How Trudeau shutdown the WE Scandal investigation!!!
Trudeau is the most corrupt, narcissistic, treasonous, putrid, lying, condescending, Canada hating, terrorist loving piece of garbage Prime Minister in Canadian history.
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#freedom #usa #canada #civilunrest #civilrights #stopthegreatreset #trump #trump2020 #corruptgovernment #stoplockdowns #martiallaw #stopcommunism #stopsocialism #alllivesmatter #q #qanon #censorship #bigtech #bigpharma #fakenews #protest #proudboys #resistance #vaccine #mainstreammedia #hackers #digitalsoldiers #ccp #stopccp #traitors #censorship #godblesscanada #godblessusa #5g #actsofwar #wwiii #unconstitutional #civilwar #cyberattacks #hacking #cyberwars #stopantifa #stopblm #cnn #coronavirus #covid19 #secondamendment #lawandorder #wuhan #parler #fakenews #memes #nototwitter #notofacebook #notoapple #notogoogle #fuckbigtech #obey #follow #conform #fitin #pfizer #moderna #truth #truthseekers #sheeple #globalwarming #makecanadatrudeaulessagain #nra #guns #riffles #surpression #mediaistheenemyofthepeople #stopcensorship #jesus #god #lion #sheeple #masks #conformity #religion
Trudeau is the most corrupt, narcissistic, treasonous, putrid, lying, condescending, Canada hating, terrorist loving piece of garbage Prime Minister in Canadian history.
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#freedom #usa #canada #civilunrest #civilrights #stopthegreatreset #trump #trump2020 #corruptgovernment #stoplockdowns #martiallaw #stopcommunism #stopsocialism #alllivesmatter #q #qanon #censorship #bigtech #bigpharma #fakenews #protest #proudboys #resistance #vaccine #mainstreammedia #hackers #digitalsoldiers #ccp #stopccp #traitors #censorship #godblesscanada #godblessusa #5g #actsofwar #wwiii #unconstitutional #civilwar #cyberattacks #hacking #cyberwars #stopantifa #stopblm #cnn #coronavirus #covid19 #secondamendment #lawandorder #wuhan #parler #fakenews #memes #nototwitter #notofacebook #notoapple #notogoogle #fuckbigtech #obey #follow #conform #fitin #pfizer #moderna #truth #truthseekers #sheeple #globalwarming #makecanadatrudeaulessagain #nra #guns #riffles #surpression #mediaistheenemyofthepeople #stopcensorship #jesus #god #lion #sheeple #masks #conformity #religion
How Trudeau shutdown the WE Scandal investigation!!!
Trudeau is the most corrupt, narcissistic, treasonous, putrid, lying, condescending, Canada hating, terrorist loving piece of garbage Prime Minister in Canadian history.
If you enjoy my posts, please like, share, echo or better yet “friend or follow me!”
#freedom #usa #canada #civilunrest #civilrights #stopthegreatreset #trump #trump2020 #corruptgovernment #stoplockdowns #martiallaw #stopcommunism #stopsocialism #alllivesmatter #q #qanon #censorship #bigtech #bigpharma #fakenews #protest #proudboys #resistance #vaccine #mainstreammedia #hackers #digitalsoldiers #ccp #stopccp #traitors #censorship #godblesscanada #godblessusa #5g #actsofwar #wwiii #unconstitutional #civilwar #cyberattacks #hacking #cyberwars #stopantifa #stopblm #cnn #coronavirus #covid19 #secondamendment #lawandorder #wuhan #parler #fakenews #memes #nototwitter #notofacebook #notoapple #notogoogle #fuckbigtech #obey #follow #conform #fitin #pfizer #moderna #truth #truthseekers #sheeple #globalwarming #makecanadatrudeaulessagain #nra #guns #riffles #surpression #mediaistheenemyofthepeople #stopcensorship #jesus #god #lion #sheeple #masks #conformity #religion