Updates to acceptable usage:

3. We have zero tolerance for child pornography or child nudity. Posting Content that depicts or encourages these activities will result in your account being terminated immediately. This includes posting images of clothed children, portrayed in a sexual context.

4. Posting images of clothed children on your profile or in a group that contains nudity or sexual content is not allowed.

5. Posting images of children for the purpose of voyeurism is not allowed. Examples: Posting images of children in swimwear for no particular reason, who are not your children, is not allowed. Posting images of children participating in a beauty pageant or a dance contest, who are not your children, is not allowed. Posting images of children, who are not your children, participating in physical education, gymnastics or sports where they are wearing tight or revealing clothing is not allowed. If any of these examples are in an editorial context that does not promote child voyuerism or sexulizing of children, it is allowed. 

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