This is How Corrupt The Political System Is
What people really do not understand is that just like
"The Federal Reserve" is just a name, it is not "Federal" and they have no "Reserves".....
The "United States Government" is JUST A NAME!
It's NOT your "government"
It's a foreign owned, for-profit #Corporation located offshore
which was named so that you'd think it's your government,
but it's NOT!
So why do corporations "get a vote" in this video???
Because the ENTIRE "government" is a corporation!
No different than McDonald's except they tax you and have corporate "Policy Enforcers" with guns to keep you scared into complying with their system of Slavery!
Look into "Admiralty Law" and the "Justinian Deception"
YOU are like a "free range human" living on a Corporate farm!
And brainwashing has convinced you that you are free
What people really do not understand is that just like
"The Federal Reserve" is just a name, it is not "Federal" and they have no "Reserves".....
The "United States Government" is JUST A NAME!
It's NOT your "government"
It's a foreign owned, for-profit #Corporation located offshore
which was named so that you'd think it's your government,
but it's NOT!
So why do corporations "get a vote" in this video???
Because the ENTIRE "government" is a corporation!
No different than McDonald's except they tax you and have corporate "Policy Enforcers" with guns to keep you scared into complying with their system of Slavery!
Look into "Admiralty Law" and the "Justinian Deception"
YOU are like a "free range human" living on a Corporate farm!
And brainwashing has convinced you that you are free
This is How Corrupt The Political System Is
What people really do not understand is that just like
"The Federal Reserve" is just a name, it is not "Federal" and they have no "Reserves".....
The "United States Government" is JUST A NAME!
It's NOT your "government"
It's a foreign owned, for-profit #Corporation located offshore
which was named so that you'd think it's your government,
but it's NOT!
So why do corporations "get a vote" in this video???
Because the ENTIRE "government" is a corporation!
No different than McDonald's except they tax you and have corporate "Policy Enforcers" with guns to keep you scared into complying with their system of Slavery!
Look into "Admiralty Law" and the "Justinian Deception"
YOU are like a "free range human" living on a Corporate farm!
And brainwashing has convinced you that you are free