Write your Senators and Representative
Dear [Senator-name] or [Representative-name]
I am requesting you contact the President and ask him to refrain from signing any new agreements with the World Health Organization [W.H.O.].
The W.H.O. is a corrupt organization that is controlled by China. The President does not have the authority to sign away our Constitutional rights. I further encourage you to vote against any future funding for the W.H.O.
Thank You
[your name, address]
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Members of the U.S. Congress
Profiles of U.S. Representatives and Senators that include their legislative activity.
www.congress.govView Link Feed IMPORTANT: Do This IMMEDIATELY Write your Senators and Representative Dear [Senator-name] or [Representative-name] I am requesting you contact the President and ask him to refrain from signing any new agreements with the World Health Organization [W.H.O.]. The W.H.O. is a corrupt organization that is controlled by China. The President does not have the authority to sign away our Constitutional rights. I further encourage you to vote against any future funding for the W.H.O. Thank You [your name, address] Read more Members of the U.S. Congress Profiles of U.S. Representatives and Senators that include their legislative activity. www.congress.govView Link Feed
DaveRPH on Gab: 'IMPORTANT: Do This IMMEDIATELY Write your Senato…'
DaveRPH on Gab: 'IMPORTANT: Do This IMMEDIATELY Write your Senators and Representative Dear [Senator-name] or [Representative-name] I am requesting you contact the President and ask him to refrain from signing any new agreements with the World Health Organization [W.H.O.]. The W.H.O. is a corrupt organization that is controlled by China. The President does not have the authority to sign away our Constitutional rights. I further encourage you to vote against any future funding for the W.H.O. Thank You [your name, address]'
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