Truth about multiple factions within Ukraine; neoNazi= pro porn industry, crooks, criminals and world Rothschild Cabal, factions within Ukrainian gov. and Military, politicians --- Pro Russian factions of the Public wanting reunion with Russia because of crime and criminal factions of gov. and Mil. mostly --- territorialist in various regions, some aligned with crooked gov. and mil. and some not --- kind of a slow minimal civil war going on beneath the surface for many years now before Russia came in among the regions and Public --- progressives wanting to get rid of control of these neo-Nazi's and bad Cabal people within Country/Gov./Military= basically pro America and World White Hats trying to regain power back from the bad guys and Military units firing missiles into their own countries areas and shooting peope trying to flee, etc, to besmudge the invasion and create confusion furtherly in the public eyes and ears of Other Countries --- and several other factions within Ukraine with other concerns and allegiances
Truth about multiple factions within Ukraine; neoNazi= pro porn industry, crooks, criminals and world Rothschild Cabal, factions within Ukrainian gov. and Military, politicians --- Pro Russian factions of the Public wanting reunion with Russia because of crime and criminal factions of gov. and Mil. mostly --- territorialist in various regions, some aligned with crooked gov. and mil. and some not --- kind of a slow minimal civil war going on beneath the surface for many years now before Russia came in among the regions and Public --- progressives wanting to get rid of control of these neo-Nazi's and bad Cabal people within Country/Gov./Military= basically pro America and World White Hats trying to regain power back from the bad guys and Military units firing missiles into their own countries areas and shooting peope trying to flee, etc, to besmudge the invasion and create confusion furtherly in the public eyes and ears of Other Countries --- and several other factions within Ukraine with other concerns and allegiances

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