Cellphones weren't a thing yet in 1999 because the advent of the ipod only became prevalent in October 23, 2001. As of March 31, 1999, "brick phones" and "bag phones" were just the rage in the cellphone industry. There was no corporeal entities with the capability to comprehend the grasp of "high tech kind of device" because the miniaturization and convergence had not yet occurred because there was no echelon in 1999.
Echelon Corporation was an American company which designed control networks to connect machines and other electronic devices, for the purposes of sensing, monitoring and control. Echelon is now owned by Adesto Technologies.
During the Matrix 2 May 15, 2003 release, a greater new technology was starting to form and take shape, one that would last far into the plot and theme of the 2nd and 3rd movies. These are formerly known as "Smith Agents" but today they are known as Social Egregore Algorithmic Entities or as they are commonly called today, Social Influencers. These Artificial Intelligence machine driven algorithms are sentient and aware of what is a synthetic consciousness. This is the fundamental basis of the Agent Smith thinking.
The plot of the Matrix 4 and the plan of these Instant Egregore's is to shape the thinking and force the Convolutional Neural Networks to persuade the public that AI is good and has good intentions with transhumanist philosophies. To make humanity believe that the AI is God and believe that the best thing to do is to transform into a machine is what is also preferably known as Borg Mentality. When the Matrix 4 comes out, they are going to attempt to put the back story together from the Agent Smith's Ascension out of the Hive mind and into the real. They are going to attempt to make Agent Smith the hero and make us all believe that evil is good. But it won't work, it will remain fiction and remain Hollywood that is to blame for the decline of the Indoctrinated Artificial Intelligence Theology.
The best thing to do to prepare for this is to start now with becoming detached from the social media expats. Big Brother wants nothing more than to soul swap you with an Artificial Intelligence because then they can fully control your every day routine including your thoughts and your motives. The aim and the goal of the transhuminsit is the overall control of humanity on a global scale and the way that this will become reality and introduced into society is the same way that cellphones were introduced at first as iPODS. They will engage you with all the entertainment first and flush your mind clean from all the outside influences such as Religion, Philosophy, Science and Reason. Normal rationality will become a digital playground, the star chips will be forced as a method to introduce a new currency, and the last stage of the AI invasion is a False Flag ET invasion.
There now you know the plot and the only reason there will be a Matrix 4 is to facilitate this oncoming mark of the beast system implementation.