If we are all made of the same shit from the universe, then there is no argument that we are a product of our environments. Everything came to a moment in time where "it is what it is" and everything you experienced lead up to that point. The selfish idea is that humans are the center of all environment. That "things" happen to "them". From a stoic standpoint " That you are your perspective of your environment"
So if "things" happen to "you" you are taking your sociology and confusing it with your psychology, and disregarding biology, chemistry, and math, and acting like it doesn't exist just to make sense of your own emotional turmoil pooled by the fact that people have told you your entire life that you are important and what those standards are (sociology) and using emotional tools to combat this short coming and guessing (psychology) in the form of glorification of ones own existence in the entire universe (some don't exist) plaguing their own thoughts in the form of judgments that we have against others essential crossing the two forms of science without any solid personal philosophies (the why to your experiences leading up to that point. An internal recalculation of probabilities in the form of bayes theorem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZGCoVF3YvM&t=173s  ) to back it up. Instead relying on the easier approach to have others tell us who develop a relationship on  a sort of Stockholm Syndrome approach, tying the greatest number of people between two perspective that will work and that will fail, and the evils associated with the other. And people still believe in a world full of possibilities and space, the best we got is two ideas of parties. And that is enough to tear you away from your fellow Americans. They have turned you sour and bitter towards the same people that go to school with your children. And people talk about death and shooting like they have the balls. They can't even have the capacity to open up a conversation to the same people they share a space with because someone, somewhere with lots of money told you what to think of this person bypassing any evidence collecting themselves. Talk about lazy and being a pussy. And your answer is "I want to live by myself and will shoot anything I want" How american of you. Constitution anyone? What comes first? Why does yours matter more than the next? You earned it? Do you really know the total cost of all your actions throughout life? Fuck no! Whose your master and who does he/she work for? Who is really to blame? Everything is not evil, so where does the succubus lurk that is sucking the capacity for our love for others?