• https://www.voiceofeurope.com/violence-against-women-reaches-epidemic-levels-in-uk-police-compare-it-to-terrorism
    Violence against women reaches epidemic levels in UK, police compare it to terrorism
    VOICE OF EUROPE IS GOING TO BE BLOCKED due to pressure from European authorities on freedom of speech and attempts to hi......
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 157 Views
  • EVERY #Police Officer in America is GUILTY of Crimes!

    Their crimes you ask???

    These #Violent #Criminal #Pirates are literally violating...

    18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND
    18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

    Simply by enforcing "Statutes and Codes" against LIVING MEN!

    Statutes and Codes are "Maritime Admiralty Law" which applies ONLY TO #Corporations and "Legal Fictions" (pieces of paper)

    Assuming that an American "consents" to being treated as if he is "CHATTEL PROPERTY" of a corporation, and ASSUMING that he "consents" to "Representing a "Legal Fiction" are both CRIMES!

    Committing Violence against LIVING MEN by claiming that they "consent" to being the property of a Corporation is insanity!


    It is time for these criminals to be STOPPED!
    And their black robed priests accomplices too!

    YOU have been scammed by corporate criminals
    who belong in prison! These criminals CLAIM that you have "consented" to something that you don't even know EXISTS!

    And bet your ass.... It is a violation of Title 18 U.S.C. § 241 & 242!
    EVERY #Police Officer in America is GUILTY of Crimes! Their crimes you ask??? These #Violent #Criminal #Pirates are literally violating... 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law Simply by enforcing "Statutes and Codes" against LIVING MEN! Statutes and Codes are "Maritime Admiralty Law" which applies ONLY TO #Corporations and "Legal Fictions" (pieces of paper) Assuming that an American "consents" to being treated as if he is "CHATTEL PROPERTY" of a corporation, and ASSUMING that he "consents" to "Representing a "Legal Fiction" are both CRIMES! Committing Violence against LIVING MEN by claiming that they "consent" to being the property of a Corporation is insanity! NO AMERICAN CONSENTS TO BEING THE PROPERTY OF A CORPORATION! NO AMERICAN CONSENTS TO REPRESENTING A PIECE OF PAPER KNOWN AS A "LEGAL FICTION!" It is time for these criminals to be STOPPED! And their black robed priests accomplices too! YOU have been scammed by corporate criminals who belong in prison! These criminals CLAIM that you have "consented" to something that you don't even know EXISTS! And bet your ass.... It is a violation of Title 18 U.S.C. § 241 & 242!
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 352 Views

    We may as well just give John Gotti and the #Mafia "IMMUNITY" too!

    If we, as Americans are going to tolerate #Criminals committing #Violence against innocent Americans... At least the actual MAFIA has a legitimate reason when they do it!

    #Police on the other hand... DO IT BECAUSE THEY GET AWAY WITH IT!
    Nothing more than narcissistic psychopaths with a gun (and protection of the state)
    these guys are literally the epitome of #OrganizedCrime!

    I'd much rather deal with the mafia!
    At least the mafia don't ride around looking to beat up and cage the innocent!

    These are mentally defective psychopaths who are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! And that is un-American!

    In America we are supposed to have

    Not "if YOU do this you go to prison...
    if blue scumbellies do it it's just our job"

    It's a direct violation of the LAW OF THE LAND!
    The Constitution

    piss on the corporation and their "statutes and codes"

    COP ATTACKS KID IN HIS DRIVEWAY ONLY 5 SECONDS AFTER SAYING HELLO We may as well just give John Gotti and the #Mafia "IMMUNITY" too! If we, as Americans are going to tolerate #Criminals committing #Violence against innocent Americans... At least the actual MAFIA has a legitimate reason when they do it! #Police on the other hand... DO IT BECAUSE THEY GET AWAY WITH IT! Nothing more than narcissistic psychopaths with a gun (and protection of the state) these guys are literally the epitome of #OrganizedCrime! I'd much rather deal with the mafia! At least the mafia don't ride around looking to beat up and cage the innocent! These are mentally defective psychopaths who are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! And that is un-American! In America we are supposed to have EQUAL PROTECTIONS UNDER THE LAW! Not "if YOU do this you go to prison... if blue scumbellies do it it's just our job" It's a direct violation of the LAW OF THE LAND! The Constitution piss on the corporation and their "statutes and codes" https://old.bitchute.com/video/9Xtb7Dm9OJk/
    Cop Attacks Kid in his Driveway Only 5 SECONDS After Saying Hello
    Video to submit? https://forms.gle/HmwnDQKvwvYPxe967 Blog: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/ Donate to the Institute for Justice: https://ij.org/support/give-now/thecivilrightslawyer/ For business inquiries: [email protected] Twitter: htt…
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 303 Views

    When you give #Criminals #Immunity from PROSECUTION and Immunity from being held liable in a civil proceeding.... YOU GET AMERICAN #POLICE

    These are corporate POLICY enforcers!
    They do NOT "enforce law"

    The #Law is COMMON LAW, and it has nothing to do with "statutes and codes"

    These criminals are literally allowed to
    "Investigate themselves" and prosecute themselves!

    Providing that ALL AMERICANS are afforded the exact same opportunity!

    As soon as ALL AMERICANS can "Investigate themselves" and then allowed to decide if they want to "prosecute themselves" then this will be acceptable!

    UNTIL THEN these c*cksuckers need to be held accountable by THE PEOPLE!
    NOT by their criminal government pals!

    These people need to be sh*t when acting as criminals...
    Just like any other criminal, and BTW that is perfectly "LEGAL" when he's acting in a criminal manner.... But his criminal buddies will NEVER allow you to see your day in court! They will murder you for holding their buddy accountable!

    That is why Americans must prepare to deal with them IN FORCE!
    In greater numbers than they have available!

    The time for roadside Pirate operations to STOP across America!
    And it's time to STOP the PROTECTED #Violence committed by these criminal scumbags!

    When you allow people to commit violence against others with impunity..... IT'S A F*CKING PROBLEM!

    And Americans are getting a little tired of a CORPORATION that thinks it can commit violence against Americans with impunity! It's time for CONSEQUENCES for these unlawful, criminal actions against people who have harmed nobody!

    The Police are just like school bullies!
    They are real tough while everyone cowers before them!

    But you get ONE GUY shooting back,
    and they turn into little scared girls

    When you get 300,000,000 who shoot back....

    ATTACKED BY A COP IN 5 SECONDS! When you give #Criminals #Immunity from PROSECUTION and Immunity from being held liable in a civil proceeding.... YOU GET AMERICAN #POLICE Who are POLICY ENFORCERS! These are corporate POLICY enforcers! They do NOT "enforce law" The #Law is COMMON LAW, and it has nothing to do with "statutes and codes" These criminals are literally allowed to "Investigate themselves" and prosecute themselves! Now I have NO PROBLEM WITH THIS STANDARD.... Providing that ALL AMERICANS are afforded the exact same opportunity! As soon as ALL AMERICANS can "Investigate themselves" and then allowed to decide if they want to "prosecute themselves" then this will be acceptable! UNTIL THEN these c*cksuckers need to be held accountable by THE PEOPLE! NOT by their criminal government pals! These people need to be sh*t when acting as criminals... Just like any other criminal, and BTW that is perfectly "LEGAL" when he's acting in a criminal manner.... But his criminal buddies will NEVER allow you to see your day in court! They will murder you for holding their buddy accountable! That is why Americans must prepare to deal with them IN FORCE! In greater numbers than they have available! The time for roadside Pirate operations to STOP across America! And it's time to STOP the PROTECTED #Violence committed by these criminal scumbags! When you allow people to commit violence against others with impunity..... IT'S A F*CKING PROBLEM! And Americans are getting a little tired of a CORPORATION that thinks it can commit violence against Americans with impunity! It's time for CONSEQUENCES for these unlawful, criminal actions against people who have harmed nobody! The Police are just like school bullies! They are real tough while everyone cowers before them! But you get ONE GUY shooting back, and they turn into little scared girls When you get 300,000,000 who shoot back.... THEY WILL HIDE LIKE THE COWARDS THEY ARE https://old.bitchute.com/video/sznmRc0a6lg/
    Attacked by a Cop in 5 Seconds!
    Video to submit? https://forms.gle/HmwnDQKvwvYPxe967 Blog: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/ Donate to the Institute for Justice: https://ij.org/support/give-now/thecivilrightslawyer/ For business inquiries: [email protected] Twitter: htt…
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 391 Views
  • EU parliament refuses to condemn Trump assassination attempt, majority of parties reject Orbán-backed Patriots for Europe group’s resolution against political violence
    EU parliament refuses to condemn Trump assassination attempt, majority of parties reject Orbán-backed Patriots for Europe group’s resolution against political violence https://rmx.news/article/eu-parliament-refuses-to-condemn-trump-assassination-attempt-majority-of-parties-reject-orban-backed-patriots-for-europe-groups-resolution-against-political-violence/?
    EU parliament refuses to condemn Trump assassination attempt, majority of parties reject Orbán-backed Patriots for Europe group's resolution against political violence
    On Wednesday, the Patriots for Europe Group in the European Parliament initiated a plenary debate and a resolution condemning political violence, including the attempted assassination of former U.S. President Donald Trump, the current presidential candidate, but the majority of MEPs voted against it, Kinga Gál, the group’s first vice-president, said in Strasbourg. At her press […]
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 202 Views
  • Poland: Illegal migrants sue Border Guard and win in court despite extreme violence facing Polish officers
    Poland: Illegal migrants sue Border Guard and win in court despite extreme violence facing Polish officers https://rmx.news/article/poland-illegal-migrants-sue-border-guard-and-win-in-court-despite-extreme-violence-facing-polish-officers/?
    Poland: Illegal migrants sue Border Guard and win in court despite extreme violence facing Polish officers
    The Polish Border Guard recently lost two legal cases brought by migrants who were injured during their attempts to enter Polish territory illegally from Belarus. The rulings are controversial considering the extreme violence Polish soldiers and officers routinely face while protecting the border, including the recent stabbing murder of Polish border officer, 21-year-old Sgt Mateusz […]
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 159 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/british-police-car-overturned-bus-set-ablaze-bricks-hurled-at-officers-violence-in-pakistani-dominated-leeds-cops-point-fingers-at-criminal-minority/
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 182 Views
  • While the "Order Giver" is guilty of thinking up the #Crime.....
    It requires the "Order Follower" for the CRIME to come to pass!

    The order follower is the one actually committing the crime, the #violence, the sin against his fellow man! So naturally the "Order Follower" is more culpable!

    While this does not absolve the order giver of all sin....
    It does clearly show you who is who!

    If not for the "Order Follower" humanity would have
    NEVER had it's first #Genocide!

    Because the "Order Giver" while #Evil,
    is a coward who will not act upon his own ideas!

    "Order Follower" will they come to pass!

    So, while BOTH are complicit,
    the REAL CRIMINAL is the order follower!

    YOU control EVERY ACTION that you ever take!
    Nobody can be blamed for the ACTIONS OF YOUR HANDS!

    If you CHOOSE to be moral and decent,
    you WILL BE moral and decent, no matter the "orders" you receive.

    The "Order Follower" however, has no issue with killing and violence against his fellow man. He does not CARE about the lives he destroys! Or the lives he ends

    But he gets to HIDE BEHIND the "Order Giver," and transfers the responsibility for HIS IMMORAL ACTS onto the order giver, and he will claim...

    "I was just following orders" when in truth, he committed the only crime that took place because he has no empathy, compassion, or decency. As such, he uses his "orders" to justify his own #Evil acts. He uses it to shield himself from responsibility

    But he is responsible for HIMSELF and HIS ACTIONS!

    NOBODY could "order me" to kill, maim, or imprison my fellow man!
    Because as a decent man with a moral compass, I'd REFUSE!
    I have the ability to say "No, do it yourself" or just "No"

    But not the "Order Follower"
    because he secretly enjoys harming others!

    And he really enjoys
    and hiding himself within the skirt of the "order giver"

    If the "Order giver" told you to jump off of a bridge
    would you do it? Of course not!

    But he can tell you to throw others off the bridge, and you'll do that! To imprison others, and you'll do that. To murder others, and you'll do that!

    Which demonstrates that you are a narcissistic POS and a selfish scumbag who will "Do to others what you don't want done to you"
    While the "Order Giver" is guilty of thinking up the #Crime..... It requires the "Order Follower" for the CRIME to come to pass! The order follower is the one actually committing the crime, the #violence, the sin against his fellow man! So naturally the "Order Follower" is more culpable! While this does not absolve the order giver of all sin.... It does clearly show you who is who! If not for the "Order Follower" humanity would have NEVER had it's first #Genocide! Because the "Order Giver" while #Evil, is a coward who will not act upon his own ideas! Only by EXPRESSING THOSE IDEAS to the "Order Follower" will they come to pass! So, while BOTH are complicit, the REAL CRIMINAL is the order follower! YOU control EVERY ACTION that you ever take! Nobody can be blamed for the ACTIONS OF YOUR HANDS! If you CHOOSE to be moral and decent, you WILL BE moral and decent, no matter the "orders" you receive. The "Order Follower" however, has no issue with killing and violence against his fellow man. He does not CARE about the lives he destroys! Or the lives he ends But he gets to HIDE BEHIND the "Order Giver," and transfers the responsibility for HIS IMMORAL ACTS onto the order giver, and he will claim... "I was just following orders" when in truth, he committed the only crime that took place because he has no empathy, compassion, or decency. As such, he uses his "orders" to justify his own #Evil acts. He uses it to shield himself from responsibility But he is responsible for HIMSELF and HIS ACTIONS! NOBODY could "order me" to kill, maim, or imprison my fellow man! Because as a decent man with a moral compass, I'd REFUSE! I have the ability to say "No, do it yourself" or just "No" But not the "Order Follower" because he secretly enjoys harming others! And he really enjoys NOT BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS... and hiding himself within the skirt of the "order giver" If the "Order giver" told you to jump off of a bridge would you do it? Of course not! But he can tell you to throw others off the bridge, and you'll do that! To imprison others, and you'll do that. To murder others, and you'll do that! ONLY WHEN THE CRIME IS AGAINST YOU WILL YOU REFRAIN Which demonstrates that you are a narcissistic POS and a selfish scumbag who will "Do to others what you don't want done to you"
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 386 Views
  • Meet-Your-Strawman-and-Whatever-You-Want-to-Know

    FREE Downloadable PDF file!
    Are YOU ready to free yourself from the maritime admiralty law #Slave system yet?

    Let's be very clear here... The Admiralty Law System is #Satan's System of Control!
    Just like political theater, it's designed to enslave you!

    And I have to say.... it's done a pretty good job turning every MAN & WOMAN into #Slaves owned by a #Corporation, who work to benefit everyone but themselves!

    Combined with Satan's #Banking System and WORTHLESS FIAT CURRENCY.....

    He has gained control over the entire world with the help of his minions!

    People will kill their own mother for a fist full of worthless "Notes of DEBT"
    It happens more than you think! Look at all of the "family tragedies" that happen in #Hollywood!

    That's because in order to join "The big club" you either have to perform homosexual acts OR sacrifice a member of your immediate family!

    These are just famous scumbags who lost a family member to violence......

    I have no knowledge of what actually happened.... But chances are very good that these people were SACRIFICED for entry into the #Illuminati (the big club)

    Nowadays they just walk around covering one eye
    or throwing the 666 or pyramid hand signs, so who knows

    Several of the actors on this list have lost more than one family member to violence. This includes "Frasier" star Kelsey Grammer, whose father and sister were both homicide victims.

    One year after Hudson netted her Academy Award for "Dreamgirls," her mother, Darnell Donerson, and brother, Jason Hudson, were both found dead from gunshot wounds in Donerson's Chicago, Illinois, home on October 24, 2008. Hudson's 7-year-old nephew, Julian King, was also reported missing from Donerson's home; he was later found dead from multiple gunshots in a stolen SUV.

    Mark Ruffalo A close friend who died by suicide in 1994, and the shooting death of his brother, Scott, in 2008.

    Shortly after departing "Dallas," the CBS primetime soap opera that boosted him to stardom, Patrick Duffy experienced a double tragedy when his parents were both murdered at the bar they owned in Montana.

    Rihanna's cousin, Tavon Kaiseen Alleyne, was shot multiple times and killed while walking near his home in St. Michael, Barbados on December 26, 2017.

    Meet-Your-Strawman-and-Whatever-You-Want-to-Know FREE Downloadable PDF file! Are YOU ready to free yourself from the maritime admiralty law #Slave system yet? Let's be very clear here... The Admiralty Law System is #Satan's System of Control! Just like political theater, it's designed to enslave you! And I have to say.... it's done a pretty good job turning every MAN & WOMAN into #Slaves owned by a #Corporation, who work to benefit everyone but themselves! Combined with Satan's #Banking System and WORTHLESS FIAT CURRENCY..... He has gained control over the entire world with the help of his minions! People will kill their own mother for a fist full of worthless "Notes of DEBT" It happens more than you think! Look at all of the "family tragedies" that happen in #Hollywood! That's because in order to join "The big club" you either have to perform homosexual acts OR sacrifice a member of your immediate family! These are just famous scumbags who lost a family member to violence...... I have no knowledge of what actually happened.... But chances are very good that these people were SACRIFICED for entry into the #Illuminati (the big club) Nowadays they just walk around covering one eye or throwing the 666 or pyramid hand signs, so who knows Several of the actors on this list have lost more than one family member to violence. This includes "Frasier" star Kelsey Grammer, whose father and sister were both homicide victims. One year after Hudson netted her Academy Award for "Dreamgirls," her mother, Darnell Donerson, and brother, Jason Hudson, were both found dead from gunshot wounds in Donerson's Chicago, Illinois, home on October 24, 2008. Hudson's 7-year-old nephew, Julian King, was also reported missing from Donerson's home; he was later found dead from multiple gunshots in a stolen SUV. Mark Ruffalo A close friend who died by suicide in 1994, and the shooting death of his brother, Scott, in 2008. Shortly after departing "Dallas," the CBS primetime soap opera that boosted him to stardom, Patrick Duffy experienced a double tragedy when his parents were both murdered at the bar they owned in Montana. Rihanna's cousin, Tavon Kaiseen Alleyne, was shot multiple times and killed while walking near his home in St. Michael, Barbados on December 26, 2017. https://ia801600.us.archive.org/16/items/meet-your-strawman-and-whatever-you-want-to-know-by-david-robinson/384050816-Meet-Your-Strawman-and-Whatever-You-Want-to-Know-Editabil.pdf
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 703 Views
  • Media Attacks Trump For Saying ‘Fight!’ Amid Assassination Attempt, Plays Up ‘Retaliatory Violence’ & Jan. 6 https://www.infowars.com/posts/cnn-attacks-trump-for-saying-fight-amid-assassination-attempt-cbs-plays-up-retaliatory-violence-jan-6/
    Media Attacks Trump For Saying ‘Fight!’ Amid Assassination Attempt, Plays Up ‘Retaliatory Violence’ & Jan. 6 https://www.infowars.com/posts/cnn-attacks-trump-for-saying-fight-amid-assassination-attempt-cbs-plays-up-retaliatory-violence-jan-6/
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 219 Views
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