We have been in an invasion status since Obama was installed, the past 16 years have seen an influx of some 15 million or more invaders sanctioned by Obama, and Biden. A third of which or more are of military age. Few women and children. But we are not unique it's happening in every Western Country with a New World Order leadership. The New World Order, the Deep State, or the Communists (Whatever you choose to call these slugs) are at war with the people of the West and Israel, they desire to remake the world, reduce the populations, control the food supply, and enslave those they allow to live. Future generations are in peril, our children, and Grandchildren may never have a chance to live in a free society ruled by their chosen governments but by a totalitarian world of oligarchy, When the slave becomes useless they will be subjected to euthanasia, abortion will standard policy to control the population. Schools will teach only what is necessary for the child to take its place in whatever job it is suited for. Food will be manufactured in plants with drugs that will keep the people docile and happy. The slave will own nothing and they will be happy.

Anyone who doesn't envision that this is possible is only fooling themselves. If you can't see this happening right before your eyes then you have a big surprise coming. Remember things may not be exactly as I describe but you can bet your bottom dollar that something close to it will.