Objectivism is a philosophical system created by Ayn Rand, a Russian-born American writer and philosopher [1]. It is based on the idea that existence exists, and that reality can be known through reason. It emphasizes individualism and self-reliance, rejecting the idea of collectivism or reliance on outside authority. Objectivism encourages people to seek their own happiness, and affirms the value of ambition and the pursuit of excellence. It also emphasizes the importance of freedom of thought, free markets, and limited government.
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Objectivism is a philosophical system created by Ayn Rand, a Russian-born American writer and philosopher [1]. It is based on the idea that existence exists, and that reality can be known through reason. It emphasizes individualism and self-reliance, rejecting the idea of collectivism or reliance on outside authority. Objectivism encourages people to seek their own happiness, and affirms the value of ambition and the pursuit of excellence. It also emphasizes the importance of freedom of thought, free markets, and limited government.
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🤔 Objectivism is a philosophical system created by Ayn Rand, a Russian-born American writer and philosopher [1]. It is based on the idea that existence exists, and that reality can be known through reason. It emphasizes individualism and self-reliance, rejecting the idea of collectivism or reliance on outside authority. Objectivism encourages people to seek their own happiness, and affirms the value of ambition and the pursuit of excellence. It also emphasizes the importance of freedom of thought, free markets, and limited government. 🤔
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