• Interesting…
    Trump says We’ll have Lawyers at Every Poll Booth in the 2024 Election
    Is there plan for early voting and ballot harvesting?
    —— Yes, we have tens of thousands of people all over the country. We have a lot of poll watchers.
    Whether you like into or not, they cheat like hell….
    “We have lawyers at every poll booth….”
    In fact, my instruction is, we don’t need the votes.. we have the votes…
    Interesting… Trump says We’ll have Lawyers at Every Poll Booth in the 2024 Election Is there plan for early voting and ballot harvesting? —— Yes, we have tens of thousands of people all over the country. We have a lot of poll watchers. Whether you like into or not, they cheat like hell…. “We have lawyers at every poll booth….” In fact, my instruction is, we don’t need the votes.. we have the votes…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 102 Views 2
  • Donald J. Trump

    FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress yesterday that he wasn’t sure if I was hit by shrapnel, glass, or a bullet (the FBI never even checked!), but he was sure that Crooked Joe Biden was physically and cognitively “uneventful” - Wrong! That’s why he knows nothing about the terrorists and other criminals pouring into our Country at record levels. His only focus is destroying J6 Patriots, Raiding Mar-a-Lago, and saving Radical Left Lunatics, like the ones now in D.C. burning American flags and spray painting over our great National Monuments - with zero retribution. No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard. There was no glass, there was no shrapnel. The hospital called it a “bullet wound to the ear,” and that is what it was. No wonder the once storied FBI has lost the confidence of America!
    Donald J. Trump FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress yesterday that he wasn’t sure if I was hit by shrapnel, glass, or a bullet (the FBI never even checked!), but he was sure that Crooked Joe Biden was physically and cognitively “uneventful” - Wrong! That’s why he knows nothing about the terrorists and other criminals pouring into our Country at record levels. His only focus is destroying J6 Patriots, Raiding Mar-a-Lago, and saving Radical Left Lunatics, like the ones now in D.C. burning American flags and spray painting over our great National Monuments - with zero retribution. No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard. There was no glass, there was no shrapnel. The hospital called it a “bullet wound to the ear,” and that is what it was. No wonder the once storied FBI has lost the confidence of America! https://truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/112850202227985061
    0 Comments 0 Shares 238 Views
  • The Gaemi typhoon capsized an oil tanker in Manila Bay. Super Typhoon Carina, along with an enhanced seasonal monsoon, produced massive waves with maximum sustained winds of 185 kph, bringing heavy rainfall over various parts of the country. This may cause a huge oil spill from the tanker, which is carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel.
    The Gaemi typhoon capsized an oil tanker in Manila Bay. Super Typhoon Carina, along with an enhanced seasonal monsoon, produced massive waves with maximum sustained winds of 185 kph, bringing heavy rainfall over various parts of the country. This may cause a huge oil spill from the tanker, which is carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 113 Views

    People have been trying to fight the demon class
    for a long time now!

    The issue all of them have had is a simple one.... They are attempting to beat a demon PLAYING THE DEMON'S GAME! It won't ever happen playing their rules!

    What the masses MUST COMPREHEND is that the demons have us all strapped over the barrel using their MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW SCAM!

    EVERY "Court" around the world is practicing maritime admiralty law
    Well folks, that is the "Law of the SEA" and if you have not noticed, MEN & WOMEN do not live at SEA! We live on the LAND, where COMMON LAW IS KING!

    The problem???
    Nobody seems to realize this! They have all been brainwashed and mentally raped by the demon class's forced indoctrination centers and their maritime admiralty law #Fraud based court system!

    EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD should have their system set up similar to America's and Britain... Where you CAN convene a GRAND JURY OF THE PEOPLE to put the illegitimate #Corporation known as "government" on trial!

    And that is exactly what MUST HAPPEN!
    Quit pissing and moaning and trying to beat a demon at his own game!

    Common Law stands above maritime admiralty law in every country in the world

    COMMON LAW applies to LIVING MEN and WOMEN
    Whereas "Maritime Admiralty Law" applies ONLY to "vessels at sea" and "Legal Fictions" (Pieces of paper) that these #Criminals claim that YOU "consent to represent and pay for their supposed theoretical crimes"

    It is ALL pie in the sky horsespit!
    The US "Government" is a CORPORATION! And it "Taxes" "Legal Fictions" which are also CORPORATIONS (Dead entities, pieces of paper)

    And they have deceived YOU into believing that these legal fictions ARE YOU!

    They are NOT! We can try fighting this one by one, and some will win and some will lose if they don't have the knowledge.....

    OR we can all say this is enough! And we can convene grand juries and try them ALL as the criminals they are and deal with them! The demons have ruled long enough!

    STOP paying taxes that you don't owe!
    STOP paying traffic tickets that you do not owe!

    Get yourself some knowledge, organize your communities,
    and let's start convening the grand juries and put an end to the demon reign

    RICK MIRACLE VIDEO LIBRARY #876, 2011 VIDEO, ALAN WATT, THE SOVEREIGN INDEPENDENT, MASTERPLAN People have been trying to fight the demon class for a long time now! The issue all of them have had is a simple one.... They are attempting to beat a demon PLAYING THE DEMON'S GAME! It won't ever happen playing their rules! What the masses MUST COMPREHEND is that the demons have us all strapped over the barrel using their MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW SCAM! EVERY "Court" around the world is practicing maritime admiralty law Well folks, that is the "Law of the SEA" and if you have not noticed, MEN & WOMEN do not live at SEA! We live on the LAND, where COMMON LAW IS KING! The problem??? Nobody seems to realize this! They have all been brainwashed and mentally raped by the demon class's forced indoctrination centers and their maritime admiralty law #Fraud based court system! EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD should have their system set up similar to America's and Britain... Where you CAN convene a GRAND JURY OF THE PEOPLE to put the illegitimate #Corporation known as "government" on trial! And that is exactly what MUST HAPPEN! Quit pissing and moaning and trying to beat a demon at his own game! YOU GOTTA PLAY YOUR GAME! NOT THEIRS! Common Law stands above maritime admiralty law in every country in the world COMMON LAW applies to LIVING MEN and WOMEN Whereas "Maritime Admiralty Law" applies ONLY to "vessels at sea" and "Legal Fictions" (Pieces of paper) that these #Criminals claim that YOU "consent to represent and pay for their supposed theoretical crimes" It is ALL pie in the sky horsespit! The US "Government" is a CORPORATION! And it "Taxes" "Legal Fictions" which are also CORPORATIONS (Dead entities, pieces of paper) And they have deceived YOU into believing that these legal fictions ARE YOU! They are NOT! We can try fighting this one by one, and some will win and some will lose if they don't have the knowledge..... OR we can all say this is enough! And we can convene grand juries and try them ALL as the criminals they are and deal with them! The demons have ruled long enough! STOP paying taxes that you don't owe! STOP paying traffic tickets that you do not owe! Get yourself some knowledge, organize your communities, and let's start convening the grand juries and put an end to the demon reign https://old.bitchute.com/video/dJn4NHAffucH/
    RICK MIRACLE VIDEO LIBRARY #876, 2011 video, Alan Watt, The Sovereign Independent, Masterplan
    I search Alan Watt on archive.org and found this video. https://archive.org/details/alan-watt-understanding-the-development-2011 Finding the truth is easy, just start looking and asking questions. BUT, how many people don't even want to know the tr…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 361 Views

    While I'm not real big on the racial BS.....
    The information is correct

    I once read story that spoke of #Jews being thrown out of yet another country...
    And after being tossed out once again due to their purely #Evil deeds, they formulated a plan.

    That plan was to use Medicine, Law, and "Education" to take control in their next endeavor, and to make the entire world pay once they controlled these things.

    I cannot vouch for the validity of the story...
    But all one must do is to LOOK AROUND, and you can clearly see this happened

    LAW around the world has been taken over by deception and lies, where they have replaced the COMMON LAW with maritime admiralty law CLAIMING that their victims "consent" to being ruled over as "Chattel Property"

    Now... I may not be a smart man, but I know damn well that NOBODY has consented to becoming the PROPERTY of a #Corporation!

    And I also KNOW that nobody has "consented" to living their life according to that CORPORATION'S "Policies" or being put into a cage or even EXECUTED should they violate the corporation's policies!

    #Police enforce CORPORATE POLICY and not law!
    EVERYTHING that the Police do, they do under maritime admiralty law
    (The law of the SEA)

    WHY are "doctors," pharmacists, and drug companies not in prison for murder???
    Because the fraud based system of maritime admiralty law (The #BAR Association)
    protects #Criminals like themselves, that is why!

    These systems are ALL ran by evil people who do evil things!
    YOU have been brainwashed since birth to accept it!

    It is time to WAKE UP and understand that NOBODY has consented to this SCAM!
    And it's time to burn it down

    THE ILLEGAL J.3.W-DICIAL SYSTEM (2) (LANGUAGE WARNING MIRROR) While I'm not real big on the racial BS..... The information is correct I once read story that spoke of #Jews being thrown out of yet another country... And after being tossed out once again due to their purely #Evil deeds, they formulated a plan. That plan was to use Medicine, Law, and "Education" to take control in their next endeavor, and to make the entire world pay once they controlled these things. I cannot vouch for the validity of the story... But all one must do is to LOOK AROUND, and you can clearly see this happened LAW around the world has been taken over by deception and lies, where they have replaced the COMMON LAW with maritime admiralty law CLAIMING that their victims "consent" to being ruled over as "Chattel Property" Now... I may not be a smart man, but I know damn well that NOBODY has consented to becoming the PROPERTY of a #Corporation! And I also KNOW that nobody has "consented" to living their life according to that CORPORATION'S "Policies" or being put into a cage or even EXECUTED should they violate the corporation's policies! #Police enforce CORPORATE POLICY and not law! EVERYTHING that the Police do, they do under maritime admiralty law (The law of the SEA) WHY are "doctors," pharmacists, and drug companies not in prison for murder??? Because the fraud based system of maritime admiralty law (The #BAR Association) protects #Criminals like themselves, that is why! These systems are ALL ran by evil people who do evil things! YOU have been brainwashed since birth to accept it! It is time to WAKE UP and understand that NOBODY has consented to this SCAM! And it's time to burn it down https://old.bitchute.com/video/HzgWVnSR2OLU/
    THE ILLEGAL J.3.W-DICIAL SYSTEM (2) (Language Warning Mirror)
    Language Warning! Don't get offended by the language, rather, listen to the message being sent. Truth is, some people need to be offended and awakened to who our real enemy is in the Western World. The United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Ir…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 342 Views

    By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots / Right Side Patriots Radio

    In the first 15 mins of 'FOX and Friends' this morning when they were talking about upcoming events for the day, Ainsley Earhardt reminded everyone to turn into Biden's "final address to the nation" tonight. Immediately I 'paused' my TV and went back and replayed that segment to see if II heard her correctly...and I did!

    Not only does this...what could be a simple 'Freudian Slip' on Ainsley's part...lead me to believe that after Biden addresses his 'exit from the race' that he might possibly resign from office leaving Kamala Harris as America's first woman president!

    Remember, Biden was forced out of the race so why not force him out of office as well, leaving this to possibly be his promised 'face-saving' agreed to moment so he does not get 25th Amended out.

    So, after hearing Ansley's words I immediately called my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner and friend Craig Andresen and told him what I heard,. And while he wasn't watching FOX at that time, he told me he was also wondering why Biden would go to the Oval Office instead of doing a remote from home...after all he's supposedly still recovering from Covid and his Las Vegas TIA 'incident.'

    Now the question is, did Ainsley just speak misinformation in a 'slip of the tongue' moment; did she let the proverbial 'cat out of the bag;' or if she did say what I and I'm sure others heard but weren't supposed to, will FOX edit it out of the video of today's show?

    So now we wait and see, but if it's true and Biden does what we suspect he might do our country is in more serious danger than most think for if you think Biden danced on 44's strings wait until you see Harris and the damage she will do to our beloved America in the next 6 months and four years thereafter!!!

    Trump/Vance is the ONLY way this nightmare can be stopped...VOTE 'down-ticket'...it's more important now than ever before!
    IMPORTANT! By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots / Right Side Patriots Radio In the first 15 mins of 'FOX and Friends' this morning when they were talking about upcoming events for the day, Ainsley Earhardt reminded everyone to turn into Biden's "final address to the nation" tonight. Immediately I 'paused' my TV and went back and replayed that segment to see if II heard her correctly...and I did! Not only does this...what could be a simple 'Freudian Slip' on Ainsley's part...lead me to believe that after Biden addresses his 'exit from the race' that he might possibly resign from office leaving Kamala Harris as America's first woman president! Remember, Biden was forced out of the race so why not force him out of office as well, leaving this to possibly be his promised 'face-saving' agreed to moment so he does not get 25th Amended out. So, after hearing Ansley's words I immediately called my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner and friend Craig Andresen and told him what I heard,. And while he wasn't watching FOX at that time, he told me he was also wondering why Biden would go to the Oval Office instead of doing a remote from home...after all he's supposedly still recovering from Covid and his Las Vegas TIA 'incident.' Now the question is, did Ainsley just speak misinformation in a 'slip of the tongue' moment; did she let the proverbial 'cat out of the bag;' or if she did say what I and I'm sure others heard but weren't supposed to, will FOX edit it out of the video of today's show? So now we wait and see, but if it's true and Biden does what we suspect he might do our country is in more serious danger than most think for if you think Biden danced on 44's strings wait until you see Harris and the damage she will do to our beloved America in the next 6 months and four years thereafter!!! Trump/Vance is the ONLY way this nightmare can be stopped...VOTE 'down-ticket'...it's more important now than ever before!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 326 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/ireland-migrant-crisis-branded-out-of-control-as-sinn-fein-pledges-crack-down-politicians-think-they-own-the-country/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 87 Views
  • I have only ONE QUESTION for everyone.....

    You can rationalize it any way you choose, but that is EXACTLY what you are! And if it pisses you off, I'd suggest that you

    COMMON LAW & THE CONSTITUTION are the highest form of law

    The "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM you have been enslaved by is beneath COMMON LAW, and common law wins the day
    EVERY TIME against it!

    Not to mention that the entire maritime law scam is based in #Fraud and deception!

    So either FREE YOURSELF by standing in COMMON LAW and staying out of the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law....

    Or quit whining and be a good little SLAVE!
    Those are your choices!


    Treating YOU, a MAN or WOMAN, as "chattel property" of the corporation, claiming that you have "consented" to representing a "Legal Fiction" that exists ONLY ON A PIECE OF PAPER!

    It's the greatest FRAUD in the history of the world!
    So.... Are you just going to suck on it???
    Or do you plan to do something about it?

    If EVERYONE would stand together we could END THIS FRAUD IN A DAY!
    I have only ONE QUESTION for everyone..... HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING THE #SLAVE OF A #CORPORATION? You can rationalize it any way you choose, but that is EXACTLY what you are! And if it pisses you off, I'd suggest that you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! COMMON LAW & THE CONSTITUTION are the highest form of law The "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM you have been enslaved by is beneath COMMON LAW, and common law wins the day EVERY TIME against it! Not to mention that the entire maritime law scam is based in #Fraud and deception! So either FREE YOURSELF by standing in COMMON LAW and staying out of the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law.... Or quit whining and be a good little SLAVE! Those are your choices! EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD AND ALL "COURTS" & "POLICE" ARE PRACTICING MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW... Treating YOU, a MAN or WOMAN, as "chattel property" of the corporation, claiming that you have "consented" to representing a "Legal Fiction" that exists ONLY ON A PIECE OF PAPER! It's the greatest FRAUD in the history of the world! So.... Are you just going to suck on it??? Or do you plan to do something about it? If EVERYONE would stand together we could END THIS FRAUD IN A DAY!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 242 Views
  • San Francisco has collapsed. California is in decline and now our country is on the same trajectory. The common thread: Kamala Harris.
    San Francisco has collapsed. California is in decline and now our country is on the same trajectory. The common thread: Kamala Harris.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 92 Views 0
  • Caroline Wren On Democrat Fundraising: “In the last 36 hours, they say Kamala has raised 100 million dollars via ActBlue. ActBlue is the largest money laundering operation in the country.”
    Caroline Wren On Democrat Fundraising: “In the last 36 hours, they say Kamala has raised 100 million dollars via ActBlue. ActBlue is the largest money laundering operation in the country.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 136 Views 2
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