• For years the media, “fact-checkers,” and “anti-disinformation” initiatives told the public there was nothing wrong with Joe Biden. A few weeks ago, in the space of five minutes, they flipped. Rapid-onset dementia had struck the President and it was time for change.
    PolitiFact is a project of the Poynter Institute which coordinates the biggest network of fact-checkers in the world, the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). IFCN is funded largely by Facebook but also by the “Craig Newmark Foundation, the Koch Foundation, the Knight Foundation, the Omidyar Network, the National Endowment for Democracy, Microsoft, and the Washington Post.” This is not a small fringe “fact-checking” outfit; it is one of the leading organizations in the sector.
    For years the media, “fact-checkers,” and “anti-disinformation” initiatives told the public there was nothing wrong with Joe Biden. A few weeks ago, in the space of five minutes, they flipped. Rapid-onset dementia had struck the President and it was time for change. PolitiFact is a project of the Poynter Institute which coordinates the biggest network of fact-checkers in the world, the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). IFCN is funded largely by Facebook but also by the “Craig Newmark Foundation, the Koch Foundation, the Knight Foundation, the Omidyar Network, the National Endowment for Democracy, Microsoft, and the Washington Post.” This is not a small fringe “fact-checking” outfit; it is one of the leading organizations in the sector. https://brownstone.org/articles/biden-and-the-medias-anti-disinformation-campaign/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 178 Views
  • House Republican Files Articles of Impeachment Against Kamala Harris https://www.infowars.com/posts/house-republican-files-articles-of-impeachment-against-kamala-harris/
    House Republican Files Articles of Impeachment Against Kamala Harris https://www.infowars.com/posts/house-republican-files-articles-of-impeachment-against-kamala-harris/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 102 Views
  • Lipid Nanoparticles in mRNA Vaccines Pose Great Risk — Video https://www.infowars.com/posts/lipid-nanoparticles-in-mrna-vaccines-pose-great-risk-video/
    Lipid Nanoparticles in mRNA Vaccines Pose Great Risk — Video https://www.infowars.com/posts/lipid-nanoparticles-in-mrna-vaccines-pose-great-risk-video/
    0 Comments 1 Shares 197 Views
  • They fooled themselves. The Censorship meant to keep regular people in the dark instead blinded the Pseudo-elites & their friends.
    The shock – both feigned and real – over Joe Biden’s long-obvious dementia cements our diagnosis of the ruling class’s Disinformation Disorder. Yes, some knew and hid the truth, But many journalists and Democratic power brokers appear to have been truly clueless. Otherwise, they would have changed course long ago.
    The refrain that Joe is “sharp as a tack” was just the latest in Three & 1/2 years worth of Increasingly Preposterous Propaganda.
    Russian collusion, 51 intel officers, Everything Covid, SARS2 emerged in a wet market, Mask your toddlers, Jab the healthy, Horse dewormer, Ukraine is winning, The border’s secure!!. This propaganda is believed most deeply and fervently in Washington, D.C., New York, and Hollywood. Those who think they know the most turn out to know the least.

    They fooled themselves. The Censorship meant to keep regular people in the dark instead blinded the Pseudo-elites & their friends. The shock – both feigned and real – over Joe Biden’s long-obvious dementia cements our diagnosis of the ruling class’s Disinformation Disorder. Yes, some knew and hid the truth, But many journalists and Democratic power brokers appear to have been truly clueless. Otherwise, they would have changed course long ago. The refrain that Joe is “sharp as a tack” was just the latest in Three & 1/2 years worth of Increasingly Preposterous Propaganda. Russian collusion, 51 intel officers, Everything Covid, SARS2 emerged in a wet market, Mask your toddlers, Jab the healthy, Horse dewormer, Ukraine is winning, The border’s secure!!. This propaganda is believed most deeply and fervently in Washington, D.C., New York, and Hollywood. Those who think they know the most turn out to know the least. https://brownstone.org/articles/the-censorship-boomerang/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 439 Views
  • They succeeded in getting Biden elected. However, they failed to consider Biden’s lifelong duplicity and dishonor, as it was not the liberal wing of the party that would control Biden but the Marxist wing that dominates his administration and effectively blackmails him into enacting their policies.
    The Marxist faction of the Democrat Party is now faced with the reality of finding someone to replace Joe Biden. They know they have no one their side of the aisle who can win a national election. Where do they find another malleable, easily blackmailed candidate to further their goals? Is there another Joe Biden in the wings?.

    They succeeded in getting Biden elected. However, they failed to consider Biden’s lifelong duplicity and dishonor, as it was not the liberal wing of the party that would control Biden but the Marxist wing that dominates his administration and effectively blackmails him into enacting their policies. The Marxist faction of the Democrat Party is now faced with the reality of finding someone to replace Joe Biden. They know they have no one their side of the aisle who can win a national election. Where do they find another malleable, easily blackmailed candidate to further their goals? Is there another Joe Biden in the wings?. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/07/the_fracturing_of_the_democrat_party.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 177 Views
  • https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/07/concerned_parents_face_the_tyranny_of_cancel_culture.html
    Concerned Parents Face the Tyranny of Cancel Culture
    Parents who oppose the imposition of sexualized or pornographic material on children face two major threats. They may face intimidating visits from the FBI. Or, like Julie Mauck, they may find themselves canceled. Mauck — a...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 178 Views
  • Biden vs. the Almighty
    Satire: Biden says he will not allow elites like God Almighty to push him around.
    President and Venal Houseplant Joe Biden announced yesterday that though he was now dead, only God Almighty could remove him from the presidential race. God Almighty announced that he already had removed him from the presidential race by bringing him before his throne of judgment where they would soon discuss that 10% he’d been receiving from Hunter’s influence peddling business. The president’s death became undeniable after a debate with Donald Trump during which Biden responded to questions by lying motionless on the floor and not breathing while rigor mortis set in.
    Despite the president’s passing, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean Identity-Hire says Biden continues to work as hard as any other dead person.
    Biden vs. the Almighty Satire: Biden says he will not allow elites like God Almighty to push him around. President and Venal Houseplant Joe Biden announced yesterday that though he was now dead, only God Almighty could remove him from the presidential race. God Almighty announced that he already had removed him from the presidential race by bringing him before his throne of judgment where they would soon discuss that 10% he’d been receiving from Hunter’s influence peddling business. The president’s death became undeniable after a debate with Donald Trump during which Biden responded to questions by lying motionless on the floor and not breathing while rigor mortis set in. Despite the president’s passing, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean Identity-Hire says Biden continues to work as hard as any other dead person. https://patriotpost.us/articles/108531-in-brief-biden-vs-the-almighty-2024-07-17
    0 Comments 0 Shares 361 Views
  • RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS...Podcast ... If you missed last nights live broadcast where Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discussed their Special Report 'The Attempted Assassination of President Trump' including their articles 'Not Unexpected...It Did Happen' and 'The Final Nail', you can listen to it and past shows at https://rspradio1.com ... go to podcasts.
    RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS...Podcast ... If you missed last nights live broadcast where Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discussed their Special Report 'The Attempted Assassination of President Trump' including their articles 'Not Unexpected...It Did Happen' and 'The Final Nail', you can listen to it and past shows at https://rspradio1.com ... go to podcasts.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 269 Views
  • Does an attempted assassination up the stakes and need for serious housecleaning within the ruling class halls of power? Will the deep state allow it or go scorched earth against Trump or anyone else shining the light of day on their nest of vipers?
    There must be a reckoning and course correction, or else America is firmly a banana republic dictatorship. As Trump said shortly before the 2016 election, “Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.”
    Remember that on election day. And remain vigilant.
    Does an attempted assassination up the stakes and need for serious housecleaning within the ruling class halls of power? Will the deep state allow it or go scorched earth against Trump or anyone else shining the light of day on their nest of vipers? There must be a reckoning and course correction, or else America is firmly a banana republic dictatorship. As Trump said shortly before the 2016 election, “Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.” Remember that on election day. And remain vigilant. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/07/clapper_and_the_spooks_enemies_foreign_and_domestic.html
    Clapper and the Spooks – Enemies Foreign and Domestic
    Donald Trump was almost assassinated less than two days ago. Was this a crazy lone wolf or was this a continuation of a pattern, eliminating one’s political opposition, gradually ratcheting up the techniques? Were the agencies charged wit...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 305 Views
  • Wages. Thanks to Bidenflation, real wages are 2.5% below where they were when Biden took office, even though he sworn in when wages were below their previous peak. In contrast, real wages climbed 7% during Trump’s first term.
    National debt. Since he’s been in the White House, Biden has added $7 trillion to the national debt – an increase of 25%. And monthly interest payments on that debt are now 200% higher than they were when Biden took office.
    Crime. Democrats and their handmaidens in the press keep insisting that crime rates are down. But the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes both crimes that were reported to the police and those that weren’t, showed a 75% increase.
    Illegal immigration. In Trump’s four years in office, roughly 2 million illegals were encountered at the border. Most of them were turned back after Trump ended “catch and release” for asylum seekers.
    So far under Biden, more than 7 million have crossed the border illegally – that we know of. He simply waved most of them into the country.
    Wages. Thanks to Bidenflation, real wages are 2.5% below where they were when Biden took office, even though he sworn in when wages were below their previous peak. In contrast, real wages climbed 7% during Trump’s first term. National debt. Since he’s been in the White House, Biden has added $7 trillion to the national debt – an increase of 25%. And monthly interest payments on that debt are now 200% higher than they were when Biden took office. Crime. Democrats and their handmaidens in the press keep insisting that crime rates are down. But the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes both crimes that were reported to the police and those that weren’t, showed a 75% increase. Illegal immigration. In Trump’s four years in office, roughly 2 million illegals were encountered at the border. Most of them were turned back after Trump ended “catch and release” for asylum seekers. So far under Biden, more than 7 million have crossed the border illegally – that we know of. He simply waved most of them into the country. https://patriotpost.us/articles/108446-in-brief-gaslighting-about-bidens-accomplishments-2024-07-15
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