Insurance Fraud Conviction With Only 60 days Actual Jail Unappreciated by the Felon

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Lorrie Lashann Ray appealed from a judgment entered upon guilty verdicts for insurance fraud and obtaining property by false pretenses arguing for less time on probation. In State Of North Carolina v. Lorrie Lashann Ray, No. COA20-132, Court Of Appeals Of North Carolina (November 3, 2020) after judge granted her probation out of the kindness of his heart, Ms. Ray appealed the sentence.


Ms. Ray, who could have been sentenced to five years in prison for each conviction, balked at serving two 30 day incarceration events plus probation. Ungrateful for a kind and easy sentence for two major felonies she added to her crime by filing a worthless appeal. The judge and appellate court should have withdrawn the sentence and sentence her to serve the full 10 to 21 months in prison because I have no mercy in me for those who commit insurance fraud.