You know it really is a shame that all the solons and gyms with tanning booths were closed for this. Bet there were some pretty pale dicks the mayor’s people saw. Or…maybe really red and chapped from all the free porn memberships the flesh-merchants have been handing out.

You’d think a mayor of New York City would be familiar with a certain phrase? It doesn’t go “snitches get riches” Mr. Mayor. Not only was this snitch-hotline an exercise in totalitarian police state bullshit, but it also happened to be completely tone-deaf and run completely counter the a key element of the urban Zeit-Geist that’s been prevalent since the dawn of modernity. How did he fuck that up?

As abhorrent and disgusting of a trail run this debacle was, I could not be more pleased with the response the people of New York gave to it. I guess it’s not completely filled with Non-Playables. Making a mockery of something – that is, ideology – is the single most sound strategy to floor its popularity and effectively kill it. If there’s one thing a tyrant can’t stand it’s laughter. Laughter is involuntary, it can’t be controlled. And to people like Bill and his handlers, if it can’t be controlled, it can’t be allowed. So good on you, New York. And remember, there’s a way around every dick-pic filter.

Much to the dismay of lockdown advocates as they exist today, the continued measures to “stay home, stay safe” have worn thin on everyone else – and there’s more of them than the cucks that want to stay locked up all day or collect unemployment. In an effort to test the waters to see how civilization would tolerate such a lockdown, they also learned just how popular shit like that stays after a few weeks. I hope they enjoy the rest of their power fantasy while it lasts.

Watch STNC Episode 18