Let me ask you something – if you were to say…hire a lawn crew to keep your yard looking nice for a hundred bucks a week and then one day, they cover up a highly contagious pathogen that likely escaped a research lab at the behest of a the world’s most oppressive governing body in the history of our species, would you keep paying for their services? Fuck no. That’s money best spent elsewhere.

It has been a thing of beauty to watch the WHO’s bullshit become mainstream news and watch shills like Bill Gates brown their briefs. The amount of money the US spends on shyster groups like the WHO and NATO compared to what it gets in return is a joke unto itself. The entire purpose of the WHO was to warn the world and act to solve health emergencies, not regurgitate cue cards written in mandarin and cup Chairman Xi’s balls in their mouth. They had one job, and they effectively did the opposite by telling everyone in January that Corona-chan couldn’t even transmit from person to person.

And this apparently isn’t the first time that this Tedros fucker’s been complicate in a cover-up; having been accused of sweeping cholera outbreaks in Ethiopia under the rug. Given that the charges seemed to come from a political rival’s camp, I’d be skeptical, but seeing as how Tedros very saliently lied to help China save face, that makes any prior lies all the more likely. And make no mistake, considering to amount of money China gives to the WHO, they’d definitely want a puppet at the helm. Tedros didn’t get his position in spite of his lack of ethics and dubious practices, he got it because of them. They say there’s no such thing as bad publicity for a reason.

If there is a silver lining to any of the panicked measures being taken to stop the virus here in the US, it’s that screening of people entering the country from a known hotspot of infectious illness may be barred entry – granted an America-First mindset grow, which I believe it will. And if Western countries get it in their head that when the third world moves freely into your neighborhood without a fight then so too will its coughs and sniffles, then the WHO will truly serve no purpose to us like NATO. We can take our own measures for less.

Watch STNC Epiosde 17