The definition of ideology in the Cambridge Dictionary is a set of beliefs or principles, especially one on which a political system, party, or organization is based. This ideology is based on upbringing from your parents, schooling (especially in America), and other external influences like your friends, the media, music, etc. All of these influences make up your beliefs.

Your beliefs (ideology) will always heavily influence what choices you make. This is a proven scientific fact. (See: Ideology in Action: A Pragmatic Approach to a Contested Concept). Now, being Conservative is an ideology. A set of beliefs is NOT a party.

The Republican Party aka the Grand Old Party, GOP, IS a political party with an ideology different from the Conservatives. They are two different things. The media/MSM has blurred the line between the two.

Since ideology will always decide what choices you make, the exact opposite will also be true; your behavior will prove what your ideology is. That’s how one shows that they are Liberal, Conservative, Republican, etc. Detaching yourself and looking just at the facts, you can see how you can spot a “Liberal” a mile away.