That awkward moment when you finally learn that it was the Jewish bankers who had the cops kill Jesus Christ because he messed with them at the Temple and flipped their tables.
The Jewish bankers killed your God, and now you come along expecting the tax cattle to stop them?! Lol, Good luck with that!
If God himself couldn't stop them, no one will.
Yes, it was the Jewish bankers who controlled the banking system that Jesus died fighting. He didn't die "for your sins," you idiots! He died fighting the
Jewish banking system.
He also died defending his right to freedom of speech, knowing how much others hated the things he was saying. He was a victim of the cancel culture. He was a free-speech martyr.
I bet they didn't teach you that at your local church.
And nothing much has changed since his crucifixion. Jews continue to control central banks, and we still don't have free speech either.
Research "The Rothschilds" and discover the truth about this secretive Jewish banking dynasty.
Do your own research on the Rothschilds, and the question "who controls the world" will be answered.
Watch these videos to discover the truth about money and who controls it:
#JesusChrist #Jesus #Christianity #CancelCulture #FreeSpeechMartyr #Censorship #FreeSpeechViolation #FreeSpeech #ThoughtControl #ThoughtCrime #ThoughtPolice #CensorshipHappy #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou #YouAreBeingWatched #Bullying #Harassment #TruthIsTreason #AbrahamicReligions #Religionless #Freethinker #Freethinkers #Freethought #ReadYourBible #ReadTheBible #Religion #TrickleDownEconomics #BrettonWoods #BrettonWoodsSystem #GoldStandard #FractionalReserveBanking #FederalReserve #DebtIsSlavery #Debt #Usery #Fiatmoney #DebtBasedEconomy #DebtBasedMoney #Slavery #TaxationIsTheft #HumanFarm #TaxFarm #Rothschilds #Rockefeller #Morgans #ModerndaySlavery #WageSlavery #WageSlaves #EndTheDebt #EndTheFed #EndSlavery #StopAllSlavery #EndAllDebt #CentralBank #CentralBanks #Bank #Banks #Banker #Bankers
The Jewish bankers killed your God, and now you come along expecting the tax cattle to stop them?! Lol, Good luck with that!
If God himself couldn't stop them, no one will.
Yes, it was the Jewish bankers who controlled the banking system that Jesus died fighting. He didn't die "for your sins," you idiots! He died fighting the
Jewish banking system.
He also died defending his right to freedom of speech, knowing how much others hated the things he was saying. He was a victim of the cancel culture. He was a free-speech martyr.
I bet they didn't teach you that at your local church.
And nothing much has changed since his crucifixion. Jews continue to control central banks, and we still don't have free speech either.
Research "The Rothschilds" and discover the truth about this secretive Jewish banking dynasty.
Do your own research on the Rothschilds, and the question "who controls the world" will be answered.
Watch these videos to discover the truth about money and who controls it:
#JesusChrist #Jesus #Christianity #CancelCulture #FreeSpeechMartyr #Censorship #FreeSpeechViolation #FreeSpeech #ThoughtControl #ThoughtCrime #ThoughtPolice #CensorshipHappy #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou #YouAreBeingWatched #Bullying #Harassment #TruthIsTreason #AbrahamicReligions #Religionless #Freethinker #Freethinkers #Freethought #ReadYourBible #ReadTheBible #Religion #TrickleDownEconomics #BrettonWoods #BrettonWoodsSystem #GoldStandard #FractionalReserveBanking #FederalReserve #DebtIsSlavery #Debt #Usery #Fiatmoney #DebtBasedEconomy #DebtBasedMoney #Slavery #TaxationIsTheft #HumanFarm #TaxFarm #Rothschilds #Rockefeller #Morgans #ModerndaySlavery #WageSlavery #WageSlaves #EndTheDebt #EndTheFed #EndSlavery #StopAllSlavery #EndAllDebt #CentralBank #CentralBanks #Bank #Banks #Banker #Bankers
That awkward moment when you finally learn that it was the Jewish bankers who had the cops kill Jesus Christ because he messed with them at the Temple and flipped their tables.
The Jewish bankers killed your God, and now you come along expecting the tax cattle to stop them?! Lol, Good luck with that!
If God himself couldn't stop them, no one will.
Yes, it was the Jewish bankers who controlled the banking system that Jesus died fighting. He didn't die "for your sins," you idiots! He died fighting the
Jewish banking system.
He also died defending his right to freedom of speech, knowing how much others hated the things he was saying. He was a victim of the cancel culture. He was a free-speech martyr.
I bet they didn't teach you that at your local church.
And nothing much has changed since his crucifixion. Jews continue to control central banks, and we still don't have free speech either.
Research "The Rothschilds" and discover the truth about this secretive Jewish banking dynasty.
Do your own research on the Rothschilds, and the question "who controls the world" will be answered.
👉Watch these videos to discover the truth about money and who controls it:
#JesusChrist #Jesus #Christianity #CancelCulture #FreeSpeechMartyr #Censorship #FreeSpeechViolation #FreeSpeech #ThoughtControl #ThoughtCrime #ThoughtPolice #CensorshipHappy #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou #YouAreBeingWatched #Bullying #Harassment #TruthIsTreason #AbrahamicReligions #Religionless #Freethinker #Freethinkers #Freethought #ReadYourBible #ReadTheBible #Religion #TrickleDownEconomics #BrettonWoods #BrettonWoodsSystem #GoldStandard #FractionalReserveBanking #FederalReserve #DebtIsSlavery #Debt #Usery #Fiatmoney #DebtBasedEconomy #DebtBasedMoney #Slavery #TaxationIsTheft #HumanFarm #TaxFarm #Rothschilds #Rockefeller #Morgans #ModerndaySlavery #WageSlavery #WageSlaves #EndTheDebt #EndTheFed #EndSlavery #StopAllSlavery #EndAllDebt #CentralBank #CentralBanks #Bank #Banks #Banker #Bankers