It would be nice to get those assholes at Robinhood to do something they don't want to after they screwed the people with the GameStonks debacle' About time they gave something back. At least to me. :)
It would be nice to be above the absolute lowest poverty mark before you are eating fried cat off of some woman named Kristals ass. Also sharing 1/4th of said cat with Bubba the tire headed redneck.
I do not want to eat fried cat!
It would be nice to be above the absolute lowest poverty mark before you are eating fried cat off of some woman named Kristals ass. Also sharing 1/4th of said cat with Bubba the tire headed redneck.
I do not want to eat fried cat!
It would be nice to get those assholes at Robinhood to do something they don't want to after they screwed the people with the GameStonks debacle' About time they gave something back. At least to me. :)
It would be nice to be above the absolute lowest poverty mark before you are eating fried cat off of some woman named Kristals ass. Also sharing 1/4th of said cat with Bubba the tire headed redneck.
I do not want to eat fried cat!