Social Media Platforms: The Rage and The Outrage
The "only" Constitutional way to address all the issues around social media platforms is to amend Section 230 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
First, more clearly define what it is to be a platform (the Do's and Don't Do's).
Second, define and limit the activities of the platform providers identifying what constitutes editorial activities thus removing liability protections and proscribing discriminatory activities by the platform. The users should be free to block or subscribe to any opinions and information they wish without liability.
It is correct and proper that liability protection exists for platforms. They should not be liable for the opinions of others.
The issues not addressed in the public dialog on Social Media is one of "Property Rights" and "Commerce". The provider of the platform has invested time and resources to develop and manage that property. They are offering to the public a service gratis of any exchange of tangible assets (Free). The users of these platforms gain no rights to the platform through its use since again they are NOT "Buying" rights to access the service. Thus everyone is in a quandary when they "Feel" "Entitled" to the service. Recognizing this does not alter the impact this technology has on society. It is something that needs to be addressed.
#Section230, #Publishing, #Editorializing, #SocialMedia, #BigTech, #InformationDescrimination, #SocialMediaEntitlement
The "only" Constitutional way to address all the issues around social media platforms is to amend Section 230 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
First, more clearly define what it is to be a platform (the Do's and Don't Do's).
Second, define and limit the activities of the platform providers identifying what constitutes editorial activities thus removing liability protections and proscribing discriminatory activities by the platform. The users should be free to block or subscribe to any opinions and information they wish without liability.
It is correct and proper that liability protection exists for platforms. They should not be liable for the opinions of others.
The issues not addressed in the public dialog on Social Media is one of "Property Rights" and "Commerce". The provider of the platform has invested time and resources to develop and manage that property. They are offering to the public a service gratis of any exchange of tangible assets (Free). The users of these platforms gain no rights to the platform through its use since again they are NOT "Buying" rights to access the service. Thus everyone is in a quandary when they "Feel" "Entitled" to the service. Recognizing this does not alter the impact this technology has on society. It is something that needs to be addressed.
#Section230, #Publishing, #Editorializing, #SocialMedia, #BigTech, #InformationDescrimination, #SocialMediaEntitlement
Social Media Platforms: The Rage and The Outrage
The "only" Constitutional way to address all the issues around social media platforms is to amend Section 230 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
First, more clearly define what it is to be a platform (the Do's and Don't Do's).
Second, define and limit the activities of the platform providers identifying what constitutes editorial activities thus removing liability protections and proscribing discriminatory activities by the platform. The users should be free to block or subscribe to any opinions and information they wish without liability.
It is correct and proper that liability protection exists for platforms. They should not be liable for the opinions of others.
The issues not addressed in the public dialog on Social Media is one of "Property Rights" and "Commerce". The provider of the platform has invested time and resources to develop and manage that property. They are offering to the public a service gratis of any exchange of tangible assets (Free). The users of these platforms gain no rights to the platform through its use since again they are NOT "Buying" rights to access the service. Thus everyone is in a quandary when they "Feel" "Entitled" to the service. Recognizing this does not alter the impact this technology has on society. It is something that needs to be addressed.
#Section230, #Publishing, #Editorializing, #SocialMedia, #BigTech, #InformationDescrimination, #SocialMediaEntitlement