muslims in China TODAY into concentration camps (Vocational Education and Training Centers) where they are humiliated, indoctrinated, enslaved, tortured, and butchered. But the oppression of Muslims by Indian and Chinese authorities is part of a larger holocaust by Zionists against Muslims around the globe. America's War Of Terror is specifically aimed against Muslims. It's designed to be a forever war, which is currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone. A black site is a CIA-operated secret torture prison for Muslims where CIA agents and military personnel freely explore the depth of human torture and cruelty. The unspeakable torture that takes place in these torture houses against Muslims is beyond belief. There's a global holocaust against Muslims by Zionists happening NOW, and journalists are being silenced and barred from talking about it by Zionist-owned corporate media. Because truth is treason in the empire of lies. #ZionismIsTerrorism #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #TheEmpireOfZion #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination Sources: https://is.gd/umARV0 https://is.gd/RP22vt https://is.gd/QSTUel https://is.gd/z7NG2f https://is.gd/0Eny5p https://is.gd/KGJA72 https://is.gd/QEUpWv https://is.gd/0uGiLJ https://is.gd/9MHf8e https://is.gd/jfjzh6 https://is.gd/mCEoCj https://is.gd/W2ocVF https://is.gd/DGu0R1 https://is.gd/6rtiVp https://is.gd/ocNOwf https://is.gd/0IAm0E https://is.gd/TUnGIu
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 10K Views
  • In the loving memory of Rachel Corrie, the American peace activist who stood up to Zionism.

    In March 2003, Rachel and six other activists tried to prevent the demolition of the home of a local pharmacist in Gaza. Unhinged by this girl's brave act of standing in front of the property to block the demolition, the Jewish settlers marched forward, murdering Rachel with their armored bulldozer.

    They crushed her to death. She was just 24 years old.

    These are the Jews of Israel, and this is their hatred. Yet when we share the stories of the victims who suffer under the hands of the Jews of Israel, Big Tech silences us for hate speech.

    Because truth is treason in the Empire of Zion.

    #RachelCorrie #AntiWarActivist #TheEmpireOfZion #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination

    In the loving memory of Rachel Corrie, the American peace activist who stood up to Zionism. In March 2003, Rachel and six other activists tried to prevent the demolition of the home of a local pharmacist in Gaza. Unhinged by this girl's brave act of standing in front of the property to block the demolition, the Jewish settlers marched forward, murdering Rachel with their armored bulldozer. They crushed her to death. She was just 24 years old. These are the Jews of Israel, and this is their hatred. Yet when we share the stories of the victims who suffer under the hands of the Jews of Israel, Big Tech silences us for hate speech. Because truth is treason in the Empire of Zion. #RachelCorrie #AntiWarActivist #TheEmpireOfZion #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination Sources: https://is.gd/QSTUel https://is.gd/z7NG2f https://is.gd/0Eny5p https://is.gd/KGJA72 https://is.gd/QEUpWv https://is.gd/0uGiLJ https://is.gd/9MHf8e https://is.gd/jfjzh6 https://is.gd/mCEoCj https://is.gd/W2ocVF https://is.gd/DGu0R1 https://is.gd/6rtiVp https://is.gd/ocNOwf https://is.gd/0IAm0E https://is.gd/TUnGIu
    2 Commenti 0 condivisioni 9K Views
  • "Accuse them of which you are guilty" is an ancient Jewish doctrine that's now being heavily used against the gullible sheeple of America and Europe.

    This doctrine doesn't work well for the Jews of Israel against the people of the Middle East because they're mostly aware of Jewish trickery. Victimhood and the "you're antisemtic" attacks, for example, don't work well for the Jews of Israel against the Palestinians they're colonizing, bombing, imprisoning, looting, and enslaving.

    "Hate speech" and "hate crime" are Jewish inventions. Jews invented the hate-speech attack to silence speech and wipe off the internet of anything that exposes their hatred against the goyim (gentiles or non-Jews) along with their plans to install a New World Order and a One World Government in which jews rule all nations on Earth with a "rod of iron" according to the Talmud.

    Watch this video, for example. This guy is asking Jews to read the two words "FREE PALESTINE." Watch their reaction. Watch their hatred against the name of the country they colonized and wiped off the world map. Anywhere an image surfaces online showing Palestine's national borders before Jews came in from Europe and stole it is forbidden. Google will ban it. Big Tech will censor it. And the United States will send its jackals and lethal drones after anyone who challenges the Jewish supremacy.

    After deleting all maps and all documents from the internet in a desperate attempt to erase history, now the Jews of Israel are pretending that Palestine never existed. But all you need to do to reveal their deception is show them the Balfour Declaration, which is a 1917 letter from the British Foreign Secretary to the Rothschilds (the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel). It was written in 1917, at the height of WW1, announcing British support for the colonization of Palestine to establish a "national home for the Jewish people" after the native Palestinians are ruthlessly massacred or deported. The country name "Palestine" is clearly stated in the document.

    Whenever you see a Jew questioning the existence of Palestine, just ask them to read the Balfour Declaration. That's it.

    How about we start using the "Palestine-deniers" slur against these Jews. Wouldn't that be like "fighting fire with fire" kind of thing?

    #BalfourDeclaration #TheBalfourDeclaration #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination

    "Accuse them of which you are guilty" is an ancient Jewish doctrine that's now being heavily used against the gullible sheeple of America and Europe. This doctrine doesn't work well for the Jews of Israel against the people of the Middle East because they're mostly aware of Jewish trickery. Victimhood and the "you're antisemtic" attacks, for example, don't work well for the Jews of Israel against the Palestinians they're colonizing, bombing, imprisoning, looting, and enslaving. "Hate speech" and "hate crime" are Jewish inventions. Jews invented the hate-speech attack to silence speech and wipe off the internet of anything that exposes their hatred against the goyim (gentiles or non-Jews) along with their plans to install a New World Order and a One World Government in which jews rule all nations on Earth with a "rod of iron" according to the Talmud. Watch this video, for example. This guy is asking Jews to read the two words "FREE PALESTINE." Watch their reaction. Watch their hatred against the name of the country they colonized and wiped off the world map. Anywhere an image surfaces online showing Palestine's national borders before Jews came in from Europe and stole it is forbidden. Google will ban it. Big Tech will censor it. And the United States will send its jackals and lethal drones after anyone who challenges the Jewish supremacy. After deleting all maps and all documents from the internet in a desperate attempt to erase history, now the Jews of Israel are pretending that Palestine never existed. But all you need to do to reveal their deception is show them the Balfour Declaration, which is a 1917 letter from the British Foreign Secretary to the Rothschilds (the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel). It was written in 1917, at the height of WW1, announcing British support for the colonization of Palestine to establish a "national home for the Jewish people" after the native Palestinians are ruthlessly massacred or deported. The country name "Palestine" is clearly stated in the document. Whenever you see a Jew questioning the existence of Palestine, just ask them to read the Balfour Declaration. That's it. How about we start using the "Palestine-deniers" slur against these Jews. Wouldn't that be like "fighting fire with fire" kind of thing? #BalfourDeclaration #TheBalfourDeclaration #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination Sources: https://is.gd/z7NG2f https://is.gd/0Eny5p https://is.gd/KGJA72 https://is.gd/QEUpWv https://is.gd/0uGiLJ https://is.gd/9MHf8e https://is.gd/jfjzh6 https://is.gd/mCEoCj https://is.gd/W2ocVF https://is.gd/DGu0R1 https://is.gd/6rtiVp https://is.gd/ocNOwf https://is.gd/0IAm0E https://is.gd/TUnGIu
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 8K Views
  • Whenever you hear a Jew whining about WW2, just show them this video. You're looking at Jewish colonists punishing and enslaving the native population of Palestinians in their homeland.

    Every fiction you heard about the holocaust is being done TODAY for real by the Jews of Israel against Muslims everywhere.

    And while the world is busy with the scamdemic, Jews are busy stealing more land in Palestine and are planning to steal more.

    It's worth noting that Israel has no official national border but only armistice lines. Why? Because the mission of the Zionist regime is to establish "Greater Israel" by colonizing ALL of the Middle East, which allegedly was promised to the Jewish descendants of the god-sent real estate agent Abraham according to Jewish novels.

    And it doesn't end there either! The long-term plan of the Zionist regime is a New World Order in which Greater Israel rules ALL nations on Earth. According to the Talmud, all Gentiles will become slaves to the Jews when the prophecized "day of days" comes in which Jews would "rule all nations with a rod of iron."

    World domination by Zionists is neither a theory nor an opinion but a fact that's clearly documented in the Talmud. Since long ago, Zionists have already fulfilled this hateful Talmudic prophecy of world-domination through Zionist Central Banks and their slavery-based fiatmoney because EVERY country on Earth now has a Zionist Central Bank except for Cuba, Iran, and Syria. However, this Zionist New World Order agenda aims at transforming this economic and financial hegemony into a Nazi-like military occupation of ALL countries of the world.

    Unlike today, there'll be no doubt at all who rules the world when the New World Order comes to fruition.

    It was the Zionists who destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings in New York City by pre-planted explosives ushering a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. The objective was to demonize Muslims everywhere as terrorists, so it becomes easier for Israel/America to colonize more territory in the Middle East under the guise of fighting terrorism.

    It's the Zionist banking class who ordered their Indian puppet government to reduce Kashmir into an open-air concentration camp for Muslims a couple of years ago, just like the Israelis did to Palestine.

    On the orders of the Zionist banking class, the CCP is rounding up millions of Muslims in China TODAY into concentration camps (Vocational Education and Training Centers) where they are humiliated, indoctrinated, enslaved, tortured, and butchered.

    But the oppression of Muslims by Indian and Chinese authorities is part of a larger holocaust by Zionists against Muslims around the globe. America's War Of Terror is specifically aimed against Muslims. It's designed to be a forever war, which is currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone.

    A black site is a CIA-operated secret torture prison for Muslims where CIA agents and military personnel freely explore the depth of human torture and cruelty. The unspeakable torture that takes place in these torture houses against Muslims is beyond belief.

    There's a global holocaust against Muslims by Zionists happening NOW, and journalists are being silenced and barred from talking about it by Zionist-owned corporate media.

    Because truth is treason in the empire of lies.

    #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination

    Whenever you hear a Jew whining about WW2, just show them this video. You're looking at Jewish colonists punishing and enslaving the native population of Palestinians in their homeland. Every fiction you heard about the holocaust is being done TODAY for real by the Jews of Israel against Muslims everywhere. And while the world is busy with the scamdemic, Jews are busy stealing more land in Palestine and are planning to steal more. It's worth noting that Israel has no official national border but only armistice lines. Why? Because the mission of the Zionist regime is to establish "Greater Israel" by colonizing ALL of the Middle East, which allegedly was promised to the Jewish descendants of the god-sent real estate agent Abraham according to Jewish novels. And it doesn't end there either! The long-term plan of the Zionist regime is a New World Order in which Greater Israel rules ALL nations on Earth. According to the Talmud, all Gentiles will become slaves to the Jews when the prophecized "day of days" comes in which Jews would "rule all nations with a rod of iron." World domination by Zionists is neither a theory nor an opinion but a fact that's clearly documented in the Talmud. Since long ago, Zionists have already fulfilled this hateful Talmudic prophecy of world-domination through Zionist Central Banks and their slavery-based fiatmoney because EVERY country on Earth now has a Zionist Central Bank except for Cuba, Iran, and Syria. However, this Zionist New World Order agenda aims at transforming this economic and financial hegemony into a Nazi-like military occupation of ALL countries of the world. Unlike today, there'll be no doubt at all who rules the world when the New World Order comes to fruition. It was the Zionists who destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings in New York City by pre-planted explosives ushering a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. The objective was to demonize Muslims everywhere as terrorists, so it becomes easier for Israel/America to colonize more territory in the Middle East under the guise of fighting terrorism. It's the Zionist banking class who ordered their Indian puppet government to reduce Kashmir into an open-air concentration camp for Muslims a couple of years ago, just like the Israelis did to Palestine. On the orders of the Zionist banking class, the CCP is rounding up millions of Muslims in China TODAY into concentration camps (Vocational Education and Training Centers) where they are humiliated, indoctrinated, enslaved, tortured, and butchered. But the oppression of Muslims by Indian and Chinese authorities is part of a larger holocaust by Zionists against Muslims around the globe. America's War Of Terror is specifically aimed against Muslims. It's designed to be a forever war, which is currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone. A black site is a CIA-operated secret torture prison for Muslims where CIA agents and military personnel freely explore the depth of human torture and cruelty. The unspeakable torture that takes place in these torture houses against Muslims is beyond belief. There's a global holocaust against Muslims by Zionists happening NOW, and journalists are being silenced and barred from talking about it by Zionist-owned corporate media. Because truth is treason in the empire of lies. #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination Sources: https://is.gd/0Eny5p https://is.gd/KGJA72 https://is.gd/QEUpWv https://is.gd/0uGiLJ https://is.gd/9MHf8e https://is.gd/jfjzh6 https://is.gd/mCEoCj https://is.gd/W2ocVF https://is.gd/DGu0R1 https://is.gd/6rtiVp
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 6K Views
  • “It doesn't matter how many people vote, only who counts the votes.” ― Joseph Stalin. And when it comes to who counts the votes and who controls the voting machines, the American voters are absolutely clueless. The scandal of the fraudulent vote-counting in Iowa's Black Hawk County last year was yet another evidence of how America's voting system is deeply rigged. And this is one of the many reasons that 43% of eligible American voters did not vote in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections and why 96% of Americans lost their confidence in Congress. This video (https://youtu.be/rUDiue1mCDI), for example, from a couple of years ago shows an electronic voting machine in Mississippi switching a voter's selection from the Democratic party candidate to the Republican party candidate automatically. The WindowsXP voting machine was doing the switching on the front-end, but if it did it on the back-end, the clueless voter would've never known. America's electronic voting machines mostly run on Bill Gates' Windows XP! These machines are purchased from multiple PRIVATE COMPANIES including firms with strong ties to the Republican Party, like Diebold and Election Systems & Software. These commercial machines have a “black box,” which leave local election officials in the dark and require a maintenance person from the manufacturer when needed. Think about this for a moment. Bill Gates controls the operating system of the United States' elections! What stops him from adding a few lines of code to his operating system to hack these machines? And what prevents these private corporations from setting up backdoors on their products? What makes things even worse is the fact that the Zion (aka Israel) is involved with Microsoft's ElectionGuard, which Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says, "it will modernize all of the election infrastructures everywhere in the world.” Ultimately, for as long as political bribery (lobbying in doublespeak) is considered "freespeech," voting is meaningless. You can keep voting as hard as you can but ultimately the politicians you voted for will go ahead and do whatever their lobbyists want them to do. Only a buffoon votes for a politician in such a rigged system, especially in the presence of Gerrymandering laws, which makes it virtually impossible for an independent to win in elections outside the two-party duopoly. The system cannot be fixed by the system. THE SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM. You can't simply rage against the system by voting for the system in a system designed by the system. Don't vote, revolt. Every vote hurts. Revolution is the only solution.

    #TheSystemIsRigged #VoteForNobody #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #ItsTimeToWakeUp #BlackHawkCounty #IowaBlackHawkCounty #VotingSystem #USPresidentialElections #JosephStalin #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter #BillGates #Microsoft #ElectionGuard #Elections #SatyaNadella #Israel #ElectionInfrastructures #ElectionSoftware #RiggedElections #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #IsraeliColonialism #Colonialism #WindowsXP #AmericanElections #VotingMachines #VotingMachine #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #Lobbyist #Lobbyists #Fraud #CorruptPoliticians #Corruption #LegalBribery #EndLobbying #EndCorruptionNow #Sheeple

    “It doesn't matter how many people vote, only who counts the votes.” ― Joseph Stalin. And when it comes to who counts the votes and who controls the voting machines, the American voters are absolutely clueless. The scandal of the fraudulent vote-counting in Iowa's Black Hawk County last year was yet another evidence of how America's voting system is deeply rigged. And this is one of the many reasons that 43% of eligible American voters did not vote in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections and why 96% of Americans lost their confidence in Congress. This video (https://youtu.be/rUDiue1mCDI), for example, from a couple of years ago shows an electronic voting machine in Mississippi switching a voter's selection from the Democratic party candidate to the Republican party candidate automatically. The WindowsXP voting machine was doing the switching on the front-end, but if it did it on the back-end, the clueless voter would've never known. America's electronic voting machines mostly run on Bill Gates' Windows XP! These machines are purchased from multiple PRIVATE COMPANIES including firms with strong ties to the Republican Party, like Diebold and Election Systems & Software. These commercial machines have a “black box,” which leave local election officials in the dark and require a maintenance person from the manufacturer when needed. Think about this for a moment. Bill Gates controls the operating system of the United States' elections! What stops him from adding a few lines of code to his operating system to hack these machines? And what prevents these private corporations from setting up backdoors on their products? What makes things even worse is the fact that the Zion (aka Israel) is involved with Microsoft's ElectionGuard, which Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says, "it will modernize all of the election infrastructures everywhere in the world.” Ultimately, for as long as political bribery (lobbying in doublespeak) is considered "freespeech," voting is meaningless. You can keep voting as hard as you can but ultimately the politicians you voted for will go ahead and do whatever their lobbyists want them to do. Only a buffoon votes for a politician in such a rigged system, especially in the presence of Gerrymandering laws, which makes it virtually impossible for an independent to win in elections outside the two-party duopoly. The system cannot be fixed by the system. THE SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM. You can't simply rage against the system by voting for the system in a system designed by the system. Don't vote, revolt. Every vote hurts. Revolution is the only solution. #TheSystemIsRigged #VoteForNobody #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #ItsTimeToWakeUp #BlackHawkCounty #IowaBlackHawkCounty #VotingSystem #USPresidentialElections #JosephStalin #AmericanVoters #AmericanVoter #BillGates #Microsoft #ElectionGuard #Elections #SatyaNadella #Israel #ElectionInfrastructures #ElectionSoftware #RiggedElections #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #IsraeliColonialism #Colonialism #WindowsXP #AmericanElections #VotingMachines #VotingMachine #Gerrymandering #Lobbying #Lobbyist #Lobbyists #Fraud #CorruptPoliticians #Corruption #LegalBribery #EndLobbying #EndCorruptionNow #Sheeple Sources: https://is.gd/B5ofLB https://is.gd/G8yY7G https://is.gd/u4Mjju https://is.gd/UMo2v1 https://is.gd/Uxy2hu https://is.gd/ZLq0Dn https://is.gd/EIzdnW https://is.gd/nQrb5f https://is.gd/8373pk
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 7K Views
  • On this day in history, the Israeli colonial regime deliberately attacked the USS Liberty murdering 34 crew members and wounding 171 others knowing that it's an American Navy ship. It was a massacre. And although it clearly was an act of war against an American Navy vessel, the United States government kept it a secret. Many Americans today haven't even heard about the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel. Do you see now the undying support American politicians have for Israel? Even when the Israelis attack the United States Navy, America's politicians will continue to bend the knee and lick the Zionist boot. Why do you wonder? This country was already sold and paid for since 1913 when a Zionist central bank (the Federal Reserve) was established by an act of treason by congress and a racist puppet president called Woodrow Wilson. Since then, America's politicians are beholden to the Zionist Rothchilds and their Israel. Since then, the majority of America's politicians are traitors to the American people. They deceive the public while laughing all the way to the Zionist banks that control them. In every American presidential election, ALL treasonous candidates are expected to publicly announce their undying support to one and only one foreign power: Israel. Not Australia. Not Britain. Not Canada. Not any other country. Just Israel. Why? Why is Israel the ONLY country in the world that every presidential nominee MUST bend the knee to? Because, of course, Zionists control America's finances and monetary system and with that control, they command EVERYTHING else. It's time to prosecute the traitors. The system cannot be fixed by the system. The system is the problem. Don't vote, revolt. Every vote hurts. Revolution is the only solution. ALL politicians are muppets to the banks. It's always been the banks behind your misery and enslavement. All wars, hunger, famine, disease, unemployment, homelessness, and misery are orchestrated by the banks. The key to ending all this nightmare is to simply abolish ALL BANKS and make ALL DEBT completely illegal. A debt-free decentralized opensource currency is the future.

    #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #USSLiberty #AmericanNavyship #AmericanNavy #AmericanNavyVessel #UnitedStatesGovernment #Israel #Israeli #Israelis #Americans #AmericanPoliticians #Colonialism #IsraeliColonialism #AmericanHistory

    On this day in history, the Israeli colonial regime deliberately attacked the USS Liberty murdering 34 crew members and wounding 171 others knowing that it's an American Navy ship. It was a massacre. And although it clearly was an act of war against an American Navy vessel, the United States government kept it a secret. Many Americans today haven't even heard about the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel. Do you see now the undying support American politicians have for Israel? Even when the Israelis attack the United States Navy, America's politicians will continue to bend the knee and lick the Zionist boot. Why do you wonder? This country was already sold and paid for since 1913 when a Zionist central bank (the Federal Reserve) was established by an act of treason by congress and a racist puppet president called Woodrow Wilson. Since then, America's politicians are beholden to the Zionist Rothchilds and their Israel. Since then, the majority of America's politicians are traitors to the American people. They deceive the public while laughing all the way to the Zionist banks that control them. In every American presidential election, ALL treasonous candidates are expected to publicly announce their undying support to one and only one foreign power: Israel. Not Australia. Not Britain. Not Canada. Not any other country. Just Israel. Why? Why is Israel the ONLY country in the world that every presidential nominee MUST bend the knee to? Because, of course, Zionists control America's finances and monetary system and with that control, they command EVERYTHING else. It's time to prosecute the traitors. The system cannot be fixed by the system. The system is the problem. Don't vote, revolt. Every vote hurts. Revolution is the only solution. ALL politicians are muppets to the banks. It's always been the banks behind your misery and enslavement. All wars, hunger, famine, disease, unemployment, homelessness, and misery are orchestrated by the banks. The key to ending all this nightmare is to simply abolish ALL BANKS and make ALL DEBT completely illegal. A debt-free decentralized opensource currency is the future. #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #USSLiberty #AmericanNavyship #AmericanNavy #AmericanNavyVessel #UnitedStatesGovernment #Israel #Israeli #Israelis #Americans #AmericanPoliticians #Colonialism #IsraeliColonialism #AmericanHistory Sources: https://is.gd/SVlc5Q
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 5K Views
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