Even #Police are not that dumb!

    But since their unlawful actions have NO CONSEQUENCES for them personally, why should they act lawfully?


    They are kinda like the #Banks who steal people's money...

    The innocent depositors lose everything, and the bank gets bailed out with their tax dollars. When THE BANK is responsible for their own collapse

    The same deal goes for cops!
    They spend all day violating people's rights and putting them into cages, even when they have done nothing wrong....

    Yet they are seemingly "ABOVE THE LAW"
    Because TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND
    18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

    punishable by fines, prison, and even the DEATH PENALTY!

    These are laws which are active and on the books!
    But Police who are clearly GUILTY of violating these "Statutes" are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! Never prosecuted!

    And that is because Police, the courts, and even the #Prosecutors, are #Criminals committing #Fraud against every American!

    These people work for a for-profit Corporation
    which is NOT YOUR "Government" by the way!

    These criminals have just disguised themselves
    as "servants of the people."

    But the truth is they have NEVER SERVED THE PEOPLE!
    What they do is unlawfully extort MONEY from the people under a Fraud based system of "Maritime Admiralty Law"

    Living MEN & WOMEN are not within their JURISDICTION!
    That is why they deceive you into representing a "Legal Fiction"
    Which is a corporation... Because THEY ARE A CORPORATION, and they can only interact with other corporations!

    Like the one they tricked you into "representing"
    You know... the one they created with your "Birth Certificate"
    (Which is NOT you!)

    It's a "Legal Fiction" that these people have jurisdiction over!
    YOU simply need to learn to STOP REPRESENTING THAT
    "LEGAL FICTION" and they will have no jurisdiction over you!

    These people (ALL OF THEM) belong in prison
    But at the very least, they need to be shut down and kicked out of the country! Until that happens, you remain a slave

    IGNORANT COPS HARASS VETERAN OVER CARDBOARD SIGN | ENFORCE LAW HELD UNCONSTITUTIONAL IN 2019! Even #Police are not that dumb! But since their unlawful actions have NO CONSEQUENCES for them personally, why should they act lawfully? You see... EVERY OTHER AMERICAN IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR HIS ACTIONS, but Police are NOT! They are kinda like the #Banks who steal people's money... The innocent depositors lose everything, and the bank gets bailed out with their tax dollars. When THE BANK is responsible for their own collapse The same deal goes for cops! They spend all day violating people's rights and putting them into cages, even when they have done nothing wrong.... Yet they are seemingly "ABOVE THE LAW" Because TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law Are VERY SERIOUS CRIMES, punishable by fines, prison, and even the DEATH PENALTY! These are laws which are active and on the books! But Police who are clearly GUILTY of violating these "Statutes" are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! Never prosecuted! And that is because Police, the courts, and even the #Prosecutors, are #Criminals committing #Fraud against every American! These people work for a for-profit Corporation which is NOT YOUR "Government" by the way! These criminals have just disguised themselves as "servants of the people." But the truth is they have NEVER SERVED THE PEOPLE! What they do is unlawfully extort MONEY from the people under a Fraud based system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" Living MEN & WOMEN are not within their JURISDICTION! That is why they deceive you into representing a "Legal Fiction" Which is a corporation... Because THEY ARE A CORPORATION, and they can only interact with other corporations! Like the one they tricked you into "representing" You know... the one they created with your "Birth Certificate" (Which is NOT you!) It's a "Legal Fiction" that these people have jurisdiction over! YOU simply need to learn to STOP REPRESENTING THAT "LEGAL FICTION" and they will have no jurisdiction over you! These people (ALL OF THEM) belong in prison But at the very least, they need to be shut down and kicked out of the country! Until that happens, you remain a slave https://old.bitchute.com/video/6aBFNWjPrHI/
    Ignorant Cops Harass Veteran Over Cardboard Sign | Enforce Law Held Unconstitutional in 2019!
    Got injured in an accident? You could be one click away from a claim worth millions. You can start your claim now with Morgan & Morgan at https://ForThePeople.com/TheCivilRightsLawyer without leaving your couch. Remember, it's free unless you win. V…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 303 Visualizações
  • Police need to be rounded up, defunded, decommissioned, and mothballed. They have no redeeming value

    They are foreign troops on US Soil in violation of the #Constitution
    And that is because they work for a foreign owned #Corporation located offshore!

    They are basically #Pirates, operating under a #Fraud based system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" which deals with Contracts, Corporations, and #Commerce

    It's why the illegitimate "government" created the BIRTH CERTIFICATE

    The Birth Certificate represents a "Legal Fiction" the state created the day you were born. They created it, so they own it!

    Then they brainwashed YOU into believing that is YOU
    represented on that paper!

    IT IS NOT! That piece of paper represents a "Strawman" or a LEGAL FICTION, both of which are CORPORATIONS.....

    Which is VERY IMPORTANT because the "Courts" in America are
    "Maritime Admiralty Law" courts, who ONLY DEAL IN CORPORATIONS, COMMERCE, and CORPORATE LAW!

    They have NO JURISDICTION over a living MAN or WOMAN who has harmed nobody! That is why they MUST trick you into "representing" the "Legal Fiction" they created, because they have jurisdiction over that piece of paper!

    You REALLY need to educate yourself and your children on this!

    At least you do IF YOU SURVIVE THE CURRENT #GENOCIDE being perpetrated by these criminals. Who have not prosecuted a single person responsible for the MURDER of millions! THAT is what your "government" really is!

    Basically worse than the mafia!
    And the Police are their THUG "Enforcers"
    Police need to be rounded up, defunded, decommissioned, and mothballed. They have no redeeming value They are foreign troops on US Soil in violation of the #Constitution And that is because they work for a foreign owned #Corporation located offshore! They are basically #Pirates, operating under a #Fraud based system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" which deals with Contracts, Corporations, and #Commerce NOT LIVING MEN AND WOMEN! It's why the illegitimate "government" created the BIRTH CERTIFICATE The Birth Certificate represents a "Legal Fiction" the state created the day you were born. They created it, so they own it! Then they brainwashed YOU into believing that is YOU represented on that paper! IT IS NOT! That piece of paper represents a "Strawman" or a LEGAL FICTION, both of which are CORPORATIONS..... Which is VERY IMPORTANT because the "Courts" in America are "Maritime Admiralty Law" courts, who ONLY DEAL IN CORPORATIONS, COMMERCE, and CORPORATE LAW! They have NO JURISDICTION over a living MAN or WOMAN who has harmed nobody! That is why they MUST trick you into "representing" the "Legal Fiction" they created, because they have jurisdiction over that piece of paper! BUT NOT OVER YOU! You REALLY need to educate yourself and your children on this! At least you do IF YOU SURVIVE THE CURRENT #GENOCIDE being perpetrated by these criminals. Who have not prosecuted a single person responsible for the MURDER of millions! THAT is what your "government" really is! Basically worse than the mafia! And the Police are their THUG "Enforcers"
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 762 Visualizações

  • Honos Virtus

    Free Speech & General Discussion
    The Master Plan Explodes: Military Raids Obliterate Elite Pedophile Rings Hiding in Underground Bunkers from New York to CERN and Antarctica—DARPA’s AI Systems Like THORN Used to Track and Traffic Children!

    ​This is happening right now, and the world will soon face the truth. The deep state’s darkest secrets—the global network of child trafficking and pedophilia that has controlled the highest levels of power for decades—is finally being torn apart. Leading this charge is Donald J. Trump, backed by white hat military leaders and patriots who have had enough.

    ​The military has raided deep state facilities globally, and the evidence they’ve uncovered will shock the world. As of October 8, 2024, these operations have escalated, with major raids in locations once thought untouchable. The cabal has nowhere left to hide.

    ​Antarctica, long a mysterious land, is now the epicenter of this takedown. Underground bunkers once used to control global trafficking are being exposed. The military has seized everything—servers, documents, and evidence of the elites’ child trafficking involvement. Antarctica wasn’t a frozen wasteland, but a sanctuary for criminals.

    ​Cheyenne Mountain has also been activated, housing AI systems monitoring deep state activities. White hats are using satellite tech to map and dismantle trafficking routes.

    ​Meanwhile, Silicon Valley has been hit. Tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft were integral to the deep state’s surveillance network. Inside their data centers, evidence has been found linking them to child trafficking—and DARPA’s AI was used to track children with software like THORN.

    ​In Epstein Island, the military uncovered secret tunnels used for trafficking and ritual abuse. Kamala Harris, Bill Gates, and others frequented this island as part of a global network.

    ​CERN, in Switzerland, was raided next. Long rumored to be involved in mind control, the military found data proving children were used in horrific experiments. The Vatican’s involvement is undeniable, with ties to the Jesuits running centuries deep.

    ​Even Berlin’s European Central Bank was exposed as a financial hub for trafficking. The World Economic Forum has been revealed to be funding these operations.

    ​In Australia, another raid targeted underground facilities trafficking children from Southeast Asia. The evidence collected ties Hollywood, U.S. politicians, and global corporations directly to these networks.

    ​And Buckingham Palace is now under investigation. Documents tie the British monarchy to global trafficking—their role in this network is undeniable.

    ​New York’s underground Wall Street bunkers were also targeted, revealing how the financial elite used children as leverage in deals. Wall Street isn’t just about money—it’s about control and exploitation.

    ​But the most shocking evidence came from the Vatican’s secret archives, proving the Catholic Church’s direct involvement in trafficking children through its orphanages and charities.

    ​This is it—the storm is here. The military has the evidence to bring down the deep state. From Antarctica to New York, no elite is safe. The world is waking up, and the cabal’s days are numbered.

    Honos Virtus @Necromonger1 1d · · Free Speech & General Discussion The Master Plan Explodes: Military Raids Obliterate Elite Pedophile Rings Hiding in Underground Bunkers from New York to CERN and Antarctica—DARPA’s AI Systems Like THORN Used to Track and Traffic Children! ​ ​This is happening right now, and the world will soon face the truth. The deep state’s darkest secrets—the global network of child trafficking and pedophilia that has controlled the highest levels of power for decades—is finally being torn apart. Leading this charge is Donald J. Trump, backed by white hat military leaders and patriots who have had enough. ​ ​The military has raided deep state facilities globally, and the evidence they’ve uncovered will shock the world. As of October 8, 2024, these operations have escalated, with major raids in locations once thought untouchable. The cabal has nowhere left to hide. ​ ​Antarctica, long a mysterious land, is now the epicenter of this takedown. Underground bunkers once used to control global trafficking are being exposed. The military has seized everything—servers, documents, and evidence of the elites’ child trafficking involvement. Antarctica wasn’t a frozen wasteland, but a sanctuary for criminals. ​ ​Cheyenne Mountain has also been activated, housing AI systems monitoring deep state activities. White hats are using satellite tech to map and dismantle trafficking routes. ​ ​Meanwhile, Silicon Valley has been hit. Tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft were integral to the deep state’s surveillance network. Inside their data centers, evidence has been found linking them to child trafficking—and DARPA’s AI was used to track children with software like THORN. ​ ​In Epstein Island, the military uncovered secret tunnels used for trafficking and ritual abuse. Kamala Harris, Bill Gates, and others frequented this island as part of a global network. ​ ​CERN, in Switzerland, was raided next. Long rumored to be involved in mind control, the military found data proving children were used in horrific experiments. The Vatican’s involvement is undeniable, with ties to the Jesuits running centuries deep. ​ ​Even Berlin’s European Central Bank was exposed as a financial hub for trafficking. The World Economic Forum has been revealed to be funding these operations. ​ ​In Australia, another raid targeted underground facilities trafficking children from Southeast Asia. The evidence collected ties Hollywood, U.S. politicians, and global corporations directly to these networks. ​ ​And Buckingham Palace is now under investigation. Documents tie the British monarchy to global trafficking—their role in this network is undeniable. ​ ​New York’s underground Wall Street bunkers were also targeted, revealing how the financial elite used children as leverage in deals. Wall Street isn’t just about money—it’s about control and exploitation. ​ ​But the most shocking evidence came from the Vatican’s secret archives, proving the Catholic Church’s direct involvement in trafficking children through its orphanages and charities. ​ ​This is it—the storm is here. The military has the evidence to bring down the deep state. From Antarctica to New York, no elite is safe. The world is waking up, and the cabal’s days are numbered. https://media.gab.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=568,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/167/179/328/original/65b07763171b423b.jpg
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1649 Visualizações

    mental illness and the #Jew's #Racism game

    The Jew has been run out of countless countries
    because the Jew is #Evil.

    Jews are the Racists,
    but they project their Racism onto white people!

    Dumbass white people buy it!
    It is truly pathetic to see the white sellouts....

    You know who they are... the worthless liberal women, the sissy white men, then you have the racist blacks being pulled around by their nose by the Jew...

    The blacks have not figured it out yet....
    But once they help to destroy the white race, THEY ARE NEXT!

    And this is because the Jew is Evil and Racist.....
    And has taken control of our country through usury
    & money printing

    White AND Black children today HAVE NO FUTURE
    Not if we do not return to sound money!

    And then HALF of the country wants to "Vote" to install #Trump...
    The Jewish "messiah" who wants the death penalty for speaking Truth.

    The "United States" is a #corporation NOT a "government"
    Congress does NOT write "LAWS" they write CORPORATE POLICY
    better known as "Statutes and Codes" applicable ONLY TO
    Federal employees and corporations, and people who CONSENT to become a Slave of a CORPORATION known as "citizens"

    The TRUTH about Jews!
    You cvan say whatever you like about anyone else,
    But Trump wants to execute you for exposing the TRUTH about Jews!

    Trump sucks Jew c0ck day and night, the "Father of the Deadly VAX" He is also the "Father of Lockdowns in America"

    And these pansies want him to finish what he started!

    DEFIANT | BLACK PILLED | BY DEVON STACK mental illness and the #Jew's #Racism game The Jew has been run out of countless countries because the Jew is #Evil. Jews are the Racists, but they project their Racism onto white people! Dumbass white people buy it! It is truly pathetic to see the white sellouts.... You know who they are... the worthless liberal women, the sissy white men, then you have the racist blacks being pulled around by their nose by the Jew... The blacks have not figured it out yet.... But once they help to destroy the white race, THEY ARE NEXT! And this is because the Jew is Evil and Racist..... And has taken control of our country through usury & money printing White AND Black children today HAVE NO FUTURE Not if we do not return to sound money! And then HALF of the country wants to "Vote" to install #Trump... The Jewish "messiah" who wants the death penalty for speaking Truth. The "United States" is a #corporation NOT a "government" Congress does NOT write "LAWS" they write CORPORATE POLICY better known as "Statutes and Codes" applicable ONLY TO Federal employees and corporations, and people who CONSENT to become a Slave of a CORPORATION known as "citizens" The TRUTH about Jews! You cvan say whatever you like about anyone else, But Trump wants to execute you for exposing the TRUTH about Jews! Trump sucks Jew c0ck day and night, the "Father of the Deadly VAX" He is also the "Father of Lockdowns in America" And these pansies want him to finish what he started! https://old.bitchute.com/video/b1utHpaYucrR/
    Defiant | Black Pilled | by Devon Stack
    In "Defiant," (Release Date: 2021) Devon Stack presents a searing, unapologetic analysis of the challenges currently facing Western society. This unflinching portrayal of the plight of Western man offers a compelling glimpse into the complexities of…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1013 Visualizações
  • Are Global Investment Corporations vying for access to the natural resources—like lithium—in North Carolina’s landscape?. On the FEMA website, one can navigate to a webpage that discloses the recipients of certain federal FEMA contracts. If you search for the private companies with contracts for the “Housing Inspection Services” function, you’ll see two contracts, one to “WSP USA Services, Inc.” and the other to Vanguard Inspection Services. "For context, WSP is a environmental consulting firm based out of Canada, with BlackRock and Vanguard Group being major investors". After Floridians apply for FEMA assistance following Hurricane Helene, a home inspection may be necessary to help determine whether the home is safe, sanitary, and livable.
    Guess who will be doing those inspections. Will these homes be condemned, so the BlackRock and Vanguard bosses can dole out paltry “fair market value” pennies, and become even wealthier?
    Are Global Investment Corporations vying for access to the natural resources—like lithium—in North Carolina’s landscape?. On the FEMA website, one can navigate to a webpage that discloses the recipients of certain federal FEMA contracts. If you search for the private companies with contracts for the “Housing Inspection Services” function, you’ll see two contracts, one to “WSP USA Services, Inc.” and the other to Vanguard Inspection Services. "For context, WSP is a environmental consulting firm based out of Canada, with BlackRock and Vanguard Group being major investors". After Floridians apply for FEMA assistance following Hurricane Helene, a home inspection may be necessary to help determine whether the home is safe, sanitary, and livable. Guess who will be doing those inspections. Will these homes be condemned, so the BlackRock and Vanguard bosses can dole out paltry “fair market value” pennies, and become even wealthier?
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 650 Visualizações
  • The #Corporation of the United States (which is NOT your government)
    would like you to know that while they cannot afford to rescue the Americans in North Carolina that THEY STOLE THE MONEY FROM....

    But they can certainly afford to pledge to help Haiti!

    You are a f*cking MORON if you pay "taxes" to these criminal corporations!
    And I mean the state and local ones too!

    The #Corporation of the United States (which is NOT your government) would like you to know that while they cannot afford to rescue the Americans in North Carolina that THEY STOLE THE MONEY FROM.... But they can certainly afford to pledge to help Haiti! You are a f*cking MORON if you pay "taxes" to these criminal corporations! And I mean the state and local ones too! https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1689291750918590484?referrer=conservativethinking
    The administration that just told you they don???t have money to save Americans during a natural disaster would like you to know about their commitment to investing in Haiti | Minds
    ...ey to save Americans during a natural disaster would like you to know about their commitment to investing in Haiti. Subscribe to @pleb487 on Minds
    1 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 404 Visualizações
  • Multiply THIS by about 100 MILLION and then you'll be able to grasp what is being done in every WHITE COUNTRY around the world to facilitate the collapse of those countries!

    There is not a "legitimate" government on Earth to begin with....
    EVERY supposed "government" in reality is just a #Corporation!

    The people who "Vote" for leaders of these corporations are NOT choosing the leaders... they are simply giving their CONSENT to be a #Slave of said corporation!

    In the US "State Legislatures" choose "The President" of the corporation, your v"vote" don't mean jack-sh*t!"

    It would seem you'd know this after 2020, but you should have known it long before then... because the TRUTH is contained right in the
    "founding documents" that everyone cherishes so much

    You know... the documents that deceived you and made you a SLAVE

    The documents drawn up by #Freemason scum
    with a #Luciferian agenda

    People are so brainwashed that they cannot even interpret the meaning of what is contained in these documents in BLACK and WHITE!

    Watch the Larken Rose video "Piles of Lies" I just shared!
    Perhaps you'll learn the #Truth!

    Of course you may be too brainwashed to come back to reality, even when presented with the TRUTH! But I'd at least TRY!

    There is absolutely NOTHING legitimate about "government"
    And I mean NOTHING!

    Multiply THIS by about 100 MILLION and then you'll be able to grasp what is being done in every WHITE COUNTRY around the world to facilitate the collapse of those countries! There is not a "legitimate" government on Earth to begin with.... EVERY supposed "government" in reality is just a #Corporation! The people who "Vote" for leaders of these corporations are NOT choosing the leaders... they are simply giving their CONSENT to be a #Slave of said corporation! In the US "State Legislatures" choose "The President" of the corporation, your v"vote" don't mean jack-sh*t!" It would seem you'd know this after 2020, but you should have known it long before then... because the TRUTH is contained right in the "founding documents" that everyone cherishes so much You know... the documents that deceived you and made you a SLAVE The documents drawn up by #Freemason scum with a #Luciferian agenda People are so brainwashed that they cannot even interpret the meaning of what is contained in these documents in BLACK and WHITE! Watch the Larken Rose video "Piles of Lies" I just shared! Perhaps you'll learn the #Truth! Of course you may be too brainwashed to come back to reality, even when presented with the TRUTH! But I'd at least TRY! There is absolutely NOTHING legitimate about "government" And I mean NOTHING! https://gab.com/Borderline1/posts/113260104063063346
    Borderline1 on Gab: ''
    Borderline1 on Gab: ''
    1 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 711 Visualizações

    CHALLENGE THESE TAKE-OVER CORPORATIONS. https://old.bitchute.com/video/jmoUUMx95ycw/
    Challenge these take-over Corporations.
    Challenge these take-over Corporations. October 3, 2024. The corporate take over is here and very soon we shall all be in the world of commerce and privacy will be a thing of the past, unless we push back. Mirror From ":" Richard Vobes https://odys…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 145 Visualizações

    I'm just going to say this...
    I put my trust in the Most High, and ain't worried about it!

    But having said that, we waited TOO LONG to end the #Corporation known as
    "The United States of America" and their 35,000 subsidiary corporations !

    At one time we supposedly had 330,000,000 Americans.....
    I feel like that number will be getting exponentially smaller very soon!

    As soon as the supply chain is cut and the lights go out....
    I'd say the the "Migrant Armies" will then attack

    And there's a LOT of Americans who simply won't make it!
    The inner city class will quickly die off, those who don't will be looting and robbing

    We waited too long!
    I have the sneaking suspicion that the normies will soon realize that too!

    There will be such chaos that the Luciferian scum responsible
    for all of this will just slip away in the night unpunished

    I'm prayed up and prepared for whatever's next!
    ARE YOU?

    LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN I'm just going to say this... I put my trust in the Most High, and ain't worried about it! But having said that, we waited TOO LONG to end the #Corporation known as "The United States of America" and their 35,000 subsidiary corporations ! At one time we supposedly had 330,000,000 Americans..... I feel like that number will be getting exponentially smaller very soon! As soon as the supply chain is cut and the lights go out.... I'd say the the "Migrant Armies" will then attack And there's a LOT of Americans who simply won't make it! The inner city class will quickly die off, those who don't will be looting and robbing We waited too long! I have the sneaking suspicion that the normies will soon realize that too! There will be such chaos that the Luciferian scum responsible for all of this will just slip away in the night unpunished I'm prayed up and prepared for whatever's next! ARE YOU? https://old.bitchute.com/video/L2rPzTMKhLqN/
    Meanwhile, in wide asleep California, a man with perfect hair yells truth from a rattling sedan. Source: The Fullerton Informer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=loN0WCGL-Co Truther's Lair - Your one stop source of mirrors and original content like t…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 349 Visualizações

    I am NOT a "citizen" of ANY #Government!

    A "Citizen" is a voluntary #Slave!
    Are YOU volunteering to be a SLAVE of a corporation???

    I'm certainly NOT!

    When you "consent" to being a "citizen" or check the box declaring that you are a "US Citizen" or "Canadian Citizen" you are declaring that you VOLUNTARILY give up your inalienable rights as a MAN or a WOMAN and consent to being the PROPERTY of these corporations!

    Then they can RULE OVER YOU under "Maritime Admiralty Law"
    Which is the form of law Fraudulently used in EVERY COURT IN THE WORLD!

    You are putting yourself into the #Jurisdiction of the WATER!
    Just like you were at sea.....

    At Sea "The Captain" can do whatever he wants to you!
    Declare you guilty and make you "Walk the plank"

    Screw that!
    I'll stay in the Jurisdiction of the LAND where MEN and WOMEN belong,
    under COMMON LAW! Do no harm and you are fine!

    Instead of 128,000 BS "rules" or go to prison!

    THE WHITE RABBIT - I AM NOT A CITIZEN OF THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT I am NOT a "citizen" of ANY #Government! A "Citizen" is a voluntary #Slave! Are YOU volunteering to be a SLAVE of a corporation??? I'm certainly NOT! When you "consent" to being a "citizen" or check the box declaring that you are a "US Citizen" or "Canadian Citizen" you are declaring that you VOLUNTARILY give up your inalienable rights as a MAN or a WOMAN and consent to being the PROPERTY of these corporations! Then they can RULE OVER YOU under "Maritime Admiralty Law" Which is the form of law Fraudulently used in EVERY COURT IN THE WORLD! You are putting yourself into the #Jurisdiction of the WATER! Just like you were at sea..... At Sea "The Captain" can do whatever he wants to you! Declare you guilty and make you "Walk the plank" Screw that! I'll stay in the Jurisdiction of the LAND where MEN and WOMEN belong, under COMMON LAW! Do no harm and you are fine! Instead of 128,000 BS "rules" or go to prison! https://old.bitchute.com/video/QGJcQ1hlgHuI/
    UTL COMMENT:- 'No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon'. [demon Mammon the money-changers Banks w/ Crown International BAR …
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