Following in the steps of Amelia Dyer, we have Genene Jones. Genene, a pediatric nurse in Texas who had a taste for drama. She loved being put in life and death scenarios, where she would save the child and be praised as a hero for her actions. Her involuntary actors would be injected with igoxin, heparin and later succinylcholine to make them gravely ill, and unfortunately many of them would not survive long enough for Jones to "save" them. So much so that the first hospital she worked for noticed the alarming death rate of children under her care and forced her to resign. It was at her next job that her crimes would be discovered.
Following in the steps of Amelia Dyer, we have Genene Jones. Genene, a pediatric nurse in Texas who had a taste for drama. She loved being put in life and death scenarios, where she would save the child and be praised as a hero for her actions. Her involuntary actors would be injected with igoxin, heparin and later succinylcholine to make them gravely ill, and unfortunately many of them would not survive long enough for Jones to "save" them. So much so that the first hospital she worked for noticed the alarming death rate of children under her care and forced her to resign. It was at her next job that her crimes would be discovered.
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