Military Aged Chinese Nationals are crossing the Corruptifornia border every day in front of my Uncle’s ranch where I grew up. He’s had to install 9 foot electrified fences around his entire ranch because of the democrat-funded and led border invasion. (1 min)

The democrats are committing treason on numerous fronts. There is no resistance at all to the invasion of Corruptifornia, like you see in Texas. None. Corruptifornia is a one-party communist state and the election fraud is so entrenched, I long ago abandoned the State and I recommend others due to the same before it’s too late.
Military Aged Chinese Nationals are crossing the Corruptifornia border every day in front of my Uncle’s ranch where I grew up. He’s had to install 9 foot electrified fences around his entire ranch because of the democrat-funded and led border invasion. (1 min) The democrats are committing treason on numerous fronts. There is no resistance at all to the invasion of Corruptifornia, like you see in Texas. None. Corruptifornia is a one-party communist state and the election fraud is so entrenched, I long ago abandoned the State and I recommend others due to the same before it’s too late.
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