• CHINA'S, CCP interference in the 2020 elections...
    CHINA'S, CCP interference in the 2020 elections...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 693 Просмотры 1
  • (admin) He needs more Indictments and more unfairness to Assure His Election. Certain people are afraid of him because of what theyve done and payback is coming.
    Trump Confirms Thursday Surrender in Georgia Case Over 2020 Election


    Former President Donald Trump confirmed on Monday that he will be surrendering to authorities at Fulton County Jail in Georgia on Thursday, Aug. 24, over the charges he faces for contesting the state’s 2020 election result.

    “Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis, who is overseeing one of the greatest Murder and Violent Crime DISASTERS in American History,” he wrote on Truth Social.

    “In my case, the trip to Atlanta is not for ‘Murder,’ but for making a PERFECT PHONE CALL! She campaigned, and is continuing to campaign, and raise money, on this WITCH HUNT. This is in strict coordination with Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ. It is all about ELECTION INTERFERENCE!”
    (admin) He needs more Indictments and more unfairness to Assure His Election. Certain people are afraid of him because of what theyve done and payback is coming. Trump Confirms Thursday Surrender in Georgia Case Over 2020 Election https://www.ntd.com/trump-confirms-thursday-surrender-in-georgia-case-over-2020-elections_937598.html Former President Donald Trump confirmed on Monday that he will be surrendering to authorities at Fulton County Jail in Georgia on Thursday, Aug. 24, over the charges he faces for contesting the state’s 2020 election result. “Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis, who is overseeing one of the greatest Murder and Violent Crime DISASTERS in American History,” he wrote on Truth Social. “In my case, the trip to Atlanta is not for ‘Murder,’ but for making a PERFECT PHONE CALL! She campaigned, and is continuing to campaign, and raise money, on this WITCH HUNT. This is in strict coordination with Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ. It is all about ELECTION INTERFERENCE!”
    Trump Confirms Thursday Surrender in Georgia Case Over 2020 Election
    Former President Donald Trump confirmed on Monday that he will be surrendering to authorities at Fulton County Jail in Georgia on Thursday, Aug. 24, over the charges he faces for contesting the state’s 2020 election result. “Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left […]
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2537 Просмотры
  • Former Deputy National Security Advisor Claims FBI, CIA, and DOJ Will Rig 2024 Presidential Election After Successfully Rigging 2016 and 2020 Elections
    Former Deputy National Security Advisor Claims FBI, CIA, and DOJ Will Rig 2024 Presidential Election After Successfully Rigging 2016 and 2020 Elections
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 333 Просмотры 0
  • Election Crime in Michigan.. The 2020 elections in Michigan need to be decertified immediately and Michigan’s 2022 elections will be the same, unless the certification of the machines is fixed. Don’t let 2020 happen all over again!
    Election Crime in Michigan.. The 2020 elections in Michigan need to be decertified immediately and Michigan’s 2022 elections will be the same, unless the certification of the machines is fixed. Don’t let 2020 happen all over again! https://rumble.com/v1pnvjv-election-crime-in-michigan.html
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 306 Просмотры
  • Kinda Suspect the Midterm Results If Favorable to Republicans Will Unleash Civil Unrest and Violence from the Left's Hired Thugs

    Trump supporters remember the relentless and growing violence leading up to the 2020 elections. Cities burned and property damage was in the billions of $. https://bit.ly/3Tvyhqp

    It mysteriously faded away after they stole the 2020 election with the threat of return if the election was overturned, as it should have been.

    Well, if the Republicans recover control of both Houses as some project, will the civil unrest return?

    I believe so as the attached post notes, including violence already being thrust on conservatives such as:

    - The 18 yr. old run over in N. Dakota and killed by the 41 yr. old because the driver thought he was a Republican extremist group member.
    - The Marco Rubio canvasser wearing a DeSantis hat brutally attacked by 4 animals who beat him because Republicans weren't allowed in their neighborhood who suffered internal bleeding, broken jaw and will need facial reconstructive surgery.
    - New Mexico Gubernatorial candidate, Mark Ronchetti, had the windows of his home shot out.
    - 2 Greg Abbott staffers for his re-election campaign were assaulted in Houston.
    - Mich. man shot an 84 yr. old pro-life volunteer in the back, a supreme act of cowardice.

    Yep, heating up already. Soros money is probably already being set aside for the post mid-terms.

    #violence #2022midterms #midterms #leftists #conservatives
    Kinda Suspect the Midterm Results If Favorable to Republicans Will Unleash Civil Unrest and Violence from the Left's Hired Thugs Trump supporters remember the relentless and growing violence leading up to the 2020 elections. Cities burned and property damage was in the billions of $. https://bit.ly/3Tvyhqp It mysteriously faded away after they stole the 2020 election with the threat of return if the election was overturned, as it should have been. Well, if the Republicans recover control of both Houses as some project, will the civil unrest return? I believe so as the attached post notes, including violence already being thrust on conservatives such as: - The 18 yr. old run over in N. Dakota and killed by the 41 yr. old because the driver thought he was a Republican extremist group member. - The Marco Rubio canvasser wearing a DeSantis hat brutally attacked by 4 animals who beat him because Republicans weren't allowed in their neighborhood who suffered internal bleeding, broken jaw and will need facial reconstructive surgery. - New Mexico Gubernatorial candidate, Mark Ronchetti, had the windows of his home shot out. - 2 Greg Abbott staffers for his re-election campaign were assaulted in Houston. - Mich. man shot an 84 yr. old pro-life volunteer in the back, a supreme act of cowardice. Yep, heating up already. Soros money is probably already being set aside for the post mid-terms. #violence #2022midterms #midterms #leftists #conservatives
    Mass Civil Unrest Alert - Midterms
    Midterm Violence Against Conservatives Has Begun, Now Imagine What Radical Liberals Will Do When Their
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1186 Просмотры
  • Steve mentions how “The Pit” is coming to the same conclusion that the CCP (China) is involved in stealing the 2020 elections!
    Steve mentions how “The Pit” is coming to the same conclusion that the CCP (China) is involved in stealing the 2020 elections!
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 341 Просмотры 2
  • https://t.me/iamawakened/706
    [Forwarded from SpecialQForces]



    GENERAL CHRISTOPHER MILLER * CHRISTOPHER MILLER! Secretary of the Army and Head of the Provisional Military Government of the United States!

    To my colleagues from Bulgaria: I understand from your comments that there has been a great fever and excitement in Bulgaria over the visit of the U.S. Secretary of the Military. , fearing that this man will force Bulgaria into a war with Russia. I bet many of you joined later and still believe the media that the United States has a new government headed by Joe Biden, who died 3 years ago. I also understand that many people do not read my posts carefully or visit my site by mistake.

    In short, the US election on November 3, 2020 was won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states. The Deep State tried to rig it and the media reported that Joe B. won it for himself. BUT! The official ballot was electronically watermarked, which the forgers were not aware of. So every vote cast for President Trump was recorded on a quantum server and the fate of every ballot is known. The military alliance behind President Trump decided to show people how deeply corrupt all government institutions are, and since then we have been watching a movie that really aims to open our eyes and wake us up so that this never happens again.

    So on January 20, 2021, at 12:00 a.m., the United States was taken over by a military government led by Military Secretary General Christopher Miller and Commander in Chief, the duly elected President Donald Trump. Until the November 2020 elections, Gen. Cr. Miller was director of the National Counter-Terrorism Service, a disciple of Gen. Michael Flynn. The role of fake Joe B is played by three actors, I wrote about it and I will not repeat it. Moreover, his entire "crew" is a cast selected by President Trump's team. All of his ministers are actors whose actions have no legal value. Including this fake military minister who is visiting Bulgaria and making such a fuss - Lloyd Austin.

    All of these actors talk and do what President Trump and the White Hat Military tell them to do. This whole show is about waking people up and doing a lot of work behind the scenes.

    The White House and the Capitol and all the federal buildings in Washington have been empty and closed since January 20, 2021. These people have never set foot there, nor do they have access to the Pentagon! They are actors ! Hold on to it !

    President Vladimir Putin is currently crushing the last remnants of the New World Order. They are allies and collaborators of President Trump. Supreme Commander in Chief of the US Army is President Trump! He would never send US troops against any nation on the planet! So there is no reason to fear American soldiers.

    Here in Greece they are already looking forward to their second year as liberators from the junta. There will be no world war! Russia and the United States have been allies in all wars so far. This is all just propaganda from the last remnants of globalism.

    The new global alliance of White Hats controls the situation of the whole planet. Soon it will all be over! In just a few days!

    Everything under control! Bulgarian political leaders are controlled by Soros, but they don't know he is gone, and they follow the instructions of the World Economic Forum in Davos through the Brussels headquarters. This film is coming to an end.

    The Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z ~ Part Two ~ The New Silk Road

    The Takedown of the Cabal's Evil Plan...




    supported by
    https://t.me/iamawakened/706 [Forwarded from SpecialQForces] THE GREATES GLOBAL MILITARY INTEL STING QPERATION and 🔻THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH THE TRUMP PRESIDENCY HAS BEEN, UP TO THIS DATE, A SECRET MILITARY ORGANIZATION TO CLEAN THE PLANET ONCE AND FOR ALL FROM THE GLOBALIST NWO CABAL AND THEIR DARK MINIONS GENERAL CHRISTOPHER MILLER * CHRISTOPHER MILLER! Secretary of the Army and Head of the Provisional Military Government of the United States! To my colleagues from Bulgaria: I understand from your comments that there has been a great fever and excitement in Bulgaria over the visit of the U.S. Secretary of the Military. , fearing that this man will force Bulgaria into a war with Russia. I bet many of you joined later and still believe the media that the United States has a new government headed by Joe Biden, who died 3 years ago. I also understand that many people do not read my posts carefully or visit my site by mistake. In short, the US election on November 3, 2020 was won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states. The Deep State tried to rig it and the media reported that Joe B. won it for himself. BUT! The official ballot was electronically watermarked, which the forgers were not aware of. So every vote cast for President Trump was recorded on a quantum server and the fate of every ballot is known. The military alliance behind President Trump decided to show people how deeply corrupt all government institutions are, and since then we have been watching a movie that really aims to open our eyes and wake us up so that this never happens again. So on January 20, 2021, at 12:00 a.m., the United States was taken over by a military government led by Military Secretary General Christopher Miller and Commander in Chief, the duly elected President Donald Trump. Until the November 2020 elections, Gen. Cr. Miller was director of the National Counter-Terrorism Service, a disciple of Gen. Michael Flynn. The role of fake Joe B is played by three actors, I wrote about it and I will not repeat it. Moreover, his entire "crew" is a cast selected by President Trump's team. All of his ministers are actors whose actions have no legal value. Including this fake military minister who is visiting Bulgaria and making such a fuss - Lloyd Austin. All of these actors talk and do what President Trump and the White Hat Military tell them to do. This whole show is about waking people up and doing a lot of work behind the scenes. The White House and the Capitol and all the federal buildings in Washington have been empty and closed since January 20, 2021. These people have never set foot there, nor do they have access to the Pentagon! They are actors ! Hold on to it ! President Vladimir Putin is currently crushing the last remnants of the New World Order. They are allies and collaborators of President Trump. Supreme Commander in Chief of the US Army is President Trump! He would never send US troops against any nation on the planet! So there is no reason to fear American soldiers. Here in Greece they are already looking forward to their second year as liberators from the junta. There will be no world war! Russia and the United States have been allies in all wars so far. This is all just propaganda from the last remnants of globalism. The new global alliance of White Hats controls the situation of the whole planet. Soon it will all be over! In just a few days! Everything under control! Bulgarian political leaders are controlled by Soros, but they don't know he is gone, and they follow the instructions of the World Economic Forum in Davos through the Brussels headquarters. This film is coming to an end. ALSO WATCH >> The Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z ~ Part Two ~ The New Silk Road The Takedown of the Cabal's Evil Plan... https://rumble.com/vd82vt-right-here-right-now-the-takedown-of-the-cabals-evil-plan.html ☠️⚔️🔥HERQS🔥⚔️☠️⚔️ ⚔️☠️⚔️WWG1WGA ⚔️☠️ TRUST THE PLAN >>MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY Q #EarthAlliance in @SpecialQForces @DUMBSandUNDERGROUND supported by @ExposeThePEDOSendOfTheCABAL
    THE GREATES GLOBAL MILITARY INTEL STING QPERATION and 🔻THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH THE TRUMP PRESIDENCY HAS BEEN, UP TO THIS DATE, A SECRET MILITARY ORGANIZATION TO CLEAN THE PLANET ONCE AND FOR ALL FROM THE GLOBALIST NWO CABAL AND THEIR DARK MINIONS GENERAL CHRISTOPHER MILLER * CHRISTOPHER MILLER! Secretary of the Army and Head of the Provisional Military Government of the United States! To my colleagues from Bulgaria: I understand from your comments that there has been a great fever and excitement in Bulgaria over the visit of the U.S. Secretary of the Military. , fearing that this man will force Bulgaria into a war with Russia. I bet many of you joined later and still believe the media that the United States has a new government headed by Joe Biden, who died 3 years ago. I also understand that many people do not read my posts carefully or visit my site by mistake. In short, the US election on November 3, 2020 was won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states. The Deep State tried to rig it and the media reported that Joe B. won it for himself. BUT! The official ballot was electronically watermarked, which the forgers were not aware of. So every vote cast for President Trump was recorded on a quantum server and the fate of every ballot is known. The military alliance behind President Trump decided to show people how deeply corrupt all government institutions are, and since then we have been watching a movie that really aims to open our eyes and wake us up so that this never happens again. So on January 20, 2021, at 12:00 a.m., the United States was taken over by a military government led by Military Secretary General Christopher Miller and Commander in Chief, the duly elected President Donald Trump. Until the November 2020 elections, Gen. Cr. Miller was director of the National Counter-Terrorism Service, a disciple of Gen. Michael Flynn. The role of fake Joe B is played by three actors, I wrote about it and I will not repeat it. Moreover, his entire "crew" is a cast selected by President Trump's team. All of his ministers are actors whose actions have no legal value. Including this fake military minister who is visiting Bulgaria and making such a fuss - Lloyd Austin. All of these actors talk and do what President Trump and the White Hat Military tell them to do. This whole show is about waking people up and doing a lot of work behind the scenes. The White House and the Capitol and all the federal buildings in Washington have been empty and closed since January 20, 2021. These people have never set foot there, nor do they have access to the Pentagon! They are actors ! Hold on to it ! President Vladimir Putin is currently crushing the last remnants of the New World Order. They are allies and collaborators of President Trump. Supreme Commander in Chief of the US Army is President Trump! He would never send US troops against any nation on the planet! So there is no reason to fear American soldiers. Here in Greece they are already looking forward to their second year as liberators from the junta. There will be no world war! Russia and the United States have been allies in all wars so far. This is all just propaganda from the last remnants of globalism. The new global alliance of White Hats controls the situation of the whole planet. Soon it will all be over! In just a few days! Everything under control! Bulgarian political leaders are controlled by Soros, but they don't know he is gone, and they follow the instructions of the World Economic Forum in Davos through the Brussels headquarters. This film is coming to an end. ALSO WATCH >> The Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z ~ Part Two ~ The New Silk Road The Takedown of the Cabal's Evil Plan... https://rumble.com/vd82vt-right-here-right-now-the-takedown-of-the-cabals-evil-plan.html ☠️⚔🔥HERQS🔥⚔☠️⚔ ⚔☠️⚔WWG1WGA ⚔☠️ TRUST THE PLAN >>MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY Q #EarthAlliance in @SpecialQForces @DUMBSandUNDERGROUND supported by @ExposeThePEDOSendOfTheCABAL
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1087 Просмотры

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