• https://americafirstreport.com/the-political-left-has-proven-beyond-a-doubt-that-they-are-authoritarians/
    The Political Left Has Proven Beyond a Doubt That They Are Authoritarians
    (Alt-Market)—Nearly 20 years ago when I started my work in the independent media the common mantra among my peers was
    0 Comments 0 Shares 401 Views
  • Nikki Cheney XI - Embraced and endorsed by uniparty authoritarians and collaborative propaganda media. https://vigilantnews.com/post/3-reasons-why-nikki-haley-is-dead-wrong-about-anonymous-speech?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
    Nikki Cheney XI - Embraced and endorsed by uniparty authoritarians and collaborative propaganda media. https://vigilantnews.com/post/3-reasons-why-nikki-haley-is-dead-wrong-about-anonymous-speech?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
    3 Reasons Why Nikki Haley Is Dead Wrong About Anonymous Speech
    Throughout history, many renowned advocates for freedom and purveyors of truth have chosen to write under a pseudonym.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2810 Views
  • Authoritarians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PM67hjv4iM
    Authoritarians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PM67hjv4iM
    0 Comments 0 Shares 622 Views
  • They Say They'll Remove Our Guns, Not Just Ban Them. THEY CAN DREAM.

    Tell you what #Government, once "Mass School Shootings" you keep staging surpass the 262,000,000 killed by their own governments, LET US KNOW!

    Until then STFU because you won't be taking any guns here!
    You MAY get some bullets, but NO GUNS!

    You are illegitimate corporate scum, with no LAWFUL authority over anyone!
    The "contracts" you do have over people are INVALID due to #Fraud!

    Let's start with a number: 262 million. That's the number of unarmed people the late Prof. R. J. Rummel estimated governments murdered in mass killings he termed "democide" during the 20th century. "This democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century," he wrote.

    Unsurprisingly, the bloodiest body count was run up by totalitarian regimes, though authoritarians were busy stacking up the corpses, too, if in smaller piles. Democracies were also responsible for unjustifiable deaths, especially in subduing resistance in their colonial possessions (think: Belgian Congo) and in indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets during wars (think: Hiroshima), but to a far lesser degree than Communists, Nazis, and overdecorated generalissimos.

    Rummel's 1997 book, Power Kills, stated his case most strongly, but he nicely summarized the argument on his website:

    It is true that democratic freedom is an engine of national and individual wealth and prosperity. Hardly known, however, is that freedom also saves millions of lives from famine, disease, war, collective violence, and democide (genocide and mass murder). That is, the more freedom, the greater the human security and the less the violence. Conversely, the more power governments have, the more human insecurity and violence. In short: to our realization that power impoverishes we must also add that power kills.

    So, opposing accumulation of power by government—being antigovernment—may be inconvenient for some people's political plans, but it's also, literally, a life-saver. Liberal democracies seem to be the least murderous type of regime, but there's no obvious magic cutoff in terms of authority below which governments stop slaughtering people. So keeping any sort of government on a short leash is just good sense.

    But ending up in a ditch with a few thousand other innocents to keep you company isn't the only way to experience an over-powerful state. Fans of active government want the state to flex its muscles in ways that they think will benefit society, but they ignore that such activism can easily overwhelm the ability to comply.

    They Say They'll Remove Our Guns, Not Just Ban Them. THEY CAN DREAM. Tell you what #Government, once "Mass School Shootings" you keep staging surpass the 262,000,000 killed by their own governments, LET US KNOW! Until then STFU because you won't be taking any guns here! You MAY get some bullets, but NO GUNS! You are illegitimate corporate scum, with no LAWFUL authority over anyone! The "contracts" you do have over people are INVALID due to #Fraud! Let's start with a number: 262 million. That's the number of unarmed people the late Prof. R. J. Rummel estimated governments murdered in mass killings he termed "democide" during the 20th century. "This democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century," he wrote. Unsurprisingly, the bloodiest body count was run up by totalitarian regimes, though authoritarians were busy stacking up the corpses, too, if in smaller piles. Democracies were also responsible for unjustifiable deaths, especially in subduing resistance in their colonial possessions (think: Belgian Congo) and in indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets during wars (think: Hiroshima), but to a far lesser degree than Communists, Nazis, and overdecorated generalissimos. Rummel's 1997 book, Power Kills, stated his case most strongly, but he nicely summarized the argument on his website: It is true that democratic freedom is an engine of national and individual wealth and prosperity. Hardly known, however, is that freedom also saves millions of lives from famine, disease, war, collective violence, and democide (genocide and mass murder). That is, the more freedom, the greater the human security and the less the violence. Conversely, the more power governments have, the more human insecurity and violence. In short: to our realization that power impoverishes we must also add that power kills. So, opposing accumulation of power by government—being antigovernment—may be inconvenient for some people's political plans, but it's also, literally, a life-saver. Liberal democracies seem to be the least murderous type of regime, but there's no obvious magic cutoff in terms of authority below which governments stop slaughtering people. So keeping any sort of government on a short leash is just good sense. But ending up in a ditch with a few thousand other innocents to keep you company isn't the only way to experience an over-powerful state. Fans of active government want the state to flex its muscles in ways that they think will benefit society, but they ignore that such activism can easily overwhelm the ability to comply. https://youtu.be/txPxV-LcZ9s
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1860 Views
  • Holy cow!
    There's actually ONE #Police officer in America
    (other than #Sheriff Mack) who will stand for what is right!

    I may go into shock!
    Are Yahuwah's miracles endless or what?

    Most other Police are trained in #Israel by men who are NOT governed by a #Constitution or #BillOfRights and THINK they are some kind of Military Authoritarians dealing with people WITHOUT HUMAN RIGHTS!

    So they discount the #Oath they've taken before Yahuwah, and EVERYTHING they were REQUIRED to pledge a sworn Oath to defend!

    Like the US Constitution etc......

    ONE actually broke free of the brainwashing!
    I'm truly impressed!
    Holy cow! There's actually ONE #Police officer in America (other than #Sheriff Mack) who will stand for what is right! I may go into shock! Are Yahuwah's miracles endless or what? Most other Police are trained in #Israel by men who are NOT governed by a #Constitution or #BillOfRights and THINK they are some kind of Military Authoritarians dealing with people WITHOUT HUMAN RIGHTS! So they discount the #Oath they've taken before Yahuwah, and EVERYTHING they were REQUIRED to pledge a sworn Oath to defend! Like the US Constitution etc...... ONE actually broke free of the brainwashing! I'm truly impressed!
    0 Comments 1 Shares 1311 Views
  • I've been to Prison........
    And I'm telling you now, these guys and gals are going to have a hard time!

    I feel as if I'm looking at future toe-nail clippers and underwear launderers here
    I COULD BE WRONG..... But I doubt it!

    What happened??? Did George Soros and #Congress STOP footing the bill?
    Poor babies!

    ANYONE who knows ME knows I despise #Police!
    But that's because they are rights violating authoritarians by nature!

    If you toss explosives and fire-bombs at ANYONE I'm perfectly okay with them shooting YOU between your eyes! And that's ME, a guy less than fond of Police!

    EVERYONE..... Even a cop, has the right to defend himself!

    I've been to Prison........ And I'm telling you now, these guys and gals are going to have a hard time! I feel as if I'm looking at future toe-nail clippers and underwear launderers here I COULD BE WRONG..... But I doubt it! What happened??? Did George Soros and #Congress STOP footing the bill? Poor babies! ANYONE who knows ME knows I despise #Police! But that's because they are rights violating authoritarians by nature! If you toss explosives and fire-bombs at ANYONE I'm perfectly okay with them shooting YOU between your eyes! And that's ME, a guy less than fond of Police! EVERYONE..... Even a cop, has the right to defend himself! DUMMIES! https://www.bitchute.com/video/X4guj7JfHDZe/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 756 Views
  • “You Murderous Hypocrites”: Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests ‘Amnesty’ For Pandemic Authoritarians
    #Murderous #Hypocrites #TheAtlantic #Amnesty #COVID #Authoritarians
    “You Murderous Hypocrites”: Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests ‘Amnesty’ For Pandemic Authoritarians #Murderous #Hypocrites #TheAtlantic #Amnesty #COVID #Authoritarians
    “You Murderous Hypocrites”: Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests ‘Amnesty’ For Pandemic Authoritarians
    The Atlantic has come under fire for suggesting that all the terrible pandemic-era decisions over lockdowns, school closures, masking, and punishing an entire class of people who questioned the efficacy and wisdom of taking a rushed, experimental vaccine - for a virus with a 99% survival rate in most, should all be water under the bridge. Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake
    0 Comments 1 Shares 2342 Views
  • >>>>And­—most devastatingly—it has deeply corrupted both the judicial and electoral systems (as demonstrated by the fraudulent 2020 presidential election and the continuing efforts to corrupt election integrity and persecute the January 6 protestors), effectively neutering the only legal options that the people have to challenge and change the corrupted system and to address their grave grievances.

    Because of all these oppressions, the United States is no longer the functioning democratic republic that was established by the U.S. Constitution. The elite authoritarians that have entrenched themselves in power have succeeded in their goal of destroying that republic.<<<<
    >>>>And­—most devastatingly—it has deeply corrupted both the judicial and electoral systems (as demonstrated by the fraudulent 2020 presidential election and the continuing efforts to corrupt election integrity and persecute the January 6 protestors), effectively neutering the only legal options that the people have to challenge and change the corrupted system and to address their grave grievances. Because of all these oppressions, the United States is no longer the functioning democratic republic that was established by the U.S. Constitution. The elite authoritarians that have entrenched themselves in power have succeeded in their goal of destroying that republic.<<<<
    0 Comments 0 Shares 532 Views
  • (admin) Frontline Doctors Simone Gold to jail for a misdemeanor on Jan 6.
    Dear Friend, I want to thank you for the outpouring of support, prayers and well-wishes during this trying time. I also want to also reassure you of this: I am absolutely galvanized and ON FIRE to continue our quest to expose the corruption and lies of Big Government, Big Tech and Big Pharma. You see, it is directly because of my message and our mission that the Department of Justice, the FBI and the current Administration seek to put us out of business.

    Why? Because we are effective at what we do—and because of you. You, and millions of others have sided with AFLDS, and the authoritarians don’t like it one bit.

    This is why, since the beginning, I’ve been the victim of a vicious campaign to silence me.

    First Big Tech banned AFLDS’ explosive press conference. This was the viral video that put us on the map, featuring the America’s Frontline Doctors team standing in front of the U.S. Supreme Court sharing the truth about COVID with the world.

    Then the FBI kicked down my front-door and threw me in jail for 2 days because I peacefully gave a speech during the J6 event inside the Capitol.

    And now, a Federal Judge has sentenced me to two months in prison, to make an example of me for anyone who might dare to resist the regime—and hoping my sentence would bankrupt AFLDS and crush our resolve to push forward.

    Judge Christopher Cooper, made my sentencing one of a kind:

    *Only woman in America…

    *with no criminal past…

    *to serve 60-days…

    *to be fined nearly $10,000

    *for a first charge…

    *for a trespassing misdemeanor.

    I am a lawyer. I can tell you that no one goes to jail for a misdemeanor charge of trespassing—especially when that individual is a) non-violent, b) a woman, and c) has no criminal record.

    This was the same Obama appointed judge who sided with the Saudi Arabian terrorists over the families of victims of 9/11. This needs to be exposed for what it is: absolute corruption.

    I can also share with you that I am not going to appeal this misdemeanor charge. If I were to do so it could severely hurt AFLDS and could potentially result in the loss of my medical license and ability to practice law. And know this: I paid for every single legal fee, and the court fine of nearly $10,000, out of my own pocket. Not one penny from supporters like you have been used to pay my legal bills, regardless of what Judge Cooper said at my hearing.

    In a few weeks I will receive a formal request to be incarcerated, and will be writing my second book on J6 show-trials, from federal prison. I was inspired to do so by Dr. Martin Luther King who wrote “Letters from a Birmingham Jail” while he too was incarcerated fighting for civil rights.

    In the meantime, I have prepared the AFLDS staff to keep on fighting, to keep on pushing, to keep on standing. AFLDS is a tremendous team and I am deeply proud of our accomplishments—our legal and medical efforts, grassroots mobilizing, our news team, our digital team—each individual sacrificing long hours in an effort to protect your medical freedom.

    Please remember: AFLDS continues to rely upon your financial support. We are not funded by Big Pharma, and we receive no corporate funding. Our mission continues because God-fearing patriots like you are concerned that we are losing this country. And you’re right—it is slipping away quickly.

    Please donate today if you are able to give. If you can, please consider joining our monthly sustainer program. Monthly support helps us budget better, and it reduces our fundraising costs.

    Thank you again for the outpouring of support—your love and prayers are felt and welcomed, and serve as a huge encouragement to all of us here at AFLDS.

    For Liberty,
    Simone Gold, MD, JD
    America’s Frontline Doctors
    The Trusted Name for Independent Information
    (admin) Frontline Doctors Simone Gold to jail for a misdemeanor on Jan 6. https://madmimi.com/p/3f80341?pact=90141699-168406903-13007676407-8386e5bae6eae52a601e9c38b6b38c37e223bb4b Dear Friend, I want to thank you for the outpouring of support, prayers and well-wishes during this trying time. I also want to also reassure you of this: I am absolutely galvanized and ON FIRE to continue our quest to expose the corruption and lies of Big Government, Big Tech and Big Pharma. You see, it is directly because of my message and our mission that the Department of Justice, the FBI and the current Administration seek to put us out of business. Why? Because we are effective at what we do—and because of you. You, and millions of others have sided with AFLDS, and the authoritarians don’t like it one bit. This is why, since the beginning, I’ve been the victim of a vicious campaign to silence me. First Big Tech banned AFLDS’ explosive press conference. This was the viral video that put us on the map, featuring the America’s Frontline Doctors team standing in front of the U.S. Supreme Court sharing the truth about COVID with the world. Then the FBI kicked down my front-door and threw me in jail for 2 days because I peacefully gave a speech during the J6 event inside the Capitol. And now, a Federal Judge has sentenced me to two months in prison, to make an example of me for anyone who might dare to resist the regime—and hoping my sentence would bankrupt AFLDS and crush our resolve to push forward. Judge Christopher Cooper, made my sentencing one of a kind: *Only woman in America… *with no criminal past… *to serve 60-days… *to be fined nearly $10,000 *for a first charge… *for a trespassing misdemeanor. I am a lawyer. I can tell you that no one goes to jail for a misdemeanor charge of trespassing—especially when that individual is a) non-violent, b) a woman, and c) has no criminal record. This was the same Obama appointed judge who sided with the Saudi Arabian terrorists over the families of victims of 9/11. This needs to be exposed for what it is: absolute corruption. I can also share with you that I am not going to appeal this misdemeanor charge. If I were to do so it could severely hurt AFLDS and could potentially result in the loss of my medical license and ability to practice law. And know this: I paid for every single legal fee, and the court fine of nearly $10,000, out of my own pocket. Not one penny from supporters like you have been used to pay my legal bills, regardless of what Judge Cooper said at my hearing. In a few weeks I will receive a formal request to be incarcerated, and will be writing my second book on J6 show-trials, from federal prison. I was inspired to do so by Dr. Martin Luther King who wrote “Letters from a Birmingham Jail” while he too was incarcerated fighting for civil rights. In the meantime, I have prepared the AFLDS staff to keep on fighting, to keep on pushing, to keep on standing. AFLDS is a tremendous team and I am deeply proud of our accomplishments—our legal and medical efforts, grassroots mobilizing, our news team, our digital team—each individual sacrificing long hours in an effort to protect your medical freedom. Please remember: AFLDS continues to rely upon your financial support. We are not funded by Big Pharma, and we receive no corporate funding. Our mission continues because God-fearing patriots like you are concerned that we are losing this country. And you’re right—it is slipping away quickly. Please donate today if you are able to give. If you can, please consider joining our monthly sustainer program. Monthly support helps us budget better, and it reduces our fundraising costs. Thank you again for the outpouring of support—your love and prayers are felt and welcomed, and serve as a huge encouragement to all of us here at AFLDS. For Liberty, Simone Gold, MD, JD Founder America’s Frontline Doctors The Trusted Name for Independent Information
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2029 Views
  • https://www.amazon.com/Bodies-Others-Authoritarians-COVID-19-Against/dp/1737478560
    Amazon.com: The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human: 9781737478560: Wolf, Naomi: Books
    Amazon.com: The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human: 9781737478560: Wolf, Naomi: Books
    0 Comments 0 Shares 541 Views
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